org.apache.spark.mllib.fpm.PrefixSpan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.mllib.fpm
import java.{lang => jl, util => ju}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.annotation.{Experimental, Since}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
* :: Experimental ::
* A parallel PrefixSpan algorithm to mine frequent sequential patterns.
* The PrefixSpan algorithm is described in J. Pei, et al., PrefixSpan: Mining Sequential Patterns
* Efficiently by Prefix-Projected Pattern Growth ([[]]).
* @param minSupport the minimal support level of the sequential pattern, any pattern appears
* more than (minSupport * size-of-the-dataset) times will be output
* @param maxPatternLength the maximal length of the sequential pattern, any pattern appears
* less than maxPatternLength will be output
* @param maxLocalProjDBSize The maximum number of items (including delimiters used in the internal
* storage format) allowed in a projected database before local
* processing. If a projected database exceeds this size, another
* iteration of distributed prefix growth is run.
* @see [[ Sequential Pattern Mining
* (Wikipedia)]]
class PrefixSpan private (
private var minSupport: Double,
private var maxPatternLength: Int,
private var maxLocalProjDBSize: Long) extends Logging with Serializable {
import PrefixSpan._
* Constructs a default instance with default parameters
* {minSupport: `0.1`, maxPatternLength: `10`, maxLocalProjDBSize: `32000000L`}.
def this() = this(0.1, 10, 32000000L)
* Get the minimal support (i.e. the frequency of occurrence before a pattern is considered
* frequent).
def getMinSupport: Double = minSupport
* Sets the minimal support level (default: `0.1`).
def setMinSupport(minSupport: Double): this.type = {
require(minSupport >= 0 && minSupport <= 1,
s"The minimum support value must be in [0, 1], but got $minSupport.")
this.minSupport = minSupport
* Gets the maximal pattern length (i.e. the length of the longest sequential pattern to consider.
def getMaxPatternLength: Int = maxPatternLength
* Sets maximal pattern length (default: `10`).
def setMaxPatternLength(maxPatternLength: Int): this.type = {
// TODO: support unbounded pattern length when maxPatternLength = 0
require(maxPatternLength >= 1,
s"The maximum pattern length value must be greater than 0, but got $maxPatternLength.")
this.maxPatternLength = maxPatternLength
* Gets the maximum number of items allowed in a projected database before local processing.
def getMaxLocalProjDBSize: Long = maxLocalProjDBSize
* Sets the maximum number of items (including delimiters used in the internal storage format)
* allowed in a projected database before local processing (default: `32000000L`).
def setMaxLocalProjDBSize(maxLocalProjDBSize: Long): this.type = {
require(maxLocalProjDBSize >= 0L,
s"The maximum local projected database size must be nonnegative, but got $maxLocalProjDBSize")
this.maxLocalProjDBSize = maxLocalProjDBSize
* Finds the complete set of frequent sequential patterns in the input sequences of itemsets.
* @param data sequences of itemsets.
* @return a [[PrefixSpanModel]] that contains the frequent patterns
def run[Item: ClassTag](data: RDD[Array[Array[Item]]]): PrefixSpanModel[Item] = {
if (data.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE) {
logWarning("Input data is not cached.")
val totalCount = data.count()
logInfo(s"number of sequences: $totalCount")
val minCount = math.ceil(minSupport * totalCount).toLong
logInfo(s"minimum count for a frequent pattern: $minCount")
// Find frequent items.
val freqItemAndCounts = data.flatMap { itemsets =>
val uniqItems = mutable.Set.empty[Item]
itemsets.foreach { _.foreach { item =>
uniqItems += item
}}, 1L))
}.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.filter { case (_, count) =>
count >= minCount
val freqItems = freqItemAndCounts.sortBy(-_._2).map(_._1)
logInfo(s"number of frequent items: ${freqItems.length}")
// Keep only frequent items from input sequences and convert them to internal storage.
val itemToInt = freqItems.zipWithIndex.toMap
val dataInternalRepr = data.flatMap { itemsets =>
val allItems = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]
var containsFreqItems = false
allItems += 0
itemsets.foreach { itemsets =>
val items = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]
itemsets.foreach { item =>
if (itemToInt.contains(item)) {
items += itemToInt(item) + 1 // using 1-indexing in internal format
val result = items.result()
if (result.nonEmpty) {
containsFreqItems = true
allItems ++= result.sorted
allItems += 0
if (containsFreqItems) {
} else {
val results = genFreqPatterns(dataInternalRepr, minCount, maxPatternLength, maxLocalProjDBSize)
def toPublicRepr(pattern: Array[Int]): Array[Array[Item]] = {
val sequenceBuilder = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Array[Item]]
val itemsetBuilder = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Item]
val n = pattern.length
var i = 1
while (i < n) {
val x = pattern(i)
if (x == 0) {
sequenceBuilder += itemsetBuilder.result()
} else {
itemsetBuilder += freqItems(x - 1) // using 1-indexing in internal format
i += 1
val freqSequences = { case (seq: Array[Int], count: Long) =>
new FreqSequence(toPublicRepr(seq), count)
new PrefixSpanModel(freqSequences)
* A Java-friendly version of [[run()]] that reads sequences from a [[JavaRDD]] and returns
* frequent sequences in a [[PrefixSpanModel]].
* @param data ordered sequences of itemsets stored as Java Iterable of Iterables
* @tparam Item item type
* @tparam Itemset itemset type, which is an Iterable of Items
* @tparam Sequence sequence type, which is an Iterable of Itemsets
* @return a [[PrefixSpanModel]] that contains the frequent sequential patterns
def run[Item, Itemset <: jl.Iterable[Item], Sequence <: jl.Iterable[Itemset]](
data: JavaRDD[Sequence]): PrefixSpanModel[Item] = {
implicit val tag = fakeClassTag[Item]
object PrefixSpan extends Logging {
* Find the complete set of frequent sequential patterns in the input sequences.
* @param data ordered sequences of itemsets. We represent a sequence internally as Array[Int],
* where each itemset is represented by a contiguous sequence of distinct and ordered
* positive integers. We use 0 as the delimiter at itemset boundaries, including the
* first and the last position.
* @return an RDD of (frequent sequential pattern, count) pairs,
* @see [[Postfix]]
private[fpm] def genFreqPatterns(
data: RDD[Array[Int]],
minCount: Long,
maxPatternLength: Int,
maxLocalProjDBSize: Long): RDD[(Array[Int], Long)] = {
val sc = data.sparkContext
if (data.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE) {
logWarning("Input data is not cached.")
val postfixes = => new Postfix(items))
// Local frequent patterns (prefixes) and their counts.
val localFreqPatterns = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Array[Int], Long)]
// Prefixes whose projected databases are small.
val smallPrefixes = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Prefix]
val emptyPrefix = Prefix.empty
// Prefixes whose projected databases are large.
var largePrefixes = mutable.Map( -> emptyPrefix)
while (largePrefixes.nonEmpty) {
val numLocalFreqPatterns = localFreqPatterns.length
logInfo(s"number of local frequent patterns: $numLocalFreqPatterns")
if (numLocalFreqPatterns > 1000000) {
| Collected $numLocalFreqPatterns local frequent patterns. You may want to consider:
| 1. increase minSupport,
| 2. decrease maxPatternLength,
| 3. increase maxLocalProjDBSize.
logInfo(s"number of small prefixes: ${smallPrefixes.size}")
logInfo(s"number of large prefixes: ${largePrefixes.size}")
val largePrefixArray = largePrefixes.values.toArray
val freqPrefixes = postfixes.flatMap { postfix =>
largePrefixArray.flatMap { prefix =>
postfix.project(prefix) { case (item, postfixSize) =>
((, item), (1L, postfixSize))
}.reduceByKey { case ((c0, s0), (c1, s1)) =>
(c0 + c1, s0 + s1)
}.filter { case (_, (c, _)) => c >= minCount }
val newLargePrefixes = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Prefix]
freqPrefixes.foreach { case ((id, item), (count, projDBSize)) =>
val newPrefix = largePrefixes(id) :+ item
localFreqPatterns += ((newPrefix.items :+ 0, count))
if (newPrefix.length < maxPatternLength) {
if (projDBSize > maxLocalProjDBSize) {
newLargePrefixes += -> newPrefix
} else {
smallPrefixes += -> newPrefix
largePrefixes = newLargePrefixes
var freqPatterns = sc.parallelize(localFreqPatterns, 1)
val numSmallPrefixes = smallPrefixes.size
logInfo(s"number of small prefixes for local processing: $numSmallPrefixes")
if (numSmallPrefixes > 0) {
// Switch to local processing.
val bcSmallPrefixes = sc.broadcast(smallPrefixes)
val distributedFreqPattern = postfixes.flatMap { postfix => { prefix =>
(, postfix.project(prefix).compressed)
}.groupByKey().flatMap { case (id, projPostfixes) =>
val prefix = bcSmallPrefixes.value(id)
val localPrefixSpan = new LocalPrefixSpan(minCount, maxPatternLength - prefix.length)
// TODO: We collect projected postfixes into memory. We should also compare the performance
// TODO: of keeping them on shuffle files. { case (pattern, count) =>
(prefix.items ++ pattern, count)
// Union local frequent patterns and distributed ones.
freqPatterns = freqPatterns ++ distributedFreqPattern
* Represents a prefix.
* @param items items in this prefix, using the internal format
* @param length length of this prefix, not counting 0
private[fpm] class Prefix private (val items: Array[Int], val length: Int) extends Serializable {
/** A unique id for this prefix. */
val id: Int = Prefix.nextId
/** Expands this prefix by the input item. */
def :+(item: Int): Prefix = {
require(item != 0)
if (item < 0) {
new Prefix(items :+ -item, length + 1)
} else {
new Prefix(items ++ Array(0, item), length + 1)
private[fpm] object Prefix {
/** Internal counter to generate unique IDs. */
private val counter: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(-1)
/** Gets the next unique ID. */
private def nextId: Int = counter.incrementAndGet()
/** An empty [[Prefix]] instance. */
val empty: Prefix = new Prefix(Array.empty, 0)
* An internal representation of a postfix from some projection.
* We use one int array to store the items, which might also contains other items from the
* original sequence.
* Items are represented by positive integers, and items in each itemset must be distinct and
* ordered.
* we use 0 as the delimiter between itemsets.
* For example, a sequence `<(12)(31)1>` is represented by `[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0]`.
* The postfix of this sequence w.r.t. to prefix `<1>` is `<(_2)(13)1>`.
* We may reuse the original items array `[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0]` to represent the postfix,
* and mark the start index of the postfix, which is `2` in this example.
* So the active items in this postfix are `[2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 1, 0]`.
* We also remember the start indices of partial projections, the ones that split an itemset.
* For example, another possible partial projection w.r.t. `<1>` is `<(_3)1>`.
* We remember the start indices of partial projections, which is `[2, 5]` in this example.
* This data structure makes it easier to do projections.
* @param items a sequence stored as `Array[Int]` containing this postfix
* @param start the start index of this postfix in items
* @param partialStarts start indices of possible partial projections, strictly increasing
private[fpm] class Postfix(
val items: Array[Int],
val start: Int = 0,
val partialStarts: Array[Int] = Array.empty) extends Serializable {
require(items.last == 0, s"The last item in a postfix must be zero, but got ${items.last}.")
if (partialStarts.nonEmpty) {
require(partialStarts.head >= start,
"The first partial start cannot be smaller than the start index," +
s"but got partialStarts.head = ${partialStarts.head} < start = $start.")
* Start index of the first full itemset contained in this postfix.
private[this] def fullStart: Int = {
var i = start
while (items(i) != 0) {
i += 1
* Generates length-1 prefix items of this postfix with the corresponding postfix sizes.
* There are two types of prefix items:
* a) The item can be assembled to the last itemset of the prefix. For example,
* the postfix of `<(12)(123)>1` w.r.t. `<1>` is `<(_2)(123)1>`. The prefix items of this
* postfix can be assembled to `<1>` is `_2` and `_3`, resulting new prefixes `<(12)>` and
* `<(13)>`. We flip the sign in the output to indicate that this is a partial prefix item.
* b) The item can be appended to the prefix. Taking the same example above, the prefix items
* can be appended to `<1>` is `1`, `2`, and `3`, resulting new prefixes `<11>`, `<12>`,
* and `<13>`.
* @return an iterator of (prefix item, corresponding postfix size). If the item is negative, it
* indicates a partial prefix item, which should be assembled to the last itemset of the
* current prefix. Otherwise, the item should be appended to the current prefix.
def genPrefixItems: Iterator[(Int, Long)] = {
val n1 = items.length - 1
// For each unique item (subject to sign) in this sequence, we output exact one split.
// TODO: use PrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap
val prefixes = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Long]
// a) items that can be assembled to the last itemset of the prefix
partialStarts.foreach { start =>
var i = start
var x = -items(i)
while (x != 0) {
if (!prefixes.contains(x)) {
prefixes(x) = n1 - i
i += 1
x = -items(i)
// b) items that can be appended to the prefix
var i = fullStart
while (i < n1) {
val x = items(i)
if (x != 0 && !prefixes.contains(x)) {
prefixes(x) = n1 - i
i += 1
/** Tests whether this postfix is non-empty. */
def nonEmpty: Boolean = items.length > start + 1
* Projects this postfix with respect to the input prefix item.
* @param prefix prefix item. If prefix is positive, we match items in any full itemset; if it
* is negative, we do partial projections.
* @return the projected postfix
def project(prefix: Int): Postfix = {
require(prefix != 0)
val n1 = items.length - 1
var matched = false
var newStart = n1
val newPartialStarts = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[Int]
if (prefix < 0) {
// Search for partial projections.
val target = -prefix
partialStarts.foreach { start =>
var i = start
var x = items(i)
while (x != target && x != 0) {
i += 1
x = items(i)
if (x == target) {
i += 1
if (!matched) {
newStart = i
matched = true
if (items(i) != 0) {
newPartialStarts += i
} else {
// Search for items in full itemsets.
// Though the items are ordered in each itemsets, they should be small in practice.
// So a sequential scan is sufficient here, compared to bisection search.
val target = prefix
var i = fullStart
while (i < n1) {
val x = items(i)
if (x == target) {
if (!matched) {
newStart = i
matched = true
if (items(i + 1) != 0) {
newPartialStarts += i + 1
i += 1
new Postfix(items, newStart, newPartialStarts.result())
* Projects this postfix with respect to the input prefix.
private def project(prefix: Array[Int]): Postfix = {
var partial = true
var cur = this
var i = 0
val np = prefix.length
while (i < np && cur.nonEmpty) {
val x = prefix(i)
if (x == 0) {
partial = false
} else {
if (partial) {
cur = cur.project(-x)
} else {
cur = cur.project(x)
partial = true
i += 1
* Projects this postfix with respect to the input prefix.
def project(prefix: Prefix): Postfix = project(prefix.items)
* Returns the same sequence with compressed storage if possible.
def compressed: Postfix = {
if (start > 0) {
new Postfix(items.slice(start, items.length), 0, - start))
} else {
* Represents a frequence sequence.
* @param sequence a sequence of itemsets stored as an Array of Arrays
* @param freq frequency
* @tparam Item item type
class FreqSequence[Item] @Since("1.5.0") (
@Since("1.5.0") val sequence: Array[Array[Item]],
@Since("1.5.0") val freq: Long) extends Serializable {
* Returns sequence as a Java List of lists for Java users.
def javaSequence: ju.List[ju.List[Item]] =
* Model fitted by [[PrefixSpan]]
* @param freqSequences frequent sequences
* @tparam Item item type
class PrefixSpanModel[Item] @Since("1.5.0") (
@Since("1.5.0") val freqSequences: RDD[PrefixSpan.FreqSequence[Item]])
extends Serializable
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