org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.PowerIterationClustering.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.{Loader, MLUtils, Saveable}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom
* Model produced by [[PowerIterationClustering]].
* @param k number of clusters
* @param assignments an RDD of clustering [[PowerIterationClustering#Assignment]]s
class PowerIterationClusteringModel @Since("1.3.0") (
@Since("1.3.0") val k: Int,
@Since("1.3.0") val assignments: RDD[PowerIterationClustering.Assignment])
extends Saveable with Serializable {
override def save(sc: SparkContext, path: String): Unit = {
PowerIterationClusteringModel.SaveLoadV1_0.save(sc, this, path)
override protected def formatVersion: String = "1.0"
object PowerIterationClusteringModel extends Loader[PowerIterationClusteringModel] {
override def load(sc: SparkContext, path: String): PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
PowerIterationClusteringModel.SaveLoadV1_0.load(sc, path)
object SaveLoadV1_0 {
private val thisFormatVersion = "1.0"
val thisClassName = "org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.PowerIterationClusteringModel"
def save(sc: SparkContext, model: PowerIterationClusteringModel, path: String): Unit = {
val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val metadata = compact(render(
("class" -> thisClassName) ~ ("version" -> thisFormatVersion) ~ ("k" -> model.k)))
sc.parallelize(Seq(metadata), 1).saveAsTextFile(Loader.metadataPath(path))
val dataRDD = model.assignments.toDF()
def load(sc: SparkContext, path: String): PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc)
val (className, formatVersion, metadata) = Loader.loadMetadata(sc, path)
assert(className == thisClassName)
assert(formatVersion == thisFormatVersion)
val k = (metadata \ "k").extract[Int]
val assignments = sqlContext.read.parquet(Loader.dataPath(path))
val assignmentsRDD = assignments.rdd.map {
case Row(id: Long, cluster: Int) => PowerIterationClustering.Assignment(id, cluster)
new PowerIterationClusteringModel(k, assignmentsRDD)
* Power Iteration Clustering (PIC), a scalable graph clustering algorithm developed by
* [[http://www.icml2010.org/papers/387.pdf Lin and Cohen]]. From the abstract: PIC finds a very
* low-dimensional embedding of a dataset using truncated power iteration on a normalized pair-wise
* similarity matrix of the data.
* @param k Number of clusters.
* @param maxIterations Maximum number of iterations of the PIC algorithm.
* @param initMode Set the initialization mode. This can be either "random" to use a random vector
* as vertex properties, or "degree" to use normalized sum similarities.
* Default: random.
* @see [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral_clustering Spectral clustering (Wikipedia)]]
class PowerIterationClustering private[clustering] (
private var k: Int,
private var maxIterations: Int,
private var initMode: String) extends Serializable {
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.PowerIterationClustering._
* Constructs a PIC instance with default parameters: {k: 2, maxIterations: 100,
* initMode: "random"}.
def this() = this(k = 2, maxIterations = 100, initMode = "random")
* Set the number of clusters.
def setK(k: Int): this.type = {
require(k > 0,
s"Number of clusters must be positive but got ${k}")
this.k = k
* Set maximum number of iterations of the power iteration loop
def setMaxIterations(maxIterations: Int): this.type = {
require(maxIterations >= 0,
s"Maximum of iterations must be nonnegative but got ${maxIterations}")
this.maxIterations = maxIterations
* Set the initialization mode. This can be either "random" to use a random vector
* as vertex properties, or "degree" to use normalized sum similarities. Default: random.
def setInitializationMode(mode: String): this.type = {
this.initMode = mode match {
case "random" | "degree" => mode
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid initialization mode: " + mode)
* Run the PIC algorithm on Graph.
* @param graph an affinity matrix represented as graph, which is the matrix A in the PIC paper.
* The similarity s,,ij,, represented as the edge between vertices (i, j) must
* be nonnegative. This is a symmetric matrix and hence s,,ij,, = s,,ji,,. For
* any (i, j) with nonzero similarity, there should be either (i, j, s,,ij,,)
* or (j, i, s,,ji,,) in the input. Tuples with i = j are ignored, because we
* assume s,,ij,, = 0.0.
* @return a [[PowerIterationClusteringModel]] that contains the clustering result
def run(graph: Graph[Double, Double]): PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
val w = normalize(graph)
val w0 = initMode match {
case "random" => randomInit(w)
case "degree" => initDegreeVector(w)
* Run the PIC algorithm.
* @param similarities an RDD of (i, j, s,,ij,,) tuples representing the affinity matrix, which is
* the matrix A in the PIC paper. The similarity s,,ij,, must be nonnegative.
* This is a symmetric matrix and hence s,,ij,, = s,,ji,,. For any (i, j) with
* nonzero similarity, there should be either (i, j, s,,ij,,) or
* (j, i, s,,ji,,) in the input. Tuples with i = j are ignored, because we
* assume s,,ij,, = 0.0.
* @return a [[PowerIterationClusteringModel]] that contains the clustering result
def run(similarities: RDD[(Long, Long, Double)]): PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
val w = normalize(similarities)
val w0 = initMode match {
case "random" => randomInit(w)
case "degree" => initDegreeVector(w)
* A Java-friendly version of [[PowerIterationClustering.run]].
def run(similarities: JavaRDD[(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double)])
: PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
run(similarities.rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[(Long, Long, Double)]])
* Runs the PIC algorithm.
* @param w The normalized affinity matrix, which is the matrix W in the PIC paper with
* w,,ij,, = a,,ij,, / d,,ii,, as its edge properties and the initial vector of the power
* iteration as its vertex properties.
private def pic(w: Graph[Double, Double]): PowerIterationClusteringModel = {
val v = powerIter(w, maxIterations)
val assignments = kMeans(v, k).mapPartitions({ iter =>
iter.map { case (id, cluster) =>
Assignment(id, cluster)
}, preservesPartitioning = true)
new PowerIterationClusteringModel(k, assignments)
object PowerIterationClustering extends Logging {
* Cluster assignment.
* @param id node id
* @param cluster assigned cluster id
case class Assignment(id: Long, cluster: Int)
* Normalizes the affinity graph (A) and returns the normalized affinity matrix (W).
def normalize(graph: Graph[Double, Double]): Graph[Double, Double] = {
val vD = graph.aggregateMessages[Double](
sendMsg = ctx => {
val i = ctx.srcId
val j = ctx.dstId
val s = ctx.attr
if (s < 0.0) {
throw new SparkException("Similarity must be nonnegative but found s($i, $j) = $s.")
if (s > 0.0) {
mergeMsg = _ + _,
Graph(vD, graph.edges)
e => e.attr / math.max(e.srcAttr, MLUtils.EPSILON),
new TripletFields(/* useSrc */ true,
/* useDst */ false,
/* useEdge */ true))
* Normalizes the affinity matrix (A) by row sums and returns the normalized affinity matrix (W).
def normalize(similarities: RDD[(Long, Long, Double)])
: Graph[Double, Double] = {
val edges = similarities.flatMap { case (i, j, s) =>
if (s < 0.0) {
throw new SparkException("Similarity must be nonnegative but found s($i, $j) = $s.")
if (i != j) {
Seq(Edge(i, j, s), Edge(j, i, s))
} else {
val gA = Graph.fromEdges(edges, 0.0)
val vD = gA.aggregateMessages[Double](
sendMsg = ctx => {
mergeMsg = _ + _,
Graph(vD, gA.edges)
e => e.attr / math.max(e.srcAttr, MLUtils.EPSILON),
new TripletFields(/* useSrc */ true,
/* useDst */ false,
/* useEdge */ true))
* Generates random vertex properties (v0) to start power iteration.
* @param g a graph representing the normalized affinity matrix (W)
* @return a graph with edges representing W and vertices representing a random vector
* with unit 1-norm
def randomInit(g: Graph[Double, Double]): Graph[Double, Double] = {
val r = g.vertices.mapPartitionsWithIndex(
(part, iter) => {
val random = new XORShiftRandom(part)
iter.map { case (id, _) =>
(id, random.nextGaussian())
}, preservesPartitioning = true).cache()
val sum = r.values.map(math.abs).sum()
val v0 = r.mapValues(x => x / sum)
Graph(VertexRDD(v0), g.edges)
* Generates the degree vector as the vertex properties (v0) to start power iteration.
* It is not exactly the node degrees but just the normalized sum similarities. Call it
* as degree vector because it is used in the PIC paper.
* @param g a graph representing the normalized affinity matrix (W)
* @return a graph with edges representing W and vertices representing the degree vector
def initDegreeVector(g: Graph[Double, Double]): Graph[Double, Double] = {
val sum = g.vertices.values.sum()
val v0 = g.vertices.mapValues(_ / sum)
Graph(VertexRDD(v0), g.edges)
* Runs power iteration.
* @param g input graph with edges representing the normalized affinity matrix (W) and vertices
* representing the initial vector of the power iterations.
* @param maxIterations maximum number of iterations
* @return a [[VertexRDD]] representing the pseudo-eigenvector
def powerIter(
g: Graph[Double, Double],
maxIterations: Int): VertexRDD[Double] = {
// the default tolerance used in the PIC paper, with a lower bound 1e-8
val tol = math.max(1e-5 / g.vertices.count(), 1e-8)
var prevDelta = Double.MaxValue
var diffDelta = Double.MaxValue
var curG = g
for (iter <- 0 until maxIterations if math.abs(diffDelta) > tol) {
val msgPrefix = s"Iteration $iter"
// multiply W by vt
val v = curG.aggregateMessages[Double](
sendMsg = ctx => ctx.sendToSrc(ctx.attr * ctx.dstAttr),
mergeMsg = _ + _,
new TripletFields(/* useSrc */ false,
/* useDst */ true,
/* useEdge */ true)).cache()
// normalize v
val norm = v.values.map(math.abs).sum()
logInfo(s"$msgPrefix: norm(v) = $norm.")
val v1 = v.mapValues(x => x / norm)
// compare difference
val delta = curG.joinVertices(v1) { case (_, x, y) =>
math.abs(x - y)
logInfo(s"$msgPrefix: delta = $delta.")
diffDelta = math.abs(delta - prevDelta)
logInfo(s"$msgPrefix: diff(delta) = $diffDelta.")
// update v
curG = Graph(VertexRDD(v1), g.edges)
prevDelta = delta
* Runs k-means clustering.
* @param v a [[VertexRDD]] representing the pseudo-eigenvector
* @param k number of clusters
* @return a [[VertexRDD]] representing the clustering assignments
def kMeans(v: VertexRDD[Double], k: Int): VertexRDD[Int] = {
val points = v.mapValues(x => Vectors.dense(x)).cache()
val model = new KMeans()
points.mapValues(p => model.predict(p)).cache()
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