org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.PCA.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.mllib.feature
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
* A feature transformer that projects vectors to a low-dimensional space using PCA.
* @param k number of principal components
class PCA @Since("1.4.0") (@Since("1.4.0") val k: Int) {
require(k > 0,
s"Number of principal components must be positive but got ${k}")
* Computes a [[PCAModel]] that contains the principal components of the input vectors.
* @param sources source vectors
def fit(sources: RDD[Vector]): PCAModel = {
require(k <= sources.first().size,
s"source vector size is ${sources.first().size} must be greater than k=$k")
val mat = new RowMatrix(sources)
val (pc, explainedVariance) = mat.computePrincipalComponentsAndExplainedVariance(k)
val densePC = pc match {
case dm: DenseMatrix =>
case sm: SparseMatrix =>
/* Convert a sparse matrix to dense.
* RowMatrix.computePrincipalComponents always returns a dense matrix.
* The following code is a safeguard.
case m =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported matrix format. Expected " +
s"SparseMatrix or DenseMatrix. Instead got: ${m.getClass}")
val denseExplainedVariance = explainedVariance match {
case dv: DenseVector =>
case sv: SparseVector =>
new PCAModel(k, densePC, denseExplainedVariance)
* Java-friendly version of [[fit()]]
def fit(sources: JavaRDD[Vector]): PCAModel = fit(sources.rdd)
* Model fitted by [[PCA]] that can project vectors to a low-dimensional space using PCA.
* @param k number of principal components.
* @param pc a principal components Matrix. Each column is one principal component.
class PCAModel private[spark] (
@Since("1.4.0") val k: Int,
@Since("1.4.0") val pc: DenseMatrix,
@Since("1.6.0") val explainedVariance: DenseVector) extends VectorTransformer {
* Transform a vector by computed Principal Components.
* @param vector vector to be transformed.
* Vector must be the same length as the source vectors given to [[PCA.fit()]].
* @return transformed vector. Vector will be of length k.
override def transform(vector: Vector): Vector = {
vector match {
case dv: DenseVector =>
case SparseVector(size, indices, values) =>
/* SparseVector -> single row SparseMatrix */
val sm = Matrices.sparse(size, 1, Array(0, indices.length), indices, values).transpose
val projection = sm.multiply(pc)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported vector format. Expected " +
s"SparseVector or DenseVector. Instead got: ${vector.getClass}")
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