org.apache.spark.ml.ann.Layer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.ml.ann
import java.util.Random
import breeze.linalg.{*, axpy => Baxpy, DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV, Vector => BV}
import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector => OldVector, Vectors => OldVectors}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.VectorImplicits._
import org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom
* Trait that holds Layer properties, that are needed to instantiate it.
* Implements Layer instantiation.
private[ann] trait Layer extends Serializable {
* Number of weights that is used to allocate memory for the weights vector
val weightSize: Int
* Returns the output size given the input size (not counting the stack size).
* Output size is used to allocate memory for the output.
* @param inputSize input size
* @return output size
def getOutputSize(inputSize: Int): Int
* If true, the memory is not allocated for the output of this layer.
* The memory allocated to the previous layer is used to write the output of this layer.
* Developer can set this to true if computing delta of a previous layer
* does not involve its output, so the current layer can write there.
* This also mean that both layers have the same number of outputs.
val inPlace: Boolean
* Returns the instance of the layer based on weights provided.
* Size of weights must be equal to weightSize
* @param initialWeights vector with layer weights
* @return the layer model
def createModel(initialWeights: BDV[Double]): LayerModel
* Returns the instance of the layer with random generated weights.
* @param weights vector for weights initialization, must be equal to weightSize
* @param random random number generator
* @return the layer model
def initModel(weights: BDV[Double], random: Random): LayerModel
* Trait that holds Layer weights (or parameters).
* Implements functions needed for forward propagation, computing delta and gradient.
* Can return weights in Vector format.
private[ann] trait LayerModel extends Serializable {
val weights: BDV[Double]
* Evaluates the data (process the data through the layer).
* Output is allocated based on the size provided by the
* LayerModel implementation and the stack (batch) size.
* Developer is responsible for checking the size of output
* when writing to it.
* @param data data
* @param output output (modified in place)
def eval(data: BDM[Double], output: BDM[Double]): Unit
* Computes the delta for back propagation.
* Delta is allocated based on the size provided by the
* LayerModel implementation and the stack (batch) size.
* Developer is responsible for checking the size of
* prevDelta when writing to it.
* @param delta delta of this layer
* @param output output of this layer
* @param prevDelta the previous delta (modified in place)
def computePrevDelta(delta: BDM[Double], output: BDM[Double], prevDelta: BDM[Double]): Unit
* Computes the gradient.
* cumGrad is a wrapper on the part of the weight vector.
* Size of cumGrad is based on weightSize provided by
* implementation of LayerModel.
* @param delta delta for this layer
* @param input input data
* @param cumGrad cumulative gradient (modified in place)
def grad(delta: BDM[Double], input: BDM[Double], cumGrad: BDV[Double]): Unit
* Layer properties of affine transformations, that is y=A*x+b
* @param numIn number of inputs
* @param numOut number of outputs
private[ann] class AffineLayer(val numIn: Int, val numOut: Int) extends Layer {
override val weightSize = numIn * numOut + numOut
override def getOutputSize(inputSize: Int): Int = numOut
override val inPlace = false
override def createModel(weights: BDV[Double]): LayerModel = new AffineLayerModel(weights, this)
override def initModel(weights: BDV[Double], random: Random): LayerModel =
AffineLayerModel(this, weights, random)
* Model of Affine layer
* @param weights weights
* @param layer layer properties
private[ann] class AffineLayerModel private[ann] (
val weights: BDV[Double],
val layer: AffineLayer) extends LayerModel {
val w = new BDM[Double](layer.numOut, layer.numIn, weights.data, weights.offset)
val b =
new BDV[Double](weights.data, weights.offset + (layer.numOut * layer.numIn), 1, layer.numOut)
private var ones: BDV[Double] = null
override def eval(data: BDM[Double], output: BDM[Double]): Unit = {
output(::, *) := b
BreezeUtil.dgemm(1.0, w, data, 1.0, output)
override def computePrevDelta(
delta: BDM[Double],
output: BDM[Double],
prevDelta: BDM[Double]): Unit = {
BreezeUtil.dgemm(1.0, w.t, delta, 0.0, prevDelta)
override def grad(delta: BDM[Double], input: BDM[Double], cumGrad: BDV[Double]): Unit = {
// compute gradient of weights
val cumGradientOfWeights = new BDM[Double](w.rows, w.cols, cumGrad.data, cumGrad.offset)
BreezeUtil.dgemm(1.0 / input.cols, delta, input.t, 1.0, cumGradientOfWeights)
if (ones == null || ones.length != delta.cols) ones = BDV.ones[Double](delta.cols)
// compute gradient of bias
val cumGradientOfBias = new BDV[Double](cumGrad.data, cumGrad.offset + w.size, 1, b.length)
BreezeUtil.dgemv(1.0 / input.cols, delta, ones, 1.0, cumGradientOfBias)
* Fabric for Affine layer models
private[ann] object AffineLayerModel {
* Creates a model of Affine layer
* @param layer layer properties
* @param weights vector for weights initialization
* @param random random number generator
* @return model of Affine layer
def apply(layer: AffineLayer, weights: BDV[Double], random: Random): AffineLayerModel = {
randomWeights(layer.numIn, layer.numOut, weights, random)
new AffineLayerModel(weights, layer)
* Initialize weights randomly in the interval.
* Uses [Bottou-88] heuristic [-a/sqrt(in); a/sqrt(in)],
* where `a` is chosen in such a way that the weight variance corresponds
* to the points to the maximal curvature of the activation function
* (which is approximately 2.38 for a standard sigmoid).
* @param numIn number of inputs
* @param numOut number of outputs
* @param weights vector for weights initialization
* @param random random number generator
def randomWeights(
numIn: Int,
numOut: Int,
weights: BDV[Double],
random: Random): Unit = {
var i = 0
val sqrtIn = math.sqrt(numIn)
while (i < weights.length) {
weights(i) = (random.nextDouble * 4.8 - 2.4) / sqrtIn
i += 1
* Trait for functions and their derivatives for functional layers
private[ann] trait ActivationFunction extends Serializable {
* Implements a function
def eval: Double => Double
* Implements a derivative of a function (needed for the back propagation)
def derivative: Double => Double
* Implements in-place application of functions in the arrays
private[ann] object ApplyInPlace {
// TODO: use Breeze UFunc
def apply(x: BDM[Double], y: BDM[Double], func: Double => Double): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < x.rows) {
var j = 0
while (j < x.cols) {
y(i, j) = func(x(i, j))
j += 1
i += 1
// TODO: use Breeze UFunc
def apply(
x1: BDM[Double],
x2: BDM[Double],
y: BDM[Double],
func: (Double, Double) => Double): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < x1.rows) {
var j = 0
while (j < x1.cols) {
y(i, j) = func(x1(i, j), x2(i, j))
j += 1
i += 1
* Implements Sigmoid activation function
private[ann] class SigmoidFunction extends ActivationFunction {
override def eval: (Double) => Double = x => 1.0 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
override def derivative: (Double) => Double = z => (1 - z) * z
* Functional layer properties, y = f(x)
* @param activationFunction activation function
private[ann] class FunctionalLayer (val activationFunction: ActivationFunction) extends Layer {
override val weightSize = 0
override def getOutputSize(inputSize: Int): Int = inputSize
override val inPlace = true
override def createModel(weights: BDV[Double]): LayerModel = new FunctionalLayerModel(this)
override def initModel(weights: BDV[Double], random: Random): LayerModel =
* Functional layer model. Holds no weights.
* @param layer functional layer
private[ann] class FunctionalLayerModel private[ann] (val layer: FunctionalLayer)
extends LayerModel {
// empty weights
val weights = new BDV[Double](0)
override def eval(data: BDM[Double], output: BDM[Double]): Unit = {
ApplyInPlace(data, output, layer.activationFunction.eval)
override def computePrevDelta(
nextDelta: BDM[Double],
input: BDM[Double],
delta: BDM[Double]): Unit = {
ApplyInPlace(input, delta, layer.activationFunction.derivative)
delta :*= nextDelta
override def grad(delta: BDM[Double], input: BDM[Double], cumGrad: BDV[Double]): Unit = {}
* Trait for the artificial neural network (ANN) topology properties
private[ann] trait Topology extends Serializable {
def model(weights: Vector): TopologyModel
def model(seed: Long): TopologyModel
* Trait for ANN topology model
private[ann] trait TopologyModel extends Serializable {
val weights: Vector
* Array of layers
val layers: Array[Layer]
* Array of layer models
val layerModels: Array[LayerModel]
* Forward propagation
* @param data input data
* @return array of outputs for each of the layers
def forward(data: BDM[Double]): Array[BDM[Double]]
* Prediction of the model
* @param data input data
* @return prediction
def predict(data: Vector): Vector
* Computes gradient for the network
* @param data input data
* @param target target output
* @param cumGradient cumulative gradient
* @param blockSize block size
* @return error
def computeGradient(data: BDM[Double], target: BDM[Double], cumGradient: Vector,
blockSize: Int): Double
* Feed forward ANN
* @param layers Array of layers
private[ann] class FeedForwardTopology private(val layers: Array[Layer]) extends Topology {
override def model(weights: Vector): TopologyModel = FeedForwardModel(this, weights)
override def model(seed: Long): TopologyModel = FeedForwardModel(this, seed)
* Factory for some of the frequently-used topologies
private[ml] object FeedForwardTopology {
* Creates a feed forward topology from the array of layers
* @param layers array of layers
* @return feed forward topology
def apply(layers: Array[Layer]): FeedForwardTopology = {
new FeedForwardTopology(layers)
* Creates a multi-layer perceptron
* @param layerSizes sizes of layers including input and output size
* @param softmaxOnTop whether to use SoftMax or Sigmoid function for an output layer.
* Softmax is default
* @return multilayer perceptron topology
def multiLayerPerceptron(
layerSizes: Array[Int],
softmaxOnTop: Boolean = true): FeedForwardTopology = {
val layers = new Array[Layer]((layerSizes.length - 1) * 2)
for (i <- 0 until layerSizes.length - 1) {
layers(i * 2) = new AffineLayer(layerSizes(i), layerSizes(i + 1))
layers(i * 2 + 1) =
if (i == layerSizes.length - 2) {
if (softmaxOnTop) {
new SoftmaxLayerWithCrossEntropyLoss()
} else {
// TODO: squared error is more natural but converges slower
new SigmoidLayerWithSquaredError()
} else {
new FunctionalLayer(new SigmoidFunction())
* Model of Feed Forward Neural Network.
* Implements forward, gradient computation and can return weights in vector format.
* @param weights network weights
* @param topology network topology
private[ml] class FeedForwardModel private(
val weights: Vector,
val topology: FeedForwardTopology) extends TopologyModel {
val layers = topology.layers
val layerModels = new Array[LayerModel](layers.length)
private var offset = 0
for (i <- 0 until layers.length) {
layerModels(i) = layers(i).createModel(
new BDV[Double](weights.toArray, offset, 1, layers(i).weightSize))
offset += layers(i).weightSize
private var outputs: Array[BDM[Double]] = null
private var deltas: Array[BDM[Double]] = null
override def forward(data: BDM[Double]): Array[BDM[Double]] = {
// Initialize output arrays for all layers. Special treatment for InPlace
val currentBatchSize = data.cols
// TODO: allocate outputs as one big array and then create BDMs from it
if (outputs == null || outputs(0).cols != currentBatchSize) {
outputs = new Array[BDM[Double]](layers.length)
var inputSize = data.rows
for (i <- 0 until layers.length) {
if (layers(i).inPlace) {
outputs(i) = outputs(i - 1)
} else {
val outputSize = layers(i).getOutputSize(inputSize)
outputs(i) = new BDM[Double](outputSize, currentBatchSize)
inputSize = outputSize
layerModels(0).eval(data, outputs(0))
for (i <- 1 until layerModels.length) {
layerModels(i).eval(outputs(i - 1), outputs(i))
override def computeGradient(
data: BDM[Double],
target: BDM[Double],
cumGradient: Vector,
realBatchSize: Int): Double = {
val outputs = forward(data)
val currentBatchSize = data.cols
// TODO: allocate deltas as one big array and then create BDMs from it
if (deltas == null || deltas(0).cols != currentBatchSize) {
deltas = new Array[BDM[Double]](layerModels.length)
var inputSize = data.rows
for (i <- 0 until layerModels.length - 1) {
val outputSize = layers(i).getOutputSize(inputSize)
deltas(i) = new BDM[Double](outputSize, currentBatchSize)
inputSize = outputSize
val L = layerModels.length - 1
// TODO: explain why delta of top layer is null (because it might contain loss+layer)
val loss = layerModels.last match {
case levelWithError: LossFunction => levelWithError.loss(outputs.last, target, deltas(L - 1))
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Top layer is required to have objective.")
for (i <- (L - 2) to (0, -1)) {
layerModels(i + 1).computePrevDelta(deltas(i + 1), outputs(i + 1), deltas(i))
val cumGradientArray = cumGradient.toArray
var offset = 0
for (i <- 0 until layerModels.length) {
val input = if (i == 0) data else outputs(i - 1)
layerModels(i).grad(deltas(i), input,
new BDV[Double](cumGradientArray, offset, 1, layers(i).weightSize))
offset += layers(i).weightSize
override def predict(data: Vector): Vector = {
val size = data.size
val result = forward(new BDM[Double](size, 1, data.toArray))
* Fabric for feed forward ANN models
private[ann] object FeedForwardModel {
* Creates a model from a topology and weights
* @param topology topology
* @param weights weights
* @return model
def apply(topology: FeedForwardTopology, weights: Vector): FeedForwardModel = {
// TODO: check that weights size is equal to sum of layers sizes
new FeedForwardModel(weights, topology)
* Creates a model given a topology and seed
* @param topology topology
* @param seed seed for generating the weights
* @return model
def apply(topology: FeedForwardTopology, seed: Long = 11L): FeedForwardModel = {
val layers = topology.layers
val layerModels = new Array[LayerModel](layers.length)
var totalSize = 0
for (i <- 0 until topology.layers.length) {
totalSize += topology.layers(i).weightSize
val weights = BDV.zeros[Double](totalSize)
var offset = 0
val random = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
for (i <- 0 until layers.length) {
layerModels(i) = layers(i).
initModel(new BDV[Double](weights.data, offset, 1, layers(i).weightSize), random)
offset += layers(i).weightSize
new FeedForwardModel(Vectors.fromBreeze(weights), topology)
* Neural network gradient. Does nothing but calling Model's gradient
* @param topology topology
* @param dataStacker data stacker
private[ann] class ANNGradient(topology: Topology, dataStacker: DataStacker) extends Gradient {
override def compute(
data: OldVector,
label: Double,
weights: OldVector,
cumGradient: OldVector): Double = {
val (input, target, realBatchSize) = dataStacker.unstack(data)
val model = topology.model(weights)
model.computeGradient(input, target, cumGradient, realBatchSize)
* Stacks pairs of training samples (input, output) in one vector allowing them to pass
* through Optimizer/Gradient interfaces. If stackSize is more than one, makes blocks
* or matrices of inputs and outputs and then stack them in one vector.
* This can be used for further batch computations after unstacking.
* @param stackSize stack size
* @param inputSize size of the input vectors
* @param outputSize size of the output vectors
private[ann] class DataStacker(stackSize: Int, inputSize: Int, outputSize: Int)
extends Serializable {
* Stacks the data
* @param data RDD of vector pairs
* @return RDD of double (always zero) and vector that contains the stacked vectors
def stack(data: RDD[(Vector, Vector)]): RDD[(Double, Vector)] = {
val stackedData = if (stackSize == 1) {
data.map { v =>
) }
} else {
data.mapPartitions { it =>
it.grouped(stackSize).map { seq =>
val size = seq.size
val bigVector = new Array[Double](inputSize * size + outputSize * size)
var i = 0
seq.foreach { case (in, out) =>
System.arraycopy(in.toArray, 0, bigVector, i * inputSize, inputSize)
System.arraycopy(out.toArray, 0, bigVector,
inputSize * size + i * outputSize, outputSize)
i += 1
(0.0, Vectors.dense(bigVector))
* Unstack the stacked vectors into matrices for batch operations
* @param data stacked vector
* @return pair of matrices holding input and output data and the real stack size
def unstack(data: Vector): (BDM[Double], BDM[Double], Int) = {
val arrData = data.toArray
val realStackSize = arrData.length / (inputSize + outputSize)
val input = new BDM(inputSize, realStackSize, arrData)
val target = new BDM(outputSize, realStackSize, arrData, inputSize * realStackSize)
(input, target, realStackSize)
* Simple updater
private[ann] class ANNUpdater extends Updater {
override def compute(
weightsOld: OldVector,
gradient: OldVector,
stepSize: Double,
iter: Int,
regParam: Double): (OldVector, Double) = {
val thisIterStepSize = stepSize
val brzWeights: BV[Double] = weightsOld.asBreeze.toDenseVector
Baxpy(-thisIterStepSize, gradient.asBreeze, brzWeights)
(OldVectors.fromBreeze(brzWeights), 0)
* MLlib-style trainer class that trains a network given the data and topology
* @param topology topology of ANN
* @param inputSize input size
* @param outputSize output size
private[ml] class FeedForwardTrainer(
topology: Topology,
val inputSize: Int,
val outputSize: Int) extends Serializable {
private var _seed = this.getClass.getName.hashCode.toLong
private var _weights: Vector = null
private var _stackSize = 128
private var dataStacker = new DataStacker(_stackSize, inputSize, outputSize)
private var _gradient: Gradient = new ANNGradient(topology, dataStacker)
private var _updater: Updater = new ANNUpdater()
private var optimizer: Optimizer = LBFGSOptimizer.setConvergenceTol(1e-4).setNumIterations(100)
* Returns seed
def getSeed: Long = _seed
* Sets seed
def setSeed(value: Long): this.type = {
_seed = value
* Returns weights
def getWeights: Vector = _weights
* Sets weights
* @param value weights
* @return trainer
def setWeights(value: Vector): this.type = {
_weights = value
* Sets the stack size
* @param value stack size
* @return trainer
def setStackSize(value: Int): this.type = {
_stackSize = value
dataStacker = new DataStacker(value, inputSize, outputSize)
* Sets the SGD optimizer
* @return SGD optimizer
def SGDOptimizer: GradientDescent = {
val sgd = new GradientDescent(_gradient, _updater)
optimizer = sgd
* Sets the LBFGS optimizer
* @return LBGS optimizer
def LBFGSOptimizer: LBFGS = {
val lbfgs = new LBFGS(_gradient, _updater)
optimizer = lbfgs
* Sets the updater
* @param value updater
* @return trainer
def setUpdater(value: Updater): this.type = {
_updater = value
* Sets the gradient
* @param value gradient
* @return trainer
def setGradient(value: Gradient): this.type = {
_gradient = value
private[this] def updateGradient(gradient: Gradient): Unit = {
optimizer match {
case lbfgs: LBFGS => lbfgs.setGradient(gradient)
case sgd: GradientDescent => sgd.setGradient(gradient)
case other => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Only LBFGS and GradientDescent are supported but got ${other.getClass}.")
private[this] def updateUpdater(updater: Updater): Unit = {
optimizer match {
case lbfgs: LBFGS => lbfgs.setUpdater(updater)
case sgd: GradientDescent => sgd.setUpdater(updater)
case other => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Only LBFGS and GradientDescent are supported but got ${other.getClass}.")
* Trains the ANN
* @param data RDD of input and output vector pairs
* @return model
def train(data: RDD[(Vector, Vector)]): TopologyModel = {
val w = if (getWeights == null) {
// TODO: will make a copy if vector is a subvector of BDV (see Vectors code)
} else {
// TODO: deprecate standard optimizer because it needs Vector
val trainData = dataStacker.stack(data).map { v =>
(v._1, OldVectors.fromML(v._2))
val handlePersistence = trainData.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE
if (handlePersistence) trainData.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
val newWeights = optimizer.optimize(trainData, w)
if (handlePersistence) trainData.unpersist()
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