org.apache.spark.ml.tree.treeModels.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.ml.tree
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.ml.param.{Param, Params}
import org.apache.spark.ml.tree.DecisionTreeModelReadWrite.NodeData
import org.apache.spark.ml.util.{DefaultParamsReader, DefaultParamsWriter}
import org.apache.spark.ml.util.DefaultParamsReader.Metadata
import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurity.ImpurityCalculator
import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.{DecisionTreeModel => OldDecisionTreeModel}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.OpenHashMap
* Abstraction for Decision Tree models.
* TODO: Add support for predicting probabilities and raw predictions SPARK-3727
private[spark] trait DecisionTreeModel {
/** Root of the decision tree */
def rootNode: Node
/** Number of nodes in tree, including leaf nodes. */
def numNodes: Int = {
1 + rootNode.numDescendants
* Depth of the tree.
* E.g.: Depth 0 means 1 leaf node. Depth 1 means 1 internal node and 2 leaf nodes.
lazy val depth: Int = {
/** Summary of the model */
override def toString: String = {
// Implementing classes should generally override this method to be more descriptive.
s"DecisionTreeModel of depth $depth with $numNodes nodes"
/** Full description of model */
def toDebugString: String = {
val header = toString + "\n"
header + rootNode.subtreeToString(2)
* Trace down the tree, and return the largest feature index used in any split.
* @return Max feature index used in a split, or -1 if there are no splits (single leaf node).
private[ml] def maxSplitFeatureIndex(): Int = rootNode.maxSplitFeatureIndex()
/** Convert to spark.mllib DecisionTreeModel (losing some information) */
private[spark] def toOld: OldDecisionTreeModel
* Abstraction for models which are ensembles of decision trees
* TODO: Add support for predicting probabilities and raw predictions SPARK-3727
* @tparam M Type of tree model in this ensemble
private[ml] trait TreeEnsembleModel[M <: DecisionTreeModel] {
// Note: We use getTrees since subclasses of TreeEnsembleModel will store subclasses of
// DecisionTreeModel.
/** Trees in this ensemble. Warning: These have null parent Estimators. */
def trees: Array[M]
* Number of trees in ensemble
val getNumTrees: Int = trees.length
/** Weights for each tree, zippable with [[trees]] */
def treeWeights: Array[Double]
/** Weights used by the python wrappers. */
// Note: An array cannot be returned directly due to serialization problems.
private[spark] def javaTreeWeights: Vector = Vectors.dense(treeWeights)
/** Summary of the model */
override def toString: String = {
// Implementing classes should generally override this method to be more descriptive.
s"TreeEnsembleModel with ${trees.length} trees"
/** Full description of model */
def toDebugString: String = {
val header = toString + "\n"
header + trees.zip(treeWeights).zipWithIndex.map { case ((tree, weight), treeIndex) =>
s" Tree $treeIndex (weight $weight):\n" + tree.rootNode.subtreeToString(4)
}.fold("")(_ + _)
/** Total number of nodes, summed over all trees in the ensemble. */
lazy val totalNumNodes: Int = trees.map(_.numNodes).sum
private[ml] object TreeEnsembleModel {
* Given a tree ensemble model, compute the importance of each feature.
* This generalizes the idea of "Gini" importance to other losses,
* following the explanation of Gini importance from "Random Forests" documentation
* by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, and following the implementation from scikit-learn.
* For collections of trees, including boosting and bagging, Hastie et al.
* propose to use the average of single tree importances across all trees in the ensemble.
* This feature importance is calculated as follows:
* - Average over trees:
* - importance(feature j) = sum (over nodes which split on feature j) of the gain,
* where gain is scaled by the number of instances passing through node
* - Normalize importances for tree to sum to 1.
* - Normalize feature importance vector to sum to 1.
* References:
* - Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman. "The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd Edition." 2001.
* @param trees Unweighted collection of trees
* @param numFeatures Number of features in model (even if not all are explicitly used by
* the model).
* If -1, then numFeatures is set based on the max feature index in all trees.
* @return Feature importance values, of length numFeatures.
def featureImportances[M <: DecisionTreeModel](trees: Array[M], numFeatures: Int): Vector = {
val totalImportances = new OpenHashMap[Int, Double]()
trees.foreach { tree =>
// Aggregate feature importance vector for this tree
val importances = new OpenHashMap[Int, Double]()
computeFeatureImportance(tree.rootNode, importances)
// Normalize importance vector for this tree, and add it to total.
// TODO: In the future, also support normalizing by tree.rootNode.impurityStats.count?
val treeNorm = importances.map(_._2).sum
if (treeNorm != 0) {
importances.foreach { case (idx, impt) =>
val normImpt = impt / treeNorm
totalImportances.changeValue(idx, normImpt, _ + normImpt)
// Normalize importances
// Construct vector
val d = if (numFeatures != -1) {
} else {
// Find max feature index used in trees
val maxFeatureIndex = trees.map(_.maxSplitFeatureIndex()).max
maxFeatureIndex + 1
if (d == 0) {
assert(totalImportances.size == 0, s"Unknown error in computing feature" +
s" importance: No splits found, but some non-zero importances.")
val (indices, values) = totalImportances.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).unzip
Vectors.sparse(d, indices.toArray, values.toArray)
* Given a Decision Tree model, compute the importance of each feature.
* This generalizes the idea of "Gini" importance to other losses,
* following the explanation of Gini importance from "Random Forests" documentation
* by Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler, and following the implementation from scikit-learn.
* This feature importance is calculated as follows:
* - importance(feature j) = sum (over nodes which split on feature j) of the gain,
* where gain is scaled by the number of instances passing through node
* - Normalize importances for tree to sum to 1.
* @param tree Decision tree to compute importances for.
* @param numFeatures Number of features in model (even if not all are explicitly used by
* the model).
* If -1, then numFeatures is set based on the max feature index in all trees.
* @return Feature importance values, of length numFeatures.
def featureImportances[M <: DecisionTreeModel : ClassTag](tree: M, numFeatures: Int): Vector = {
featureImportances(Array(tree), numFeatures)
* Recursive method for computing feature importances for one tree.
* This walks down the tree, adding to the importance of 1 feature at each node.
* @param node Current node in recursion
* @param importances Aggregate feature importances, modified by this method
def computeFeatureImportance(
node: Node,
importances: OpenHashMap[Int, Double]): Unit = {
node match {
case n: InternalNode =>
val feature = n.split.featureIndex
val scaledGain = n.gain * n.impurityStats.count
importances.changeValue(feature, scaledGain, _ + scaledGain)
computeFeatureImportance(n.leftChild, importances)
computeFeatureImportance(n.rightChild, importances)
case n: LeafNode =>
// do nothing
* Normalize the values of this map to sum to 1, in place.
* If all values are 0, this method does nothing.
* @param map Map with non-negative values.
def normalizeMapValues(map: OpenHashMap[Int, Double]): Unit = {
val total = map.map(_._2).sum
if (total != 0) {
val keys = map.iterator.map(_._1).toArray
keys.foreach { key => map.changeValue(key, 0.0, _ / total) }
/** Helper classes for tree model persistence */
private[ml] object DecisionTreeModelReadWrite {
* Info for a [[org.apache.spark.ml.tree.Split]]
* @param featureIndex Index of feature split on
* @param leftCategoriesOrThreshold For categorical feature, set of leftCategories.
* For continuous feature, threshold.
* @param numCategories For categorical feature, number of categories.
* For continuous feature, -1.
case class SplitData(
featureIndex: Int,
leftCategoriesOrThreshold: Array[Double],
numCategories: Int) {
def getSplit: Split = {
if (numCategories != -1) {
new CategoricalSplit(featureIndex, leftCategoriesOrThreshold, numCategories)
} else {
assert(leftCategoriesOrThreshold.length == 1, s"DecisionTree split data expected" +
s" 1 threshold for ContinuousSplit, but found thresholds: " +
leftCategoriesOrThreshold.mkString(", "))
new ContinuousSplit(featureIndex, leftCategoriesOrThreshold(0))
object SplitData {
def apply(split: Split): SplitData = split match {
case s: CategoricalSplit =>
SplitData(s.featureIndex, s.leftCategories, s.numCategories)
case s: ContinuousSplit =>
SplitData(s.featureIndex, Array(s.threshold), -1)
* Info for a [[Node]]
* @param id Index used for tree reconstruction. Indices follow a pre-order traversal.
* @param impurityStats Stats array. Impurity type is stored in metadata.
* @param gain Gain, or arbitrary value if leaf node.
* @param leftChild Left child index, or arbitrary value if leaf node.
* @param rightChild Right child index, or arbitrary value if leaf node.
* @param split Split info, or arbitrary value if leaf node.
case class NodeData(
id: Int,
prediction: Double,
impurity: Double,
impurityStats: Array[Double],
gain: Double,
leftChild: Int,
rightChild: Int,
split: SplitData)
object NodeData {
* Create [[NodeData]] instances for this node and all children.
* @param id Current ID. IDs are assigned via a pre-order traversal.
* @return (sequence of nodes in pre-order traversal order, largest ID in subtree)
* The nodes are returned in pre-order traversal (root first) so that it is easy to
* get the ID of the subtree's root node.
def build(node: Node, id: Int): (Seq[NodeData], Int) = node match {
case n: InternalNode =>
val (leftNodeData, leftIdx) = build(n.leftChild, id + 1)
val (rightNodeData, rightIdx) = build(n.rightChild, leftIdx + 1)
val thisNodeData = NodeData(id, n.prediction, n.impurity, n.impurityStats.stats,
n.gain, leftNodeData.head.id, rightNodeData.head.id, SplitData(n.split))
(thisNodeData +: (leftNodeData ++ rightNodeData), rightIdx)
case _: LeafNode =>
(Seq(NodeData(id, node.prediction, node.impurity, node.impurityStats.stats,
-1.0, -1, -1, SplitData(-1, Array.empty[Double], -1))),
* Load a decision tree from a file.
* @return Root node of reconstructed tree
def loadTreeNodes(
path: String,
metadata: DefaultParamsReader.Metadata,
sparkSession: SparkSession): Node = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
implicit val format = DefaultFormats
// Get impurity to construct ImpurityCalculator for each node
val impurityType: String = {
val impurityJson: JValue = metadata.getParamValue("impurity")
val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString
val data = sparkSession.read.parquet(dataPath).as[NodeData]
buildTreeFromNodes(data.collect(), impurityType)
* Given all data for all nodes in a tree, rebuild the tree.
* @param data Unsorted node data
* @param impurityType Impurity type for this tree
* @return Root node of reconstructed tree
def buildTreeFromNodes(data: Array[NodeData], impurityType: String): Node = {
// Load all nodes, sorted by ID.
val nodes = data.sortBy(_.id)
// Sanity checks; could remove
assert(nodes.head.id == 0, s"Decision Tree load failed. Expected smallest node ID to be 0," +
s" but found ${nodes.head.id}")
assert(nodes.last.id == nodes.length - 1, s"Decision Tree load failed. Expected largest" +
s" node ID to be ${nodes.length - 1}, but found ${nodes.last.id}")
// We fill `finalNodes` in reverse order. Since node IDs are assigned via a pre-order
// traversal, this guarantees that child nodes will be built before parent nodes.
val finalNodes = new Array[Node](nodes.length)
nodes.reverseIterator.foreach { case n: NodeData =>
val impurityStats = ImpurityCalculator.getCalculator(impurityType, n.impurityStats)
val node = if (n.leftChild != -1) {
val leftChild = finalNodes(n.leftChild)
val rightChild = finalNodes(n.rightChild)
new InternalNode(n.prediction, n.impurity, n.gain, leftChild, rightChild,
n.split.getSplit, impurityStats)
} else {
new LeafNode(n.prediction, n.impurity, impurityStats)
finalNodes(n.id) = node
// Return the root node
private[ml] object EnsembleModelReadWrite {
* Helper method for saving a tree ensemble to disk.
* @param instance Tree ensemble model
* @param path Path to which to save the ensemble model.
* @param extraMetadata Metadata such as numFeatures, numClasses, numTrees.
def saveImpl[M <: Params with TreeEnsembleModel[_ <: DecisionTreeModel]](
instance: M,
path: String,
sql: SparkSession,
extraMetadata: JObject): Unit = {
DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata(instance, path, sql.sparkContext, Some(extraMetadata))
val treesMetadataWeights: Array[(Int, String, Double)] = instance.trees.zipWithIndex.map {
case (tree, treeID) =>
DefaultParamsWriter.getMetadataToSave(tree.asInstanceOf[Params], sql.sparkContext),
val treesMetadataPath = new Path(path, "treesMetadata").toString
sql.createDataFrame(treesMetadataWeights).toDF("treeID", "metadata", "weights")
val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString
val nodeDataRDD = sql.sparkContext.parallelize(instance.trees.zipWithIndex).flatMap {
case (tree, treeID) => EnsembleNodeData.build(tree, treeID)
* Helper method for loading a tree ensemble from disk.
* This reconstructs all trees, returning the root nodes.
* @param path Path given to `saveImpl`
* @param className Class name for ensemble model type
* @param treeClassName Class name for tree model type in the ensemble
* @return (ensemble metadata, array over trees of (tree metadata, root node)),
* where the root node is linked with all descendents
* @see `saveImpl` for how the model was saved
def loadImpl(
path: String,
sql: SparkSession,
className: String,
treeClassName: String): (Metadata, Array[(Metadata, Node)], Array[Double]) = {
import sql.implicits._
implicit val format = DefaultFormats
val metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path, sql.sparkContext, className)
// Get impurity to construct ImpurityCalculator for each node
val impurityType: String = {
val impurityJson: JValue = metadata.getParamValue("impurity")
val treesMetadataPath = new Path(path, "treesMetadata").toString
val treesMetadataRDD: RDD[(Int, (Metadata, Double))] = sql.read.parquet(treesMetadataPath)
.select("treeID", "metadata", "weights").as[(Int, String, Double)].rdd.map {
case (treeID: Int, json: String, weights: Double) =>
treeID -> (DefaultParamsReader.parseMetadata(json, treeClassName), weights)
val treesMetadataWeights = treesMetadataRDD.sortByKey().values.collect()
val treesMetadata = treesMetadataWeights.map(_._1)
val treesWeights = treesMetadataWeights.map(_._2)
val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString
val nodeData: Dataset[EnsembleNodeData] =
val rootNodesRDD: RDD[(Int, Node)] =
nodeData.rdd.map(d => (d.treeID, d.nodeData)).groupByKey().map {
case (treeID: Int, nodeData: Iterable[NodeData]) =>
treeID -> DecisionTreeModelReadWrite.buildTreeFromNodes(nodeData.toArray, impurityType)
val rootNodes: Array[Node] = rootNodesRDD.sortByKey().values.collect()
(metadata, treesMetadata.zip(rootNodes), treesWeights)
* Info for one [[Node]] in a tree ensemble
* @param treeID Tree index
* @param nodeData Data for this node
case class EnsembleNodeData(
treeID: Int,
nodeData: NodeData)
object EnsembleNodeData {
* Create [[EnsembleNodeData]] instances for the given tree.
* @return Sequence of nodes for this tree
def build(tree: DecisionTreeModel, treeID: Int): Seq[EnsembleNodeData] = {
val (nodeData: Seq[NodeData], _) = NodeData.build(tree.rootNode, 0)
nodeData.map(nd => EnsembleNodeData(treeID, nd))
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