org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.GaussianMixtureModel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BreezeVector}
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Vector}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.distribution.MultivariateGaussian
import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.{Loader, MLUtils, Saveable}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
* Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) consisting of k Gaussians, where points
* are drawn from each Gaussian i=1..k with probability w(i); mu(i) and sigma(i) are
* the respective mean and covariance for each Gaussian distribution i=1..k.
* @param weights Weights for each Gaussian distribution in the mixture, where weights(i) is
* the weight for Gaussian i, and weights.sum == 1
* @param gaussians Array of MultivariateGaussian where gaussians(i) represents
* the Multivariate Gaussian (Normal) Distribution for Gaussian i
class GaussianMixtureModel @Since("1.3.0") (
@Since("1.3.0") val weights: Array[Double],
@Since("1.3.0") val gaussians: Array[MultivariateGaussian]) extends Serializable with Saveable {
require(weights.length == gaussians.length, "Length of weight and Gaussian arrays must match")
override protected def formatVersion = "1.0"
override def save(sc: SparkContext, path: String): Unit = {
GaussianMixtureModel.SaveLoadV1_0.save(sc, path, weights, gaussians)
* Number of gaussians in mixture
def k: Int = weights.length
* Maps given points to their cluster indices.
def predict(points: RDD[Vector]): RDD[Int] = {
val responsibilityMatrix = predictSoft(points)
responsibilityMatrix.map(r => r.indexOf(r.max))
* Maps given point to its cluster index.
def predict(point: Vector): Int = {
val r = predictSoft(point)
* Java-friendly version of [[predict()]]
def predict(points: JavaRDD[Vector]): JavaRDD[java.lang.Integer] =
* Given the input vectors, return the membership value of each vector
* to all mixture components.
def predictSoft(points: RDD[Vector]): RDD[Array[Double]] = {
val sc = points.sparkContext
val bcDists = sc.broadcast(gaussians)
val bcWeights = sc.broadcast(weights)
points.map { x =>
computeSoftAssignments(x.asBreeze.toDenseVector, bcDists.value, bcWeights.value, k)
* Given the input vector, return the membership values to all mixture components.
def predictSoft(point: Vector): Array[Double] = {
computeSoftAssignments(point.asBreeze.toDenseVector, gaussians, weights, k)
* Compute the partial assignments for each vector
private def computeSoftAssignments(
pt: BreezeVector[Double],
dists: Array[MultivariateGaussian],
weights: Array[Double],
k: Int): Array[Double] = {
val p = weights.zip(dists).map {
case (weight, dist) => MLUtils.EPSILON + weight * dist.pdf(pt)
val pSum = p.sum
for (i <- 0 until k) {
p(i) /= pSum
object GaussianMixtureModel extends Loader[GaussianMixtureModel] {
private object SaveLoadV1_0 {
case class Data(weight: Double, mu: Vector, sigma: Matrix)
val formatVersionV1_0 = "1.0"
val classNameV1_0 = "org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.GaussianMixtureModel"
def save(
sc: SparkContext,
path: String,
weights: Array[Double],
gaussians: Array[MultivariateGaussian]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().sparkContext(sc).getOrCreate()
// Create JSON metadata.
val metadata = compact(render
(("class" -> classNameV1_0) ~ ("version" -> formatVersionV1_0) ~ ("k" -> weights.length)))
sc.parallelize(Seq(metadata), 1).saveAsTextFile(Loader.metadataPath(path))
// Create Parquet data.
val dataArray = Array.tabulate(weights.length) { i =>
Data(weights(i), gaussians(i).mu, gaussians(i).sigma)
def load(sc: SparkContext, path: String): GaussianMixtureModel = {
val dataPath = Loader.dataPath(path)
val spark = SparkSession.builder().sparkContext(sc).getOrCreate()
val dataFrame = spark.read.parquet(dataPath)
// Check schema explicitly since erasure makes it hard to use match-case for checking.
val dataArray = dataFrame.select("weight", "mu", "sigma").collect()
val (weights, gaussians) = dataArray.map {
case Row(weight: Double, mu: Vector, sigma: Matrix) =>
(weight, new MultivariateGaussian(mu, sigma))
new GaussianMixtureModel(weights.toArray, gaussians.toArray)
override def load(sc: SparkContext, path: String): GaussianMixtureModel = {
val (loadedClassName, version, metadata) = Loader.loadMetadata(sc, path)
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
val k = (metadata \ "k").extract[Int]
val classNameV1_0 = SaveLoadV1_0.classNameV1_0
(loadedClassName, version) match {
case (classNameV1_0, "1.0") =>
val model = SaveLoadV1_0.load(sc, path)
require(model.weights.length == k,
s"GaussianMixtureModel requires weights of length $k " +
s"got weights of length ${model.weights.length}")
require(model.gaussians.length == k,
s"GaussianMixtureModel requires gaussians of length $k " +
s"got gaussians of length ${model.gaussians.length}")
case _ => throw new Exception(
s"GaussianMixtureModel.load did not recognize model with (className, format version):" +
s"($loadedClassName, $version). Supported:\n" +
s" ($classNameV1_0, 1.0)")
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