org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrices.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg
import java.util.{Arrays, Random}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuilder => MArrayBuilder, HashSet => MHashSet}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import breeze.linalg.{CSCMatrix => BSM, DenseMatrix => BDM, Matrix => BM}
import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance => blas}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.ml.{linalg => newlinalg}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{GenericMutableRow, UnsafeArrayData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* Trait for a local matrix.
@SQLUserDefinedType(udt = classOf[MatrixUDT])
sealed trait Matrix extends Serializable {
/** Number of rows. */
def numRows: Int
/** Number of columns. */
def numCols: Int
/** Flag that keeps track whether the matrix is transposed or not. False by default. */
val isTransposed: Boolean = false
/** Converts to a dense array in column major. */
def toArray: Array[Double] = {
val newArray = new Array[Double](numRows * numCols)
foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
newArray(j * numRows + i) = v
* Returns an iterator of column vectors.
* This operation could be expensive, depending on the underlying storage.
def colIter: Iterator[Vector]
* Returns an iterator of row vectors.
* This operation could be expensive, depending on the underlying storage.
def rowIter: Iterator[Vector] = this.transpose.colIter
/** Converts to a breeze matrix. */
private[mllib] def asBreeze: BM[Double]
/** Gets the (i, j)-th element. */
def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double
/** Return the index for the (i, j)-th element in the backing array. */
private[mllib] def index(i: Int, j: Int): Int
/** Update element at (i, j) */
private[mllib] def update(i: Int, j: Int, v: Double): Unit
/** Get a deep copy of the matrix. */
def copy: Matrix
/** Transpose the Matrix. Returns a new `Matrix` instance sharing the same underlying data. */
def transpose: Matrix
/** Convenience method for `Matrix`-`DenseMatrix` multiplication. */
def multiply(y: DenseMatrix): DenseMatrix = {
val C: DenseMatrix = DenseMatrix.zeros(numRows, y.numCols)
BLAS.gemm(1.0, this, y, 0.0, C)
/** Convenience method for `Matrix`-`DenseVector` multiplication. For binary compatibility. */
def multiply(y: DenseVector): DenseVector = {
/** Convenience method for `Matrix`-`Vector` multiplication. */
def multiply(y: Vector): DenseVector = {
val output = new DenseVector(new Array[Double](numRows))
BLAS.gemv(1.0, this, y, 0.0, output)
/** A human readable representation of the matrix */
override def toString: String = asBreeze.toString()
/** A human readable representation of the matrix with maximum lines and width */
def toString(maxLines: Int, maxLineWidth: Int): String = asBreeze.toString(maxLines, maxLineWidth)
* Map the values of this matrix using a function. Generates a new matrix. Performs the
* function on only the backing array. For example, an operation such as addition or
* subtraction will only be performed on the non-zero values in a `SparseMatrix`.
private[spark] def map(f: Double => Double): Matrix
* Update all the values of this matrix using the function f. Performed in-place on the
* backing array. For example, an operation such as addition or subtraction will only be
* performed on the non-zero values in a `SparseMatrix`.
private[mllib] def update(f: Double => Double): Matrix
* Applies a function `f` to all the active elements of dense and sparse matrix. The ordering
* of the elements are not defined.
* @param f the function takes three parameters where the first two parameters are the row
* and column indices respectively with the type `Int`, and the final parameter is the
* corresponding value in the matrix with type `Double`.
private[spark] def foreachActive(f: (Int, Int, Double) => Unit)
* Find the number of non-zero active values.
def numNonzeros: Int
* Find the number of values stored explicitly. These values can be zero as well.
def numActives: Int
* Convert this matrix to the new mllib-local representation.
* This does NOT copy the data; it copies references.
def asML: newlinalg.Matrix
private[spark] class MatrixUDT extends UserDefinedType[Matrix] {
override def sqlType: StructType = {
// type: 0 = sparse, 1 = dense
// the dense matrix is built by numRows, numCols, values and isTransposed, all of which are
// set as not nullable, except values since in the future, support for binary matrices might
// be added for which values are not needed.
// the sparse matrix needs colPtrs and rowIndices, which are set as
// null, while building the dense matrix.
StructField("type", ByteType, nullable = false),
StructField("numRows", IntegerType, nullable = false),
StructField("numCols", IntegerType, nullable = false),
StructField("colPtrs", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable = true),
StructField("rowIndices", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable = true),
StructField("values", ArrayType(DoubleType, containsNull = false), nullable = true),
StructField("isTransposed", BooleanType, nullable = false)
override def serialize(obj: Matrix): InternalRow = {
val row = new GenericMutableRow(7)
obj match {
case sm: SparseMatrix =>
row.setByte(0, 0)
row.setInt(1, sm.numRows)
row.setInt(2, sm.numCols)
row.update(3, UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(sm.colPtrs))
row.update(4, UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(sm.rowIndices))
row.update(5, UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(sm.values))
row.setBoolean(6, sm.isTransposed)
case dm: DenseMatrix =>
row.setByte(0, 1)
row.setInt(1, dm.numRows)
row.setInt(2, dm.numCols)
row.update(5, UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(dm.values))
row.setBoolean(6, dm.isTransposed)
override def deserialize(datum: Any): Matrix = {
datum match {
case row: InternalRow =>
require(row.numFields == 7,
s"MatrixUDT.deserialize given row with length ${row.numFields} but requires length == 7")
val tpe = row.getByte(0)
val numRows = row.getInt(1)
val numCols = row.getInt(2)
val values = row.getArray(5).toDoubleArray()
val isTransposed = row.getBoolean(6)
tpe match {
case 0 =>
val colPtrs = row.getArray(3).toIntArray()
val rowIndices = row.getArray(4).toIntArray()
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values, isTransposed)
case 1 =>
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, values, isTransposed)
override def userClass: Class[Matrix] = classOf[Matrix]
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = {
o match {
case v: MatrixUDT => true
case _ => false
// see [SPARK-8647], this achieves the needed constant hash code without constant no.
override def hashCode(): Int = classOf[MatrixUDT].getName.hashCode()
override def typeName: String = "matrix"
override def pyUDT: String = "pyspark.mllib.linalg.MatrixUDT"
private[spark] override def asNullable: MatrixUDT = this
* Column-major dense matrix.
* The entry values are stored in a single array of doubles with columns listed in sequence.
* For example, the following matrix
* {{{
* 1.0 2.0
* 3.0 4.0
* 5.0 6.0
* }}}
* is stored as `[1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0]`.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param values matrix entries in column major if not transposed or in row major otherwise
* @param isTransposed whether the matrix is transposed. If true, `values` stores the matrix in
* row major.
@SQLUserDefinedType(udt = classOf[MatrixUDT])
class DenseMatrix @Since("1.3.0") (
@Since("1.0.0") val numRows: Int,
@Since("1.0.0") val numCols: Int,
@Since("1.0.0") val values: Array[Double],
@Since("1.3.0") override val isTransposed: Boolean) extends Matrix {
require(values.length == numRows * numCols, "The number of values supplied doesn't match the " +
s"size of the matrix! values.length: ${values.length}, numRows * numCols: ${numRows * numCols}")
* Column-major dense matrix.
* The entry values are stored in a single array of doubles with columns listed in sequence.
* For example, the following matrix
* {{{
* 1.0 2.0
* 3.0 4.0
* 5.0 6.0
* }}}
* is stored as `[1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0]`.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param values matrix entries in column major
def this(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, values: Array[Double]) =
this(numRows, numCols, values, false)
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case m: Matrix => asBreeze == m.asBreeze
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = {
com.google.common.base.Objects.hashCode(numRows: Integer, numCols: Integer, toArray)
private[mllib] def asBreeze: BM[Double] = {
if (!isTransposed) {
new BDM[Double](numRows, numCols, values)
} else {
val breezeMatrix = new BDM[Double](numCols, numRows, values)
private[mllib] def apply(i: Int): Double = values(i)
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = values(index(i, j))
private[mllib] def index(i: Int, j: Int): Int = {
require(i >= 0 && i < numRows, s"Expected 0 <= i < $numRows, got i = $i.")
require(j >= 0 && j < numCols, s"Expected 0 <= j < $numCols, got j = $j.")
if (!isTransposed) i + numRows * j else j + numCols * i
private[mllib] def update(i: Int, j: Int, v: Double): Unit = {
values(index(i, j)) = v
override def copy: DenseMatrix = new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, values.clone())
private[spark] def map(f: Double => Double) = new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, values.map(f),
private[mllib] def update(f: Double => Double): DenseMatrix = {
val len = values.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
values(i) = f(values(i))
i += 1
override def transpose: DenseMatrix = new DenseMatrix(numCols, numRows, values, !isTransposed)
private[spark] override def foreachActive(f: (Int, Int, Double) => Unit): Unit = {
if (!isTransposed) {
// outer loop over columns
var j = 0
while (j < numCols) {
var i = 0
val indStart = j * numRows
while (i < numRows) {
f(i, j, values(indStart + i))
i += 1
j += 1
} else {
// outer loop over rows
var i = 0
while (i < numRows) {
var j = 0
val indStart = i * numCols
while (j < numCols) {
f(i, j, values(indStart + j))
j += 1
i += 1
override def numNonzeros: Int = values.count(_ != 0)
override def numActives: Int = values.length
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` from the given `DenseMatrix`. The new matrix will have isTransposed
* set to false.
def toSparse: SparseMatrix = {
val spVals: MArrayBuilder[Double] = new MArrayBuilder.ofDouble
val colPtrs: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](numCols + 1)
val rowIndices: MArrayBuilder[Int] = new MArrayBuilder.ofInt
var nnz = 0
var j = 0
while (j < numCols) {
var i = 0
while (i < numRows) {
val v = values(index(i, j))
if (v != 0.0) {
rowIndices += i
spVals += v
nnz += 1
i += 1
j += 1
colPtrs(j) = nnz
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices.result(), spVals.result())
override def colIter: Iterator[Vector] = {
if (isTransposed) {
Iterator.tabulate(numCols) { j =>
val col = new Array[Double](numRows)
blas.dcopy(numRows, values, j, numCols, col, 0, 1)
new DenseVector(col)
} else {
Iterator.tabulate(numCols) { j =>
new DenseVector(values.slice(j * numRows, (j + 1) * numRows))
override def asML: newlinalg.DenseMatrix = {
new newlinalg.DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, values, isTransposed)
* Factory methods for [[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.DenseMatrix]].
object DenseMatrix {
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of zeros.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @return `DenseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values of zeros
def zeros(numRows: Int, numCols: Int): DenseMatrix = {
require(numRows.toLong * numCols <= Int.MaxValue,
s"$numRows x $numCols dense matrix is too large to allocate")
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, new Array[Double](numRows * numCols))
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of ones.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @return `DenseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values of ones
def ones(numRows: Int, numCols: Int): DenseMatrix = {
require(numRows.toLong * numCols <= Int.MaxValue,
s"$numRows x $numCols dense matrix is too large to allocate")
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, Array.fill(numRows * numCols)(1.0))
* Generate an Identity Matrix in `DenseMatrix` format.
* @param n number of rows and columns of the matrix
* @return `DenseMatrix` with size `n` x `n` and values of ones on the diagonal
def eye(n: Int): DenseMatrix = {
val identity = DenseMatrix.zeros(n, n)
var i = 0
while (i < n) {
identity.update(i, i, 1.0)
i += 1
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` uniform random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `DenseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in U(0, 1)
def rand(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, rng: Random): DenseMatrix = {
require(numRows.toLong * numCols <= Int.MaxValue,
s"$numRows x $numCols dense matrix is too large to allocate")
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, Array.fill(numRows * numCols)(rng.nextDouble()))
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` gaussian random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `DenseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in N(0, 1)
def randn(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, rng: Random): DenseMatrix = {
require(numRows.toLong * numCols <= Int.MaxValue,
s"$numRows x $numCols dense matrix is too large to allocate")
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, Array.fill(numRows * numCols)(rng.nextGaussian()))
* Generate a diagonal matrix in `DenseMatrix` format from the supplied values.
* @param vector a `Vector` that will form the values on the diagonal of the matrix
* @return Square `DenseMatrix` with size `values.length` x `values.length` and `values`
* on the diagonal
def diag(vector: Vector): DenseMatrix = {
val n = vector.size
val matrix = DenseMatrix.zeros(n, n)
val values = vector.toArray
var i = 0
while (i < n) {
matrix.update(i, i, values(i))
i += 1
* Convert new linalg type to spark.mllib type. Light copy; only copies references
def fromML(m: newlinalg.DenseMatrix): DenseMatrix = {
new DenseMatrix(m.numRows, m.numCols, m.values, m.isTransposed)
* Column-major sparse matrix.
* The entry values are stored in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format.
* For example, the following matrix
* {{{
* 1.0 0.0 4.0
* 0.0 3.0 5.0
* 2.0 0.0 6.0
* }}}
* is stored as `values: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]`,
* `rowIndices=[0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2]`, `colPointers=[0, 2, 3, 6]`.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param colPtrs the index corresponding to the start of a new column (if not transposed)
* @param rowIndices the row index of the entry (if not transposed). They must be in strictly
* increasing order for each column
* @param values nonzero matrix entries in column major (if not transposed)
* @param isTransposed whether the matrix is transposed. If true, the matrix can be considered
* Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format, where `colPtrs` behaves as rowPtrs,
* and `rowIndices` behave as colIndices, and `values` are stored in row major.
@SQLUserDefinedType(udt = classOf[MatrixUDT])
class SparseMatrix @Since("1.3.0") (
@Since("1.2.0") val numRows: Int,
@Since("1.2.0") val numCols: Int,
@Since("1.2.0") val colPtrs: Array[Int],
@Since("1.2.0") val rowIndices: Array[Int],
@Since("1.2.0") val values: Array[Double],
@Since("1.3.0") override val isTransposed: Boolean) extends Matrix {
require(values.length == rowIndices.length, "The number of row indices and values don't match! " +
s"values.length: ${values.length}, rowIndices.length: ${rowIndices.length}")
if (isTransposed) {
require(colPtrs.length == numRows + 1,
s"Expecting ${numRows + 1} colPtrs when numRows = $numRows but got ${colPtrs.length}")
} else {
require(colPtrs.length == numCols + 1,
s"Expecting ${numCols + 1} colPtrs when numCols = $numCols but got ${colPtrs.length}")
require(values.length == colPtrs.last, "The last value of colPtrs must equal the number of " +
s"elements. values.length: ${values.length}, colPtrs.last: ${colPtrs.last}")
* Column-major sparse matrix.
* The entry values are stored in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format.
* For example, the following matrix
* {{{
* 1.0 0.0 4.0
* 0.0 3.0 5.0
* 2.0 0.0 6.0
* }}}
* is stored as `values: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]`,
* `rowIndices=[0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2]`, `colPointers=[0, 2, 3, 6]`.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param colPtrs the index corresponding to the start of a new column
* @param rowIndices the row index of the entry. They must be in strictly increasing
* order for each column
* @param values non-zero matrix entries in column major
def this(
numRows: Int,
numCols: Int,
colPtrs: Array[Int],
rowIndices: Array[Int],
values: Array[Double]) = this(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values, false)
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case m: Matrix => asBreeze == m.asBreeze
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = asBreeze.hashCode
private[mllib] def asBreeze: BM[Double] = {
if (!isTransposed) {
new BSM[Double](values, numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices)
} else {
val breezeMatrix = new BSM[Double](values, numCols, numRows, colPtrs, rowIndices)
override def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Double = {
val ind = index(i, j)
if (ind < 0) 0.0 else values(ind)
private[mllib] def index(i: Int, j: Int): Int = {
require(i >= 0 && i < numRows, s"Expected 0 <= i < $numRows, got i = $i.")
require(j >= 0 && j < numCols, s"Expected 0 <= j < $numCols, got j = $j.")
if (!isTransposed) {
Arrays.binarySearch(rowIndices, colPtrs(j), colPtrs(j + 1), i)
} else {
Arrays.binarySearch(rowIndices, colPtrs(i), colPtrs(i + 1), j)
private[mllib] def update(i: Int, j: Int, v: Double): Unit = {
val ind = index(i, j)
if (ind < 0) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("The given row and column indices correspond to a zero " +
"value. Only non-zero elements in Sparse Matrices can be updated.")
} else {
values(ind) = v
override def copy: SparseMatrix = {
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values.clone())
private[spark] def map(f: Double => Double) =
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values.map(f), isTransposed)
private[mllib] def update(f: Double => Double): SparseMatrix = {
val len = values.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
values(i) = f(values(i))
i += 1
override def transpose: SparseMatrix =
new SparseMatrix(numCols, numRows, colPtrs, rowIndices, values, !isTransposed)
private[spark] override def foreachActive(f: (Int, Int, Double) => Unit): Unit = {
if (!isTransposed) {
var j = 0
while (j < numCols) {
var idx = colPtrs(j)
val idxEnd = colPtrs(j + 1)
while (idx < idxEnd) {
f(rowIndices(idx), j, values(idx))
idx += 1
j += 1
} else {
var i = 0
while (i < numRows) {
var idx = colPtrs(i)
val idxEnd = colPtrs(i + 1)
while (idx < idxEnd) {
val j = rowIndices(idx)
f(i, j, values(idx))
idx += 1
i += 1
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` from the given `SparseMatrix`. The new matrix will have isTransposed
* set to false.
def toDense: DenseMatrix = {
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, toArray)
override def numNonzeros: Int = values.count(_ != 0)
override def numActives: Int = values.length
override def colIter: Iterator[Vector] = {
if (isTransposed) {
val indicesArray = Array.fill(numCols)(MArrayBuilder.make[Int])
val valuesArray = Array.fill(numCols)(MArrayBuilder.make[Double])
var i = 0
while (i < numRows) {
var k = colPtrs(i)
val rowEnd = colPtrs(i + 1)
while (k < rowEnd) {
val j = rowIndices(k)
indicesArray(j) += i
valuesArray(j) += values(k)
k += 1
i += 1
Iterator.tabulate(numCols) { j =>
val ii = indicesArray(j).result()
val vv = valuesArray(j).result()
new SparseVector(numRows, ii, vv)
} else {
Iterator.tabulate(numCols) { j =>
val colStart = colPtrs(j)
val colEnd = colPtrs(j + 1)
val ii = rowIndices.slice(colStart, colEnd)
val vv = values.slice(colStart, colEnd)
new SparseVector(numRows, ii, vv)
override def asML: newlinalg.SparseMatrix = {
new newlinalg.SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values, isTransposed)
* Factory methods for [[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseMatrix]].
object SparseMatrix {
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` from Coordinate List (COO) format. Input must be an array of
* (i, j, value) tuples. Entries that have duplicate values of i and j are
* added together. Tuples where value is equal to zero will be omitted.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param entries Array of (i, j, value) tuples
* @return The corresponding `SparseMatrix`
def fromCOO(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, entries: Iterable[(Int, Int, Double)]): SparseMatrix = {
val sortedEntries = entries.toSeq.sortBy(v => (v._2, v._1))
val numEntries = sortedEntries.size
if (sortedEntries.nonEmpty) {
// Since the entries are sorted by column index, we only need to check the first and the last.
for (col <- Seq(sortedEntries.head._2, sortedEntries.last._2)) {
require(col >= 0 && col < numCols, s"Column index out of range [0, $numCols): $col.")
val colPtrs = new Array[Int](numCols + 1)
val rowIndices = MArrayBuilder.make[Int]
val values = MArrayBuilder.make[Double]
var nnz = 0
var prevCol = 0
var prevRow = -1
var prevVal = 0.0
// Append a dummy entry to include the last one at the end of the loop.
(sortedEntries.view :+ (numRows, numCols, 1.0)).foreach { case (i, j, v) =>
if (v != 0) {
if (i == prevRow && j == prevCol) {
prevVal += v
} else {
if (prevVal != 0) {
require(prevRow >= 0 && prevRow < numRows,
s"Row index out of range [0, $numRows): $prevRow.")
nnz += 1
rowIndices += prevRow
values += prevVal
prevRow = i
prevVal = v
while (prevCol < j) {
colPtrs(prevCol + 1) = nnz
prevCol += 1
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices.result(), values.result())
* Generate an Identity Matrix in `SparseMatrix` format.
* @param n number of rows and columns of the matrix
* @return `SparseMatrix` with size `n` x `n` and values of ones on the diagonal
def speye(n: Int): SparseMatrix = {
new SparseMatrix(n, n, (0 to n).toArray, (0 until n).toArray, Array.fill(n)(1.0))
* Generates the skeleton of a random `SparseMatrix` with a given random number generator.
* The values of the matrix returned are undefined.
private def genRandMatrix(
numRows: Int,
numCols: Int,
density: Double,
rng: Random): SparseMatrix = {
require(numRows > 0, s"numRows must be greater than 0 but got $numRows")
require(numCols > 0, s"numCols must be greater than 0 but got $numCols")
require(density >= 0.0 && density <= 1.0,
s"density must be a double in the range 0.0 <= d <= 1.0. Currently, density: $density")
val size = numRows.toLong * numCols
val expected = size * density
assert(expected < Int.MaxValue,
"The expected number of nonzeros cannot be greater than Int.MaxValue.")
val nnz = math.ceil(expected).toInt
if (density == 0.0) {
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, new Array[Int](numCols + 1), Array[Int](), Array[Double]())
} else if (density == 1.0) {
val colPtrs = Array.tabulate(numCols + 1)(j => j * numRows)
val rowIndices = Array.tabulate(size.toInt)(idx => idx % numRows)
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, new Array[Double](numRows * numCols))
} else if (density < 0.34) {
// draw-by-draw, expected number of iterations is less than 1.5 * nnz
val entries = MHashSet[(Int, Int)]()
while (entries.size < nnz) {
entries += ((rng.nextInt(numRows), rng.nextInt(numCols)))
SparseMatrix.fromCOO(numRows, numCols, entries.map(v => (v._1, v._2, 1.0)))
} else {
// selection-rejection method
var idx = 0L
var numSelected = 0
var j = 0
val colPtrs = new Array[Int](numCols + 1)
val rowIndices = new Array[Int](nnz)
while (j < numCols && numSelected < nnz) {
var i = 0
while (i < numRows && numSelected < nnz) {
if (rng.nextDouble() < 1.0 * (nnz - numSelected) / (size - idx)) {
rowIndices(numSelected) = i
numSelected += 1
i += 1
idx += 1
colPtrs(j + 1) = numSelected
j += 1
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, new Array[Double](nnz))
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d`. uniform random numbers. The number of non-zero
* elements equal the ceiling of `numRows` x `numCols` x `density`
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param density the desired density for the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `SparseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in U(0, 1)
def sprand(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, density: Double, rng: Random): SparseMatrix = {
val mat = genRandMatrix(numRows, numCols, density, rng)
mat.update(i => rng.nextDouble())
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d`. gaussian random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param density the desired density for the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `SparseMatrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in N(0, 1)
def sprandn(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, density: Double, rng: Random): SparseMatrix = {
val mat = genRandMatrix(numRows, numCols, density, rng)
mat.update(i => rng.nextGaussian())
* Generate a diagonal matrix in `SparseMatrix` format from the supplied values.
* @param vector a `Vector` that will form the values on the diagonal of the matrix
* @return Square `SparseMatrix` with size `values.length` x `values.length` and non-zero
* `values` on the diagonal
def spdiag(vector: Vector): SparseMatrix = {
val n = vector.size
vector match {
case sVec: SparseVector =>
SparseMatrix.fromCOO(n, n, sVec.indices.zip(sVec.values).map(v => (v._1, v._1, v._2)))
case dVec: DenseVector =>
val entries = dVec.values.zipWithIndex
val nnzVals = entries.filter(v => v._1 != 0.0)
SparseMatrix.fromCOO(n, n, nnzVals.map(v => (v._2, v._2, v._1)))
* Convert new linalg type to spark.mllib type. Light copy; only copies references
def fromML(m: newlinalg.SparseMatrix): SparseMatrix = {
new SparseMatrix(m.numRows, m.numCols, m.colPtrs, m.rowIndices, m.values, m.isTransposed)
* Factory methods for [[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix]].
object Matrices {
* Creates a column-major dense matrix.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param values matrix entries in column major
def dense(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, values: Array[Double]): Matrix = {
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, values)
* Creates a column-major sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format.
* @param numRows number of rows
* @param numCols number of columns
* @param colPtrs the index corresponding to the start of a new column
* @param rowIndices the row index of the entry
* @param values non-zero matrix entries in column major
def sparse(
numRows: Int,
numCols: Int,
colPtrs: Array[Int],
rowIndices: Array[Int],
values: Array[Double]): Matrix = {
new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, colPtrs, rowIndices, values)
* Creates a Matrix instance from a breeze matrix.
* @param breeze a breeze matrix
* @return a Matrix instance
private[mllib] def fromBreeze(breeze: BM[Double]): Matrix = {
breeze match {
case dm: BDM[Double] =>
new DenseMatrix(dm.rows, dm.cols, dm.data, dm.isTranspose)
case sm: BSM[Double] =>
// Spark-11507. work around breeze issue 479.
val mat = if (sm.colPtrs.last != sm.data.length) {
val matCopy = sm.copy
} else {
// There is no isTranspose flag for sparse matrices in Breeze
new SparseMatrix(mat.rows, mat.cols, mat.colPtrs, mat.rowIndices, mat.data)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"Do not support conversion from type ${breeze.getClass.getName}.")
* Generate a `Matrix` consisting of zeros.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values of zeros
def zeros(numRows: Int, numCols: Int): Matrix = DenseMatrix.zeros(numRows, numCols)
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of ones.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values of ones
def ones(numRows: Int, numCols: Int): Matrix = DenseMatrix.ones(numRows, numCols)
* Generate a dense Identity Matrix in `Matrix` format.
* @param n number of rows and columns of the matrix
* @return `Matrix` with size `n` x `n` and values of ones on the diagonal
def eye(n: Int): Matrix = DenseMatrix.eye(n)
* Generate a sparse Identity Matrix in `Matrix` format.
* @param n number of rows and columns of the matrix
* @return `Matrix` with size `n` x `n` and values of ones on the diagonal
def speye(n: Int): Matrix = SparseMatrix.speye(n)
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` uniform random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in U(0, 1)
def rand(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, rng: Random): Matrix =
DenseMatrix.rand(numRows, numCols, rng)
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` gaussian random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param density the desired density for the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in U(0, 1)
def sprand(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, density: Double, rng: Random): Matrix =
SparseMatrix.sprand(numRows, numCols, density, rng)
* Generate a `DenseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` gaussian random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in N(0, 1)
def randn(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, rng: Random): Matrix =
DenseMatrix.randn(numRows, numCols, rng)
* Generate a `SparseMatrix` consisting of `i.i.d.` gaussian random numbers.
* @param numRows number of rows of the matrix
* @param numCols number of columns of the matrix
* @param density the desired density for the matrix
* @param rng a random number generator
* @return `Matrix` with size `numRows` x `numCols` and values in N(0, 1)
def sprandn(numRows: Int, numCols: Int, density: Double, rng: Random): Matrix =
SparseMatrix.sprandn(numRows, numCols, density, rng)
* Generate a diagonal matrix in `Matrix` format from the supplied values.
* @param vector a `Vector` that will form the values on the diagonal of the matrix
* @return Square `Matrix` with size `values.length` x `values.length` and `values`
* on the diagonal
def diag(vector: Vector): Matrix = DenseMatrix.diag(vector)
* Horizontally concatenate a sequence of matrices. The returned matrix will be in the format
* the matrices are supplied in. Supplying a mix of dense and sparse matrices will result in
* a sparse matrix. If the Array is empty, an empty `DenseMatrix` will be returned.
* @param matrices array of matrices
* @return a single `Matrix` composed of the matrices that were horizontally concatenated
def horzcat(matrices: Array[Matrix]): Matrix = {
if (matrices.isEmpty) {
return new DenseMatrix(0, 0, Array[Double]())
} else if (matrices.length == 1) {
return matrices(0)
val numRows = matrices(0).numRows
var hasSparse = false
var numCols = 0
matrices.foreach { mat =>
require(numRows == mat.numRows, "The number of rows of the matrices in this sequence, " +
"don't match!")
mat match {
case sparse: SparseMatrix => hasSparse = true
case dense: DenseMatrix => // empty on purpose
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported matrix format. Expected " +
s"SparseMatrix or DenseMatrix. Instead got: ${mat.getClass}")
numCols += mat.numCols
if (!hasSparse) {
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, matrices.flatMap(_.toArray))
} else {
var startCol = 0
val entries: Array[(Int, Int, Double)] = matrices.flatMap { mat =>
val nCols = mat.numCols
mat match {
case spMat: SparseMatrix =>
val data = new Array[(Int, Int, Double)](spMat.values.length)
var cnt = 0
spMat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
data(cnt) = (i, j + startCol, v)
cnt += 1
startCol += nCols
case dnMat: DenseMatrix =>
val data = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int, Double)]()
dnMat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
if (v != 0.0) {
data.append((i, j + startCol, v))
startCol += nCols
SparseMatrix.fromCOO(numRows, numCols, entries)
* Vertically concatenate a sequence of matrices. The returned matrix will be in the format
* the matrices are supplied in. Supplying a mix of dense and sparse matrices will result in
* a sparse matrix. If the Array is empty, an empty `DenseMatrix` will be returned.
* @param matrices array of matrices
* @return a single `Matrix` composed of the matrices that were vertically concatenated
def vertcat(matrices: Array[Matrix]): Matrix = {
if (matrices.isEmpty) {
return new DenseMatrix(0, 0, Array[Double]())
} else if (matrices.length == 1) {
return matrices(0)
val numCols = matrices(0).numCols
var hasSparse = false
var numRows = 0
matrices.foreach { mat =>
require(numCols == mat.numCols, "The number of rows of the matrices in this sequence, " +
"don't match!")
mat match {
case sparse: SparseMatrix => hasSparse = true
case dense: DenseMatrix => // empty on purpose
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported matrix format. Expected " +
s"SparseMatrix or DenseMatrix. Instead got: ${mat.getClass}")
numRows += mat.numRows
if (!hasSparse) {
val allValues = new Array[Double](numRows * numCols)
var startRow = 0
matrices.foreach { mat =>
var j = 0
val nRows = mat.numRows
mat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
val indStart = j * numRows + startRow
allValues(indStart + i) = v
startRow += nRows
new DenseMatrix(numRows, numCols, allValues)
} else {
var startRow = 0
val entries: Array[(Int, Int, Double)] = matrices.flatMap { mat =>
val nRows = mat.numRows
mat match {
case spMat: SparseMatrix =>
val data = new Array[(Int, Int, Double)](spMat.values.length)
var cnt = 0
spMat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
data(cnt) = (i + startRow, j, v)
cnt += 1
startRow += nRows
case dnMat: DenseMatrix =>
val data = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int, Double)]()
dnMat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
if (v != 0.0) {
data.append((i + startRow, j, v))
startRow += nRows
SparseMatrix.fromCOO(numRows, numCols, entries)
* Convert new linalg type to spark.mllib type. Light copy; only copies references
def fromML(m: newlinalg.Matrix): Matrix = m match {
case dm: newlinalg.DenseMatrix =>
case sm: newlinalg.SparseMatrix =>
* Implicit methods available in Scala for converting [[org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix]] to
* [[org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Matrix]] and vice versa.
private[spark] object MatrixImplicits {
implicit def mllibMatrixToMLMatrix(m: Matrix): newlinalg.Matrix = m.asML
implicit def mllibDenseMatrixToMLDenseMatrix(m: DenseMatrix): newlinalg.DenseMatrix = m.asML
implicit def mllibSparseMatrixToMLSparseMatrix(m: SparseMatrix): newlinalg.SparseMatrix = m.asML
implicit def mlMatrixToMLlibMatrix(m: newlinalg.Matrix): Matrix = Matrices.fromML(m)
implicit def mlDenseMatrixToMLlibDenseMatrix(m: newlinalg.DenseMatrix): DenseMatrix =
implicit def mlSparseMatrixToMLlibSparseMatrix(m: newlinalg.SparseMatrix): SparseMatrix =
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