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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import{Estimator, Model, Transformer}
import{Attribute, NominalAttribute}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, Dataset, Encoder, Encoders, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{If, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils
import org.apache.spark.util.VersionUtils.majorMinorVersion
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.OpenHashMap

 * Base trait for [[StringIndexer]] and [[StringIndexerModel]].
private[feature] trait StringIndexerBase extends Params with HasHandleInvalid with HasInputCol
  with HasOutputCol with HasInputCols with HasOutputCols {

   * Param for how to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values).
   * Options are 'skip' (filter out rows with invalid data),
   * 'error' (throw an error), or 'keep' (put invalid data in a special additional
   * bucket, at index numLabels).
   * Default: "error"
   * @group param
  override val handleInvalid: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, "handleInvalid",
    "How to handle invalid data (unseen labels or NULL values). " +
    "Options are 'skip' (filter out rows with invalid data), error (throw an error), " +
    "or 'keep' (put invalid data in a special additional bucket, at index numLabels).",

   * Param for how to order labels of string column. The first label after ordering is assigned
   * an index of 0.
   * Options are:
   *   - 'frequencyDesc': descending order by label frequency (most frequent label assigned 0)
   *   - 'frequencyAsc': ascending order by label frequency (least frequent label assigned 0)
   *   - 'alphabetDesc': descending alphabetical order
   *   - 'alphabetAsc': ascending alphabetical order
   * Default is 'frequencyDesc'.
   * Note: In case of equal frequency when under frequencyDesc/Asc, the strings are further sorted
   *       alphabetically.
   * @group param
  final val stringOrderType: Param[String] = new Param(this, "stringOrderType",
    "How to order labels of string column. " +
    "The first label after ordering is assigned an index of 0. " +
    s"Supported options: ${StringIndexer.supportedStringOrderType.mkString(", ")}.",

  setDefault(handleInvalid -> StringIndexer.ERROR_INVALID,
    stringOrderType -> StringIndexer.frequencyDesc)

  /** @group getParam */
  def getStringOrderType: String = $(stringOrderType)

  /** Returns the input and output column names corresponding in pair. */
  private[feature] def getInOutCols(): (Array[String], Array[String]) = {
    ParamValidators.checkSingleVsMultiColumnParams(this, Seq(outputCol), Seq(outputCols))

    if (isSet(inputCol)) {
      (Array($(inputCol)), Array($(outputCol)))
    } else {
      require($(inputCols).length == $(outputCols).length,
        "The number of input columns does not match output columns")
      ($(inputCols), $(outputCols))

  private def validateAndTransformField(
      schema: StructType,
      inputColName: String,
      outputColName: String): StructField = {
    val inputDataType = schema(inputColName).dataType
    require(inputDataType == StringType || inputDataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType],
      s"The input column $inputColName must be either string type or numeric type, " +
        s"but got $inputDataType.")
    require(schema.fields.forall( != outputColName),
      s"Output column $outputColName already exists.")

  /** Validates and transforms the input schema. */
  protected def validateAndTransformSchema(
      schema: StructType,
      skipNonExistsCol: Boolean = false): StructType = {
    val (inputColNames, outputColNames) = getInOutCols()

    require(outputColNames.distinct.length == outputColNames.length,
      s"Output columns should not be duplicate.")

    val outputFields = {
      case (inputColName, outputColName) =>
        schema.fieldNames.contains(inputColName) match {
          case true => Some(validateAndTransformField(schema, inputColName, outputColName))
          case false if skipNonExistsCol => None
          case _ => throw new SparkException(s"Input column $inputColName does not exist.")
    StructType(schema.fields ++ outputFields)

 * A label indexer that maps string column(s) of labels to ML column(s) of label indices.
 * If the input columns are numeric, we cast them to string and index the string values.
 * The indices are in [0, numLabels). By default, this is ordered by label frequencies
 * so the most frequent label gets index 0. The ordering behavior is controlled by
 * setting `stringOrderType`.
 * @see `IndexToString` for the inverse transformation
class StringIndexer @Since("1.4.0") (
    @Since("1.4.0") override val uid: String) extends Estimator[StringIndexerModel]
  with StringIndexerBase with DefaultParamsWritable {

  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("strIdx"))

  /** @group setParam */
  def setHandleInvalid(value: String): this.type = set(handleInvalid, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setStringOrderType(value: String): this.type = set(stringOrderType, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = set(inputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setInputCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(inputCols, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setOutputCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(outputCols, value)

   * Gets columns from dataset. If a column is not string type, we replace NaN values
   * with null. Columns are casted to string type.
  private def getSelectedCols(dataset: Dataset[_], inputCols: Seq[String]): Seq[Column] = { { colName =>
      val col = dataset.col(colName)
      if (col.expr.dataType == StringType) {
      } else {
        // We don't count for NaN values. Because `StringIndexerAggregator` only processes strings,
        // we replace NaNs with null in advance.
        new Column(If(col.isNaN.expr, Literal(null), col.expr)).cast(StringType)

  private def countByValue(
      dataset: Dataset[_],
      inputCols: Array[String]): Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]] = {

    val aggregator = new StringIndexerAggregator(inputCols.length)
    implicit val encoder = Encoders.kryo[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]]

    val selectedCols = getSelectedCols(dataset, inputCols) _*)
      .as[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]]

  private def sortByFreq(dataset: Dataset[_], ascending: Boolean): Array[Array[String]] = {
    val (inputCols, _) = getInOutCols()

    val sortFunc = StringIndexer.getSortFunc(ascending = ascending)
    val orgStrings = countByValue(dataset, inputCols).toSeq
    ThreadUtils.parmap(orgStrings, "sortingStringLabels", 8) { counts =>

  private def sortByAlphabet(dataset: Dataset[_], ascending: Boolean): Array[Array[String]] = {
    val (inputCols, _) = getInOutCols()

    val selectedCols = getSelectedCols(dataset, inputCols).map(collect_set(_))
    val allLabels = _*)
    ThreadUtils.parmap(allLabels, "sortingStringLabels", 8) { labels =>
      val sorted = labels.filter(_ != null).sorted
      if (ascending) {
      } else {

  override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): StringIndexerModel = {
    transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)

    // In case of equal frequency when frequencyDesc/Asc, the strings are further sorted
    // alphabetically.
    val labelsArray = $(stringOrderType) match {
      case StringIndexer.frequencyDesc => sortByFreq(dataset, ascending = false)
      case StringIndexer.frequencyAsc => sortByFreq(dataset, ascending = true)
      case StringIndexer.alphabetDesc => sortByAlphabet(dataset, ascending = false)
      case StringIndexer.alphabetAsc => sortByAlphabet(dataset, ascending = true)
    copyValues(new StringIndexerModel(uid, labelsArray).setParent(this))

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): StringIndexer = defaultCopy(extra)

object StringIndexer extends DefaultParamsReadable[StringIndexer] {
  private[feature] val SKIP_INVALID: String = "skip"
  private[feature] val ERROR_INVALID: String = "error"
  private[feature] val KEEP_INVALID: String = "keep"
  private[feature] val supportedHandleInvalids: Array[String] =
  private[feature] val frequencyDesc: String = "frequencyDesc"
  private[feature] val frequencyAsc: String = "frequencyAsc"
  private[feature] val alphabetDesc: String = "alphabetDesc"
  private[feature] val alphabetAsc: String = "alphabetAsc"
  private[feature] val supportedStringOrderType: Array[String] =
    Array(frequencyDesc, frequencyAsc, alphabetDesc, alphabetAsc)

  override def load(path: String): StringIndexer = super.load(path)

  // Returns a function used to sort strings by frequency (ascending or descending).
  // In case of equal frequency, it sorts strings by alphabet (ascending).
  private[feature] def getSortFunc(
      ascending: Boolean): ((String, Long), (String, Long)) => Boolean = {
    if (ascending) {
      case ((strA: String, freqA: Long), (strB: String, freqB: Long)) =>
        if (freqA == freqB) {
          strA < strB
        } else {
          freqA < freqB
    } else {
      case ((strA: String, freqA: Long), (strB: String, freqB: Long)) =>
        if (freqA == freqB) {
          strA < strB
        } else {
          freqA > freqB

 * Model fitted by [[StringIndexer]].
 * @param labelsArray Array of ordered list of labels, corresponding to indices to be assigned
 *                    for each input column.
 * @note During transformation, if any input column does not exist,
 * `StringIndexerModel.transform` would skip the input column.
 * If all input columns do not exist, it returns the input dataset unmodified.
 * This is a temporary fix for the case when target labels do not exist during prediction.
class StringIndexerModel (
    @Since("1.4.0") override val uid: String,
    @Since("3.0.0") val labelsArray: Array[Array[String]])
  extends Model[StringIndexerModel] with StringIndexerBase with MLWritable {

  import StringIndexerModel._

  def this(uid: String, labels: Array[String]) = this(uid, Array(labels))

  def this(labels: Array[String]) = this(Identifiable.randomUID("strIdx"), Array(labels))

  def this(labelsArray: Array[Array[String]]) = this(Identifiable.randomUID("strIdx"), labelsArray)

  @deprecated("`labels` is deprecated and will be removed in 3.1.0. Use `labelsArray` " +
    "instead.", "3.0.0")
  def labels: Array[String] = {
    require(labelsArray.length == 1, "This StringIndexerModel is fit on multiple columns. " +
      "Call `labelsArray` instead.")

  // Prepares the maps for string values to corresponding index values.
  private val labelsToIndexArray: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Double]] = {
    for (labels <- labelsArray) yield {
      val n = labels.length
      val map = new OpenHashMap[String, Double](n)
      labels.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (label, idx) =>
        map.update(label, idx)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setHandleInvalid(value: String): this.type = set(handleInvalid, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = set(inputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setInputCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(inputCols, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setOutputCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(outputCols, value)

  // This filters out any null values and also the input labels which are not in
  // the dataset used for fitting.
  private def filterInvalidData(dataset: Dataset[_], inputColNames: Seq[String]): Dataset[_] = {
    val conditions: Seq[Column] = { i =>
      val inputColName = inputColNames(i)
      val labelToIndex = labelsToIndexArray(i)
      // We have this additional lookup at `labelToIndex` when `handleInvalid` is set to
      // `StringIndexer.SKIP_INVALID`. Another idea is to do this lookup natively by SQL
      // expression, however, lookup for a key in a map is not efficient in SparkSQL now.
      // See `ElementAt` and `GetMapValue` expressions. If SQL's map lookup is improved,
      // we can consider to change this.
      val filter = udf { label: String =>
      .where(conditions.reduce(_ and _))

  private def getIndexer(labels: Seq[String], labelToIndex: OpenHashMap[String, Double]) = {
    val keepInvalid = (getHandleInvalid == StringIndexer.KEEP_INVALID)

    udf { label: String =>
      if (label == null) {
        if (keepInvalid) {
        } else {
          throw new SparkException("StringIndexer encountered NULL value. To handle or skip " +
            "NULLS, try setting StringIndexer.handleInvalid.")
      } else {
        if (labelToIndex.contains(label)) {
        } else if (keepInvalid) {
        } else {
          throw new SparkException(s"Unseen label: $label. To handle unseen labels, " +
            s"set Param handleInvalid to ${StringIndexer.KEEP_INVALID}.")

  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)

    val (inputColNames, outputColNames) = getInOutCols()
    val outputColumns = new Array[Column](outputColNames.length)

    // Skips invalid rows if `handleInvalid` is set to `StringIndexer.SKIP_INVALID`.
    val filteredDataset = if (getHandleInvalid == StringIndexer.SKIP_INVALID) {
      filterInvalidData(dataset, inputColNames)
    } else {

    for (i <- outputColNames.indices) {
      val inputColName = inputColNames(i)
      val outputColName = outputColNames(i)
      val labelToIndex = labelsToIndexArray(i)
      val labels = labelsArray(i)

      if (!dataset.schema.fieldNames.contains(inputColName)) {
        logWarning(s"Input column ${inputColName} does not exist during transformation. " +
          "Skip StringIndexerModel for this column.")
        outputColNames(i) = null
      } else {
        val filteredLabels = getHandleInvalid match {
          case StringIndexer.KEEP_INVALID => labels :+ "__unknown"
          case _ => labels
        val metadata = NominalAttribute.defaultAttr

        val indexer = getIndexer(labels, labelToIndex)

        outputColumns(i) = indexer(dataset(inputColName).cast(StringType))
          .as(outputColName, metadata)

    val filteredOutputColNames = outputColNames.filter(_ != null)
    val filteredOutputColumns = outputColumns.filter(_ != null)

    require(filteredOutputColNames.length == filteredOutputColumns.length)
    if (filteredOutputColNames.length > 0) {
      filteredDataset.withColumns(filteredOutputColNames, filteredOutputColumns)
    } else {

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    validateAndTransformSchema(schema, skipNonExistsCol = true)

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): StringIndexerModel = {
    val copied = new StringIndexerModel(uid, labelsArray)
    copyValues(copied, extra).setParent(parent)

  override def write: StringIndexModelWriter = new StringIndexModelWriter(this)

  override def toString: String = {
    s"StringIndexerModel: uid=$uid, handleInvalid=${$(handleInvalid)}" +
      get(stringOrderType).map(t => s", stringOrderType=$t").getOrElse("") +
      get(inputCols).map(c => s", numInputCols=${c.length}").getOrElse("") +
      get(outputCols).map(c => s", numOutputCols=${c.length}").getOrElse("")

object StringIndexerModel extends MLReadable[StringIndexerModel] {

  class StringIndexModelWriter(instance: StringIndexerModel) extends MLWriter {

    private case class Data(labelsArray: Array[Array[String]])

    override protected def saveImpl(path: String): Unit = {
      DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata(instance, path, sc)
      val data = Data(instance.labelsArray)
      val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString

  private class StringIndexerModelReader extends MLReader[StringIndexerModel] {

    private val className = classOf[StringIndexerModel].getName

    override def load(path: String): StringIndexerModel = {
      val metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path, sc, className)
      val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString

      // We support loading old `StringIndexerModel` saved by previous Spark versions.
      // Previous model has `labels`, but new model has `labelsArray`.
      val (majorVersion, minorVersion) = majorMinorVersion(metadata.sparkVersion)
      val labelsArray = if (majorVersion < 3) {
        // Spark 2.4 and before.
        val data =
        val labels = data.getAs[Seq[String]](0).toArray
      } else {
        // After Spark 3.0.
        val data =
      val model = new StringIndexerModel(metadata.uid, labelsArray)

  override def read: MLReader[StringIndexerModel] = new StringIndexerModelReader

  override def load(path: String): StringIndexerModel = super.load(path)

 * A `Transformer` that maps a column of indices back to a new column of corresponding
 * string values.
 * The index-string mapping is either from the ML attributes of the input column,
 * or from user-supplied labels (which take precedence over ML attributes).
 * @see `StringIndexer` for converting strings into indices
class IndexToString @Since("2.2.0") (@Since("1.5.0") override val uid: String)
  extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with DefaultParamsWritable {

  def this() =

  /** @group setParam */
  def setInputCol(value: String): this.type = set(inputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setLabels(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(labels, value)

   * Optional param for array of labels specifying index-string mapping.
   * Default: Not specified, in which case [[inputCol]] metadata is used for labels.
   * @group param
  final val labels: StringArrayParam = new StringArrayParam(this, "labels",
    "Optional array of labels specifying index-string mapping." +
      " If not provided or if empty, then metadata from inputCol is used instead.")

  /** @group getParam */
  final def getLabels: Array[String] = $(labels)

  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    val inputColName = $(inputCol)
    val inputDataType = schema(inputColName).dataType
      s"The input column $inputColName must be a numeric type, " +
        s"but got $inputDataType.")
    val inputFields = schema.fields
    val outputColName = $(outputCol)
    require(inputFields.forall( != outputColName),
      s"Output column $outputColName already exists.")
    val outputFields = inputFields :+ StructField($(outputCol), StringType)

  override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
    transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true)
    val inputColSchema = dataset.schema($(inputCol))
    // If the labels array is empty use column metadata
    val values = if (!isDefined(labels) || $(labels).isEmpty) {
    } else {
    val indexer = udf { index: Double =>
      val idx = index.toInt
      if (0 <= idx && idx < values.length) {
      } else {
        throw new SparkException(s"Unseen index: $index ??")
    val outputColName = $(outputCol)"*"),

  override def copy(extra: ParamMap): IndexToString = {

object IndexToString extends DefaultParamsReadable[IndexToString] {

  override def load(path: String): IndexToString = super.load(path)

 * A SQL `Aggregator` used by `StringIndexer` to count labels in string columns during fitting.
private class StringIndexerAggregator(numColumns: Int)
  extends Aggregator[Row, Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]], Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]] {

  override def zero: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]] =
    Array.fill(numColumns)(new OpenHashMap[String, Long]())

  def reduce(
      array: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]],
      row: Row): Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]] = {
    for (i <- 0 until numColumns) {
      val stringValue = row.getString(i)
      // We don't count for null values.
      if (stringValue != null) {
        array(i).changeValue(stringValue, 1L, _ + 1)

  def merge(
      array1: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]],
      array2: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]): Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]] = {
    for (i <- 0 until numColumns) {
      array2(i).foreach { case (key: String, count: Long) =>
        array1(i).changeValue(key, count, _ + count)

  def finish(array: Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]): Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]] = array

  override def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]] = {
    Encoders.kryo[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]]

  override def outputEncoder: Encoder[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]] = {
    Encoders.kryo[Array[OpenHashMap[String, Long]]]

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