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import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.FDistribution
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.OpenHashMap
* ANOVA Test for continuous data.
* See Wikipedia for more
* information on ANOVA test.
private[ml] object ANOVATest {
* @param dataset DataFrame of categorical labels and continuous features.
* @param featuresCol Name of features column in dataset, of type `Vector` (`VectorUDT`)
* @param labelCol Name of label column in dataset, of any numerical type
* @return DataFrame containing the test result for every feature against the label.
* This DataFrame will contain a single Row with the following fields:
* - `pValues: Vector`
* - `degreesOfFreedom: Array[Long]`
* - `fValues: Vector`
* Each of these fields has one value per feature.
def test(dataset: DataFrame, featuresCol: String, labelCol: String): DataFrame = {
test(dataset, featuresCol, labelCol, false)
* @param dataset DataFrame of categorical labels and continuous features.
* @param featuresCol Name of features column in dataset, of type `Vector` (`VectorUDT`)
* @param labelCol Name of label column in dataset, of any numerical type
* @param flatten If false, the returned DataFrame contains only a single Row, otherwise, one
* row per feature.
def test(
dataset: DataFrame,
featuresCol: String,
labelCol: String,
flatten: Boolean): DataFrame = {
val spark = dataset.sparkSession
import spark.implicits._
val resultDF = testClassification(dataset, featuresCol, labelCol)
.toDF("featureIndex", "pValue", "degreesOfFreedom", "fValue")
if (flatten) {
} else {
.as[Seq[(Int, Double, Long, Double)]]
.map { seq =>
val results = seq.toArray.sortBy(_._1)
val pValues = Vectors.dense(
val degreesOfFreedom =
val fValues = Vectors.dense(
(pValues, degreesOfFreedom, fValues)
}.toDF("pValues", "degreesOfFreedom", "fValues")
* @param dataset DataFrame of categorical labels and continuous features.
* @param featuresCol Name of features column in dataset, of type `Vector` (`VectorUDT`)
* @param labelCol Name of label column in dataset, of any numerical type
private[ml] def testClassification(
dataset: Dataset[_],
featuresCol: String,
labelCol: String): RDD[(Int, Double, Long, Double)] = {
val spark = dataset.sparkSession
import spark.implicits._
SchemaUtils.checkColumnType(dataset.schema, featuresCol, new VectorUDT)
SchemaUtils.checkNumericType(dataset.schema, labelCol)
val points ="double"), col(featuresCol))
.as[(Double, Vector)].rdd
points.first()._2 match {
case dv: DenseVector =>
testClassificationDenseFeatures(points, dv.size)
case sv: SparseVector =>
testClassificationSparseFeatures(points, sv.size)
private def testClassificationDenseFeatures(
points: RDD[(Double, Vector)],
numFeatures: Int): RDD[(Int, Double, Long, Double)] = {
points.flatMap { case (label, features) =>
require(features.size == numFeatures,
s"Number of features must be $numFeatures but got ${features.size}") { case (col, value) => (col, (label, value)) }
}.aggregateByKey[(Double, Double, OpenHashMap[Double, Double], OpenHashMap[Double, Long])](
(0.0, 0.0, new OpenHashMap[Double, Double], new OpenHashMap[Double, Long]))(
seqOp = {
case ((sum, sumOfSq, sums, counts), (label, value)) =>
// sums: mapOfSumPerClass (key: label, value: sum of features for each label)
// counts: mapOfCountPerClass key: label, value: count of features for each label
sums.changeValue(label, value, _ + value)
counts.changeValue(label, 1L, _ + 1L)
(sum + value, sumOfSq + value * value, sums, counts)
combOp = {
case ((sum1, sumOfSq1, sums1, counts1), (sum2, sumOfSq2, sums2, counts2)) =>
sums2.foreach { case (v, w) => sums1.changeValue(v, w, _ + w) }
counts2.foreach { case (v, w) => counts1.changeValue(v, w, _ + w) }
(sum1 + sum2, sumOfSq1 + sumOfSq2, sums1, counts1)
).map { case (col, (sum, sumOfSq, sums, counts)) =>
val (pValue, degreesOfFreedom, fValue) =
computeANOVA(sum, sumOfSq, sums.toMap, counts.toMap)
(col, pValue, degreesOfFreedom, fValue)
private def testClassificationSparseFeatures(
points: RDD[(Double, Vector)],
numFeatures: Int): RDD[(Int, Double, Long, Double)] = {
val counts =
val numParts = points.getNumPartitions
points.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (pid, iter) =>
iter.flatMap { case (label, features) =>
require(features.size == numFeatures,
s"Number of features must be $numFeatures but got ${features.size}") { case (col, value) => (col, (label, value)) }
} ++ {
// append this to make sure that all columns are taken into account
Iterator.range(pid, numFeatures, numParts).map(col => (col, null))
}.aggregateByKey[(Double, Double, OpenHashMap[Double, Double])](
(0.0, 0.0, new OpenHashMap[Double, Double]))(
seqOp = {
case ((sum, sumOfSq, sums), labelAndValue) =>
// sums: mapOfSumPerClass (key: label, value: sum of features for each label)
if (labelAndValue != null) {
val (label, value) = labelAndValue
sums.changeValue(label, value, _ + value)
(sum + value, sumOfSq + value * value, sums)
} else {
(sum, sumOfSq, sums)
combOp = {
case ((sum1, sumOfSq1, sums1), (sum2, sumOfSq2, sums2)) =>
sums2.foreach { case (v, w) => sums1.changeValue(v, w, _ + w) }
(sum1 + sum2, sumOfSq1 + sumOfSq2, sums1)
).map { case (col, (sum, sumOfSq, sums)) =>
counts.keysIterator.foreach { label =>
// adjust sums if all related feature values are 0 for some label
if (!sums.contains(label)) sums.update(label, 0.0)
val (pValue, degreesOfFreedom, fValue) =
computeANOVA(sum, sumOfSq, sums.toMap, counts)
(col, pValue, degreesOfFreedom, fValue)
private def computeANOVA(
sum: Double,
sumOfSq: Double,
sums: Map[Double, Double],
counts: Map[Double, Long]): (Double, Long, Double) = {
val numSamples = counts.valuesIterator.sum
val numClasses = counts.size
// e.g. features are [3.3, 2.5, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0] and labels are [1, 2, 1, 3, 3]
// sum: sum of all the features (3.3+2.5+1.0+3.0+2.0)
// sumOfSq: sum of squares of all the features (3.3^2+2.5^2+1.0^2+3.0^2+2.0^2)
// sums: mapOfSumPerClass (key: label, value: sum of features for each label)
// ( 1 -> 3.3 + 1.0, 2 -> 2.5, 3 -> 3.0 + 2.0 )
// counts: mapOfCountPerClass (key: label, value: count of features for each label)
// ( 1 -> 2, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 2 )
// sqSum: square of sum of all data ((3.3+2.5+1.0+3.0+2.0)^2)
val sqSum = sum * sum
val ssTot = sumOfSq - sqSum / numSamples
// totalSqSum:
// sum( sq_sum_classes[k] / n_samples_per_class[k] for k in range(n_classes))
// e.g. ((3.3+1.0)^2 / 2 + 2.5^2 / 1 + (3.0+2.0)^2 / 2)
val totalSqSum = sums.iterator
.map { case (label, sum) => sum * sum / counts(label) }.sum
// Sums of Squares Between
val ssbn = totalSqSum - (sqSum / numSamples)
// Sums of Squares Within
val sswn = ssTot - ssbn
// degrees of freedom between
val dfbn = numClasses - 1
// degrees of freedom within
val dfwn = numSamples - numClasses
// mean square between
val msb = ssbn / dfbn
// mean square within
val msw = sswn / dfwn
val fValue = msb / msw
val pValue = 1 - new FDistribution(dfbn, dfwn).cumulativeProbability(fValue)
val degreesOfFreedom = dfbn + dfwn
(pValue, degreesOfFreedom, fValue)
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