org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.internal.Symbols
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.ConstructorUtils
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.{AgnosticEncoder, OuterScopes}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.AgnosticEncoders._
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.ExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval
private[catalyst] object ScalaSubtypeLock
* A default version of ScalaReflection that uses the runtime universe.
object ScalaReflection extends ScalaReflection {
val universe: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.type = scala.reflect.runtime.universe
// Since we are creating a runtime mirror using the class loader of current thread,
// we need to use def at here. So, every time we call mirror, it is using the
// class loader of the current thread.
override def mirror: universe.Mirror = {
import universe._
// The Predef.Map is scala.collection.immutable.Map.
// Since the map values can be mutable, we explicitly import scala.collection.Map at here.
import scala.collection.Map
* Synchronize to prevent concurrent usage of `<:<` operator.
* This operator is not thread safe in any current version of scala; i.e.
* (2.11.12, 2.12.10, 2.13.0-M5).
* See
private[catalyst] def isSubtype(tpe1: `Type`, tpe2: `Type`): Boolean = {
ScalaSubtypeLock.synchronized {
tpe1 <:< tpe2
private def baseType(tpe: `Type`): `Type` = {
tpe.dealias match {
case annotatedType: AnnotatedType => annotatedType.underlying
case other => other
* Returns the parameter names for the primary constructor of this class.
* Logically we should call `getConstructorParameters` and throw away the parameter types to get
* parameter names, however there are some weird scala reflection problems and this method is a
* workaround to avoid getting parameter types.
def getConstructorParameterNames(cls: Class[_]): Seq[String] = {
val m = runtimeMirror(cls.getClassLoader)
val classSymbol = m.staticClass(cls.getName)
val t = selfType(classSymbol)
* Workaround for [[ Scala bug #12190]]
* `ClassSymbol.selfType` can throw an exception in case of cyclic annotation reference
* in Java classes. A retry of this operation will succeed as the class which defines the
* cycle is now resolved. It can however expose further recursive annotation references, so
* we keep retrying until we exhaust our retry threshold. Default threshold is set to 5
* to allow for a few level of cyclic references.
private def selfType(clsSymbol: ClassSymbol, tries: Int = 5): Type = {
scala.util.Try {
} match {
case Success(x) => x
case Failure(_: Symbols#CyclicReference) if tries > 1 =>
// Retry on Symbols#CyclicReference if we haven't exhausted our retry limit
selfType(clsSymbol, tries - 1)
case Failure(e: RuntimeException)
if e.getMessage.contains("illegal cyclic reference") && tries > 1 =>
// UnPickler.unpickle wraps the original Symbols#CyclicReference exception into a runtime
// exception and does not set the cause, so we inspect the message. The previous case
// statement is useful for Java classes while this one is for Scala classes.
selfType(clsSymbol, tries - 1)
case Failure(e) => throw e
private def erasure(tpe: Type): Type = {
// For user-defined AnyVal classes, we should not erasure it. Otherwise, it will
// resolve to underlying type which wrapped by this class, e.g erasure
// `case class Foo(i: Int) extends AnyVal` will return type `Int` instead of `Foo`.
// But, for other types, we do need to erasure it. For example, we need to erasure
// `scala.Any` to `java.lang.Object` in order to load it from Java ClassLoader.
// Please see SPARK-17368 & SPARK-31190 for more details.
if (isSubtype(tpe, localTypeOf[AnyVal]) && !tpe.toString.startsWith("scala")) {
} else {
* Returns the full class name for a type. The returned name is the canonical
* Scala name, where each component is separated by a period. It is NOT the
* Java-equivalent runtime name (no dollar signs).
* In simple cases, both the Scala and Java names are the same, however when Scala
* generates constructs that do not map to a Java equivalent, such as singleton objects
* or nested classes in package objects, it uses the dollar sign ($) to create
* synthetic classes, emulating behaviour in Java bytecode.
def getClassNameFromType(tpe: `Type`): String = {
* Retrieves the runtime class corresponding to the provided type.
def getClassFromType(tpe: Type): Class[_] =
case class Schema(dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean)
/** Returns a catalyst DataType and its nullability for the given Scala Type using reflection. */
def schemaFor[T: TypeTag]: Schema = schemaFor(localTypeOf[T])
/** Returns a catalyst DataType and its nullability for the given Scala Type using reflection. */
def schemaFor(tpe: `Type`): Schema = {
val enc = encoderFor(tpe)
Schema(enc.dataType, enc.nullable)
* Finds an accessible constructor with compatible parameters. This is a more flexible search than
* the exact matching algorithm in `Class.getConstructor`. The first assignment-compatible
* matching constructor is returned if it exists. Otherwise, we check for additional compatible
* constructors defined in the companion object as `apply` methods. Otherwise, it returns `None`.
def findConstructor[T](cls: Class[T], paramTypes: Seq[Class[_]]): Option[Seq[AnyRef] => T] = {
Option(ConstructorUtils.getMatchingAccessibleConstructor(cls, paramTypes: _*)) match {
case Some(c) => Some(x => c.newInstance(x: _*))
case None =>
val companion = mirror.staticClass(cls.getName).companion
val moduleMirror = mirror.reflectModule(companion.asModule)
val applyMethods = companion.asTerm.typeSignature
applyMethods.find { method =>
val params = method.typeSignature.paramLists.head
// Check that the needed params are the same length and of matching types
params.size == paramTypes.size && { case(ps, pc) =>
ps.typeSignature.typeSymbol == mirror.classSymbol(pc)
}.map { applyMethodSymbol =>
val expectedArgsCount = applyMethodSymbol.typeSignature.paramLists.head.size
val instanceMirror = mirror.reflect(moduleMirror.instance)
val method = instanceMirror.reflectMethod(applyMethodSymbol.asMethod)
(_args: Seq[AnyRef]) => {
// Drop the "outer" argument if it is provided
val args = if (_args.size == expectedArgsCount) _args else _args.tail
method.apply(args: _*).asInstanceOf[T]
* Whether the fields of the given type is defined entirely by its constructor parameters.
def definedByConstructorParams(tpe: Type): Boolean = cleanUpReflectionObjects {
tpe.dealias match {
// `Option` is a `Product`, but we don't wanna treat `Option[Int]` as a struct type.
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Option[_]]) => definedByConstructorParams(t.typeArgs.head)
case _ => isSubtype(tpe.dealias, localTypeOf[Product]) ||
isSubtype(tpe.dealias, localTypeOf[DefinedByConstructorParams])
def encodeFieldNameToIdentifier(fieldName: String): String = {
* Create an [[AgnosticEncoder]] from a [[TypeTag]].
* If the given type is not supported, i.e. there is no encoder can be built for this type,
* an [[SparkUnsupportedOperationException]] will be thrown with detailed error message to
* explain the type path walked so far and which class we are not supporting.
* There are 4 kinds of type path:
* * the root type: `root class: ""`
* * the value type of [[Option]]: `option value class: ""`
* * the element type of [[Array]] or [[Seq]]: `array element class: ""`
* * the field of [[Product]]: `field (class: "", name: "myField")`
def encoderFor[E : TypeTag]: AgnosticEncoder[E] = {
* Same as [[encoderFor]] but with extended support to return [[UnboundRowEncoder]] for [[Row]]
* type.
def encoderForWithRowEncoderSupport[E: TypeTag]: AgnosticEncoder[E] = {
encoderFor(typeTag[E].in(mirror).tpe, isRowEncoderSupported = true)
* Create an [[AgnosticEncoder]] for a [[Type]].
def encoderFor(
tpe: `Type`,
isRowEncoderSupported: Boolean = false): AgnosticEncoder[_] = cleanUpReflectionObjects {
val clsName = getClassNameFromType(tpe)
val walkedTypePath = WalkedTypePath().recordRoot(clsName)
encoderFor(tpe, Set.empty, walkedTypePath, isRowEncoderSupported)
private def encoderFor(
tpe: `Type`,
seenTypeSet: Set[`Type`],
path: WalkedTypePath,
isRowEncoderSupported: Boolean): AgnosticEncoder[_] = {
def createIterableEncoder(t: `Type`, fallbackClass: Class[_]): AgnosticEncoder[_] = {
val TypeRef(_, _, Seq(elementType)) = t
val encoder = encoderFor(
val companion = t.dealias.typeSymbol.companion.typeSignature
val targetClass = companion.member(TermName("newBuilder")) match {
case NoSymbol => fallbackClass
case _ => mirror.runtimeClass(t.typeSymbol.asClass)
lenientSerialization = false)
baseType(tpe) match {
// this must be the first case, since all objects in scala are instances of Null, therefore
// Null type would wrongly match the first of them, which is Option as of now
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.NullTpe) => NullEncoder
// Primitive encoders
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.BooleanTpe) => PrimitiveBooleanEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.ByteTpe) => PrimitiveByteEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.ShortTpe) => PrimitiveShortEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.IntTpe) => PrimitiveIntEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.LongTpe) => PrimitiveLongEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.FloatTpe) => PrimitiveFloatEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, definitions.DoubleTpe) => PrimitiveDoubleEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Boolean]) => BoxedBooleanEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Byte]) => BoxedByteEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Short]) => BoxedShortEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Integer]) => BoxedIntEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Long]) => BoxedLongEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Float]) => BoxedFloatEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Double]) => BoxedDoubleEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Array[Byte]]) => BinaryEncoder
// Enums
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.lang.Enum[_]]) =>
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Enumeration#Value]) =>
// package example
// object Foo extends Enumeration {
// type Foo = Value
// val E1, E2 = Value
// }
// the fullName of tpe is example.Foo.Foo, but we need example.Foo so that
// we can call example.Foo.withName to deserialize string to enumeration.
val parent = getClassFromType(t.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].pre)
ScalaEnumEncoder(parent, ClassTag(getClassFromType(t)))
// Leaf encoders
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[String]) => StringEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Decimal]) => DEFAULT_SPARK_DECIMAL_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[BigDecimal]) => DEFAULT_SCALA_DECIMAL_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.math.BigDecimal]) => DEFAULT_JAVA_DECIMAL_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[BigInt]) => ScalaBigIntEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.math.BigInteger]) => JavaBigIntEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[CalendarInterval]) => CalendarIntervalEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.time.Duration]) => DayTimeIntervalEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.time.Period]) => YearMonthIntervalEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.sql.Date]) => STRICT_DATE_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.time.LocalDate]) => STRICT_LOCAL_DATE_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.sql.Timestamp]) => STRICT_TIMESTAMP_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.time.Instant]) => STRICT_INSTANT_ENCODER
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[java.time.LocalDateTime]) => LocalDateTimeEncoder
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Row]) => UnboundRowEncoder
// UDT encoders
case t if t.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[SQLUserDefinedType]) =>
val udt = getClassFromType(t).getAnnotation(classOf[SQLUserDefinedType]).udt().
val udtClass = udt.userClass.getAnnotation(classOf[SQLUserDefinedType]).udt()
UDTEncoder(udt, udtClass)
case t if UDTRegistration.exists(getClassNameFromType(t)) =>
val udt = UDTRegistration.getUDTFor(getClassNameFromType(t)).get.getConstructor().
UDTEncoder(udt, udt.getClass)
// Complex encoders
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Option[_]]) =>
val TypeRef(_, _, Seq(optType)) = t
val encoder = encoderFor(
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Array[_]]) =>
val TypeRef(_, _, Seq(elementType)) = t
val encoder = encoderFor(
ArrayEncoder(encoder, encoder.nullable)
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[scala.collection.Seq[_]]) =>
createIterableEncoder(t, classOf[scala.collection.Seq[_]])
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[scala.collection.Set[_]]) =>
createIterableEncoder(t, classOf[scala.collection.Set[_]])
case t if isSubtype(t, localTypeOf[Map[_, _]]) =>
val TypeRef(_, _, Seq(keyType, valueType)) = t
val keyEncoder = encoderFor(
val valueEncoder = encoderFor(
MapEncoder(ClassTag(getClassFromType(t)), keyEncoder, valueEncoder, valueEncoder.nullable)
case t if definedByConstructorParams(t) =>
if (seenTypeSet.contains(t)) {
throw ExecutionErrors.cannotHaveCircularReferencesInClassError(t.toString)
val params = getConstructorParameters(t).map {
case (fieldName, fieldType) =>
if (SourceVersion.isKeyword(fieldName) ||
!SourceVersion.isIdentifier(encodeFieldNameToIdentifier(fieldName))) {
throw ExecutionErrors.cannotUseInvalidJavaIdentifierAsFieldNameError(
val encoder = encoderFor(
seenTypeSet + t,
path.recordField(getClassNameFromType(fieldType), fieldName),
EncoderField(fieldName, encoder, encoder.nullable, Metadata.empty)
val cls = getClassFromType(t)
ProductEncoder(ClassTag(cls), params, Option(OuterScopes.getOuterScope(cls)))
case _ =>
throw ExecutionErrors.cannotFindEncoderForTypeError(tpe.toString)
* Support for generating catalyst schemas for scala objects. Note that unlike its companion
* object, this trait able to work in both the runtime and the compile time (macro) universe.
trait ScalaReflection extends Logging {
/** The universe we work in (runtime or macro) */
val universe: scala.reflect.api.Universe
/** The mirror used to access types in the universe */
def mirror: universe.Mirror
import universe._
* Any codes calling `scala.reflect.api.Types.TypeApi.<:<` should be wrapped by this method to
* clean up the Scala reflection garbage automatically. Otherwise, it will leak some objects to
* `scala.reflect.runtime.JavaUniverse.undoLog`.
* @see
def cleanUpReflectionObjects[T](func: => T): T = {
* Return the Scala Type for `T` in the current classloader mirror.
* Use this method instead of the convenience method `universe.typeOf`, which
* assumes that all types can be found in the classloader that loaded scala-reflect classes.
* That's not necessarily the case when running using Eclipse launchers or even
* Sbt console or test (without `fork := true`).
* @see SPARK-5281
def localTypeOf[T: TypeTag]: `Type` = {
val tag = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]
private def isValueClass(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
tpe.typeSymbol.isClass && tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isDerivedValueClass
/** Returns the name and type of the underlying parameter of value class `tpe`. */
private def getUnderlyingTypeOfValueClass(tpe: `Type`): Type = {
* Returns the parameter names and types for the primary constructor of this type.
* Note that it only works for scala classes with primary constructor, and currently doesn't
* support inner class.
def getConstructorParameters(tpe: Type): Seq[(String, Type)] = {
val dealiasedTpe = tpe.dealias
val formalTypeArgs = dealiasedTpe.typeSymbol.asClass.typeParams
val TypeRef(_, _, actualTypeArgs) = dealiasedTpe
val params = constructParams(dealiasedTpe) { p =>
val paramTpe = p.typeSignature
if (isValueClass(paramTpe)) {
// Replace value class with underlying type -> getUnderlyingTypeOfValueClass(paramTpe)
} else { -> paramTpe.substituteTypes(formalTypeArgs, actualTypeArgs)
* If our type is a Scala trait it may have a companion object that
* only defines a constructor via `apply` method.
private def getCompanionConstructor(tpe: Type): Symbol = {
def throwUnsupportedOperation = {
throw ExecutionErrors.cannotFindConstructorForTypeError(tpe.toString)
tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.companion match {
case NoSymbol => throwUnsupportedOperation
case sym => sym.asTerm.typeSignature.member(universe.TermName("apply")) match {
case NoSymbol => throwUnsupportedOperation
case constructorSym => constructorSym
protected def constructParams(tpe: Type): Seq[Symbol] = {
val constructorSymbol = tpe.member(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR) match {
case NoSymbol => getCompanionConstructor(tpe)
case sym => sym
val params = if (constructorSymbol.isMethod) {
} else {
// Find the primary constructor, and use its parameter ordering.
val primaryConstructorSymbol: Option[Symbol] = constructorSymbol.asTerm.alternatives.find(
s => s.isMethod && s.asMethod.isPrimaryConstructor)
if (primaryConstructorSymbol.isEmpty) {
throw ExecutionErrors.primaryConstructorNotFoundError(tpe.getClass)
} else {
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