org.apache.spark.sql.RelationalGroupedDataset.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.spark.sql
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{Star, UnresolvedAlias, UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Aggregate, Pivot}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.usePrettyExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.NumericType
* A set of methods for aggregations on a [[DataFrame]], created by [[Dataset.groupBy]].
* The main method is the agg function, which has multiple variants. This class also contains
* convenience some first order statistics such as mean, sum for convenience.
* @since 2.0.0
class RelationalGroupedDataset protected[sql](
df: DataFrame,
groupingExprs: Seq[Expression],
groupType: RelationalGroupedDataset.GroupType) {
private[this] def toDF(aggExprs: Seq[Expression]): DataFrame = {
val aggregates = if (df.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.dataFrameRetainGroupColumns) {
groupingExprs ++ aggExprs
} else {
val aliasedAgg = aggregates.map(alias)
groupType match {
case RelationalGroupedDataset.GroupByType =>
df.sparkSession, Aggregate(groupingExprs, aliasedAgg, df.logicalPlan))
case RelationalGroupedDataset.RollupType =>
df.sparkSession, Aggregate(Seq(Rollup(groupingExprs)), aliasedAgg, df.logicalPlan))
case RelationalGroupedDataset.CubeType =>
df.sparkSession, Aggregate(Seq(Cube(groupingExprs)), aliasedAgg, df.logicalPlan))
case RelationalGroupedDataset.PivotType(pivotCol, values) =>
val aliasedGrps = groupingExprs.map(alias)
df.sparkSession, Pivot(aliasedGrps, pivotCol, values, aggExprs, df.logicalPlan))
// Wrap UnresolvedAttribute with UnresolvedAlias, as when we resolve UnresolvedAttribute, we
// will remove intermediate Alias for ExtractValue chain, and we need to alias it again to
// make it a NamedExpression.
private[this] def alias(expr: Expression): NamedExpression = expr match {
case u: UnresolvedAttribute => UnresolvedAlias(u)
case expr: NamedExpression => expr
case expr: Expression => Alias(expr, usePrettyExpression(expr).sql)()
private[this] def aggregateNumericColumns(colNames: String*)(f: Expression => AggregateFunction)
: DataFrame = {
val columnExprs = if (colNames.isEmpty) {
// No columns specified. Use all numeric columns.
} else {
// Make sure all specified columns are numeric.
colNames.map { colName =>
val namedExpr = df.resolve(colName)
if (!namedExpr.dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType]) {
throw new AnalysisException(
s""""$colName" is not a numeric column. """ +
"Aggregation function can only be applied on a numeric column.")
toDF(columnExprs.map(expr => f(expr).toAggregateExpression()))
private[this] def strToExpr(expr: String): (Expression => Expression) = {
val exprToFunc: (Expression => Expression) = {
(inputExpr: Expression) => expr.toLowerCase match {
// We special handle a few cases that have alias that are not in function registry.
case "avg" | "average" | "mean" =>
UnresolvedFunction("avg", inputExpr :: Nil, isDistinct = false)
case "stddev" | "std" =>
UnresolvedFunction("stddev", inputExpr :: Nil, isDistinct = false)
// Also special handle count because we need to take care count(*).
case "count" | "size" =>
// Turn count(*) into count(1)
inputExpr match {
case s: Star => Count(Literal(1)).toAggregateExpression()
case _ => Count(inputExpr).toAggregateExpression()
case name => UnresolvedFunction(name, inputExpr :: Nil, isDistinct = false)
(inputExpr: Expression) => exprToFunc(inputExpr)
* (Scala-specific) Compute aggregates by specifying a map from column name to
* aggregate methods. The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* The available aggregate methods are `avg`, `max`, `min`, `sum`, `count`.
* {{{
* // Selects the age of the oldest employee and the aggregate expense for each department
* df.groupBy("department").agg(
* "age" -> "max",
* "expense" -> "sum"
* )
* }}}
* @since 1.3.0
def agg(aggExpr: (String, String), aggExprs: (String, String)*): DataFrame = {
agg((aggExpr +: aggExprs).toMap)
* (Scala-specific) Compute aggregates by specifying a map from column name to
* aggregate methods. The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* The available aggregate methods are `avg`, `max`, `min`, `sum`, `count`.
* {{{
* // Selects the age of the oldest employee and the aggregate expense for each department
* df.groupBy("department").agg(Map(
* "age" -> "max",
* "expense" -> "sum"
* ))
* }}}
* @since 1.3.0
def agg(exprs: Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
toDF(exprs.map { case (colName, expr) =>
* (Java-specific) Compute aggregates by specifying a map from column name to
* aggregate methods. The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* The available aggregate methods are `avg`, `max`, `min`, `sum`, `count`.
* {{{
* // Selects the age of the oldest employee and the aggregate expense for each department
* import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
* df.groupBy("department").agg(ImmutableMap.of("age", "max", "expense", "sum"));
* }}}
* @since 1.3.0
def agg(exprs: java.util.Map[String, String]): DataFrame = {
* Compute aggregates by specifying a series of aggregate columns. Note that this function by
* default retains the grouping columns in its output. To not retain grouping columns, set
* `spark.sql.retainGroupColumns` to false.
* The available aggregate methods are defined in [[org.apache.spark.sql.functions]].
* {{{
* // Selects the age of the oldest employee and the aggregate expense for each department
* // Scala:
* import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
* df.groupBy("department").agg(max("age"), sum("expense"))
* // Java:
* import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;
* df.groupBy("department").agg(max("age"), sum("expense"));
* }}}
* Note that before Spark 1.4, the default behavior is to NOT retain grouping columns. To change
* to that behavior, set config variable `spark.sql.retainGroupColumns` to `false`.
* {{{
* // Scala, 1.3.x:
* df.groupBy("department").agg($"department", max("age"), sum("expense"))
* // Java, 1.3.x:
* df.groupBy("department").agg(col("department"), max("age"), sum("expense"));
* }}}
* @since 1.3.0
def agg(expr: Column, exprs: Column*): DataFrame = {
toDF((expr +: exprs).map {
case typed: TypedColumn[_, _] =>
typed.withInputType(df.unresolvedTEncoder.deserializer, df.logicalPlan.output).expr
case c => c.expr
* Count the number of rows for each group.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* @since 1.3.0
def count(): DataFrame = toDF(Seq(Alias(Count(Literal(1)).toAggregateExpression(), "count")()))
* Compute the average value for each numeric columns for each group. This is an alias for `avg`.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* When specified columns are given, only compute the average values for them.
* @since 1.3.0
def mean(colNames: String*): DataFrame = {
aggregateNumericColumns(colNames : _*)(Average)
* Compute the max value for each numeric columns for each group.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* When specified columns are given, only compute the max values for them.
* @since 1.3.0
def max(colNames: String*): DataFrame = {
aggregateNumericColumns(colNames : _*)(Max)
* Compute the mean value for each numeric columns for each group.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* When specified columns are given, only compute the mean values for them.
* @since 1.3.0
def avg(colNames: String*): DataFrame = {
aggregateNumericColumns(colNames : _*)(Average)
* Compute the min value for each numeric column for each group.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* When specified columns are given, only compute the min values for them.
* @since 1.3.0
def min(colNames: String*): DataFrame = {
aggregateNumericColumns(colNames : _*)(Min)
* Compute the sum for each numeric columns for each group.
* The resulting [[DataFrame]] will also contain the grouping columns.
* When specified columns are given, only compute the sum for them.
* @since 1.3.0
def sum(colNames: String*): DataFrame = {
aggregateNumericColumns(colNames : _*)(Sum)
* Pivots a column of the current [[DataFrame]] and perform the specified aggregation.
* There are two versions of pivot function: one that requires the caller to specify the list
* of distinct values to pivot on, and one that does not. The latter is more concise but less
* efficient, because Spark needs to first compute the list of distinct values internally.
* {{{
* // Compute the sum of earnings for each year by course with each course as a separate column
* df.groupBy("year").pivot("course", Seq("dotNET", "Java")).sum("earnings")
* // Or without specifying column values (less efficient)
* df.groupBy("year").pivot("course").sum("earnings")
* }}}
* @param pivotColumn Name of the column to pivot.
* @since 1.6.0
def pivot(pivotColumn: String): RelationalGroupedDataset = {
// This is to prevent unintended OOM errors when the number of distinct values is large
val maxValues = df.sparkSession.conf.get(SQLConf.DATAFRAME_PIVOT_MAX_VALUES)
// Get the distinct values of the column and sort them so its consistent
val values = df.select(pivotColumn)
.sort(pivotColumn) // ensure that the output columns are in a consistent logical order
.take(maxValues + 1)
if (values.length > maxValues) {
throw new AnalysisException(
s"The pivot column $pivotColumn has more than $maxValues distinct values, " +
"this could indicate an error. " +
s"If this was intended, set ${SQLConf.DATAFRAME_PIVOT_MAX_VALUES.key} " +
"to at least the number of distinct values of the pivot column.")
pivot(pivotColumn, values)
* Pivots a column of the current [[DataFrame]] and perform the specified aggregation.
* There are two versions of pivot function: one that requires the caller to specify the list
* of distinct values to pivot on, and one that does not. The latter is more concise but less
* efficient, because Spark needs to first compute the list of distinct values internally.
* {{{
* // Compute the sum of earnings for each year by course with each course as a separate column
* df.groupBy("year").pivot("course", Seq("dotNET", "Java")).sum("earnings")
* // Or without specifying column values (less efficient)
* df.groupBy("year").pivot("course").sum("earnings")
* }}}
* @param pivotColumn Name of the column to pivot.
* @param values List of values that will be translated to columns in the output DataFrame.
* @since 1.6.0
def pivot(pivotColumn: String, values: Seq[Any]): RelationalGroupedDataset = {
groupType match {
case RelationalGroupedDataset.GroupByType =>
new RelationalGroupedDataset(
RelationalGroupedDataset.PivotType(df.resolve(pivotColumn), values.map(Literal.apply)))
case _: RelationalGroupedDataset.PivotType =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("repeated pivots are not supported")
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("pivot is only supported after a groupBy")
* Pivots a column of the current [[DataFrame]] and perform the specified aggregation.
* There are two versions of pivot function: one that requires the caller to specify the list
* of distinct values to pivot on, and one that does not. The latter is more concise but less
* efficient, because Spark needs to first compute the list of distinct values internally.
* {{{
* // Compute the sum of earnings for each year by course with each course as a separate column
* df.groupBy("year").pivot("course", Arrays.
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