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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.WholeStageCodegenExec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.{broadcast, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.Partitioning
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.aggregate.HashAggregateExec
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.{BroadcastHashJoinExec, SortMergeJoinExec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

 * An interface for those physical operators that support codegen.
trait CodegenSupport extends SparkPlan {

  /** Prefix used in the current operator's variable names. */
  private def variablePrefix: String = this match {
    case _: HashAggregateExec => "agg"
    case _: BroadcastHashJoinExec => "bhj"
    case _: SortMergeJoinExec => "smj"
    case _: RDDScanExec => "rdd"
    case _: DataSourceScanExec => "scan"
    case _ => nodeName.toLowerCase

   * Creates a metric using the specified name.
   * @return name of the variable representing the metric
  def metricTerm(ctx: CodegenContext, name: String): String = {
    ctx.addReferenceObj(name, longMetric(name))

   * Whether this SparkPlan support whole stage codegen or not.
  def supportCodegen: Boolean = true

   * Which SparkPlan is calling produce() of this one. It's itself for the first SparkPlan.
  protected var parent: CodegenSupport = null

   * Returns all the RDDs of InternalRow which generates the input rows.
   * Note: right now we support up to two RDDs.
  def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]]

   * Returns Java source code to process the rows from input RDD.
  final def produce(ctx: CodegenContext, parent: CodegenSupport): String = executeQuery {
    this.parent = parent
    ctx.freshNamePrefix = variablePrefix
       |${ctx.registerComment(s"PRODUCE: ${this.simpleString}")}

   * Generate the Java source code to process, should be overridden by subclass to support codegen.
   * doProduce() usually generate the framework, for example, aggregation could generate this:
   *   if (!initialized) {
   *     # create a hash map, then build the aggregation hash map
   *     # call child.produce()
   *     initialized = true;
   *   }
   *   while (hashmap.hasNext()) {
   *     row =;
   *     # build the aggregation results
   *     # create variables for results
   *     # call consume(), which will call parent.doConsume()
   *      if (shouldStop()) return;
   *   }
  protected def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String

   * Consume the generated columns or row from current SparkPlan, call its parent's `doConsume()`.
  final def consume(ctx: CodegenContext, outputVars: Seq[ExprCode], row: String = null): String = {
    val inputVars =
      if (row != null) {
        ctx.currentVars = null
        ctx.INPUT_ROW = row { case (attr, i) =>
          BoundReference(i, attr.dataType, attr.nullable).genCode(ctx)
      } else {
        assert(outputVars != null)
        assert(outputVars.length == output.length)
        // outputVars will be used to generate the code for UnsafeRow, so we should copy them

    val rowVar = if (row != null) {
      ExprCode("", "false", row)
    } else {
      if (outputVars.nonEmpty) {
        val colExprs = { case (attr, i) =>
          BoundReference(i, attr.dataType, attr.nullable)
        val evaluateInputs = evaluateVariables(outputVars)
        // generate the code to create a UnsafeRow
        ctx.INPUT_ROW = row
        ctx.currentVars = outputVars
        val ev = GenerateUnsafeProjection.createCode(ctx, colExprs, false)
        val code = s"""
        ExprCode(code, "false", ev.value)
      } else {
        // There is no columns
        ExprCode("", "false", "unsafeRow")

    ctx.freshNamePrefix = parent.variablePrefix
    val evaluated = evaluateRequiredVariables(output, inputVars, parent.usedInputs)
       |${ctx.registerComment(s"CONSUME: ${parent.simpleString}")}
       |${parent.doConsume(ctx, inputVars, rowVar)}

   * Returns source code to evaluate all the variables, and clear the code of them, to prevent
   * them to be evaluated twice.
  protected def evaluateVariables(variables: Seq[ExprCode]): String = {
    val evaluate = variables.filter(_.code != "").map(_.code.trim).mkString("\n")
    variables.foreach(_.code = "")

   * Returns source code to evaluate the variables for required attributes, and clear the code
   * of evaluated variables, to prevent them to be evaluated twice.
  protected def evaluateRequiredVariables(
      attributes: Seq[Attribute],
      variables: Seq[ExprCode],
      required: AttributeSet): String = {
    val evaluateVars = new StringBuilder
    variables.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (ev, i) =>
      if (ev.code != "" && required.contains(attributes(i))) {
        evaluateVars.append(ev.code.trim + "\n")
        ev.code = ""

   * The subset of inputSet those should be evaluated before this plan.
   * We will use this to insert some code to access those columns that are actually used by current
   * plan before calling doConsume().
  def usedInputs: AttributeSet = references

   * Generate the Java source code to process the rows from child SparkPlan.
   * This should be override by subclass to support codegen.
   * For example, Filter will generate the code like this:
   *   # code to evaluate the predicate expression, result is isNull1 and value2
   *   if (isNull1 || !value2) continue;
   *   # call consume(), which will call parent.doConsume()
   * Note: A plan can either consume the rows as UnsafeRow (row), or a list of variables (input).
  def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException

 * InputAdapter is used to hide a SparkPlan from a subtree that support codegen.
 * This is the leaf node of a tree with WholeStageCodegen that is used to generate code
 * that consumes an RDD iterator of InternalRow.
case class InputAdapter(child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport {

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering

  override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {

  override def doExecuteBroadcast[T](): broadcast.Broadcast[T] = {

  override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
    child.execute() :: Nil

  override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
    val input = ctx.freshName("input")
    // Right now, InputAdapter is only used when there is one input RDD.
    ctx.addMutableState("scala.collection.Iterator", input, s"$input = inputs[0];")
    val row = ctx.freshName("row")
       | while ($input.hasNext()) {
       |   InternalRow $row = (InternalRow) $;
       |   ${consume(ctx, null, row).trim}
       |   if (shouldStop()) return;
       | }

  override def generateTreeString(
      depth: Int,
      lastChildren: Seq[Boolean],
      builder: StringBuilder,
      verbose: Boolean,
      prefix: String = ""): StringBuilder = {
    child.generateTreeString(depth, lastChildren, builder, verbose, "")

object WholeStageCodegenExec {

 * WholeStageCodegen compile a subtree of plans that support codegen together into single Java
 * function.
 * Here is the call graph of to generate Java source (plan A support codegen, but plan B does not):
 *   WholeStageCodegen       Plan A               FakeInput        Plan B
 * =========================================================================
 * -> execute()
 *     |
 *  doExecute() --------->   inputRDDs() -------> inputRDDs() ------> execute()
 *     |
 *     +----------------->   produce()
 *                             |
 *                          doProduce()  -------> produce()
 *                                                   |
 *                                                doProduce()
 *                                                   |
 *                         doConsume() <--------- consume()
 *                             |
 *  doConsume()  <--------  consume()
 * SparkPlan A should override doProduce() and doConsume().
 * doCodeGen() will create a CodeGenContext, which will hold a list of variables for input,
 * used to generated code for BoundReference.
case class WholeStageCodegenExec(child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with CodegenSupport {

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output
  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "pipelineTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext,

   * Generates code for this subtree.
   * @return the tuple of the codegen context and the actual generated source.
  def doCodeGen(): (CodegenContext, CodeAndComment) = {
    val ctx = new CodegenContext
    val code = child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this)
    val source = s"""
      public Object generate(Object[] references) {
        return new GeneratedIterator(references);

      ${ctx.registerComment(s"""Codegend pipeline for\n${child.treeString.trim}""")}
      final class GeneratedIterator extends org.apache.spark.sql.execution.BufferedRowIterator {

        private Object[] references;

        public GeneratedIterator(Object[] references) {
          this.references = references;

        public void init(int index, scala.collection.Iterator inputs[]) {
          partitionIndex = index;


        protected void processNext() throws {

    // try to compile, helpful for debug
    val cleanedSource = CodeFormatter.stripOverlappingComments(
      new CodeAndComment(CodeFormatter.stripExtraNewLines(source), ctx.getPlaceHolderToComments()))

    (ctx, cleanedSource)

  override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val (ctx, cleanedSource) = doCodeGen()
    // try to compile and fallback if it failed
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception if !Utils.isTesting && sqlContext.conf.wholeStageFallback =>
        // We should already saw the error message
        logWarning(s"Whole-stage codegen disabled for this plan:\n $treeString")
        return child.execute()
    val references = ctx.references.toArray

    val durationMs = longMetric("pipelineTime")

    val rdds = child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].inputRDDs()
    assert(rdds.size <= 2, "Up to two input RDDs can be supported")
    if (rdds.length == 1) {
      rdds.head.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (index, iter) =>
        val clazz = CodeGenerator.compile(cleanedSource)
        val buffer = clazz.generate(references).asInstanceOf[BufferedRowIterator]
        buffer.init(index, Array(iter))
        new Iterator[InternalRow] {
          override def hasNext: Boolean = {
            val v = buffer.hasNext
            if (!v) durationMs += buffer.durationMs()
          override def next: InternalRow =
    } else {
      // Right now, we support up to two input RDDs.
      rdds.head.zipPartitions(rdds(1)) { (leftIter, rightIter) =>
        val partitionIndex = TaskContext.getPartitionId()
        val clazz = CodeGenerator.compile(cleanedSource)
        val buffer = clazz.generate(references).asInstanceOf[BufferedRowIterator]
        buffer.init(partitionIndex, Array(leftIter, rightIter))
        new Iterator[InternalRow] {
          override def hasNext: Boolean = {
            val v = buffer.hasNext
            if (!v) durationMs += buffer.durationMs()
          override def next: InternalRow =

  override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException

  override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException

  override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = {
    val doCopy = if (ctx.copyResult) {
    } else {

  override def generateTreeString(
      depth: Int,
      lastChildren: Seq[Boolean],
      builder: StringBuilder,
      verbose: Boolean,
      prefix: String = ""): StringBuilder = {
    child.generateTreeString(depth, lastChildren, builder, verbose, "*")

 * Find the chained plans that support codegen, collapse them together as WholeStageCodegen.
case class CollapseCodegenStages(conf: SQLConf) extends Rule[SparkPlan] {

  private def supportCodegen(e: Expression): Boolean = e match {
    case e: LeafExpression => true
    // CodegenFallback requires the input to be an InternalRow
    case e: CodegenFallback => false
    case _ => true

  private def numOfNestedFields(dataType: DataType): Int = dataType match {
    case dt: StructType => => numOfNestedFields(f.dataType)).sum
    case m: MapType => numOfNestedFields(m.keyType) + numOfNestedFields(m.valueType)
    case a: ArrayType => numOfNestedFields(a.elementType)
    case u: UserDefinedType[_] => numOfNestedFields(u.sqlType)
    case _ => 1

  private def supportCodegen(plan: SparkPlan): Boolean = plan match {
    case plan: CodegenSupport if plan.supportCodegen =>
      val willFallback = plan.expressions.exists(_.find(e => !supportCodegen(e)).isDefined)
      // the generated code will be huge if there are too many columns
      val hasTooManyOutputFields =
        numOfNestedFields(plan.schema) > conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields
      val hasTooManyInputFields = => numOfNestedFields(p.schema)).exists(_ > conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields)
      !willFallback && !hasTooManyOutputFields && !hasTooManyInputFields
    case _ => false

   * Inserts an InputAdapter on top of those that do not support codegen.
  private def insertInputAdapter(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = plan match {
    case j @ SortMergeJoinExec(_, _, _, _, left, right) if j.supportCodegen =>
      // The children of SortMergeJoin should do codegen separately.
      j.copy(left = InputAdapter(insertWholeStageCodegen(left)),
        right = InputAdapter(insertWholeStageCodegen(right)))
    case p if !supportCodegen(p) =>
      // collapse them recursively
    case p =>

   * Inserts a WholeStageCodegen on top of those that support codegen.
  private def insertWholeStageCodegen(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = plan match {
    // For operators that will output domain object, do not insert WholeStageCodegen for it as
    // domain object can not be written into unsafe row.
    case plan if plan.output.length == 1 && plan.output.head.dataType.isInstanceOf[ObjectType] =>
    case plan: CodegenSupport if supportCodegen(plan) =>
    case other =>

  def apply(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    if (conf.wholeStageEnabled) {
    } else {

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