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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.InMemoryFileIndex.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources


import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileInputFormat, JobConf}

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.HiveCatalogMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.FileStreamSink
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

 * A [[FileIndex]] that generates the list of files to process by recursively listing all the
 * files present in `paths`.
 * @param rootPathsSpecified the list of root table paths to scan (some of which might be
 *                           filtered out later)
 * @param parameters as set of options to control discovery
 * @param partitionSchema an optional partition schema that will be use to provide types for the
 *                        discovered partitions
class InMemoryFileIndex(
    sparkSession: SparkSession,
    rootPathsSpecified: Seq[Path],
    parameters: Map[String, String],
    partitionSchema: Option[StructType],
    fileStatusCache: FileStatusCache = NoopCache)
  extends PartitioningAwareFileIndex(
    sparkSession, parameters, partitionSchema, fileStatusCache) {

  // Filter out streaming metadata dirs or files such as "/.../_spark_metadata" (the metadata dir)
  // or "/.../_spark_metadata/0" (a file in the metadata dir). `rootPathsSpecified` might contain
  // such streaming metadata dir or files, e.g. when after globbing "basePath/*" where "basePath"
  // is the output of a streaming query.
  override val rootPaths =
    rootPathsSpecified.filterNot(FileStreamSink.ancestorIsMetadataDirectory(_, hadoopConf))

  @volatile private var cachedLeafFiles: mutable.LinkedHashMap[Path, FileStatus] = _
  @volatile private var cachedLeafDirToChildrenFiles: Map[Path, Array[FileStatus]] = _
  @volatile private var cachedPartitionSpec: PartitionSpec = _


  override def partitionSpec(): PartitionSpec = {
    if (cachedPartitionSpec == null) {
      cachedPartitionSpec = inferPartitioning()
    logTrace(s"Partition spec: $cachedPartitionSpec")

  override protected def leafFiles: mutable.LinkedHashMap[Path, FileStatus] = {

  override protected def leafDirToChildrenFiles: Map[Path, Array[FileStatus]] = {

  override def refresh(): Unit = {

  private def refresh0(): Unit = {
    val files = listLeafFiles(rootPaths)
    cachedLeafFiles =
      new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Path, FileStatus]() ++= => f.getPath -> f)
    cachedLeafDirToChildrenFiles = files.toArray.groupBy(_.getPath.getParent)
    cachedPartitionSpec = null

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case hdfs: InMemoryFileIndex => rootPaths.toSet == hdfs.rootPaths.toSet
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int = rootPaths.toSet.hashCode()

   * List leaf files of given paths. This method will submit a Spark job to do parallel
   * listing whenever there is a path having more files than the parallel partition discovery
   * discovery threshold.
   * This is publicly visible for testing.
  def listLeafFiles(paths: Seq[Path]): mutable.LinkedHashSet[FileStatus] = {
    val output = mutable.LinkedHashSet[FileStatus]()
    val pathsToFetch = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Path]()
    for (path <- paths) {
      fileStatusCache.getLeafFiles(path) match {
        case Some(files) =>
          output ++= files
        case None =>
          pathsToFetch += path
      Unit // for some reasons scalac 2.12 needs this; return type doesn't matter
    val filter = FileInputFormat.getInputPathFilter(new JobConf(hadoopConf, this.getClass))
    val discovered = InMemoryFileIndex.bulkListLeafFiles(
      pathsToFetch, hadoopConf, filter, sparkSession)
    discovered.foreach { case (path, leafFiles) =>
      fileStatusCache.putLeafFiles(path, leafFiles.toArray)
      output ++= leafFiles

object InMemoryFileIndex extends Logging {

  /** A serializable variant of HDFS's BlockLocation. */
  private case class SerializableBlockLocation(
      names: Array[String],
      hosts: Array[String],
      offset: Long,
      length: Long)

  /** A serializable variant of HDFS's FileStatus. */
  private case class SerializableFileStatus(
      path: String,
      length: Long,
      isDir: Boolean,
      blockReplication: Short,
      blockSize: Long,
      modificationTime: Long,
      accessTime: Long,
      blockLocations: Array[SerializableBlockLocation])

   * Lists a collection of paths recursively. Picks the listing strategy adaptively depending
   * on the number of paths to list.
   * This may only be called on the driver.
   * @return for each input path, the set of discovered files for the path
  private def bulkListLeafFiles(
      paths: Seq[Path],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      filter: PathFilter,
      sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[(Path, Seq[FileStatus])] = {

    // Short-circuits parallel listing when serial listing is likely to be faster.
    if (paths.size <= sparkSession.sessionState.conf.parallelPartitionDiscoveryThreshold) {
      return { path =>
        (path, listLeafFiles(path, hadoopConf, filter, Some(sparkSession)))

    logInfo(s"Listing leaf files and directories in parallel under: ${paths.mkString(", ")}")

    val sparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext
    val serializableConfiguration = new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf)
    val serializedPaths =
    val parallelPartitionDiscoveryParallelism =

    // Set the number of parallelism to prevent following file listing from generating many tasks
    // in case of large #defaultParallelism.
    val numParallelism = Math.min(paths.size, parallelPartitionDiscoveryParallelism)

    val previousJobDescription = sparkContext.getLocalProperty(SparkContext.SPARK_JOB_DESCRIPTION)
    val statusMap = try {
      val description = paths.size match {
        case 0 =>
          s"Listing leaf files and directories 0 paths"
        case 1 =>
          s"Listing leaf files and directories for 1 path:
${paths(0)}" case s => s"Listing leaf files and directories for $s paths:
${paths(0)}, ..." } sparkContext.setJobDescription(description) sparkContext .parallelize(serializedPaths, numParallelism) .mapPartitions { pathStrings => val hadoopConf = serializableConfiguration.value Path(_)) { path => (path, listLeafFiles(path, hadoopConf, filter, None)) }.iterator }.map { case (path, statuses) => val serializableStatuses = { status => // Turn FileStatus into SerializableFileStatus so we can send it back to the driver val blockLocations = status match { case f: LocatedFileStatus => { loc => SerializableBlockLocation( loc.getNames, loc.getHosts, loc.getOffset, loc.getLength) } case _ => Array.empty[SerializableBlockLocation] } SerializableFileStatus( status.getPath.toString, status.getLen, status.isDirectory, status.getReplication, status.getBlockSize, status.getModificationTime, status.getAccessTime, blockLocations) } (path.toString, serializableStatuses) }.collect() } finally { sparkContext.setJobDescription(previousJobDescription) } // turn SerializableFileStatus back to Status { case (path, serializableStatuses) => val statuses = { f => val blockLocations = { loc => new BlockLocation(loc.names, loc.hosts, loc.offset, loc.length) } new LocatedFileStatus( new FileStatus( f.length, f.isDir, f.blockReplication, f.blockSize, f.modificationTime, new Path(f.path)), blockLocations) } (new Path(path), statuses) } } /** * Lists a single filesystem path recursively. If a SparkSession object is specified, this * function may launch Spark jobs to parallelize listing. * * If sessionOpt is None, this may be called on executors. * * @return all children of path that match the specified filter. */ private def listLeafFiles( path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, filter: PathFilter, sessionOpt: Option[SparkSession]): Seq[FileStatus] = { logTrace(s"Listing $path") val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf) // [SPARK-17599] Prevent InMemoryFileIndex from failing if path doesn't exist // Note that statuses only include FileStatus for the files and dirs directly under path, // and does not include anything else recursively. val statuses = try fs.listStatus(path) catch { case _: FileNotFoundException => logWarning(s"The directory $path was not found. Was it deleted very recently?") Array.empty[FileStatus] } val filteredStatuses = statuses.filterNot(status => shouldFilterOut(status.getPath.getName)) val allLeafStatuses = { val (dirs, topLevelFiles) = filteredStatuses.partition(_.isDirectory) val nestedFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = sessionOpt match { case Some(session) => bulkListLeafFiles(, hadoopConf, filter, session).flatMap(_._2) case _ => dirs.flatMap(dir => listLeafFiles(dir.getPath, hadoopConf, filter, sessionOpt)) } val allFiles = topLevelFiles ++ nestedFiles if (filter != null) allFiles.filter(f => filter.accept(f.getPath)) else allFiles } allLeafStatuses.filterNot(status => shouldFilterOut(status.getPath.getName)).map { case f: LocatedFileStatus => f // NOTE: // // - Although S3/S3A/S3N file system can be quite slow for remote file metadata // operations, calling `getFileBlockLocations` does no harm here since these file system // implementations don't actually issue RPC for this method. // // - Here we are calling `getFileBlockLocations` in a sequential manner, but it should not // be a big deal since we always use to `listLeafFilesInParallel` when the number of // paths exceeds threshold. case f => // The other constructor of LocatedFileStatus will call FileStatus.getPermission(), // which is very slow on some file system (RawLocalFileSystem, which is launch a // subprocess and parse the stdout). val locations = fs.getFileBlockLocations(f, 0, f.getLen) val lfs = new LocatedFileStatus(f.getLen, f.isDirectory, f.getReplication, f.getBlockSize, f.getModificationTime, 0, null, null, null, null, f.getPath, locations) if (f.isSymlink) { lfs.setSymlink(f.getSymlink) } lfs } } /** Checks if we should filter out this path name. */ def shouldFilterOut(pathName: String): Boolean = { // We filter follow paths: // 1. everything that starts with _ and ., except _common_metadata and _metadata // because Parquet needs to find those metadata files from leaf files returned by this method. // We should refactor this logic to not mix metadata files with data files. // 2. everything that ends with `._COPYING_`, because this is a intermediate state of file. we // should skip this file in case of double reading. val exclude = (pathName.startsWith("_") && !pathName.contains("=")) || pathName.startsWith(".") || pathName.endsWith("._COPYING_") val include = pathName.startsWith("_common_metadata") || pathName.startsWith("_metadata") exclude && !include } }

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