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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitioningUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources

import java.lang.{Double => JDouble, Long => JLong}
import java.math.{BigDecimal => JBigDecimal}
import java.util.{Locale, TimeZone}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Try

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{Resolver, TypeCoercion}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTypes.TablePartitionSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.SchemaUtils

// TODO: We should tighten up visibility of the classes here once we clean up Hive coupling.

object PartitionPath {
  def apply(values: InternalRow, path: String): PartitionPath =
    apply(values, new Path(path))

 * Holds a directory in a partitioned collection of files as well as the partition values
 * in the form of a Row.  Before scanning, the files at `path` need to be enumerated.
case class PartitionPath(values: InternalRow, path: Path)

case class PartitionSpec(
    partitionColumns: StructType,
    partitions: Seq[PartitionPath])

object PartitionSpec {
  val emptySpec = PartitionSpec(StructType(Seq.empty[StructField]), Seq.empty[PartitionPath])

object PartitioningUtils {

  private[datasources] case class PartitionValues(columnNames: Seq[String], literals: Seq[Literal])
    require(columnNames.size == literals.size)

  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.ExternalCatalogUtils.DEFAULT_PARTITION_NAME
  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.ExternalCatalogUtils.escapePathName
  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.ExternalCatalogUtils.unescapePathName

   * Given a group of qualified paths, tries to parse them and returns a partition specification.
   * For example, given:
   * {{{
   *   hdfs://:/path/to/partition/a=1/b=hello/c=3.14
   *   hdfs://:/path/to/partition/a=2/b=world/c=6.28
   * }}}
   * it returns:
   * {{{
   *   PartitionSpec(
   *     partitionColumns = StructType(
   *       StructField(name = "a", dataType = IntegerType, nullable = true),
   *       StructField(name = "b", dataType = StringType, nullable = true),
   *       StructField(name = "c", dataType = DoubleType, nullable = true)),
   *     partitions = Seq(
   *       Partition(
   *         values = Row(1, "hello", 3.14),
   *         path = "hdfs://:/path/to/partition/a=1/b=hello/c=3.14"),
   *       Partition(
   *         values = Row(2, "world", 6.28),
   *         path = "hdfs://:/path/to/partition/a=2/b=world/c=6.28")))
   * }}}
  private[datasources] def parsePartitions(
      paths: Seq[Path],
      typeInference: Boolean,
      basePaths: Set[Path],
      timeZoneId: String): PartitionSpec = {
    parsePartitions(paths, typeInference, basePaths, DateTimeUtils.getTimeZone(timeZoneId))

  private[datasources] def parsePartitions(
      paths: Seq[Path],
      typeInference: Boolean,
      basePaths: Set[Path],
      timeZone: TimeZone): PartitionSpec = {
    // First, we need to parse every partition's path and see if we can find partition values.
    val (partitionValues, optDiscoveredBasePaths) = { path =>
      parsePartition(path, typeInference, basePaths, timeZone)

    // We create pairs of (path -> path's partition value) here
    // If the corresponding partition value is None, the pair will be skipped
    val pathsWithPartitionValues = => -> _))

    if (pathsWithPartitionValues.isEmpty) {
      // This dataset is not partitioned.
    } else {
      // This dataset is partitioned. We need to check whether all partitions have the same
      // partition columns and resolve potential type conflicts.

      // Check if there is conflicting directory structure.
      // For the paths such as:
      // var paths = Seq(
      //   "hdfs://host:9000/invalidPath",
      //   "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
      //   "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello")
      // It will be recognised as conflicting directory structure:
      //   "hdfs://host:9000/invalidPath"
      //   "hdfs://host:9000/path"
      // TODO: Selective case sensitivity.
      val discoveredBasePaths =
        discoveredBasePaths.distinct.size == 1,
        "Conflicting directory structures detected. Suspicious paths:\b" +
          discoveredBasePaths.distinct.mkString("\n\t", "\n\t", "\n\n") +
          "If provided paths are partition directories, please set " +
          "\"basePath\" in the options of the data source to specify the " +
          "root directory of the table. If there are multiple root directories, " +
          "please load them separately and then union them.")

      val resolvedPartitionValues = resolvePartitions(pathsWithPartitionValues, timeZone)

      // Creates the StructType which represents the partition columns.
      val fields = {
        val PartitionValues(columnNames, literals) = resolvedPartitionValues.head { case (name, Literal(_, dataType)) =>
          // We always assume partition columns are nullable since we've no idea whether null values
          // will be appended in the future.
          StructField(name, dataType, nullable = true)

      // Finally, we create `Partition`s based on paths and resolved partition values.
      val partitions = {
        case (PartitionValues(_, literals), (path, _)) =>
          PartitionPath(InternalRow.fromSeq(, path)

      PartitionSpec(StructType(fields), partitions)

   * Parses a single partition, returns column names and values of each partition column, also
   * the path when we stop partition discovery.  For example, given:
   * {{{
   *   path = hdfs://:/path/to/partition/a=42/b=hello/c=3.14
   * }}}
   * it returns the partition:
   * {{{
   *   PartitionValues(
   *     Seq("a", "b", "c"),
   *     Seq(
   *       Literal.create(42, IntegerType),
   *       Literal.create("hello", StringType),
   *       Literal.create(3.14, DoubleType)))
   * }}}
   * and the path when we stop the discovery is:
   * {{{
   *   hdfs://:/path/to/partition
   * }}}
  private[datasources] def parsePartition(
      path: Path,
      typeInference: Boolean,
      basePaths: Set[Path],
      timeZone: TimeZone): (Option[PartitionValues], Option[Path]) = {
    val columns = ArrayBuffer.empty[(String, Literal)]
    // Old Hadoop versions don't have `Path.isRoot`
    var finished = path.getParent == null
    // currentPath is the current path that we will use to parse partition column value.
    var currentPath: Path = path

    while (!finished) {
      // Sometimes (e.g., when speculative task is enabled), temporary directories may be left
      // uncleaned. Here we simply ignore them.
      if (currentPath.getName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) == "_temporary") {
        return (None, None)

      if (basePaths.contains(currentPath)) {
        // If the currentPath is one of base paths. We should stop.
        finished = true
      } else {
        // Let's say currentPath is a path of "/table/a=1/", currentPath.getName will give us a=1.
        // Once we get the string, we try to parse it and find the partition column and value.
        val maybeColumn =
          parsePartitionColumn(currentPath.getName, typeInference, timeZone)
        maybeColumn.foreach(columns += _)

        // Now, we determine if we should stop.
        // When we hit any of the following cases, we will stop:
        //  - In this iteration, we could not parse the value of partition column and value,
        //    i.e. maybeColumn is None, and columns is not empty. At here we check if columns is
        //    empty to handle cases like /table/a=1/_temporary/something (we need to find a=1 in
        //    this case).
        //  - After we get the new currentPath, this new currentPath represent the top level dir
        //    i.e. currentPath.getParent == null. For the example of "/table/a=1/",
        //    the top level dir is "/table".
        finished =
          (maybeColumn.isEmpty && !columns.isEmpty) || currentPath.getParent == null

        if (!finished) {
          // For the above example, currentPath will be "/table/".
          currentPath = currentPath.getParent

    if (columns.isEmpty) {
      (None, Some(path))
    } else {
      val (columnNames, values) = columns.reverse.unzip
      (Some(PartitionValues(columnNames, values)), Some(currentPath))

  private def parsePartitionColumn(
      columnSpec: String,
      typeInference: Boolean,
      timeZone: TimeZone): Option[(String, Literal)] = {
    val equalSignIndex = columnSpec.indexOf('=')
    if (equalSignIndex == -1) {
    } else {
      val columnName = unescapePathName(columnSpec.take(equalSignIndex))
      assert(columnName.nonEmpty, s"Empty partition column name in '$columnSpec'")

      val rawColumnValue = columnSpec.drop(equalSignIndex + 1)
      assert(rawColumnValue.nonEmpty, s"Empty partition column value in '$columnSpec'")

      val literal = inferPartitionColumnValue(rawColumnValue, typeInference, timeZone)
      Some(columnName -> literal)

   * Given a partition path fragment, e.g. `fieldOne=1/fieldTwo=2`, returns a parsed spec
   * for that fragment as a `TablePartitionSpec`, e.g. `Map(("fieldOne", "1"), ("fieldTwo", "2"))`.
  def parsePathFragment(pathFragment: String): TablePartitionSpec = {

   * Given a partition path fragment, e.g. `fieldOne=1/fieldTwo=2`, returns a parsed spec
   * for that fragment as a `Seq[(String, String)]`, e.g.
   * `Seq(("fieldOne", "1"), ("fieldTwo", "2"))`.
  def parsePathFragmentAsSeq(pathFragment: String): Seq[(String, String)] = {
    pathFragment.split("/").map { kv =>
      val pair = kv.split("=", 2)
      (unescapePathName(pair(0)), unescapePathName(pair(1)))

   * This is the inverse of parsePathFragment().
  def getPathFragment(spec: TablePartitionSpec, partitionSchema: StructType): String = { { field =>
      escapePathName( + "=" + escapePathName(spec(

   * Normalize the column names in partition specification, w.r.t. the real partition column names
   * and case sensitivity. e.g., if the partition spec has a column named `monTh`, and there is a
   * partition column named `month`, and it's case insensitive, we will normalize `monTh` to
   * `month`.
  def normalizePartitionSpec[T](
      partitionSpec: Map[String, T],
      partColNames: Seq[String],
      tblName: String,
      resolver: Resolver): Map[String, T] = {
    val normalizedPartSpec = { case (key, value) =>
      val normalizedKey = partColNames.find(resolver(_, key)).getOrElse {
        throw new AnalysisException(s"$key is not a valid partition column in table $tblName.")
      normalizedKey -> value

    SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in the partition schema", resolver)


   * Resolves possible type conflicts between partitions by up-casting "lower" types using
   * [[findWiderTypeForPartitionColumn]].
  def resolvePartitions(
      pathsWithPartitionValues: Seq[(Path, PartitionValues)],
      timeZone: TimeZone): Seq[PartitionValues] = {
    if (pathsWithPartitionValues.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // TODO: Selective case sensitivity.
      val distinctPartColNames =
        distinctPartColNames.size == 1,

      // Resolves possible type conflicts for each column
      val values =
      val columnCount = values.head.columnNames.size
      val resolvedValues = (0 until columnCount).map { i =>
        resolveTypeConflicts(, timeZone)

      // Fills resolved literals back to each partition { case (d, index) =>
        d.copy(literals =

  private[datasources] def listConflictingPartitionColumns(
      pathWithPartitionValues: Seq[(Path, PartitionValues)]): String = {
    val distinctPartColNames =

    def groupByKey[K, V](seq: Seq[(K, V)]): Map[K, Iterable[V]] =
      seq.groupBy { case (key, _) => key }.mapValues( { case (_, value) => value })

    val partColNamesToPaths = groupByKey( {
      case (path, partValues) => partValues.columnNames -> path

    val distinctPartColLists =", ")) {
      case (names, index) =>
        s"Partition column name list #$index: $names"

    // Lists out those non-leaf partition directories that also contain files
    val suspiciousPaths = distinctPartColNames.sortBy(_.length).flatMap(partColNamesToPaths)

    s"Conflicting partition column names detected:\n" +
      distinctPartColLists.mkString("\n\t", "\n\t", "\n\n") +
      "For partitioned table directories, data files should only live in leaf directories.\n" +
      "And directories at the same level should have the same partition column name.\n" +
      "Please check the following directories for unexpected files or " +
      "inconsistent partition column names:\n" +"\t" + _).mkString("\n", "\n", "")

  // scalastyle:off line.size.limit
   * Converts a string to a [[Literal]] with automatic type inference. Currently only supports
   * [[NullType]], [[IntegerType]], [[LongType]], [[DoubleType]], [[DecimalType]], [[DateType]]
   * [[TimestampType]], and [[StringType]].
   * When resolving conflicts, it follows the table below:
   * +--------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+---------------+------------+
   * | InputA \ InputB    | NullType          | IntegerType       | LongType          | DecimalType(38,0)* | DoubleType | DateType      | TimestampType | StringType |
   * +--------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+---------------+------------+
   * | NullType           | NullType          | IntegerType       | LongType          | DecimalType(38,0)  | DoubleType | DateType      | TimestampType | StringType |
   * | IntegerType        | IntegerType       | IntegerType       | LongType          | DecimalType(38,0)  | DoubleType | StringType    | StringType    | StringType |
   * | LongType           | LongType          | LongType          | LongType          | DecimalType(38,0)  | StringType | StringType    | StringType    | StringType |
   * | DecimalType(38,0)* | DecimalType(38,0) | DecimalType(38,0) | DecimalType(38,0) | DecimalType(38,0)  | StringType | StringType    | StringType    | StringType |
   * | DoubleType         | DoubleType        | DoubleType        | StringType        | StringType         | DoubleType | StringType    | StringType    | StringType |
   * | DateType           | DateType          | StringType        | StringType        | StringType         | StringType | DateType      | TimestampType | StringType |
   * | TimestampType      | TimestampType     | StringType        | StringType        | StringType         | StringType | TimestampType | TimestampType | StringType |
   * | StringType         | StringType        | StringType        | StringType        | StringType         | StringType | StringType    | StringType    | StringType |
   * +--------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+--------------------+------------+---------------+---------------+------------+
   * Note that, for DecimalType(38,0)*, the table above intentionally does not cover all other
   * combinations of scales and precisions because currently we only infer decimal type like
   * `BigInteger`/`BigInt`. For example, 1.1 is inferred as double type.
  // scalastyle:on line.size.limit
  private[datasources] def inferPartitionColumnValue(
      raw: String,
      typeInference: Boolean,
      timeZone: TimeZone): Literal = {
    val decimalTry = Try {
      // `BigDecimal` conversion can fail when the `field` is not a form of number.
      val bigDecimal = new JBigDecimal(raw)
      // It reduces the cases for decimals by disallowing values having scale (eg. `1.1`).
      require(bigDecimal.scale <= 0)
      // `DecimalType` conversion can fail when
      //   1. The precision is bigger than 38.
      //   2. scale is bigger than precision.

    if (typeInference) {
      // First tries integral types
      Try(Literal.create(Integer.parseInt(raw), IntegerType))
        .orElse(Try(Literal.create(JLong.parseLong(raw), LongType)))
        // Then falls back to fractional types
        .orElse(Try(Literal.create(JDouble.parseDouble(raw), DoubleType)))
        // Then falls back to date/timestamp types
              .parse(unescapePathName(raw)).getTime * 1000L,
        // Then falls back to string
        .getOrElse {
          if (raw == DEFAULT_PARTITION_NAME) {
            Literal.create(null, NullType)
          } else {
            Literal.create(unescapePathName(raw), StringType)
    } else {
      if (raw == DEFAULT_PARTITION_NAME) {
        Literal.create(null, NullType)
      } else {
        Literal.create(unescapePathName(raw), StringType)

  def validatePartitionColumn(
      schema: StructType,
      partitionColumns: Seq[String],
      caseSensitive: Boolean): Unit = {

    partitionColumnsSchema(schema, partitionColumns, caseSensitive).foreach {
      field => field.dataType match {
        case _: AtomicType => // OK
        case _ => throw new AnalysisException(s"Cannot use ${field.dataType} for partition column")

    if (partitionColumns.nonEmpty && partitionColumns.size == schema.fields.length) {
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Cannot use all columns for partition columns")

  def partitionColumnsSchema(
      schema: StructType,
      partitionColumns: Seq[String],
      caseSensitive: Boolean): StructType = {
    val equality = columnNameEquality(caseSensitive)
    StructType( { col =>
      schema.find(f => equality(, col)).getOrElse {
        throw new AnalysisException(s"Partition column $col not found in schema $schema")

  private def columnNameEquality(caseSensitive: Boolean): (String, String) => Boolean = {
    if (caseSensitive) {
    } else {

   * Given a collection of [[Literal]]s, resolves possible type conflicts by
   * [[findWiderTypeForPartitionColumn]].
  private def resolveTypeConflicts(literals: Seq[Literal], timeZone: TimeZone): Seq[Literal] = {
    val litTypes =
    val desiredType = litTypes.reduce(findWiderTypeForPartitionColumn) { case l @ Literal(_, dataType) =>
      Literal.create(Cast(l, desiredType, Some(timeZone.getID)).eval(), desiredType)

   * Type widening rule for partition column types. It is similar to
   * [[TypeCoercion.findWiderTypeForTwo]] but the main difference is that here we disallow
   * precision loss when widening double/long and decimal, and fall back to string.
  private val findWiderTypeForPartitionColumn: (DataType, DataType) => DataType = {
    case (DoubleType, _: DecimalType) | (_: DecimalType, DoubleType) => StringType
    case (DoubleType, LongType) | (LongType, DoubleType) => StringType
    case (t1, t2) => TypeCoercion.findWiderTypeForTwo(t1, t2).getOrElse(StringType)

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