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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet


import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
import scala.util.{Failure, Try}

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileSplit
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskAttemptContextImpl
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.compat.FilterCompat
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterApi
import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter.SKIP_ROW_GROUPS
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop._
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.codec.CodecConfig
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.util.ContextUtil
import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageType

import org.apache.spark.{SparkException, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeProjection
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.LegacyTypeStringParser
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.vectorized.{OffHeapColumnVector, OnHeapColumnVector}
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.util.{SerializableConfiguration, ThreadUtils}

class ParquetFileFormat
  extends FileFormat
  with DataSourceRegister
  with Logging
  with Serializable {
  // Hold a reference to the (serializable) singleton instance of ParquetLogRedirector. This
  // ensures the ParquetLogRedirector class is initialized whether an instance of ParquetFileFormat
  // is constructed or deserialized. Do not heed the Scala compiler's warning about an unused field
  // here.
  private val parquetLogRedirector = ParquetLogRedirector.INSTANCE

  override def shortName(): String = "parquet"

  override def toString: String = "Parquet"

  override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode()

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[ParquetFileFormat]

  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory = {

    val parquetOptions = new ParquetOptions(options, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)

    val conf = ContextUtil.getConfiguration(job)

    val committerClass =

    if (conf.get(SQLConf.PARQUET_OUTPUT_COMMITTER_CLASS.key) == null) {
      logInfo("Using default output committer for Parquet: " +
    } else {
      logInfo("Using user defined output committer for Parquet: " + committerClass.getCanonicalName)


    // We're not really using `ParquetOutputFormat[Row]` for writing data here, because we override
    // it in `ParquetOutputWriter` to support appending and dynamic partitioning.  The reason why
    // we set it here is to setup the output committer class to `ParquetOutputCommitter`, which is
    // bundled with `ParquetOutputFormat[Row]`.

    ParquetOutputFormat.setWriteSupportClass(job, classOf[ParquetWriteSupport])

    // This metadata is useful for keeping UDTs like Vector/Matrix.
    ParquetWriteSupport.setSchema(dataSchema, conf)

    // Sets flags for `ParquetWriteSupport`, which converts Catalyst schema to Parquet
    // schema and writes actual rows to Parquet files.


    // Sets compression scheme
    conf.set(ParquetOutputFormat.COMPRESSION, parquetOptions.compressionCodecClassName)

    // SPARK-15719: Disables writing Parquet summary files by default.
    if (conf.get(ParquetOutputFormat.ENABLE_JOB_SUMMARY) == null) {
      conf.setBoolean(ParquetOutputFormat.ENABLE_JOB_SUMMARY, false)

    if (conf.getBoolean(ParquetOutputFormat.ENABLE_JOB_SUMMARY, false)
      && !classOf[ParquetOutputCommitter].isAssignableFrom(committerClass)) {
      // output summary is requested, but the class is not a Parquet Committer
      logWarning(s"Committer $committerClass is not a ParquetOutputCommitter and cannot" +
        s" create job summaries. " +
        s"Set Parquet option ${ParquetOutputFormat.ENABLE_JOB_SUMMARY} to false.")

    new OutputWriterFactory {
      // This OutputWriterFactory instance is deserialized when writing Parquet files on the
      // executor side without constructing or deserializing ParquetFileFormat. Therefore, we hold
      // another reference to ParquetLogRedirector.INSTANCE here to ensure the latter class is
      // initialized.
      private val parquetLogRedirector = ParquetLogRedirector.INSTANCE

        override def newInstance(
          path: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new ParquetOutputWriter(path, context)

      override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = {
        CodecConfig.from(context).getCodec.getExtension + ".parquet"

  override def inferSchema(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      parameters: Map[String, String],
      files: Seq[FileStatus]): Option[StructType] = {
    val parquetOptions = new ParquetOptions(parameters, sparkSession.sessionState.conf)

    // Should we merge schemas from all Parquet part-files?
    val shouldMergeSchemas = parquetOptions.mergeSchema

    val mergeRespectSummaries = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetSchemaRespectSummaries

    val filesByType = splitFiles(files)

    // Sees which file(s) we need to touch in order to figure out the schema.
    // Always tries the summary files first if users don't require a merged schema.  In this case,
    // "_common_metadata" is more preferable than "_metadata" because it doesn't contain row
    // groups information, and could be much smaller for large Parquet files with lots of row
    // groups.  If no summary file is available, falls back to some random part-file.
    // NOTE: Metadata stored in the summary files are merged from all part-files.  However, for
    // user defined key-value metadata (in which we store Spark SQL schema), Parquet doesn't know
    // how to merge them correctly if some key is associated with different values in different
    // part-files.  When this happens, Parquet simply gives up generating the summary file.  This
    // implies that if a summary file presents, then:
    //   1. Either all part-files have exactly the same Spark SQL schema, or
    //   2. Some part-files don't contain Spark SQL schema in the key-value metadata at all (thus
    //      their schemas may differ from each other).
    // Here we tend to be pessimistic and take the second case into account.  Basically this means
    // we can't trust the summary files if users require a merged schema, and must touch all part-
    // files to do the merge.
    val filesToTouch =
      if (shouldMergeSchemas) {
        // Also includes summary files, 'cause there might be empty partition directories.

        // If mergeRespectSummaries config is true, we assume that all part-files are the same for
        // their schema with summary files, so we ignore them when merging schema.
        // If the config is disabled, which is the default setting, we merge all part-files.
        // In this mode, we only need to merge schemas contained in all those summary files.
        // You should enable this configuration only if you are very sure that for the parquet
        // part-files to read there are corresponding summary files containing correct schema.

        // As filed in SPARK-11500, the order of files to touch is a matter, which might affect
        // the ordering of the output columns. There are several things to mention here.
        //  1. If mergeRespectSummaries config is false, then it merges schemas by reducing from
        //     the first part-file so that the columns of the lexicographically first file show
        //     first.
        //  2. If mergeRespectSummaries config is true, then there should be, at least,
        //     "_metadata"s for all given files, so that we can ensure the columns of
        //     the lexicographically first file show first.
        //  3. If shouldMergeSchemas is false, but when multiple files are given, there is
        //     no guarantee of the output order, since there might not be a summary file for the
        //     lexicographically first file, which ends up putting ahead the columns of
        //     the other files. However, this should be okay since not enabling
        //     shouldMergeSchemas means (assumes) all the files have the same schemas.

        val needMerged: Seq[FileStatus] =
          if (mergeRespectSummaries) {
          } else {
        needMerged ++ filesByType.metadata ++ filesByType.commonMetadata
      } else {
        // Tries any "_common_metadata" first. Parquet files written by old versions or Parquet
        // don't have this.
            // Falls back to "_metadata"
            // Summary file(s) not found, the Parquet file is either corrupted, or different part-
            // files contain conflicting user defined metadata (two or more values are associated
            // with a same key in different files).  In either case, we fall back to any of the
            // first part-file, and just assume all schemas are consistent.
    ParquetFileFormat.mergeSchemasInParallel(filesToTouch, sparkSession)

  case class FileTypes(
      data: Seq[FileStatus],
      metadata: Seq[FileStatus],
      commonMetadata: Seq[FileStatus])

  private def splitFiles(allFiles: Seq[FileStatus]): FileTypes = {
    val leaves = allFiles.toArray.sortBy(_.getPath.toString)

      data = leaves.filterNot(f => isSummaryFile(f.getPath)),
      metadata =
        leaves.filter(_.getPath.getName == ParquetFileWriter.PARQUET_METADATA_FILE),
      commonMetadata =
        leaves.filter(_.getPath.getName == ParquetFileWriter.PARQUET_COMMON_METADATA_FILE))

  private def isSummaryFile(file: Path): Boolean = {
    file.getName == ParquetFileWriter.PARQUET_COMMON_METADATA_FILE ||
        file.getName == ParquetFileWriter.PARQUET_METADATA_FILE

   * Returns whether the reader will return the rows as batch or not.
  override def supportBatch(sparkSession: SparkSession, schema: StructType): Boolean = {
    val conf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
    conf.parquetVectorizedReaderEnabled && conf.wholeStageEnabled &&
      schema.length <= conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields &&

  override def vectorTypes(
      requiredSchema: StructType,
      partitionSchema: StructType,
      sqlConf: SQLConf): Option[Seq[String]] = {
    Option(Seq.fill(requiredSchema.fields.length + partitionSchema.fields.length)(
      if (!sqlConf.offHeapColumnVectorEnabled) {
      } else {

  override def isSplitable(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      options: Map[String, String],
      path: Path): Boolean = {

  override def buildReaderWithPartitionValues(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      dataSchema: StructType,
      partitionSchema: StructType,
      requiredSchema: StructType,
      filters: Seq[Filter],
      options: Map[String, String],
      hadoopConf: Configuration): (PartitionedFile) => Iterator[InternalRow] = {
    hadoopConf.set(ParquetInputFormat.READ_SUPPORT_CLASS, classOf[ParquetReadSupport].getName)

    ParquetWriteSupport.setSchema(requiredSchema, hadoopConf)

    // Sets flags for `ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter`

    // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
    val pushed =
      if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.parquetFilterPushDown) {
          // Collects all converted Parquet filter predicates. Notice that not all predicates can be
          // converted (`ParquetFilters.createFilter` returns an `Option`). That's why a `flatMap`
          // is used here.
          .flatMap(ParquetFilters.createFilter(requiredSchema, _))
      } else {

    val broadcastedHadoopConf =
      sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf))

    // TODO: if you move this into the closure it reverts to the default values.
    // If true, enable using the custom RecordReader for parquet. This only works for
    // a subset of the types (no complex types).
    val resultSchema = StructType(partitionSchema.fields ++ requiredSchema.fields)
    val sqlConf = sparkSession.sessionState.conf
    val enableOffHeapColumnVector = sqlConf.offHeapColumnVectorEnabled
    val enableVectorizedReader: Boolean =
      sqlConf.parquetVectorizedReaderEnabled &&
    val enableRecordFilter: Boolean =
    val timestampConversion: Boolean =
    // Whole stage codegen (PhysicalRDD) is able to deal with batches directly
    val returningBatch = supportBatch(sparkSession, resultSchema)

    (file: PartitionedFile) => {
      assert(file.partitionValues.numFields == partitionSchema.size)

      val fileSplit =
        new FileSplit(new Path(new URI(file.filePath)), file.start, file.length, Array.empty)

      val split =
        new org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetInputSplit(
          fileSplit.getStart + fileSplit.getLength,

      val sharedConf = broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value
      // PARQUET_INT96_TIMESTAMP_CONVERSION says to apply timezone conversions to int96 timestamps'
      // *only* if the file was created by something other than "parquet-mr", so check the actual
      // writer here for this file.  We have to do this per-file, as each file in the table may
      // have different writers.
      def isCreatedByParquetMr(): Boolean = {
        val footer = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(sharedConf, fileSplit.getPath, SKIP_ROW_GROUPS)
      val convertTz =
        if (timestampConversion && !isCreatedByParquetMr()) {
        } else {

      val attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID(), TaskType.MAP, 0), 0)
      val hadoopAttemptContext =
        new TaskAttemptContextImpl(broadcastedHadoopConf.value.value, attemptId)

      // Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
      // Notice: This push-down is RowGroups level, not individual records.
      if (pushed.isDefined) {
        ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(hadoopAttemptContext.getConfiguration, pushed.get)
      val taskContext = Option(TaskContext.get())
      val parquetReader = if (enableVectorizedReader) {
        val vectorizedReader = new VectorizedParquetRecordReader(
          convertTz.orNull, enableOffHeapColumnVector && taskContext.isDefined)
        vectorizedReader.initialize(split, hadoopAttemptContext)
        logDebug(s"Appending $partitionSchema ${file.partitionValues}")
        vectorizedReader.initBatch(partitionSchema, file.partitionValues)
        if (returningBatch) {
      } else {
        logDebug(s"Falling back to parquet-mr")
        // ParquetRecordReader returns UnsafeRow
        val reader = if (pushed.isDefined && enableRecordFilter) {
          val parquetFilter = FilterCompat.get(pushed.get, null)
          new ParquetRecordReader[UnsafeRow](new ParquetReadSupport(convertTz), parquetFilter)
        } else {
          new ParquetRecordReader[UnsafeRow](new ParquetReadSupport(convertTz))
        reader.initialize(split, hadoopAttemptContext)

      val iter = new RecordReaderIterator(parquetReader)
      taskContext.foreach(_.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => iter.close()))

      // UnsafeRowParquetRecordReader appends the columns internally to avoid another copy.
      if (parquetReader.isInstanceOf[VectorizedParquetRecordReader] &&
          enableVectorizedReader) {
      } else {
        val fullSchema = requiredSchema.toAttributes ++ partitionSchema.toAttributes
        val joinedRow = new JoinedRow()
        val appendPartitionColumns = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(fullSchema, fullSchema)

        // This is a horrible erasure hack...  if we type the iterator above, then it actually check
        // the type in next() and we get a class cast exception.  If we make that function return
        // Object, then we can defer the cast until later!
        if (partitionSchema.length == 0) {
          // There is no partition columns
        } else {
            .map(d => appendPartitionColumns(joinedRow(d, file.partitionValues)))

object ParquetFileFormat extends Logging {
  private[parquet] def readSchema(
      footers: Seq[Footer], sparkSession: SparkSession): Option[StructType] = {

    val converter = new ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter(

    val seen = mutable.HashSet[String]()
    val finalSchemas: Seq[StructType] = footers.flatMap { footer =>
      val metadata = footer.getParquetMetadata.getFileMetaData
      val serializedSchema = metadata
      if (serializedSchema.isEmpty) {
        // Falls back to Parquet schema if no Spark SQL schema found.
      } else if (!seen.contains(serializedSchema.get)) {
        seen += serializedSchema.get

        // Don't throw even if we failed to parse the serialized Spark schema. Just fallback to
        // whatever is available.
          .recover { case _: Throwable =>
              "Serialized Spark schema in Parquet key-value metadata is not in JSON format, " +
                "falling back to the deprecated DataType.fromCaseClassString parser.")
          .recover { case cause: Throwable =>
              s"""Failed to parse serialized Spark schema in Parquet key-value metadata:
          .getOrElse {
            // Falls back to Parquet schema if Spark SQL schema can't be parsed.
      } else {

    finalSchemas.reduceOption { (left, right) =>
      try left.merge(right) catch { case e: Throwable =>
        throw new SparkException(s"Failed to merge incompatible schemas $left and $right", e)

   * Reads Parquet footers in multi-threaded manner.
   * If the config "spark.sql.files.ignoreCorruptFiles" is set to true, we will ignore the corrupted
   * files when reading footers.
  private[parquet] def readParquetFootersInParallel(
      conf: Configuration,
      partFiles: Seq[FileStatus],
      ignoreCorruptFiles: Boolean): Seq[Footer] = {
    val parFiles = partFiles.par
    val pool = ThreadUtils.newForkJoinPool("readingParquetFooters", 8)
    parFiles.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(pool)
    try {
      parFiles.flatMap { currentFile =>
        try {
          // Skips row group information since we only need the schema.
          // ParquetFileReader.readFooter throws RuntimeException, instead of IOException,
          // when it can't read the footer.
          Some(new Footer(currentFile.getPath(),
              conf, currentFile, SKIP_ROW_GROUPS)))
        } catch { case e: RuntimeException =>
          if (ignoreCorruptFiles) {
            logWarning(s"Skipped the footer in the corrupted file: $currentFile", e)
          } else {
            throw new IOException(s"Could not read footer for file: $currentFile", e)
    } finally {

   * Figures out a merged Parquet schema with a distributed Spark job.
   * Note that locality is not taken into consideration here because:
   *  1. For a single Parquet part-file, in most cases the footer only resides in the last block of
   *     that file.  Thus we only need to retrieve the location of the last block.  However, Hadoop
   *     `FileSystem` only provides API to retrieve locations of all blocks, which can be
   *     potentially expensive.
   *  2. This optimization is mainly useful for S3, where file metadata operations can be pretty
   *     slow.  And basically locality is not available when using S3 (you can't run computation on
   *     S3 nodes).
  def mergeSchemasInParallel(
      filesToTouch: Seq[FileStatus],
      sparkSession: SparkSession): Option[StructType] = {
    val assumeBinaryIsString = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetBinaryAsString
    val assumeInt96IsTimestamp = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetINT96AsTimestamp
    val serializedConf = new SerializableConfiguration(sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf())

    // !! HACK ALERT !!
    // Parquet requires `FileStatus`es to read footers.  Here we try to send cached `FileStatus`es
    // to executor side to avoid fetching them again.  However, `FileStatus` is not `Serializable`
    // but only `Writable`.  What makes it worse, for some reason, `FileStatus` doesn't play well
    // with `SerializableWritable[T]` and always causes a weird `IllegalStateException`.  These
    // facts virtually prevents us to serialize `FileStatus`es.
    // Since Parquet only relies on path and length information of those `FileStatus`es to read
    // footers, here we just extract them (which can be easily serialized), send them to executor
    // side, and resemble fake `FileStatus`es there.
    val partialFileStatusInfo = => (f.getPath.toString, f.getLen))

    // Set the number of partitions to prevent following schema reads from generating many tasks
    // in case of a small number of parquet files.
    val numParallelism = Math.min(Math.max(partialFileStatusInfo.size, 1),

    val ignoreCorruptFiles = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.ignoreCorruptFiles

    // Issues a Spark job to read Parquet schema in parallel.
    val partiallyMergedSchemas =
        .parallelize(partialFileStatusInfo, numParallelism)
        .mapPartitions { iterator =>
          // Resembles fake `FileStatus`es with serialized path and length information.
          val fakeFileStatuses = { case (path, length) =>
            new FileStatus(length, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, new Path(path))

          // Reads footers in multi-threaded manner within each task
          val footers =
              serializedConf.value, fakeFileStatuses, ignoreCorruptFiles)

          // Converter used to convert Parquet `MessageType` to Spark SQL `StructType`
          val converter = new ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter(
            assumeBinaryIsString = assumeBinaryIsString,
            assumeInt96IsTimestamp = assumeInt96IsTimestamp)
          if (footers.isEmpty) {
          } else {
            var mergedSchema = ParquetFileFormat.readSchemaFromFooter(footers.head, converter)
            footers.tail.foreach { footer =>
              val schema = ParquetFileFormat.readSchemaFromFooter(footer, converter)
              try {
                mergedSchema = mergedSchema.merge(schema)
              } catch { case cause: SparkException =>
                throw new SparkException(
                  s"Failed merging schema of file ${footer.getFile}:\n${schema.treeString}", cause)

    if (partiallyMergedSchemas.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      var finalSchema = partiallyMergedSchemas.head
      partiallyMergedSchemas.tail.foreach { schema =>
        try {
          finalSchema = finalSchema.merge(schema)
        } catch { case cause: SparkException =>
          throw new SparkException(
            s"Failed merging schema:\n${schema.treeString}", cause)

   * Reads Spark SQL schema from a Parquet footer.  If a valid serialized Spark SQL schema string
   * can be found in the file metadata, returns the deserialized [[StructType]], otherwise, returns
   * a [[StructType]] converted from the [[MessageType]] stored in this footer.
  def readSchemaFromFooter(
      footer: Footer, converter: ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter): StructType = {
    val fileMetaData = footer.getParquetMetadata.getFileMetaData

  private def deserializeSchemaString(schemaString: String): Option[StructType] = {
    // Tries to deserialize the schema string as JSON first, then falls back to the case class
    // string parser (data generated by older versions of Spark SQL uses this format).
    Try(DataType.fromJson(schemaString).asInstanceOf[StructType]).recover {
      case _: Throwable =>
          "Serialized Spark schema in Parquet key-value metadata is not in JSON format, " +
            "falling back to the deprecated DataType.fromCaseClassString parser.")
    }.recoverWith {
      case cause: Throwable =>
          "Failed to parse and ignored serialized Spark schema in " +
            s"Parquet key-value metadata:\n\t$schemaString", cause)

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