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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetSchemaConverter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.parquet.schema._
import org.apache.parquet.schema.OriginalType._
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName._
import org.apache.parquet.schema.Type.Repetition._

import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetSchemaConverter.maxPrecisionForBytes
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

 * This converter class is used to convert Parquet [[MessageType]] to Spark SQL [[StructType]].
 * Parquet format backwards-compatibility rules are respected when converting Parquet
 * [[MessageType]] schemas.
 * @see
 * @param assumeBinaryIsString Whether unannotated BINARY fields should be assumed to be Spark SQL
 *        [[StringType]] fields.
 * @param assumeInt96IsTimestamp Whether unannotated INT96 fields should be assumed to be Spark SQL
 *        [[TimestampType]] fields.
class ParquetToSparkSchemaConverter(
    assumeBinaryIsString: Boolean = SQLConf.PARQUET_BINARY_AS_STRING.defaultValue.get,
    assumeInt96IsTimestamp: Boolean = SQLConf.PARQUET_INT96_AS_TIMESTAMP.defaultValue.get) {

  def this(conf: SQLConf) = this(
    assumeBinaryIsString = conf.isParquetBinaryAsString,
    assumeInt96IsTimestamp = conf.isParquetINT96AsTimestamp)

  def this(conf: Configuration) = this(
    assumeBinaryIsString = conf.get(SQLConf.PARQUET_BINARY_AS_STRING.key).toBoolean,
    assumeInt96IsTimestamp = conf.get(SQLConf.PARQUET_INT96_AS_TIMESTAMP.key).toBoolean)

   * Converts Parquet [[MessageType]] `parquetSchema` to a Spark SQL [[StructType]].
  def convert(parquetSchema: MessageType): StructType = convert(parquetSchema.asGroupType())

  private def convert(parquetSchema: GroupType): StructType = {
    val fields = { field =>
      field.getRepetition match {
        case OPTIONAL =>
          StructField(field.getName, convertField(field), nullable = true)

        case REQUIRED =>
          StructField(field.getName, convertField(field), nullable = false)

        case REPEATED =>
          // A repeated field that is neither contained by a `LIST`- or `MAP`-annotated group nor
          // annotated by `LIST` or `MAP` should be interpreted as a required list of required
          // elements where the element type is the type of the field.
          val arrayType = ArrayType(convertField(field), containsNull = false)
          StructField(field.getName, arrayType, nullable = false)


   * Converts a Parquet [[Type]] to a Spark SQL [[DataType]].
  def convertField(parquetType: Type): DataType = parquetType match {
    case t: PrimitiveType => convertPrimitiveField(t)
    case t: GroupType => convertGroupField(t.asGroupType())

  private def convertPrimitiveField(field: PrimitiveType): DataType = {
    val typeName = field.getPrimitiveTypeName
    val originalType = field.getOriginalType

    def typeString =
      if (originalType == null) s"$typeName" else s"$typeName ($originalType)"

    def typeNotSupported() =
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Parquet type not supported: $typeString")

    def typeNotImplemented() =
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Parquet type not yet supported: $typeString")

    def illegalType() =
      throw new AnalysisException(s"Illegal Parquet type: $typeString")

    // When maxPrecision = -1, we skip precision range check, and always respect the precision
    // specified in field.getDecimalMetadata.  This is useful when interpreting decimal types stored
    // as binaries with variable lengths.
    def makeDecimalType(maxPrecision: Int = -1): DecimalType = {
      val precision = field.getDecimalMetadata.getPrecision
      val scale = field.getDecimalMetadata.getScale

        maxPrecision == -1 || 1 <= precision && precision <= maxPrecision,
        s"Invalid decimal precision: $typeName cannot store $precision digits (max $maxPrecision)")

      DecimalType(precision, scale)

    typeName match {
      case BOOLEAN => BooleanType

      case FLOAT => FloatType

      case DOUBLE => DoubleType

      case INT32 =>
        originalType match {
          case INT_8 => ByteType
          case INT_16 => ShortType
          case INT_32 | null => IntegerType
          case DATE => DateType
          case DECIMAL => makeDecimalType(Decimal.MAX_INT_DIGITS)
          case UINT_8 => typeNotSupported()
          case UINT_16 => typeNotSupported()
          case UINT_32 => typeNotSupported()
          case TIME_MILLIS => typeNotImplemented()
          case _ => illegalType()

      case INT64 =>
        originalType match {
          case INT_64 | null => LongType
          case DECIMAL => makeDecimalType(Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS)
          case UINT_64 => typeNotSupported()
          case TIMESTAMP_MICROS => TimestampType
          case TIMESTAMP_MILLIS => TimestampType
          case _ => illegalType()

      case INT96 =>
          "INT96 is not supported unless it's interpreted as timestamp. " +
            s"Please try to set ${SQLConf.PARQUET_INT96_AS_TIMESTAMP.key} to true.")

      case BINARY =>
        originalType match {
          case UTF8 | ENUM | JSON => StringType
          case null if assumeBinaryIsString => StringType
          case null => BinaryType
          case BSON => BinaryType
          case DECIMAL => makeDecimalType()
          case _ => illegalType()

      case FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY =>
        originalType match {
          case DECIMAL => makeDecimalType(maxPrecisionForBytes(field.getTypeLength))
          case INTERVAL => typeNotImplemented()
          case _ => illegalType()

      case _ => illegalType()

  private def convertGroupField(field: GroupType): DataType = {
    Option(field.getOriginalType).fold(convert(field): DataType) {
      // A Parquet list is represented as a 3-level structure:
      //    group  (LIST) {
      //     repeated group list {
      //         element;
      //     }
      //   }
      // However, according to the most recent Parquet format spec (not released yet up until
      // writing), some 2-level structures are also recognized for backwards-compatibility.  Thus,
      // we need to check whether the 2nd level or the 3rd level refers to list element type.
      // See:
      case LIST =>
          field.getFieldCount == 1, s"Invalid list type $field")

        val repeatedType = field.getType(0)
          repeatedType.isRepetition(REPEATED), s"Invalid list type $field")

        if (isElementType(repeatedType, field.getName)) {
          ArrayType(convertField(repeatedType), containsNull = false)
        } else {
          val elementType = repeatedType.asGroupType().getType(0)
          val optional = elementType.isRepetition(OPTIONAL)
          ArrayType(convertField(elementType), containsNull = optional)

      // scalastyle:off
      // `MAP_KEY_VALUE` is for backwards-compatibility
      // See:
      // scalastyle:on
      case MAP | MAP_KEY_VALUE =>
          field.getFieldCount == 1 && !field.getType(0).isPrimitive,
          s"Invalid map type: $field")

        val keyValueType = field.getType(0).asGroupType()
          keyValueType.isRepetition(REPEATED) && keyValueType.getFieldCount == 2,
          s"Invalid map type: $field")

        val keyType = keyValueType.getType(0)
          s"Map key type is expected to be a primitive type, but found: $keyType")

        val valueType = keyValueType.getType(1)
        val valueOptional = valueType.isRepetition(OPTIONAL)
          valueContainsNull = valueOptional)

      case _ =>
        throw new AnalysisException(s"Unrecognized Parquet type: $field")

  // scalastyle:off
  // Here we implement Parquet LIST backwards-compatibility rules.
  // See:
  // scalastyle:on
  private def isElementType(repeatedType: Type, parentName: String): Boolean = {
      // For legacy 2-level list types with primitive element type, e.g.:
      //    // ARRAY (nullable list, non-null elements)
      //    optional group my_list (LIST) {
      //      repeated int32 element;
      //    }
    } || {
      // For legacy 2-level list types whose element type is a group type with 2 or more fields,
      // e.g.:
      //    // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
      //    optional group my_list (LIST) {
      //      repeated group element {
      //        required binary str (UTF8);
      //        required int32 num;
      //      };
      //    }
      repeatedType.asGroupType().getFieldCount > 1
    } || {
      // For legacy 2-level list types generated by parquet-avro (Parquet version < 1.6.0), e.g.:
      //    // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
      //    optional group my_list (LIST) {
      //      repeated group array {
      //        required binary str (UTF8);
      //      };
      //    }
      repeatedType.getName == "array"
    } || {
      // For Parquet data generated by parquet-thrift, e.g.:
      //    // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
      //    optional group my_list (LIST) {
      //      repeated group my_list_tuple {
      //        required binary str (UTF8);
      //      };
      //    }
      repeatedType.getName == s"${parentName}_tuple"

 * This converter class is used to convert Spark SQL [[StructType]] to Parquet [[MessageType]].
 * @param writeLegacyParquetFormat Whether to use legacy Parquet format compatible with Spark 1.4
 *        and prior versions when converting a Catalyst [[StructType]] to a Parquet [[MessageType]].
 *        When set to false, use standard format defined in parquet-format spec.  This argument only
 *        affects Parquet write path.
 * @param outputTimestampType which parquet timestamp type to use when writing.
class SparkToParquetSchemaConverter(
    writeLegacyParquetFormat: Boolean = SQLConf.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT.defaultValue.get,
    outputTimestampType: SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.Value =
      SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.INT96) {

  def this(conf: SQLConf) = this(
    writeLegacyParquetFormat = conf.writeLegacyParquetFormat,
    outputTimestampType = conf.parquetOutputTimestampType)

  def this(conf: Configuration) = this(
    writeLegacyParquetFormat = conf.get(SQLConf.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT.key).toBoolean,
    outputTimestampType = SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.withName(

   * Converts a Spark SQL [[StructType]] to a Parquet [[MessageType]].
  def convert(catalystSchema: StructType): MessageType = {
      .addFields( _*)

   * Converts a Spark SQL [[StructField]] to a Parquet [[Type]].
  def convertField(field: StructField): Type = {
    convertField(field, if (field.nullable) OPTIONAL else REQUIRED)

  private def convertField(field: StructField, repetition: Type.Repetition): Type = {

    field.dataType match {
      // ===================
      // Simple atomic types
      // ===================

      case BooleanType =>
        Types.primitive(BOOLEAN, repetition).named(

      case ByteType =>
        Types.primitive(INT32, repetition).as(INT_8).named(

      case ShortType =>
        Types.primitive(INT32, repetition).as(INT_16).named(

      case IntegerType =>
        Types.primitive(INT32, repetition).named(

      case LongType =>
        Types.primitive(INT64, repetition).named(

      case FloatType =>
        Types.primitive(FLOAT, repetition).named(

      case DoubleType =>
        Types.primitive(DOUBLE, repetition).named(

      case StringType =>
        Types.primitive(BINARY, repetition).as(UTF8).named(

      case DateType =>
        Types.primitive(INT32, repetition).as(DATE).named(

      // NOTE: Spark SQL can write timestamp values to Parquet using INT96, TIMESTAMP_MICROS or
      // TIMESTAMP_MILLIS. TIMESTAMP_MICROS is recommended but INT96 is the default to keep the
      // behavior same as before.
      // As stated in PARQUET-323, Parquet `INT96` was originally introduced to represent nanosecond
      // timestamp in Impala for some historical reasons.  It's not recommended to be used for any
      // other types and will probably be deprecated in some future version of parquet-format spec.
      // That's the reason why parquet-format spec only defines `TIMESTAMP_MILLIS` and
      // `TIMESTAMP_MICROS` which are both logical types annotating `INT64`.
      // Originally, Spark SQL uses the same nanosecond timestamp type as Impala and Hive.  Starting
      // from Spark 1.5.0, we resort to a timestamp type with microsecond precision so that we can
      // store a timestamp into a `Long`.  This design decision is subject to change though, for
      // example, we may resort to nanosecond precision in the future.
      case TimestampType =>
        outputTimestampType match {
          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.INT96 =>
            Types.primitive(INT96, repetition).named(
          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.TIMESTAMP_MICROS =>
            Types.primitive(INT64, repetition).as(TIMESTAMP_MICROS).named(
          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS =>
            Types.primitive(INT64, repetition).as(TIMESTAMP_MILLIS).named(

      case BinaryType =>
        Types.primitive(BINARY, repetition).named(

      // ======================
      // Decimals (legacy mode)
      // ======================

      // Spark 1.4.x and prior versions only support decimals with a maximum precision of 18 and
      // always store decimals in fixed-length byte arrays.  To keep compatibility with these older
      // versions, here we convert decimals with all precisions to `FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY` annotated
      // by `DECIMAL`.
      case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale) if writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
          .primitive(FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, repetition)

      // ========================
      // Decimals (standard mode)
      // ========================

      // Uses INT32 for 1 <= precision <= 9
      case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale)
          if precision <= Decimal.MAX_INT_DIGITS && !writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
          .primitive(INT32, repetition)

      // Uses INT64 for 1 <= precision <= 18
      case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale)
          if precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS && !writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
          .primitive(INT64, repetition)

      // Uses FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY for all other precisions
      case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale) if !writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
          .primitive(FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, repetition)

      // ===================================
      // ArrayType and MapType (legacy mode)
      // ===================================

      // Spark 1.4.x and prior versions convert `ArrayType` with nullable elements into a 3-level
      // `LIST` structure.  This behavior is somewhat a hybrid of parquet-hive and parquet-avro
      // (1.6.0rc3): the 3-level structure is similar to parquet-hive while the 3rd level element
      // field name "array" is borrowed from parquet-avro.
      case ArrayType(elementType, nullable @ true) if writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
        //  group  (LIST) {
        //   optional group bag {
        //     repeated  array;
        //   }
        // }

        // This should not use `listOfElements` here because this new method checks if the
        // element name is `element` in the `GroupType` and throws an exception if not.
        // As mentioned above, Spark prior to 1.4.x writes `ArrayType` as `LIST` but with
        // `array` as its element name as below. Therefore, we build manually
        // the correct group type here via the builder. (See SPARK-16777)
            // "array" is the name chosen by parquet-hive (1.7.0 and prior version)
            .addField(convertField(StructField("array", elementType, nullable)))

      // Spark 1.4.x and prior versions convert ArrayType with non-nullable elements into a 2-level
      // LIST structure.  This behavior mimics parquet-avro (1.6.0rc3).  Note that this case is
      // covered by the backwards-compatibility rules implemented in `isElementType()`.
      case ArrayType(elementType, nullable @ false) if writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
        //  group  (LIST) {
        //   repeated  element;
        // }

        // Here too, we should not use `listOfElements`. (See SPARK-16777)
          // "array" is the name chosen by parquet-avro (1.7.0 and prior version)
          .addField(convertField(StructField("array", elementType, nullable), REPEATED))

      // Spark 1.4.x and prior versions convert MapType into a 3-level group annotated by
      // MAP_KEY_VALUE.  This is covered by `convertGroupField(field: GroupType): DataType`.
      case MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull) if writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
        //  group  (MAP) {
        //   repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
        //     required  key;
        //       value;
        //   }
        // }
          convertField(StructField("key", keyType, nullable = false)),
          convertField(StructField("value", valueType, valueContainsNull)))

      // =====================================
      // ArrayType and MapType (standard mode)
      // =====================================

      case ArrayType(elementType, containsNull) if !writeLegacyParquetFormat =>
        //  group  (LIST) {
        //   repeated group list {
        //       element;
        //   }
        // }
              .addField(convertField(StructField("element", elementType, containsNull)))

      case MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull) =>
        //  group  (MAP) {
        //   repeated group key_value {
        //     required  key;
        //       value;
        //   }
        // }
              .addField(convertField(StructField("key", keyType, nullable = false)))
              .addField(convertField(StructField("value", valueType, valueContainsNull)))

      // ===========
      // Other types
      // ===========

      case StructType(fields) =>
        fields.foldLeft(Types.buildGroup(repetition)) { (builder, field) =>

      case udt: UserDefinedType[_] =>
        convertField(field.copy(dataType = udt.sqlType))

      case _ =>
        throw new AnalysisException(s"Unsupported data type $field.dataType")

private[sql] object ParquetSchemaConverter {
  val SPARK_PARQUET_SCHEMA_NAME = "spark_schema"

  val EMPTY_MESSAGE: MessageType =

  def checkFieldName(name: String): Unit = {
    // ,;{}()\n\t= and space are special characters in Parquet schema
      !name.matches(".*[ ,;{}()\n\t=].*"),
      s"""Attribute name "$name" contains invalid character(s) among " ,;{}()\\n\\t=".
         |Please use alias to rename it.
       """.stripMargin.split("\n").mkString(" ").trim)

  def checkFieldNames(names: Seq[String]): Unit = {

  def checkConversionRequirement(f: => Boolean, message: String): Unit = {
    if (!f) {
      throw new AnalysisException(message)

  private def computeMinBytesForPrecision(precision : Int) : Int = {
    var numBytes = 1
    while (math.pow(2.0, 8 * numBytes - 1) < math.pow(10.0, precision)) {
      numBytes += 1

  // Returns the minimum number of bytes needed to store a decimal with a given `precision`.
  val minBytesForPrecision = Array.tabulate[Int](39)(computeMinBytesForPrecision)

  // Max precision of a decimal value stored in `numBytes` bytes
  def maxPrecisionForBytes(numBytes: Int): Int = {
    Math.round(                               // convert double to long
      Math.floor(Math.log10(                  // number of base-10 digits
        Math.pow(2, 8 * numBytes - 1) - 1)))  // max value stored in numBytes

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