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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetWriteSupport.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet

import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
import java.util

import scala.collection.JavaConverters.mapAsJavaMapConverter

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.parquet.column.ParquetProperties
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetOutputFormat
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport.WriteContext
import{Binary, RecordConsumer}

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.SpecializedGetters
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetSchemaConverter.minBytesForPrecision
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

 * A Parquet [[WriteSupport]] implementation that writes Catalyst [[InternalRow]]s as Parquet
 * messages.  This class can write Parquet data in two modes:
 *  - Standard mode: Parquet data are written in standard format defined in parquet-format spec.
 *  - Legacy mode: Parquet data are written in legacy format compatible with Spark 1.4 and prior.
 * This behavior can be controlled by SQL option `spark.sql.parquet.writeLegacyFormat`.  The value
 * of this option is propagated to this class by the `init()` method and its Hadoop configuration
 * argument.
private[parquet] class ParquetWriteSupport extends WriteSupport[InternalRow] with Logging {
  // A `ValueWriter` is responsible for writing a field of an `InternalRow` to the record consumer.
  // Here we are using `SpecializedGetters` rather than `InternalRow` so that we can directly access
  // data in `ArrayData` without the help of `SpecificMutableRow`.
  private type ValueWriter = (SpecializedGetters, Int) => Unit

  // Schema of the `InternalRow`s to be written
  private var schema: StructType = _

  // `ValueWriter`s for all fields of the schema
  private var rootFieldWriters: Array[ValueWriter] = _

  // The Parquet `RecordConsumer` to which all `InternalRow`s are written
  private var recordConsumer: RecordConsumer = _

  // Whether to write data in legacy Parquet format compatible with Spark 1.4 and prior versions
  private var writeLegacyParquetFormat: Boolean = _

  // Which parquet timestamp type to use when writing.
  private var outputTimestampType: SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.Value = _

  // Reusable byte array used to write timestamps as Parquet INT96 values
  private val timestampBuffer = new Array[Byte](12)

  // Reusable byte array used to write decimal values
  private val decimalBuffer = new Array[Byte](minBytesForPrecision(DecimalType.MAX_PRECISION))

  override def init(configuration: Configuration): WriteContext = {
    val schemaString = configuration.get(ParquetWriteSupport.SPARK_ROW_SCHEMA)
    this.schema = StructType.fromString(schemaString)
    this.writeLegacyParquetFormat = {
      // `SQLConf.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT` should always be explicitly set in ParquetRelation
      assert(configuration.get(SQLConf.PARQUET_WRITE_LEGACY_FORMAT.key) != null)

    this.outputTimestampType = {
      assert(configuration.get(key) != null)

    this.rootFieldWriters =[ValueWriter]

    val messageType = new SparkToParquetSchemaConverter(configuration).convert(schema)
    val metadata = Map(ParquetReadSupport.SPARK_METADATA_KEY -> schemaString).asJava

      s"""Initialized Parquet WriteSupport with Catalyst schema:
         |and corresponding Parquet message type:

    new WriteContext(messageType, metadata)

  override def prepareForWrite(recordConsumer: RecordConsumer): Unit = {
    this.recordConsumer = recordConsumer

  override def write(row: InternalRow): Unit = {
    consumeMessage {
      writeFields(row, schema, rootFieldWriters)

  private def writeFields(
      row: InternalRow, schema: StructType, fieldWriters: Array[ValueWriter]): Unit = {
    var i = 0
    while (i < row.numFields) {
      if (!row.isNullAt(i)) {
        consumeField(schema(i).name, i) {
          fieldWriters(i).apply(row, i)
      i += 1

  private def makeWriter(dataType: DataType): ValueWriter = {
    dataType match {
      case BooleanType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case ByteType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case ShortType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case IntegerType | DateType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case LongType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case FloatType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case DoubleType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case StringType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case TimestampType =>
        outputTimestampType match {
          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.INT96 =>
            (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>
              val (julianDay, timeOfDayNanos) = DateTimeUtils.toJulianDay(row.getLong(ordinal))
              val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(timestampBuffer)

          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.TIMESTAMP_MICROS =>
            (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

          case SQLConf.ParquetOutputTimestampType.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS =>
            (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>
              val millis = DateTimeUtils.toMillis(row.getLong(ordinal))

      case BinaryType =>
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>

      case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale) =>
        makeDecimalWriter(precision, scale)

      case t: StructType =>
        val fieldWriters =[ValueWriter]
        (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) =>
          consumeGroup {
            writeFields(row.getStruct(ordinal, t.length), t, fieldWriters)

      case t: ArrayType => makeArrayWriter(t)

      case t: MapType => makeMapWriter(t)

      case t: UserDefinedType[_] => makeWriter(t.sqlType)

      // TODO Adds IntervalType support
      case _ => sys.error(s"Unsupported data type $dataType.")

  private def makeDecimalWriter(precision: Int, scale: Int): ValueWriter = {
      precision <= DecimalType.MAX_PRECISION,
      s"Decimal precision $precision exceeds max precision ${DecimalType.MAX_PRECISION}")

    val numBytes = minBytesForPrecision(precision)

    val int32Writer =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        val unscaledLong = row.getDecimal(ordinal, precision, scale).toUnscaledLong

    val int64Writer =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        val unscaledLong = row.getDecimal(ordinal, precision, scale).toUnscaledLong

    val binaryWriterUsingUnscaledLong =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        // When the precision is low enough (<= 18) to squeeze the decimal value into a `Long`, we
        // can build a fixed-length byte array with length `numBytes` using the unscaled `Long`
        // value and the `decimalBuffer` for better performance.
        val unscaled = row.getDecimal(ordinal, precision, scale).toUnscaledLong
        var i = 0
        var shift = 8 * (numBytes - 1)

        while (i < numBytes) {
          decimalBuffer(i) = (unscaled >> shift).toByte
          i += 1
          shift -= 8

        recordConsumer.addBinary(Binary.fromReusedByteArray(decimalBuffer, 0, numBytes))

    val binaryWriterUsingUnscaledBytes =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        val decimal = row.getDecimal(ordinal, precision, scale)
        val bytes = decimal.toJavaBigDecimal.unscaledValue().toByteArray
        val fixedLengthBytes = if (bytes.length == numBytes) {
          // If the length of the underlying byte array of the unscaled `BigInteger` happens to be
          // `numBytes`, just reuse it, so that we don't bother copying it to `decimalBuffer`.
        } else {
          // Otherwise, the length must be less than `numBytes`.  In this case we copy contents of
          // the underlying bytes with padding sign bytes to `decimalBuffer` to form the result
          // fixed-length byte array.
          val signByte = if (bytes.head < 0) -1: Byte else 0: Byte
          util.Arrays.fill(decimalBuffer, 0, numBytes - bytes.length, signByte)
          System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, decimalBuffer, numBytes - bytes.length, bytes.length)

        recordConsumer.addBinary(Binary.fromReusedByteArray(fixedLengthBytes, 0, numBytes))

    writeLegacyParquetFormat match {
      // Standard mode, 1 <= precision <= 9, writes as INT32
      case false if precision <= Decimal.MAX_INT_DIGITS => int32Writer

      // Standard mode, 10 <= precision <= 18, writes as INT64
      case false if precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => int64Writer

      // Legacy mode, 1 <= precision <= 18, writes as FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
      case true if precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => binaryWriterUsingUnscaledLong

      // Either standard or legacy mode, 19 <= precision <= 38, writes as FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
      case _ => binaryWriterUsingUnscaledBytes

  def makeArrayWriter(arrayType: ArrayType): ValueWriter = {
    val elementWriter = makeWriter(arrayType.elementType)

    def threeLevelArrayWriter(repeatedGroupName: String, elementFieldName: String): ValueWriter =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        val array = row.getArray(ordinal)
        consumeGroup {
          // Only creates the repeated field if the array is non-empty.
          if (array.numElements() > 0) {
            consumeField(repeatedGroupName, 0) {
              var i = 0
              while (i < array.numElements()) {
                consumeGroup {
                  // Only creates the element field if the current array element is not null.
                  if (!array.isNullAt(i)) {
                    consumeField(elementFieldName, 0) {
                      elementWriter.apply(array, i)
                i += 1

    def twoLevelArrayWriter(repeatedFieldName: String): ValueWriter =
      (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
        val array = row.getArray(ordinal)
        consumeGroup {
          // Only creates the repeated field if the array is non-empty.
          if (array.numElements() > 0) {
            consumeField(repeatedFieldName, 0) {
              var i = 0
              while (i < array.numElements()) {
                elementWriter.apply(array, i)
                i += 1

    (writeLegacyParquetFormat, arrayType.containsNull) match {
      case (legacyMode @ false, _) =>
        // Standard mode:
        //    group  (LIST) {
        //     repeated group list {
        //                    ^~~~  repeatedGroupName
        //         element;
        //                                           ^~~~~~~  elementFieldName
        //     }
        //   }
        threeLevelArrayWriter(repeatedGroupName = "list", elementFieldName = "element")

      case (legacyMode @ true, nullableElements @ true) =>
        // Legacy mode, with nullable elements:
        //    group  (LIST) {
        //     optional group bag {
        //                    ^~~  repeatedGroupName
        //       repeated  array;
        //                               ^~~~~ elementFieldName
        //     }
        //   }
        threeLevelArrayWriter(repeatedGroupName = "bag", elementFieldName = "array")

      case (legacyMode @ true, nullableElements @ false) =>
        // Legacy mode, with non-nullable elements:
        //    group  (LIST) {
        //     repeated  array;
        //                             ^~~~~  repeatedFieldName
        //   }
        twoLevelArrayWriter(repeatedFieldName = "array")

  private def makeMapWriter(mapType: MapType): ValueWriter = {
    val keyWriter = makeWriter(mapType.keyType)
    val valueWriter = makeWriter(mapType.valueType)
    val repeatedGroupName = if (writeLegacyParquetFormat) {
      // Legacy mode:
      //    group  (MAP) {
      //     repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
      //                    ^~~  repeatedGroupName
      //       required  key;
      //         value;
      //     }
      //   }
    } else {
      // Standard mode:
      //    group  (MAP) {
      //     repeated group key_value {
      //                    ^~~~~~~~~  repeatedGroupName
      //       required  key;
      //         value;
      //     }
      //   }

    (row: SpecializedGetters, ordinal: Int) => {
      val map = row.getMap(ordinal)
      val keyArray = map.keyArray()
      val valueArray = map.valueArray()

      consumeGroup {
        // Only creates the repeated field if the map is non-empty.
        if (map.numElements() > 0) {
          consumeField(repeatedGroupName, 0) {
            var i = 0
            while (i < map.numElements()) {
              consumeGroup {
                consumeField("key", 0) {
                  keyWriter.apply(keyArray, i)

                // Only creates the "value" field if the value if non-empty
                if (!map.valueArray().isNullAt(i)) {
                  consumeField("value", 1) {
                    valueWriter.apply(valueArray, i)
              i += 1

  private def consumeMessage(f: => Unit): Unit = {

  private def consumeGroup(f: => Unit): Unit = {

  private def consumeField(field: String, index: Int)(f: => Unit): Unit = {
    recordConsumer.startField(field, index)
    recordConsumer.endField(field, index)

private[parquet] object ParquetWriteSupport {
  val SPARK_ROW_SCHEMA: String = "org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.attributes"

  def setSchema(schema: StructType, configuration: Configuration): Unit = {
    configuration.set(SPARK_ROW_SCHEMA, schema.json)

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