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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.HDFSMetadataLog.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.{ConcurrentModificationException, EnumSet, UUID}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs._
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission
import org.json4s.NoTypeHints
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

 * A [[MetadataLog]] implementation based on HDFS. [[HDFSMetadataLog]] uses the specified `path`
 * as the metadata storage.
 * When writing a new batch, [[HDFSMetadataLog]] will firstly write to a temp file and then rename
 * it to the final batch file. If the rename step fails, there must be multiple writers and only
 * one of them will succeed and the others will fail.
 * Note: [[HDFSMetadataLog]] doesn't support S3-like file systems as they don't guarantee listing
 * files in a directory always shows the latest files.
class HDFSMetadataLog[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](sparkSession: SparkSession, path: String)
  extends MetadataLog[T] with Logging {

  private implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)

  /** Needed to serialize type T into JSON when using Jackson */
  private implicit val manifest = Manifest.classType[T](implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass)

  // Avoid serializing generic sequences, see SPARK-17372
  require(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass != classOf[Seq[_]],
    "Should not create a log with type Seq, use Arrays instead - see SPARK-17372")

  import HDFSMetadataLog._

  val metadataPath = new Path(path)
  protected val fileManager = createFileManager()

  if (!fileManager.exists(metadataPath)) {

   * A `PathFilter` to filter only batch files
  protected val batchFilesFilter = new PathFilter {
    override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = isBatchFile(path)

  protected def batchIdToPath(batchId: Long): Path = {
    new Path(metadataPath, batchId.toString)

  protected def pathToBatchId(path: Path) = {

  protected def isBatchFile(path: Path) = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case _: NumberFormatException => false

  protected def serialize(metadata: T, out: OutputStream): Unit = {
    // called inside a try-finally where the underlying stream is closed in the caller
    Serialization.write(metadata, out)

  protected def deserialize(in: InputStream): T = {
    // called inside a try-finally where the underlying stream is closed in the caller
    val reader = new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)[T](reader)

   * Store the metadata for the specified batchId and return `true` if successful. If the batchId's
   * metadata has already been stored, this method will return `false`.
  override def add(batchId: Long, metadata: T): Boolean = {
    require(metadata != null, "'null' metadata cannot written to a metadata log")
    get(batchId).map(_ => false).getOrElse {
      // Only write metadata when the batch has not yet been written
      writeBatch(batchId, metadata)

  private def writeTempBatch(metadata: T): Option[Path] = {
    while (true) {
      val tempPath = new Path(metadataPath, s".${UUID.randomUUID.toString}.tmp")
      try {
        val output = fileManager.create(tempPath)
        try {
          serialize(metadata, output)
          return Some(tempPath)
        } finally {
      } catch {
        case e: FileAlreadyExistsException =>
          // Failed to create "tempPath". There are two cases:
          // 1. Someone is creating "tempPath" too.
          // 2. This is a restart. "tempPath" has already been created but not moved to the final
          // batch file (not committed).
          // For both cases, the batch has not yet been committed. So we can retry it.
          // Note: there is a potential risk here: if HDFSMetadataLog A is running, people can use
          // the same metadata path to create "HDFSMetadataLog" and fail A. However, this is not a
          // big problem because it requires the attacker must have the permission to write the
          // metadata path. In addition, the old Streaming also have this issue, people can create
          // malicious checkpoint files to crash a Streaming application too.

   * Write a batch to a temp file then rename it to the batch file.
   * There may be multiple [[HDFSMetadataLog]] using the same metadata path. Although it is not a
   * valid behavior, we still need to prevent it from destroying the files.
  private def writeBatch(batchId: Long, metadata: T): Unit = {
    val tempPath = writeTempBatch(metadata).getOrElse(
      throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unable to create temp batch file $batchId"))
    try {
      // Try to commit the batch
      // It will fail if there is an existing file (someone has committed the batch)
      logDebug(s"Attempting to write log #${batchIdToPath(batchId)}")
      fileManager.rename(tempPath, batchIdToPath(batchId))

      // SPARK-17475: HDFSMetadataLog should not leak CRC files
      // If the underlying filesystem didn't rename the CRC file, delete it.
      val crcPath = new Path(tempPath.getParent(), s".${tempPath.getName()}.crc")
      if (fileManager.exists(crcPath)) fileManager.delete(crcPath)
    } catch {
      case e: FileAlreadyExistsException =>
        // If "rename" fails, it means some other "HDFSMetadataLog" has committed the batch.
        // So throw an exception to tell the user this is not a valid behavior.
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException(
          s"Multiple HDFSMetadataLog are using $path", e)
    } finally {

   * @return the deserialized metadata in a batch file, or None if file not exist.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException when path does not point to a batch file.
  def get(batchFile: Path): Option[T] = {
    if (fileManager.exists(batchFile)) {
      if (isBatchFile(batchFile)) {
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"File ${batchFile} is not a batch file!")
    } else {

  override def get(batchId: Long): Option[T] = {
    val batchMetadataFile = batchIdToPath(batchId)
    if (fileManager.exists(batchMetadataFile)) {
      val input =
      try {
      } catch {
        case ise: IllegalStateException =>
          // re-throw the exception with the log file path added
          throw new IllegalStateException(
            s"Failed to read log file $batchMetadataFile. ${ise.getMessage}", ise)
      } finally {
    } else {
      logDebug(s"Unable to find batch $batchMetadataFile")

  override def get(startId: Option[Long], endId: Option[Long]): Array[(Long, T)] = {
    assert(startId.isEmpty || endId.isEmpty || startId.get <= endId.get)
    val files = fileManager.list(metadataPath, batchFilesFilter)
    val batchIds = files
      .map(f => pathToBatchId(f.getPath))
      .filter { batchId =>
        (endId.isEmpty || batchId <= endId.get) && (startId.isEmpty || batchId >= startId.get)

    verifyBatchIds(batchIds, startId, endId) => (batchId, get(batchId))).filter(_._2.isDefined).map {
      case (batchId, metadataOption) =>
        (batchId, metadataOption.get)

  override def getLatest(): Option[(Long, T)] = {
    val batchIds = fileManager.list(metadataPath, batchFilesFilter)
      .map(f => pathToBatchId(f.getPath))
    for (batchId <- batchIds) {
      val batch = get(batchId)
      if (batch.isDefined) {
        return Some((batchId, batch.get))

   * Get an array of [FileStatus] referencing batch files.
   * The array is sorted by most recent batch file first to
   * oldest batch file.
  def getOrderedBatchFiles(): Array[FileStatus] = {
    fileManager.list(metadataPath, batchFilesFilter)
      .sortBy(f => pathToBatchId(f.getPath))

   * Removes all the log entry earlier than thresholdBatchId (exclusive).
  override def purge(thresholdBatchId: Long): Unit = {
    val batchIds = fileManager.list(metadataPath, batchFilesFilter)
      .map(f => pathToBatchId(f.getPath))

    for (batchId <- batchIds if batchId < thresholdBatchId) {
      val path = batchIdToPath(batchId)
      logTrace(s"Removed metadata log file: $path")

   * Removes all log entries later than thresholdBatchId (exclusive).
  def purgeAfter(thresholdBatchId: Long): Unit = {
    val batchIds = fileManager.list(metadataPath, batchFilesFilter)
      .map(f => pathToBatchId(f.getPath))

    for (batchId <- batchIds if batchId > thresholdBatchId) {
      val path = batchIdToPath(batchId)
      logTrace(s"Removed metadata log file: $path")

  private def createFileManager(): FileManager = {
    val hadoopConf = sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf()
    try {
      new FileContextManager(metadataPath, hadoopConf)
    } catch {
      case e: UnsupportedFileSystemException =>
        logWarning("Could not use FileContext API for managing metadata log files at path " +
          s"$metadataPath. Using FileSystem API instead for managing log files. The log may be " +
          s"inconsistent under failures.")
        new FileSystemManager(metadataPath, hadoopConf)

   * Parse the log version from the given `text` -- will throw exception when the parsed version
   * exceeds `maxSupportedVersion`, or when `text` is malformed (such as "xyz", "v", "v-1",
   * "v123xyz" etc.)
  private[sql] def parseVersion(text: String, maxSupportedVersion: Int): Int = {
    if (text.length > 0 && text(0) == 'v') {
      val version =
        try {
          text.substring(1, text.length).toInt
        } catch {
          case _: NumberFormatException =>
            throw new IllegalStateException(s"Log file was malformed: failed to read correct log " +
              s"version from $text.")
      if (version > 0) {
        if (version > maxSupportedVersion) {
          throw new IllegalStateException(s"UnsupportedLogVersion: maximum supported log version " +
            s"is v${maxSupportedVersion}, but encountered v$version. The log file was produced " +
            s"by a newer version of Spark and cannot be read by this version. Please upgrade.")
        } else {
          return version

    // reaching here means we failed to read the correct log version
    throw new IllegalStateException(s"Log file was malformed: failed to read correct log " +
      s"version from $text.")

object HDFSMetadataLog {

  /** A simple trait to abstract out the file management operations needed by HDFSMetadataLog. */
  trait FileManager {

    /** List the files in a path that match a filter. */
    def list(path: Path, filter: PathFilter): Array[FileStatus]

    /** Make directory at the give path and all its parent directories as needed. */
    def mkdirs(path: Path): Unit

    /** Whether path exists */
    def exists(path: Path): Boolean

    /** Open a file for reading, or throw exception if it does not exist. */
    def open(path: Path): FSDataInputStream

    /** Create path, or throw exception if it already exists */
    def create(path: Path): FSDataOutputStream

     * Atomically rename path, or throw exception if it cannot be done.
     * Should throw FileNotFoundException if srcPath does not exist.
     * Should throw FileAlreadyExistsException if destPath already exists.
    def rename(srcPath: Path, destPath: Path): Unit

    /** Recursively delete a path if it exists. Should not throw exception if file doesn't exist. */
    def delete(path: Path): Unit

   * Default implementation of FileManager using newer FileContext API.
  class FileContextManager(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration) extends FileManager {
    private val fc = if (path.toUri.getScheme == null) {
    } else {
      FileContext.getFileContext(path.toUri, hadoopConf)

    override def list(path: Path, filter: PathFilter): Array[FileStatus] = {
      fc.util.listStatus(path, filter)

    override def rename(srcPath: Path, destPath: Path): Unit = {
      fc.rename(srcPath, destPath)

    override def mkdirs(path: Path): Unit = {
      fc.mkdir(path, FsPermission.getDirDefault, true)

    override def open(path: Path): FSDataInputStream = {

    override def create(path: Path): FSDataOutputStream = {
      fc.create(path, EnumSet.of(CreateFlag.CREATE))

    override def exists(path: Path): Boolean = {

    override def delete(path: Path): Unit = {
      try {
        fc.delete(path, true)
      } catch {
        case e: FileNotFoundException =>
        // ignore if file has already been deleted

   * Implementation of FileManager using older FileSystem API. Note that this implementation
   * cannot provide atomic renaming of paths, hence can lead to consistency issues. This
   * should be used only as a backup option, when FileContextManager cannot be used.
  class FileSystemManager(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration) extends FileManager {
    private val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)

    override def list(path: Path, filter: PathFilter): Array[FileStatus] = {
      fs.listStatus(path, filter)

     * Rename a path. Note that this implementation is not atomic.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException if source path does not exist.
     * @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if destination path already exists.
     * @throws IOException if renaming fails for some unknown reason.
    override def rename(srcPath: Path, destPath: Path): Unit = {
      if (!fs.exists(srcPath)) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Source path does not exist: $srcPath")
      if (fs.exists(destPath)) {
        throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(s"Destination path already exists: $destPath")
      if (!fs.rename(srcPath, destPath)) {
        throw new IOException(s"Failed to rename $srcPath to $destPath")

    override def mkdirs(path: Path): Unit = {
      fs.mkdirs(path, FsPermission.getDirDefault)

    override def open(path: Path): FSDataInputStream = {

    override def create(path: Path): FSDataOutputStream = {
      fs.create(path, false)

    override def exists(path: Path): Boolean = {

    override def delete(path: Path): Unit = {
      try {
        fs.delete(path, true)
      } catch {
        case e: FileNotFoundException =>
          // ignore if file has already been deleted

   * Verify if batchIds are continuous and between `startId` and `endId`.
   * @param batchIds the sorted ids to verify.
   * @param startId the start id. If it's set, batchIds should start with this id.
   * @param endId the start id. If it's set, batchIds should end with this id.
  def verifyBatchIds(batchIds: Seq[Long], startId: Option[Long], endId: Option[Long]): Unit = {
    // Verify that we can get all batches between `startId` and `endId`.
    if (startId.isDefined || endId.isDefined) {
      if (batchIds.isEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(s"batch ${startId.orElse(endId).get} doesn't exist")
      if (startId.isDefined) {
        val minBatchId = batchIds.head
        assert(minBatchId >= startId.get)
        if (minBatchId != startId.get) {
          val missingBatchIds = startId.get to minBatchId
          throw new IllegalStateException(
            s"batches (${missingBatchIds.mkString(", ")}) don't exist " +
              s"(startId: $startId, endId: $endId)")

      if (endId.isDefined) {
        val maxBatchId = batchIds.last
        assert(maxBatchId <= endId.get)
        if (maxBatchId != endId.get) {
          val missingBatchIds = maxBatchId to endId.get
          throw new IllegalStateException(
            s"batches (${missingBatchIds.mkString(", ")}) don't  exist " +
              s"(startId: $startId, endId: $endId)")

    if (batchIds.nonEmpty) {
      val minBatchId = batchIds.head
      val maxBatchId = batchIds.last
      val missingBatchIds = (minBatchId to maxBatchId).toSet -- batchIds
      if (missingBatchIds.nonEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(s"batches (${missingBatchIds.mkString(", ")}) " +
          s"don't exist (startId: $startId, endId: $endId)")

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