org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SelectedField.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* A Scala extractor that builds a [[org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField]] from a Catalyst
* complex type extractor. For example, consider a relation with the following schema:
* {{{
* root
* |-- name: struct (nullable = true)
* | |-- first: string (nullable = true)
* | |-- last: string (nullable = true)
* }}}
* Further, suppose we take the select expression `name.first`. This will parse into an
* `Alias(child, "first")`. Ignoring the alias, `child` matches the following pattern:
* {{{
* GetStructFieldObject(
* AttributeReference("name", StructType(_), _, _),
* StructField("first", StringType, _, _))
* }}}
* [[SelectedField]] converts that expression into
* {{{
* StructField("name", StructType(Array(StructField("first", StringType))))
* }}}
* by mapping each complex type extractor to a [[org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField]] with the
* same name as its child (or "parent" going right to left in the select expression) and a data
* type appropriate to the complex type extractor. In our example, the name of the child expression
* is "name" and its data type is a [[org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType]] with a single string
* field named "first".
* @param expr the top-level complex type extractor
private[execution] object SelectedField {
def unapply(expr: Expression): Option[StructField] = {
// If this expression is an alias, work on its child instead
val unaliased = expr match {
case Alias(child, _) => child
case expr => expr
selectField(unaliased, None)
private def selectField(expr: Expression, fieldOpt: Option[StructField]): Option[StructField] = {
expr match {
// No children. Returns a StructField with the attribute name or None if fieldOpt is None.
case AttributeReference(name, dataType, nullable, metadata) => =>
StructField(name, wrapStructType(dataType, field), nullable, metadata))
// Handles case "expr0.field[n]", where "expr0" is of struct type and "expr0.field" is of
// array type.
case GetArrayItem(x @ GetStructFieldObject(child, field @ StructField(name,
dataType, nullable, metadata)), _) =>
val childField = => StructField(name,
wrapStructType(dataType, field), nullable, metadata)).getOrElse(field)
selectField(child, Some(childField))
// Handles case "expr0.field[n]", where "expr0.field" is of array type.
case GetArrayItem(child, _) =>
selectField(child, fieldOpt)
// Handles case "expr0.field.subfield", where "expr0" and "expr0.field" are of array type.
case GetArrayStructFields(child: GetArrayStructFields, _, ordinal, _, _) =>
// For case-sensitivity aware field resolution, we should take `ordinal` which
// points to correct struct field.
val selectedField = child.dataType.asInstanceOf[ArrayType]
val childField = => StructField(,
wrapStructType(selectedField.dataType, field),
selectedField.nullable, selectedField.metadata)).orElse(Some(selectedField))
selectField(child, childField)
// Handles case "expr0.field", where "expr0" is of array type.
case GetArrayStructFields(child, _, ordinal, _, _) =>
// For case-sensitivity aware field resolution, we should take `ordinal` which
// points to correct struct field.
val selectedField = child.dataType.asInstanceOf[ArrayType]
val childField = => StructField(,
wrapStructType(selectedField.dataType, field),
selectedField.nullable, selectedField.metadata)).orElse(Some(selectedField))
selectField(child, childField)
// Handles case "expr0.field[key]", where "expr0" is of struct type and "expr0.field" is of
// map type.
case GetMapValue(x @ GetStructFieldObject(child, field @ StructField(name,
nullable, metadata)), _) =>
val childField = => StructField(name,
wrapStructType(dataType, field),
nullable, metadata)).orElse(Some(field))
selectField(child, childField)
// Handles case "expr0.field[key]", where "expr0.field" is of map type.
case GetMapValue(child, _) =>
selectField(child, fieldOpt)
// Handles case "expr0.field", where expr0 is of struct type.
case GetStructFieldObject(child,
field @ StructField(name, dataType, nullable, metadata)) =>
val childField = => StructField(name,
wrapStructType(dataType, field),
nullable, metadata)).orElse(Some(field))
selectField(child, childField)
case _ =>
// Constructs a composition of complex types with a StructType(Array(field)) at its core. Returns
// a StructType for a StructType, an ArrayType for an ArrayType and a MapType for a MapType.
private def wrapStructType(dataType: DataType, field: StructField): DataType = {
dataType match {
case _: StructType =>
case ArrayType(elementType, containsNull) =>
ArrayType(wrapStructType(elementType, field), containsNull)
case MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull) =>
MapType(keyType, wrapStructType(valueType, field), valueContainsNull)