org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc.MySQLDialect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
import java.sql.{Connection, SQLException, Types}
import java.util
import java.util.Locale
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.SQLConfHelper
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{IndexAlreadyExistsException, NoSuchIndexException}
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.Identifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.index.TableIndex
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.{Expression, FieldReference, NamedReference, NullOrdering, SortDirection}
import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.{JDBCOptions, JdbcUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
private case object MySQLDialect extends JdbcDialect with SQLConfHelper {
override def canHandle(url : String): Boolean =
private val distinctUnsupportedAggregateFunctions =
// See
private val supportedAggregateFunctions =
Set("MAX", "MIN", "SUM", "COUNT", "AVG") ++ distinctUnsupportedAggregateFunctions
private val supportedFunctions = supportedAggregateFunctions
override def isSupportedFunction(funcName: String): Boolean =
class MySQLSQLBuilder extends JDBCSQLBuilder {
override def visitSortOrder(
sortKey: String, sortDirection: SortDirection, nullOrdering: NullOrdering): String = {
(sortDirection, nullOrdering) match {
case (SortDirection.ASCENDING, NullOrdering.NULLS_FIRST) =>
s"$sortKey $sortDirection"
case (SortDirection.ASCENDING, NullOrdering.NULLS_LAST) =>
s"CASE WHEN $sortKey IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, $sortKey $sortDirection"
case (SortDirection.DESCENDING, NullOrdering.NULLS_FIRST) =>
s"CASE WHEN $sortKey IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, $sortKey $sortDirection"
case (SortDirection.DESCENDING, NullOrdering.NULLS_LAST) =>
s"$sortKey $sortDirection"
override def visitStartsWith(l: String, r: String): String = {
val value = r.substring(1, r.length() - 1)
s"$l LIKE '${escapeSpecialCharsForLikePattern(value)}%' ESCAPE '\\\\'"
override def visitEndsWith(l: String, r: String): String = {
val value = r.substring(1, r.length() - 1)
s"$l LIKE '%${escapeSpecialCharsForLikePattern(value)}' ESCAPE '\\\\'"
override def visitContains(l: String, r: String): String = {
val value = r.substring(1, r.length() - 1)
s"$l LIKE '%${escapeSpecialCharsForLikePattern(value)}%' ESCAPE '\\\\'"
override def visitAggregateFunction(
funcName: String, isDistinct: Boolean, inputs: Array[String]): String =
if (isDistinct && distinctUnsupportedAggregateFunctions.contains(funcName)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"${this.getClass.getSimpleName} does not " +
s"support aggregate function: $funcName with DISTINCT");
} else {
super.visitAggregateFunction(funcName, isDistinct, inputs)
override def compileExpression(expr: Expression): Option[String] = {
val mysqlSQLBuilder = new MySQLSQLBuilder()
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Error occurs while compiling V2 expression", e)
override def getCatalystType(
sqlType: Int, typeName: String, size: Int, md: MetadataBuilder): Option[DataType] = {
if (sqlType == Types.VARBINARY && typeName.equals("BIT") && size != 1) {
// MariaDB connector behaviour
// This could instead be a BinaryType if we'd rather return bit-vectors of up to 64 bits as
// byte arrays instead of longs.
md.putLong("binarylong", 1)
} else if (sqlType == Types.BIT && size > 1) {
// MySQL connector behaviour
md.putLong("binarylong", 1)
} else if (sqlType == Types.BIT && typeName.equals("TINYINT")) {
} else if ("TINYTEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) {
// TINYTEXT is Types.VARCHAR(63) from mysql jdbc, but keep it AS-IS for historical reason
} else if (sqlType == Types.VARCHAR && typeName.equals("JSON")) {
// Some MySQL JDBC drivers converts JSON type into Types.VARCHAR with a precision of -1.
// Explicitly converts it into StringType here.
} else if (sqlType == Types.TINYINT) {
if ("isSigned")) {
} else {
} else None
override def quoteIdentifier(colName: String): String = {
override def schemasExists(conn: Connection, options: JDBCOptions, schema: String): Boolean = {
listSchemas(conn, options).exists(_.head == schema)
override def listSchemas(conn: Connection, options: JDBCOptions): Array[Array[String]] = {
val schemaBuilder = ArrayBuilder.make[Array[String]]
try {
JdbcUtils.executeQuery(conn, options, "SHOW SCHEMAS") { rs =>
while ( {
schemaBuilder += Array(rs.getString("Database"))
} catch {
case _: Exception =>
logWarning("Cannot show schemas.")
override def isCascadingTruncateTable(): Option[Boolean] = Some(false)
// See
override def getUpdateColumnTypeQuery(
tableName: String,
columnName: String,
newDataType: String): String = {
s"ALTER TABLE $tableName MODIFY COLUMN ${quoteIdentifier(columnName)} $newDataType"
// See Old Syntax:
// According to old syntax works for
// both versions of MySQL i.e. 5.x and 8.0
// The old syntax requires us to have type definition. Since we do not have type
// information, we throw the exception for old version.
override def getRenameColumnQuery(
tableName: String,
columnName: String,
newName: String,
dbMajorVersion: Int): String = {
if (dbMajorVersion >= 8) {
s"ALTER TABLE $tableName RENAME COLUMN ${quoteIdentifier(columnName)} TO" +
s" ${quoteIdentifier(newName)}"
} else {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.renameColumnUnsupportedForOlderMySQLError()
// See
// require to have column data type to change the column nullability
// ALTER TABLE tbl_name MODIFY [COLUMN] col_name column_definition
// column_definition:
// data_type [NOT NULL | NULL]
// We don't have column data type here, so throw Exception for now
override def getUpdateColumnNullabilityQuery(
tableName: String,
columnName: String,
isNullable: Boolean): String = {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedUpdateColumnNullabilityError()
// See
override def getTableCommentQuery(table: String, comment: String): String = {
s"ALTER TABLE $table COMMENT = '$comment'"
override def getJDBCType(dt: DataType): Option[JdbcType] = dt match {
// See SPARK-35446: MySQL treats REAL as a synonym to DOUBLE by default
// We override getJDBCType so that FloatType is mapped to FLOAT instead
case FloatType => Option(JdbcType("FLOAT", java.sql.Types.FLOAT))
case StringType => Option(JdbcType("LONGTEXT", java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR))
case ByteType => Option(JdbcType("TINYINT", java.sql.Types.TINYINT))
case _ => JdbcUtils.getCommonJDBCType(dt)
override def getSchemaCommentQuery(schema: String, comment: String): String = {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedCommentNamespaceError(schema)
override def removeSchemaCommentQuery(schema: String): String = {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedRemoveNamespaceCommentError(schema)
// CREATE INDEX syntax
override def createIndex(
indexName: String,
tableIdent: Identifier,
columns: Array[NamedReference],
columnsProperties: util.Map[NamedReference, util.Map[String, String]],
properties: util.Map[String, String]): String = {
val columnList = => quoteIdentifier(col.fieldNames.head))
val (indexType, indexPropertyList) = JdbcUtils.processIndexProperties(properties, "mysql")
// columnsProperties doesn't apply to MySQL so it is ignored
s"CREATE INDEX ${quoteIdentifier(indexName)} $indexType ON" +
s" ${quoteIdentifier(} (${columnList.mkString(", ")})" +
s" ${indexPropertyList.mkString(" ")}"
// SHOW INDEX syntax
override def indexExists(
conn: Connection,
indexName: String,
tableIdent: Identifier,
options: JDBCOptions): Boolean = {
val sql = s"SHOW INDEXES FROM ${quoteIdentifier(} " +
s"WHERE key_name = '$indexName'"
JdbcUtils.checkIfIndexExists(conn, sql, options)
override def dropIndex(indexName: String, tableIdent: Identifier): String = {
s"DROP INDEX ${quoteIdentifier(indexName)} ON ${}"
// SHOW INDEX syntax
override def listIndexes(
conn: Connection,
tableIdent: Identifier,
options: JDBCOptions): Array[TableIndex] = {
val sql = s"SHOW INDEXES FROM ${}"
var indexMap: Map[String, TableIndex] = Map()
try {
JdbcUtils.executeQuery(conn, options, sql) { rs =>
while ( {
val indexName = rs.getString("key_name")
val colName = rs.getString("column_name")
val indexType = rs.getString("index_type")
val indexComment = rs.getString("index_comment")
if (indexMap.contains(indexName)) {
val index = indexMap.get(indexName).get
val newIndex = new TableIndex(indexName, indexType,
index.columns() :+ FieldReference(colName),
indexMap += (indexName -> newIndex)
} else {
// The only property we are building here is `COMMENT` because it's the only one
// we can get from `SHOW INDEXES`.
val properties = new util.Properties();
if (indexComment.nonEmpty) properties.put("COMMENT", indexComment)
val index = new TableIndex(indexName, indexType, Array(FieldReference(colName)),
new util.HashMap[NamedReference, util.Properties](), properties)
indexMap += (indexName -> index)
} catch {
case _: Exception =>
logWarning("Cannot retrieved index info.")
override def classifyException(message: String, e: Throwable): AnalysisException = {
e match {
case sqlException: SQLException =>
sqlException.getErrorCode match {
case 1061 =>
// The message is: Failed to create index indexName in tableName
val regex = "(?s)Failed to create index (.*) in (.*)".r
val indexName = regex.findFirstMatchIn(message)
val tableName = regex.findFirstMatchIn(message)
throw new IndexAlreadyExistsException(
indexName = indexName, tableName = tableName, cause = Some(e))
case 1091 =>
// The message is: Failed to drop index indexName in tableName
val regex = "(?s)Failed to drop index (.*) in (.*)".r
val indexName = regex.findFirstMatchIn(message)
val tableName = regex.findFirstMatchIn(message)
throw new NoSuchIndexException(indexName, tableName, cause = Some(e))
case _ => super.classifyException(message, e)
case unsupported: UnsupportedOperationException => throw unsupported
case _ => super.classifyException(message, e)
override def dropSchema(schema: String, cascade: Boolean): String = {
if (cascade) {
s"DROP SCHEMA ${quoteIdentifier(schema)}"
} else {
throw QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedDropNamespaceError(schema)
class MySQLSQLQueryBuilder(dialect: JdbcDialect, options: JDBCOptions)
extends JdbcSQLQueryBuilder(dialect, options) {
override def build(): String = {
val limitOrOffsetStmt = if (limit > 0) {
if (offset > 0) {
s"LIMIT $offset, $limit"
} else {
} else if (offset > 0) {
// MySQL doesn't support OFFSET without LIMIT. According to the suggestion of MySQL
// official website, in order to retrieve all rows from a certain offset up to the end of
// the result set, you can use some large number for the second parameter. Please refer:
s"LIMIT $offset, 18446744073709551615"
} else {
options.prepareQuery +
s"SELECT $columnList FROM ${options.tableOrQuery} $tableSampleClause" +
s" $whereClause $groupByClause $orderByClause $limitOrOffsetStmt"
override def getJdbcSQLQueryBuilder(options: JDBCOptions): JdbcSQLQueryBuilder =
new MySQLSQLQueryBuilder(this, options)
override def supportsLimit: Boolean = true
override def supportsOffset: Boolean = true
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