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org.apache.spark.sql.execution.bucketing.CoalesceBucketsInJoin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.bucketing

import scala.annotation.tailrec

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.BucketSpec
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.{BuildLeft, BuildRight}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{HashPartitioning, Partitioning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{FileSourceScanExec, FilterExec, ProjectExec, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.{BroadcastHashJoinExec, BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec, ShuffledHashJoinExec, ShuffledJoin, SortMergeJoinExec}

 * This rule coalesces one side of the `SortMergeJoin` and `ShuffledHashJoin`
 * if the following conditions are met:
 *   - Two bucketed tables are joined.
 *   - Join keys match with output partition expressions on their respective sides.
 *   - The larger bucket number is divisible by the smaller bucket number.
 *   - The ratio of the number of buckets is less than the value set in
object CoalesceBucketsInJoin extends Rule[SparkPlan] {
  private def updateNumCoalescedBucketsInScan(
      plan: SparkPlan,
      numCoalescedBuckets: Int): SparkPlan = {
    plan transformUp {
      case f: FileSourceScanExec if f.relation.bucketSpec.nonEmpty =>
        f.copy(optionalNumCoalescedBuckets = Some(numCoalescedBuckets))

  private def updateNumCoalescedBuckets(
      join: ShuffledJoin,
      numLeftBuckets: Int,
      numCoalescedBuckets: Int): ShuffledJoin = {
    if (numCoalescedBuckets != numLeftBuckets) {
      val leftCoalescedChild =
        updateNumCoalescedBucketsInScan(join.left, numCoalescedBuckets)
      join match {
        case j: SortMergeJoinExec => j.copy(left = leftCoalescedChild)
        case j: ShuffledHashJoinExec => j.copy(left = leftCoalescedChild)
    } else {
      val rightCoalescedChild =
        updateNumCoalescedBucketsInScan(join.right, numCoalescedBuckets)
      join match {
        case j: SortMergeJoinExec => j.copy(right = rightCoalescedChild)
        case j: ShuffledHashJoinExec => j.copy(right = rightCoalescedChild)

  private def isCoalesceSHJStreamSide(
      join: ShuffledHashJoinExec,
      numLeftBuckets: Int,
      numCoalescedBuckets: Int): Boolean = {
    if (numCoalescedBuckets == numLeftBuckets) {
      join.buildSide != BuildRight
    } else {
      join.buildSide != BuildLeft

  def apply(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
    if (!conf.coalesceBucketsInJoinEnabled) {
      return plan

    plan transform {
      case ExtractJoinWithBuckets(join, numLeftBuckets, numRightBuckets)
        if math.max(numLeftBuckets, numRightBuckets) / math.min(numLeftBuckets, numRightBuckets) <=
          conf.coalesceBucketsInJoinMaxBucketRatio =>
        val numCoalescedBuckets = math.min(numLeftBuckets, numRightBuckets)
        join match {
          case j: SortMergeJoinExec =>
            updateNumCoalescedBuckets(j, numLeftBuckets, numCoalescedBuckets)
          case j: ShuffledHashJoinExec
            // Only coalesce the buckets for shuffled hash join stream side,
            // to avoid OOM for build side.
            if isCoalesceSHJStreamSide(j, numLeftBuckets, numCoalescedBuckets) =>
            updateNumCoalescedBuckets(j, numLeftBuckets, numCoalescedBuckets)
          case other => other
      case other => other

 * An extractor that extracts `SortMergeJoinExec` and `ShuffledHashJoin`,
 * where both sides of the join have the bucketed tables,
 * are consisted of only the scan operation,
 * and numbers of buckets are not equal but divisible.
object ExtractJoinWithBuckets {
  private def hasScanOperation(plan: SparkPlan): Boolean = plan match {
    case f: FilterExec => hasScanOperation(f.child)
    case p: ProjectExec => hasScanOperation(p.child)
    case j: BroadcastHashJoinExec =>
      if (j.buildSide == BuildLeft) hasScanOperation(j.right) else hasScanOperation(j.left)
    case j: BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec =>
      if (j.buildSide == BuildLeft) hasScanOperation(j.right) else hasScanOperation(j.left)
    case f: FileSourceScanExec => f.relation.bucketSpec.nonEmpty
    case _ => false

  private def getBucketSpec(plan: SparkPlan): Option[BucketSpec] = {
    plan.collectFirst {
      case f: FileSourceScanExec if f.relation.bucketSpec.nonEmpty &&
          f.optionalNumCoalescedBuckets.isEmpty =>

   * The join keys should match with expressions for output partitioning. Note that
   * the ordering does not matter because it will be handled in `EnsureRequirements`.
  private def satisfiesOutputPartitioning(
      keys: Seq[Expression],
      partitioning: Partitioning): Boolean = {
    partitioning match {
      case HashPartitioning(exprs, _) if exprs.length == keys.length =>
        exprs.forall(e => keys.exists(_.semanticEquals(e)))
      case _ => false

  private def isApplicable(j: ShuffledJoin): Boolean = {
    hasScanOperation(j.left) &&
      hasScanOperation(j.right) &&
      satisfiesOutputPartitioning(j.leftKeys, j.left.outputPartitioning) &&
      satisfiesOutputPartitioning(j.rightKeys, j.right.outputPartitioning)

  private def isDivisible(numBuckets1: Int, numBuckets2: Int): Boolean = {
    val (small, large) = (math.min(numBuckets1, numBuckets2), math.max(numBuckets1, numBuckets2))
    // A bucket can be coalesced only if the bigger number of buckets is divisible by the smaller
    // number of buckets because bucket id is calculated by modding the total number of buckets.
    numBuckets1 != numBuckets2 && large % small == 0

  def unapply(plan: SparkPlan): Option[(ShuffledJoin, Int, Int)] = {
    plan match {
      case j: ShuffledJoin if isApplicable(j) =>
        val leftBucket = getBucketSpec(j.left)
        val rightBucket = getBucketSpec(j.right)
        if (leftBucket.isDefined && rightBucket.isDefined &&
            isDivisible(leftBucket.get.numBuckets, rightBucket.get.numBuckets)) {
          Some(j, leftBucket.get.numBuckets, rightBucket.get.numBuckets)
        } else {
      case _ => None

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