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org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaCluster.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka

import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.Properties
import kafka.api._
import kafka.common.{ErrorMapping, OffsetAndMetadata, OffsetMetadataAndError, TopicAndPartition}
import kafka.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, SimpleConsumer}
import org.apache.spark.SparkException

 * Convenience methods for interacting with a Kafka cluster.
 * @param kafkaParams Kafka 
 * configuration parameters.
 *   Requires "" or "bootstrap.servers" to be set with Kafka broker(s),
 *   NOT zookeeper servers, specified in host1:port1,host2:port2 form
class KafkaCluster(val kafkaParams: Map[String, String]) extends Serializable {
  import KafkaCluster.{Err, LeaderOffset, SimpleConsumerConfig}

  // ConsumerConfig isn't serializable
  @transient private var _config: SimpleConsumerConfig = null

  def config: SimpleConsumerConfig = this.synchronized {
    if (_config == null) {
      _config = SimpleConsumerConfig(kafkaParams)

  def connect(host: String, port: Int): SimpleConsumer =
    new SimpleConsumer(host, port, config.socketTimeoutMs,
      config.socketReceiveBufferBytes, config.clientId)

  def connectLeader(topic: String, partition: Int): Either[Err, SimpleConsumer] =
    findLeader(topic, partition) => connect(hp._1, hp._2))

  // Metadata api
  // scalastyle:off
  // scalastyle:on

  def findLeader(topic: String, partition: Int): Either[Err, (String, Int)] = {
    val req = TopicMetadataRequest(TopicMetadataRequest.CurrentVersion,
      0, config.clientId, Seq(topic))
    val errs = new Err
    withBrokers(Random.shuffle(config.seedBrokers), errs) { consumer =>
      val resp: TopicMetadataResponse = consumer.send(req)
      resp.topicsMetadata.find(_.topic == topic).flatMap { tm: TopicMetadata =>
        tm.partitionsMetadata.find(_.partitionId == partition)
      }.foreach { pm: PartitionMetadata =>
        pm.leader.foreach { leader =>
          return Right((, leader.port))

  def findLeaders(
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, (String, Int)]] = {
    val topics =
    val response = getPartitionMetadata(topics).right
    val answer = response.flatMap { tms: Set[TopicMetadata] =>
      val leaderMap = tms.flatMap { tm: TopicMetadata =>
        tm.partitionsMetadata.flatMap { pm: PartitionMetadata =>
          val tp = TopicAndPartition(tm.topic, pm.partitionId)
          if (topicAndPartitions(tp)) {
   { l =>
              tp -> ( -> l.port)
          } else {

      if (leaderMap.keys.size == topicAndPartitions.size) {
      } else {
        val missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(leaderMap.keySet)
        val err = new Err
        err.append(new SparkException(s"Couldn't find leaders for ${missing}"))

  def getPartitions(topics: Set[String]): Either[Err, Set[TopicAndPartition]] = {
    getPartitionMetadata(topics) { r =>
      r.flatMap { tm: TopicMetadata => { pm: PartitionMetadata =>
          TopicAndPartition(tm.topic, pm.partitionId)

  def getPartitionMetadata(topics: Set[String]): Either[Err, Set[TopicMetadata]] = {
    val req = TopicMetadataRequest(
      TopicMetadataRequest.CurrentVersion, 0, config.clientId, topics.toSeq)
    val errs = new Err
    withBrokers(Random.shuffle(config.seedBrokers), errs) { consumer =>
      val resp: TopicMetadataResponse = consumer.send(req)
      val respErrs = resp.topicsMetadata.filter(m => m.errorCode != ErrorMapping.NoError)

      if (respErrs.isEmpty) {
        return Right(resp.topicsMetadata.toSet)
      } else {
        respErrs.foreach { m =>
          val cause = ErrorMapping.exceptionFor(m.errorCode)
          val msg = s"Error getting partition metadata for '${m.topic}'. Does the topic exist?"
          errs.append(new SparkException(msg, cause))

  // Leader offset api
  // scalastyle:off
  // scalastyle:on

  def getLatestLeaderOffsets(
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset]] =
    getLeaderOffsets(topicAndPartitions, OffsetRequest.LatestTime)

  def getEarliestLeaderOffsets(
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset]] =
    getLeaderOffsets(topicAndPartitions, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime)

  def getLeaderOffsets(
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition],
      before: Long
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, LeaderOffset]] = {
    getLeaderOffsets(topicAndPartitions, before, 1) { r => { kv =>
        // mapValues isnt serializable, see SI-7005
        kv._1 -> kv._2.head

  private def flip[K, V](m: Map[K, V]): Map[V, Seq[K]] =
    m.groupBy(_._2).map { kv =>
      kv._1 -> kv._2.keys.toSeq

  def getLeaderOffsets(
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition],
      before: Long,
      maxNumOffsets: Int
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[LeaderOffset]]] = {
    findLeaders(topicAndPartitions).right.flatMap { tpToLeader =>
      val leaderToTp: Map[(String, Int), Seq[TopicAndPartition]] = flip(tpToLeader)
      val leaders = leaderToTp.keys
      var result = Map[TopicAndPartition, Seq[LeaderOffset]]()
      val errs = new Err
      withBrokers(leaders, errs) { consumer =>
        val partitionsToGetOffsets: Seq[TopicAndPartition] =
          leaderToTp((, consumer.port))
        val reqMap = { tp: TopicAndPartition =>
          tp -> PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(before, maxNumOffsets)
        val req = OffsetRequest(reqMap)
        val resp = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(req)
        val respMap = resp.partitionErrorAndOffsets
        partitionsToGetOffsets.foreach { tp: TopicAndPartition =>
          respMap.get(tp).foreach { por: PartitionOffsetsResponse =>
            if (por.error == ErrorMapping.NoError) {
              if (por.offsets.nonEmpty) {
                result += tp -> { off =>
                  LeaderOffset(, consumer.port, off)
              } else {
                errs.append(new SparkException(
                  s"Empty offsets for ${tp}, is ${before} before log beginning?"))
            } else {
        if (result.keys.size == topicAndPartitions.size) {
          return Right(result)
      val missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(result.keySet)
      errs.append(new SparkException(s"Couldn't find leader offsets for ${missing}"))

  // Consumer offset api
  // scalastyle:off
  // scalastyle:on

  // this 0 here indicates api version, in this case the original ZK backed api.
  private def defaultConsumerApiVersion: Short = 0

  /** Requires Kafka >= */
  def getConsumerOffsets(
      groupId: String,
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Long]] =
    getConsumerOffsets(groupId, topicAndPartitions, defaultConsumerApiVersion)

  def getConsumerOffsets(
      groupId: String,
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition],
      consumerApiVersion: Short
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Long]] = {
    getConsumerOffsetMetadata(groupId, topicAndPartitions, consumerApiVersion) { r => { kv =>
        kv._1 -> kv._2.offset

  /** Requires Kafka >= */
  def getConsumerOffsetMetadata(
      groupId: String,
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetMetadataAndError]] =
    getConsumerOffsetMetadata(groupId, topicAndPartitions, defaultConsumerApiVersion)

  def getConsumerOffsetMetadata(
      groupId: String,
      topicAndPartitions: Set[TopicAndPartition],
      consumerApiVersion: Short
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetMetadataAndError]] = {
    var result = Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetMetadataAndError]()
    val req = OffsetFetchRequest(groupId, topicAndPartitions.toSeq, consumerApiVersion)
    val errs = new Err
    withBrokers(Random.shuffle(config.seedBrokers), errs) { consumer =>
      val resp = consumer.fetchOffsets(req)
      val respMap = resp.requestInfo
      val needed = topicAndPartitions.diff(result.keySet)
      needed.foreach { tp: TopicAndPartition =>
        respMap.get(tp).foreach { ome: OffsetMetadataAndError =>
          if (ome.error == ErrorMapping.NoError) {
            result += tp -> ome
          } else {
      if (result.keys.size == topicAndPartitions.size) {
        return Right(result)
    val missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(result.keySet)
    errs.append(new SparkException(s"Couldn't find consumer offsets for ${missing}"))

  /** Requires Kafka >= */
  def setConsumerOffsets(
      groupId: String,
      offsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, Long]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Short]] =
    setConsumerOffsets(groupId, offsets, defaultConsumerApiVersion)

  def setConsumerOffsets(
      groupId: String,
      offsets: Map[TopicAndPartition, Long],
      consumerApiVersion: Short
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Short]] = {
    val meta = { kv =>
      kv._1 -> OffsetAndMetadata(kv._2)
    setConsumerOffsetMetadata(groupId, meta, consumerApiVersion)

  /** Requires Kafka >= */
  def setConsumerOffsetMetadata(
      groupId: String,
      metadata: Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Short]] =
    setConsumerOffsetMetadata(groupId, metadata, defaultConsumerApiVersion)

  def setConsumerOffsetMetadata(
      groupId: String,
      metadata: Map[TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata],
      consumerApiVersion: Short
    ): Either[Err, Map[TopicAndPartition, Short]] = {
    var result = Map[TopicAndPartition, Short]()
    val req = OffsetCommitRequest(groupId, metadata, consumerApiVersion)
    val errs = new Err
    val topicAndPartitions = metadata.keySet
    withBrokers(Random.shuffle(config.seedBrokers), errs) { consumer =>
      val resp = consumer.commitOffsets(req)
      val respMap = resp.commitStatus
      val needed = topicAndPartitions.diff(result.keySet)
      needed.foreach { tp: TopicAndPartition =>
        respMap.get(tp).foreach { err: Short =>
          if (err == ErrorMapping.NoError) {
            result += tp -> err
          } else {
      if (result.keys.size == topicAndPartitions.size) {
        return Right(result)
    val missing = topicAndPartitions.diff(result.keySet)
    errs.append(new SparkException(s"Couldn't set offsets for ${missing}"))

  // Try a call against potentially multiple brokers, accumulating errors
  private def withBrokers(brokers: Iterable[(String, Int)], errs: Err)
    (fn: SimpleConsumer => Any): Unit = {
    brokers.foreach { hp =>
      var consumer: SimpleConsumer = null
      try {
        consumer = connect(hp._1, hp._2)
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
      } finally {
        if (consumer != null) {

object KafkaCluster {
  type Err = ArrayBuffer[Throwable]

  /** If the result is right, return it, otherwise throw SparkException */
  def checkErrors[T](result: Either[Err, T]): T = {
      errs => throw new SparkException(errs.mkString("\n")),
      ok => ok

  case class LeaderOffset(host: String, port: Int, offset: Long)

   * High-level kafka consumers connect to ZK.  ConsumerConfig assumes this use case.
   * Simple consumers connect directly to brokers, but need many of the same configs.
   * This subclass won't warn about missing ZK params, or presence of broker params.
  class SimpleConsumerConfig private(brokers: String, originalProps: Properties)
      extends ConsumerConfig(originalProps) {
    val seedBrokers: Array[(String, Int)] = brokers.split(",").map { hp =>
      val hpa = hp.split(":")
      if (hpa.size == 1) {
        throw new SparkException(s"Broker not in the correct format of : [$brokers]")
      (hpa(0), hpa(1).toInt)

  object SimpleConsumerConfig {
     * Make a consumer config without requiring or zookeeper.connect,
     * since communicating with brokers also needs common settings such as timeout
    def apply(kafkaParams: Map[String, String]): SimpleConsumerConfig = {
      // These keys are from other pre-existing kafka configs for specifying brokers, accept either
      val brokers = kafkaParams.get("")
        .getOrElse(throw new SparkException(
          "Must specify or bootstrap.servers"))

      val props = new Properties()
      kafkaParams.foreach { case (key, value) =>
        // prevent warnings on parameters ConsumerConfig doesn't know about
        if (key != "" && key != "bootstrap.servers") {
          props.put(key, value)

      Seq("zookeeper.connect", "").foreach { s =>
        if (!props.containsKey(s)) {
          props.setProperty(s, "")

      new SimpleConsumerConfig(brokers, props)

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