org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.ReceiverSchedulingPolicy.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{ExecutorCacheTaskLocation, TaskLocation}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver
* A class that tries to schedule receivers with evenly distributed. There are two phases for
* scheduling receivers.
* - The first phase is global scheduling when ReceiverTracker is starting and we need to schedule
* all receivers at the same time. ReceiverTracker will call `scheduleReceivers` at this phase.
* It will try to schedule receivers such that they are evenly distributed. ReceiverTracker
* should update its `receiverTrackingInfoMap` according to the results of `scheduleReceivers`.
* `ReceiverTrackingInfo.scheduledLocations` for each receiver should be set to an location list
* that contains the scheduled locations. Then when a receiver is starting, it will send a
* register request and `ReceiverTracker.registerReceiver` will be called. In
* `ReceiverTracker.registerReceiver`, if a receiver's scheduled locations is set, it should
* check if the location of this receiver is one of the scheduled locations, if not, the register
* will be rejected.
* - The second phase is local scheduling when a receiver is restarting. There are two cases of
* receiver restarting:
* - If a receiver is restarting because it's rejected due to the real location and the scheduled
* locations mismatching, in other words, it fails to start in one of the locations that
* `scheduleReceivers` suggested, `ReceiverTracker` should firstly choose the executors that
* are still alive in the list of scheduled locations, then use them to launch the receiver
* job.
* - If a receiver is restarting without a scheduled locations list, or the executors in the list
* are dead, `ReceiverTracker` should call `rescheduleReceiver`. If so, `ReceiverTracker`
* should not set `ReceiverTrackingInfo.scheduledLocations` for this receiver, instead, it
* should clear it. Then when this receiver is registering, we can know this is a local
* scheduling, and `ReceiverTrackingInfo` should call `rescheduleReceiver` again to check if
* the launching location is matching.
* In conclusion, we should make a global schedule, try to achieve that exactly as long as possible,
* otherwise do local scheduling.
private[streaming] class ReceiverSchedulingPolicy {
* Try our best to schedule receivers with evenly distributed. However, if the
* `preferredLocation`s of receivers are not even, we may not be able to schedule them evenly
* because we have to respect them.
* Here is the approach to schedule executors:
* - First, schedule all the receivers with preferred locations (hosts), evenly among the
* executors running on those host.
* - Then, schedule all other receivers evenly among all the executors such that overall
* distribution over all the receivers is even.
* This method is called when we start to launch receivers at the first time.
* @return a map for receivers and their scheduled locations
def scheduleReceivers(
receivers: Seq[Receiver[_]],
executors: Seq[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation]): Map[Int, Seq[TaskLocation]] = {
if (receivers.isEmpty) {
return Map.empty
if (executors.isEmpty) {
return -> Seq.empty).toMap
val hostToExecutors = executors.groupBy(
val scheduledLocations = Array.fill(receivers.length)(new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TaskLocation])
val numReceiversOnExecutor = mutable.HashMap[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation, Int]()
// Set the initial value to 0
executors.foreach(e => numReceiversOnExecutor(e) = 0)
// Firstly, we need to respect "preferredLocation". So if a receiver has "preferredLocation",
// we need to make sure the "preferredLocation" is in the candidate scheduled executor list.
for (i <- 0 until receivers.length) {
// Note: preferredLocation is host but executors are host_executorId
receivers(i).preferredLocation.foreach { host =>
hostToExecutors.get(host) match {
case Some(executorsOnHost) =>
// preferredLocation is a known host. Select an executor that has the least receivers in
// this host
val leastScheduledExecutor =
executorsOnHost.minBy(executor => numReceiversOnExecutor(executor))
scheduledLocations(i) += leastScheduledExecutor
numReceiversOnExecutor(leastScheduledExecutor) =
numReceiversOnExecutor(leastScheduledExecutor) + 1
case None =>
// preferredLocation is an unknown host.
// Note: There are two cases:
// 1. This executor is not up. But it may be up later.
// 2. This executor is dead, or it's not a host in the cluster.
// Currently, simply add host to the scheduled executors.
// Note: host could be `HDFSCacheTaskLocation`, so use `TaskLocation.apply` to handle
// this case
scheduledLocations(i) += TaskLocation(host)
// For those receivers that don't have preferredLocation, make sure we assign at least one
// executor to them.
for (scheduledLocationsForOneReceiver <- scheduledLocations.filter(_.isEmpty)) {
// Select the executor that has the least receivers
val (leastScheduledExecutor, numReceivers) = numReceiversOnExecutor.minBy(_._2)
scheduledLocationsForOneReceiver += leastScheduledExecutor
numReceiversOnExecutor(leastScheduledExecutor) = numReceivers + 1
// Assign idle executors to receivers that have less executors
val idleExecutors = numReceiversOnExecutor.filter(_._2 == 0).map(_._1)
for (executor <- idleExecutors) {
// Assign an idle executor to the receiver that has least candidate executors.
val leastScheduledExecutors = scheduledLocations.minBy(_.size)
leastScheduledExecutors += executor
* Return a list of candidate locations to run the receiver. If the list is empty, the caller can
* run this receiver in arbitrary executor.
* This method tries to balance executors' load. Here is the approach to schedule executors
* for a receiver.
* -
* If preferredLocation is set, preferredLocation should be one of the candidate locations.
* -
* Every executor will be assigned to a weight according to the receivers running or
* scheduling on it.
* -
* If a receiver is running on an executor, it contributes 1.0 to the executor's weight.
* -
* If a receiver is scheduled to an executor but has not yet run, it contributes
* `1.0 / #candidate_executors_of_this_receiver` to the executor's weight.
* At last, if there are any idle executors (weight = 0), returns all idle executors.
* Otherwise, returns the executors that have the minimum weight.
* This method is called when a receiver is registering with ReceiverTracker or is restarting.
def rescheduleReceiver(
receiverId: Int,
preferredLocation: Option[String],
receiverTrackingInfoMap: Map[Int, ReceiverTrackingInfo],
executors: Seq[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation]): Seq[TaskLocation] = {
if (executors.isEmpty) {
return Seq.empty
// Always try to schedule to the preferred locations
val scheduledLocations = mutable.Set[TaskLocation]()
// Note: preferredLocation could be `HDFSCacheTaskLocation`, so use `TaskLocation.apply` to
// handle this case
scheduledLocations ++=
val executorWeights: Map[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation, Double] = {
.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( // Sum weights for each executor
val idleExecutors = executors.toSet -- executorWeights.keys
if (idleExecutors.nonEmpty) {
scheduledLocations ++= idleExecutors
} else {
// There is no idle executor. So select all executors that have the minimum weight.
val sortedExecutors = executorWeights.toSeq.sortBy(_._2)
if (sortedExecutors.nonEmpty) {
val minWeight = sortedExecutors(0)._2
scheduledLocations ++= sortedExecutors.takeWhile(_._2 == minWeight).map(_._1)
} else {
// This should not happen since "executors" is not empty
* This method tries to convert a receiver tracking info to executor weights. Every executor will
* be assigned to a weight according to the receivers running or scheduling on it:
* - If a receiver is running on an executor, it contributes 1.0 to the executor's weight.
* - If a receiver is scheduled to an executor but has not yet run, it contributes
* `1.0 / #candidate_executors_of_this_receiver` to the executor's weight.
private def convertReceiverTrackingInfoToExecutorWeights(
receiverTrackingInfo: ReceiverTrackingInfo): Seq[(ExecutorCacheTaskLocation, Double)] = {
receiverTrackingInfo.state match {
case ReceiverState.INACTIVE => Nil
case ReceiverState.SCHEDULED =>
val scheduledLocations = receiverTrackingInfo.scheduledLocations.get
// The probability that a scheduled receiver will run in an executor is
// 1.0 / scheduledLocations.size
scheduledLocations.filter(_.isInstanceOf[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation]).map { location =>
location.asInstanceOf[ExecutorCacheTaskLocation] -> (1.0 / scheduledLocations.size)
case ReceiverState.ACTIVE => Seq(receiverTrackingInfo.runningExecutor.get -> 1.0)
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