org.apache.spark.streaming.util.BatchedWriteAheadLog.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.streaming.util
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.{Iterator => JIterator}
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.network.util.JavaUtils
import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils}
* A wrapper for a WriteAheadLog that batches records before writing data. Handles aggregation
* during writes, and de-aggregation in the `readAll` method. The end consumer has to handle
* de-aggregation after the `read` method. In addition, the `WriteAheadLogRecordHandle` returned
* after the write will contain the batch of records rather than individual records.
* When writing a batch of records, the `time` passed to the `wrappedLog` will be the timestamp
* of the latest record in the batch. This is very important in achieving correctness. Consider the
* following example:
* We receive records with timestamps 1, 3, 5, 7. We use "log-1" as the filename. Once we receive
* a clean up request for timestamp 3, we would clean up the file "log-1", and lose data regarding
* 5 and 7.
* This means the caller can assume the same write semantics as any other WriteAheadLog
* implementation despite the batching in the background - when the write() returns, the data is
* written to the WAL and is durable. To take advantage of the batching, the caller can write from
* multiple threads, each of which will stay blocked until the corresponding data has been written.
* All other methods of the WriteAheadLog interface will be passed on to the wrapped WriteAheadLog.
private[util] class BatchedWriteAheadLog(val wrappedLog: WriteAheadLog, conf: SparkConf)
extends WriteAheadLog with Logging {
import BatchedWriteAheadLog._
private val walWriteQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Record]()
// Whether the writer thread is active
@volatile private var active: Boolean = true
private val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Record]()
private val batchedWriterThread = startBatchedWriterThread()
* Write a byte buffer to the log file. This method adds the byteBuffer to a queue and blocks
* until the record is properly written by the parent.
override def write(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer, time: Long): WriteAheadLogRecordHandle = {
val promise = Promise[WriteAheadLogRecordHandle]()
val putSuccessfully = synchronized {
if (active) {
walWriteQueue.offer(Record(byteBuffer, time, promise))
} else {
if (putSuccessfully) {
promise.future, WriteAheadLogUtils.getBatchingTimeout(conf).milliseconds)
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("close() was called on BatchedWriteAheadLog before " +
s"write request with time $time could be fulfilled.")
* This method is not supported as the resulting ByteBuffer would actually require de-aggregation.
* This method is primarily used in testing, and to ensure that it is not used in production,
* we throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
override def read(segment: WriteAheadLogRecordHandle): ByteBuffer = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("read() is not supported for BatchedWriteAheadLog " +
"as the data may require de-aggregation.")
* Read all the existing logs from the log directory. The output of the wrapped WriteAheadLog
* will be de-aggregated.
override def readAll(): JIterator[ByteBuffer] = {
* Delete the log files that are older than the threshold time.
* This method is handled by the parent WriteAheadLog.
override def clean(threshTime: Long, waitForCompletion: Boolean): Unit = {
wrappedLog.clean(threshTime, waitForCompletion)
* Stop the batched writer thread, fulfill promises with failures and close the wrapped WAL.
override def close(): Unit = {
logInfo(s"BatchedWriteAheadLog shutting down at time: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}.")
synchronized {
active = false
while (!walWriteQueue.isEmpty) {
val Record(_, time, promise) = walWriteQueue.poll()
promise.failure(new IllegalStateException("close() was called on BatchedWriteAheadLog " +
s"before write request with time $time could be fulfilled."))
/** Start the actual log writer on a separate thread. */
private def startBatchedWriterThread(): Thread = {
val thread = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
while (active) {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Encountered exception in Batched Writer Thread.", e)
logInfo("BatchedWriteAheadLog Writer thread exiting.")
}, "BatchedWriteAheadLog Writer")
/** Write all the records in the buffer to the write ahead log. */
private def flushRecords(): Unit = {
try {
val numBatched = walWriteQueue.drainTo(buffer.asJava) + 1
logDebug(s"Received $numBatched records from queue")
} catch {
case _: InterruptedException =>
logWarning("BatchedWriteAheadLog Writer queue interrupted.")
try {
var segment: WriteAheadLogRecordHandle = null
if (buffer.length > 0) {
logDebug(s"Batched ${buffer.length} records for Write Ahead Log write")
// threads may not be able to add items in order by time
val sortedByTime = buffer.sortBy(_.time)
// We take the latest record for the timestamp. Please refer to the class Javadoc for
// detailed explanation
val time = sortedByTime.last.time
segment = wrappedLog.write(aggregate(sortedByTime), time)
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
logWarning("BatchedWriteAheadLog Writer queue interrupted.", e)
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning(s"BatchedWriteAheadLog Writer failed to write $buffer", e)
} finally {
/** Method for querying the queue length. Should only be used in tests. */
private def getQueueLength(): Int = walWriteQueue.size()
/** Static methods for aggregating and de-aggregating records. */
private[util] object BatchedWriteAheadLog {
* Wrapper class for representing the records that we will write to the WriteAheadLog. Coupled
* with the timestamp for the write request of the record, and the promise that will block the
* write request, while a separate thread is actually performing the write.
case class Record(data: ByteBuffer, time: Long, promise: Promise[WriteAheadLogRecordHandle])
/** Aggregate multiple serialized ReceivedBlockTrackerLogEvents in a single ByteBuffer. */
def aggregate(records: Seq[Record]): ByteBuffer = {
records.map(record => JavaUtils.bufferToArray(record.data)).toArray))
* De-aggregate serialized ReceivedBlockTrackerLogEvents in a single ByteBuffer.
* A stream may not have used batching initially, but started using it after a restart. This
* method therefore needs to be backwards compatible.
def deaggregate(buffer: ByteBuffer): Array[ByteBuffer] = {
val prevPosition = buffer.position()
try {
} catch {
case _: ClassCastException => // users may restart a stream with batching enabled
// Restore `position` so that the user can read `buffer` later
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