org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.YarnSchedulerBackend.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.{ApplicationAttemptId, ApplicationId}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rpc._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.CoarseGrainedClusterMessages._
import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils
import org.apache.spark.util.{RpcUtils, ThreadUtils}
* Abstract Yarn scheduler backend that contains common logic
* between the client and cluster Yarn scheduler backends.
private[spark] abstract class YarnSchedulerBackend(
scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl,
sc: SparkContext)
extends CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc.env.rpcEnv) {
override val minRegisteredRatio =
if (conf.getOption("spark.scheduler.minRegisteredResourcesRatio").isEmpty) {
} else {
protected var totalExpectedExecutors = 0
private val yarnSchedulerEndpoint = new YarnSchedulerEndpoint(rpcEnv)
private val yarnSchedulerEndpointRef = rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(
YarnSchedulerBackend.ENDPOINT_NAME, yarnSchedulerEndpoint)
private implicit val askTimeout = RpcUtils.askRpcTimeout(sc.conf)
/** Application ID. */
protected var appId: Option[ApplicationId] = None
/** Attempt ID. This is unset for client-mode schedulers */
private var attemptId: Option[ApplicationAttemptId] = None
/** Scheduler extension services. */
private val services: SchedulerExtensionServices = new SchedulerExtensionServices()
// Flag to specify whether this schedulerBackend should be reset.
private var shouldResetOnAmRegister = false
* Bind to YARN. This *must* be done before calling [[start()]].
* @param appId YARN application ID
* @param attemptId Optional YARN attempt ID
protected def bindToYarn(appId: ApplicationId, attemptId: Option[ApplicationAttemptId]): Unit = {
this.appId = Some(appId)
this.attemptId = attemptId
override def start() {
require(appId.isDefined, "application ID unset")
val binding = SchedulerExtensionServiceBinding(sc, appId.get, attemptId)
override def stop(): Unit = {
try {
// SPARK-12009: To prevent Yarn allocator from requesting backup for the executors which
// was Stopped by SchedulerBackend.
requestTotalExecutors(0, 0, Map.empty)
} finally {
* Get the attempt ID for this run, if the cluster manager supports multiple
* attempts. Applications run in client mode will not have attempt IDs.
* This attempt ID only includes attempt counter, like "1", "2".
* @return The application attempt id, if available.
override def applicationAttemptId(): Option[String] = {
* Get an application ID associated with the job.
* This returns the string value of [[appId]] if set, otherwise
* the locally-generated ID from the superclass.
* @return The application ID
override def applicationId(): String = {
appId.map(_.toString).getOrElse {
logWarning("Application ID is not initialized yet.")
* Request executors from the ApplicationMaster by specifying the total number desired.
* This includes executors already pending or running.
override def doRequestTotalExecutors(requestedTotal: Int): Future[Boolean] = {
RequestExecutors(requestedTotal, localityAwareTasks, hostToLocalTaskCount))
* Request that the ApplicationMaster kill the specified executors.
override def doKillExecutors(executorIds: Seq[String]): Future[Boolean] = {
override def sufficientResourcesRegistered(): Boolean = {
totalRegisteredExecutors.get() >= totalExpectedExecutors * minRegisteredRatio
* Add filters to the SparkUI.
private def addWebUIFilter(
filterName: String,
filterParams: Map[String, String],
proxyBase: String): Unit = {
if (proxyBase != null && proxyBase.nonEmpty) {
System.setProperty("spark.ui.proxyBase", proxyBase)
val hasFilter =
filterName != null && filterName.nonEmpty &&
filterParams != null && filterParams.nonEmpty
if (hasFilter) {
logInfo(s"Add WebUI Filter. $filterName, $filterParams, $proxyBase")
conf.set("spark.ui.filters", filterName)
filterParams.foreach { case (k, v) => conf.set(s"spark.$filterName.param.$k", v) }
scheduler.sc.ui.foreach { ui => JettyUtils.addFilters(ui.getHandlers, conf) }
override def createDriverEndpoint(properties: Seq[(String, String)]): DriverEndpoint = {
new YarnDriverEndpoint(rpcEnv, properties)
* Reset the state of SchedulerBackend to the initial state. This is happened when AM is failed
* and re-registered itself to driver after a failure. The stale state in driver should be
* cleaned.
override protected def reset(): Unit = {
* Override the DriverEndpoint to add extra logic for the case when an executor is disconnected.
* This endpoint communicates with the executors and queries the AM for an executor's exit
* status when the executor is disconnected.
private class YarnDriverEndpoint(rpcEnv: RpcEnv, sparkProperties: Seq[(String, String)])
extends DriverEndpoint(rpcEnv, sparkProperties) {
* When onDisconnected is received at the driver endpoint, the superclass DriverEndpoint
* handles it by assuming the Executor was lost for a bad reason and removes the executor
* immediately.
* In YARN's case however it is crucial to talk to the application master and ask why the
* executor had exited. If the executor exited for some reason unrelated to the running tasks
* (e.g., preemption), according to the application master, then we pass that information down
* to the TaskSetManager to inform the TaskSetManager that tasks on that lost executor should
* not count towards a job failure.
override def onDisconnected(rpcAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = {
addressToExecutorId.get(rpcAddress).foreach { executorId =>
if (disableExecutor(executorId)) {
yarnSchedulerEndpoint.handleExecutorDisconnectedFromDriver(executorId, rpcAddress)
* An [[RpcEndpoint]] that communicates with the ApplicationMaster.
private class YarnSchedulerEndpoint(override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv)
extends ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint with Logging {
private var amEndpoint: Option[RpcEndpointRef] = None
private[YarnSchedulerBackend] def handleExecutorDisconnectedFromDriver(
executorId: String,
executorRpcAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = {
val removeExecutorMessage = amEndpoint match {
case Some(am) =>
val lossReasonRequest = GetExecutorLossReason(executorId)
am.ask[ExecutorLossReason](lossReasonRequest, askTimeout)
.map { reason => RemoveExecutor(executorId, reason) }(ThreadUtils.sameThread)
.recover {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning(s"Attempted to get executor loss reason" +
s" for executor id ${executorId} at RPC address ${executorRpcAddress}," +
s" but got no response. Marking as slave lost.", e)
RemoveExecutor(executorId, SlaveLost())
case None =>
logWarning("Attempted to check for an executor loss reason" +
" before the AM has registered!")
Future.successful(RemoveExecutor(executorId, SlaveLost("AM is not yet registered.")))
.flatMap { message =>
.onFailure {
case NonFatal(e) => logError(
s"Error requesting driver to remove executor $executorId after disconnection.", e)
override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case RegisterClusterManager(am) =>
logInfo(s"ApplicationMaster registered as $am")
amEndpoint = Option(am)
if (!shouldResetOnAmRegister) {
shouldResetOnAmRegister = true
} else {
// AM is already registered before, this potentially means that AM failed and
// a new one registered after the failure. This will only happen in yarn-client mode.
case AddWebUIFilter(filterName, filterParams, proxyBase) =>
addWebUIFilter(filterName, filterParams, proxyBase)
case r @ RemoveExecutor(executorId, reason) =>
driverEndpoint.ask[Boolean](r).onFailure {
case e =>
logError("Error requesting driver to remove executor" +
s" $executorId for reason $reason", e)
override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
case r: RequestExecutors =>
amEndpoint match {
case Some(am) =>
am.ask[Boolean](r).andThen {
case Success(b) => context.reply(b)
case Failure(NonFatal(e)) =>
logError(s"Sending $r to AM was unsuccessful", e)
case None =>
logWarning("Attempted to request executors before the AM has registered!")
case k: KillExecutors =>
amEndpoint match {
case Some(am) =>
am.ask[Boolean](k).andThen {
case Success(b) => context.reply(b)
case Failure(NonFatal(e)) =>
logError(s"Sending $k to AM was unsuccessful", e)
case None =>
logWarning("Attempted to kill executors before the AM has registered!")
case RetrieveLastAllocatedExecutorId =>
override def onDisconnected(remoteAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = {
if (amEndpoint.exists(_.address == remoteAddress)) {
logWarning(s"ApplicationMaster has disassociated: $remoteAddress")
amEndpoint = None
private[spark] object YarnSchedulerBackend {
val ENDPOINT_NAME = "YarnScheduler"
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