org.apache.sshd.ldap.LdapNetworkConnector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.sshd.ldap;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.apache.sshd.common.PropertyResolverUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.ValidateUtils;
import org.apache.sshd.common.util.buffer.BufferUtils;
* Uses the LDAP Naming Service
* Provider for the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
* @param Type of context being passed to {@link #resolveAttributes(String, String, Object)}
* @author Apache MINA SSHD Project
public class LdapNetworkConnector extends NetworkConnector {
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_PROTOCOL = "ldap";
public static final int DEFAULT_LDAP_PORT = 389;
* Property used to override the default LDAP context factory class
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_FACTORY_PROPNAME = "javax.naming.ldap.factory";
* Default LDAP context factory class - unless overridden via the {@link #DEFAULT_LDAP_FACTORY_PROPNAME} property
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_FACTORY_PROPVAL = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory";
public static final int DEFAULT_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE = SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE;
public static final long DEFAULT_LDAP_TIME_LIMIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(15L);
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_REFERRAL_MODE = "ignore";
public static final long DEFAULT_LDAP_COUNT_LIMIT = 1L;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_LDAP_DEREF_ENABLED = false;
* A special value used to indicate that all attributes are required
public static final String ALL_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES = "*";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_LDAP_RETURN_OBJVALUE = false;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_LDAP_ACCUMULATE_MULTIVALUES = false;
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_BIND_DN_PATTERN = "{0}";
public static final String DEFAULT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD_PATTERN = "{1}";
* A list of known binary attributes
* @see LDAP Attributes
public static final String DEFAULT_BINARY_ATTRIBUTES
= "photo,personalSignature,audio,jpegPhoto,javaSerializedData,thumbnailPhoto,thumbnailLogo"
+ ",userPassword,userCertificate,cACertificate,authorityRevocationList,certificateRevocationList"
+ ",crossCertificatePair,x500UniqueIdentifier";
protected final SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
protected final Map ldapEnv = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
protected MessageFormat bindDNPattern = new MessageFormat(DEFAULT_LDAP_BIND_DN_PATTERN);
protected MessageFormat bindPasswordPattern = new MessageFormat(DEFAULT_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD_PATTERN);
protected MessageFormat searchFilterPattern;
protected MessageFormat baseDNPattern;
private boolean accumulateMultiValues = DEFAULT_LDAP_ACCUMULATE_MULTIVALUES;
public LdapNetworkConnector() {
public void setConnectTimeout(long connectTimeout) {
// value must fit in an integer
ValidateUtils.checkTrue((connectTimeout >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (connectTimeout <= Integer.MAX_VALUE),
"Invalid connect timeout: %d", connectTimeout);
ldapEnv.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", Long.toString(connectTimeout));
public void setReadTimeout(long readTimeout) {
// value must fit in an integer
ValidateUtils.checkTrue((readTimeout >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (readTimeout <= Integer.MAX_VALUE),
"Invalid read timeout: %d", readTimeout);
ldapEnv.put("", Long.toString(readTimeout));
public String getLdapFactory() {
return Objects.toString(ldapEnv.get(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY), null);
* @param factory The LDAP context factory
public void setLdapFactory(String factory) {
ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(factory, "No LDAP factory"));
public String getBaseDN() {
return baseDNPattern.toPattern();
* @param p The base DN pattern - the arguments to the pattern depend on the actual usage
* @see MessageFormat#format(String, Object...)
public void setBaseDN(String p) {
baseDNPattern = new MessageFormat(ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(p, "No base DN pattern"));
public String getBindDNPattern() {
return bindDNPattern.toPattern();
public void setBindDNPattern(String p) {
bindDNPattern = new MessageFormat(ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(p, "No bind DN pattern"));
public String getBindPasswordPattern() {
return bindPasswordPattern.toPattern();
public void setBindPasswordPattern(String p) {
bindPasswordPattern = new MessageFormat(ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(p, "No bind password pattern"));
public String getSearchFilterPattern() {
return searchFilterPattern.toPattern();
public void setSearchFilterPattern(String p) {
searchFilterPattern = new MessageFormat(ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(p, "No seatch filter pattern"));
* @return The search scope
* @see SearchControls#OBJECT_SCOPE
* @see SearchControls#ONELEVEL_SCOPE
* @see SearchControls#SUBTREE_SCOPE
public int getSearchScope() {
return searchControls.getSearchScope();
* @param scope The search scope
* @see SearchControls#OBJECT_SCOPE
* @see SearchControls#ONELEVEL_SCOPE
* @see SearchControls#SUBTREE_SCOPE
public void setSearchScope(int scope) {
* @return Time limit (millis) to wait for result - zero means forever
public long getTimeLimit() {
return searchControls.getTimeLimit();
public void setTimeLimit(long limit) {
ValidateUtils.checkTrue(limit >= 0L, "Negative time limit: %d", limit);
searchControls.setTimeLimit((int) limit);
* @return Maximum number of entries to be returned in a query
public long getCountLimit() {
return searchControls.getCountLimit();
public void setCountLimit(long count) {
ValidateUtils.checkTrue(count >= 0L, "Bad count limit: %d", count);
* @return {@code true} whether links should be de-referenced
* @see SearchControls#getDerefLinkFlag()
public boolean isDerefLink() {
return searchControls.getDerefLinkFlag();
public void setDerefLink(boolean enabled) {
* @return Comma separated list of attributes to retrieve
public String getRetrievedAttributes() {
String[] attrs = searchControls.getReturningAttributes();
if (attrs == null) {
return "*";
} else if (attrs.length == 0) {
return "";
} else if (attrs.length == 1) {
return attrs[0];
} else {
return GenericUtils.join(attrs, ',');
* @param attrs Comma separated list of attributes to retrieve - if {@code null}/empty then no attributes are
* retrieved
* @see SearchControls#setReturningAttributes(String[])
public void setRetrievedAttributes(String attrs) {
if (GenericUtils.isEmpty(attrs)) {
} else if (ALL_LDAP_ATTRIBUTES.equals(attrs)) {
} else {
searchControls.setReturningAttributes(GenericUtils.split(attrs, ','));
public boolean isAccumulateMultiValues() {
return accumulateMultiValues;
public void setAccumulateMultiValues(boolean enabled) {
accumulateMultiValues = enabled;
* @return {@code true} if objects are returned as result of the query
* @see SearchControls#getReturningObjFlag()
public boolean isReturningObjFlag() {
return searchControls.getReturningObjFlag();
public void setReturningObjFlag(boolean enabled) {
* @return Authentication mode to use: &qout;none", "simple", etc.
public String getAuthenticationMode() {
return Objects.toString(ldapEnv.get(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION), null);
public void setAuthenticationMode(String mode) {
ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, Objects.requireNonNull(mode, "No authentication mode"));
* @return How referrals encountered by the service provider are to be processed
* @see Context#REFERRAL
public String getReferralMode() {
return Objects.toString(ldapEnv.get(Context.REFERRAL), null);
public void setReferralMode(String mode) {
ldapEnv.put(Context.REFERRAL, ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(mode, "No referral mode"));
* @return The specified protocol version - non-positive if default provider version used
public int getProtocolVersion() {
Object value = ldapEnv.get("java.naming.ldap.version");
return (value != null) ? ((Number) value).intValue() : -1;
public void setProtocolVersion(int value) {
ValidateUtils.checkTrue(value > 0, "Non-positive protocol value: %d", value);
ldapEnv.put("java.naming.ldap.version", value);
* @return Comma separated list of attributes known to be binary so that they are returned as {@code byte[]} value
* rather than strings
public String getBinaryAttributes() {
return Objects.toString(ldapEnv.get("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary"), "").replace(' ', ',');
* @param value Comma separated list of attributes known to be binary so that they are returned as {@code byte[]}
* value rather than strings
* @see LDAP Attributes
public void setBinaryAttributes(String value) {
value = ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(value, "No attributes").replace(',', ' ');
ldapEnv.put("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", value);
* @param username Username to be used either to access the LDAP or retrieve the user's attributes - may be
* {@code null}/empty if not required for the specific query
* @param password Password Password to be used if necessary - may be {@code null}/empty if not required for
* the specific query
* @param queryContext User specific query context - relevant for derived classes that want to override some of
* query processing methods
* @return A {@link Map} of the retrieved attributes - Note: if
* {@link #isAccumulateMultiValues()} is {@code true} and multiple values are encountered
* for an attribute then a {@link List} of them is mapped as its value
* @throws NamingException If failed to executed the LDAP query
* @see #queryAttributes(Object, DirContext, Map, String, String)
public Map resolveAttributes(String username, String password, C queryContext) throws NamingException {
// create a copy of the original environment so we can change it
DirContext context = initializeDirContext(queryContext, new HashMap<>(ldapEnv), username, password);
try {
return queryAttributes(queryContext, context, context.getEnvironment(), username, password);
} finally {
* @param queryContext The user-specific query context
* @param context The initialized {@link DirContext}
* @param ldapConfig The LDAP environment setup
* @param username The username
* @param password The password
* @return A {@link Map} of the retrieved attributes - Note: if
* {@link #isAccumulateMultiValues()} is {@code true} and multiple values are encountered
* for an attribute then a {@link List} of them is mapped as its value
* @throws NamingException If failed to executed the LDAP query
protected Map queryAttributes(
C queryContext, DirContext context, Map, ?> ldapConfig, String username, String password)
throws NamingException {
String baseDN = resolveBaseDN(queryContext, ldapConfig, username, password);
String filter = resolveSearchFilter(queryContext, ldapConfig, username, password);
NamingEnumeration extends SearchResult> result
=, "No base DN"),
ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(filter, "No filter"),
try {
Map attrsMap = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
String referralMode = Objects.toString(ldapConfig.get(Context.REFERRAL), null);
for (int index = 0;; index++) {
if (!result.hasMore()) {
processSearchResult(queryContext, ldapConfig, attrsMap, index,;
// if not following referrals stop at the 1st result regardless if there are others
if ("ignore".equals(referralMode)) {
return attrsMap;
} finally {
protected DirContext initializeDirContext(C queryContext, Map env, String username, String password)
throws NamingException {
Map ldapConfig = setupDirContextEnvironment(queryContext, env, username, password);
return new InitialDirContext(new Hashtable<>(ldapConfig));
* Called in order to set up the environment configuration passed to the
* {@link InitialDirContext#InitialDirContext(Hashtable)} constructor
* @param queryContext The caller-specific query context
* @param env The current environment setup
* @param username The username - may be {@code null}/empty
* @param password The password - may be {@code null}/empty
* @return An updated environment configuration - can be a new instance or just the original
* one with some changes in it
* @throws NamingException If failed to set up the environment
protected Map setupDirContextEnvironment(
C queryContext, Map env, String username, String password)
throws NamingException {
if (!env.containsKey(Context.PROVIDER_URL)) {
int port = getPort();
ValidateUtils.checkTrue(port > 0, "No port configured");
String url = ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(getProtocol(), "No protocol")
+ "://" + ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(getHost(), "No host")
+ ":" + port;
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
String mode = Objects.toString(env.get(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION), null);
boolean anonymous = GenericUtils.isEmpty(mode) || PropertyResolverUtils.isNoneValue(mode);
if (!anonymous) {
Object[] bindParams = { username, password };
if (!env.containsKey(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL)) {
String bindDN = Objects.requireNonNull(bindDNPattern, "No bind DN pattern").format(bindParams);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(bindDN, "No bind DN"));
if (!env.containsKey(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS)) {
String bindPassword
= Objects.requireNonNull(bindPasswordPattern, "No bind password pattern").format(bindParams);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, ValidateUtils.checkNotNullAndNotEmpty(bindPassword, "No bind password"));
return env;
protected String resolveBaseDN(C queryContext, Map, ?> ldapConfig, String username, String password)
throws NamingException {
Object[] bindParams = { username, password };
return Objects.requireNonNull(baseDNPattern, "No base DN pattern").format(bindParams);
protected String resolveSearchFilter(C queryContext, Map, ?> ldapConfig, String username, String password)
throws NamingException {
Object[] bindParams = { username, password };
return Objects.requireNonNull(searchFilterPattern, "No search filter pattern").format(bindParams);
protected void processSearchResult(
C queryContext, Map, ?> ldapConfig, Map attrsMap,
int resultIndex, SearchResult result)
throws NamingException {
String dn = result.getName();
accumulateAttributeValue(queryContext, attrsMap, Context.AUTHORITATIVE, dn);
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
NamingEnumeration extends Attribute> attrVals = attrs.getAll();
try {
while (attrVals.hasMore()) {
processResultAttributeValue(queryContext, ldapConfig, dn, resultIndex, attrsMap,;
} finally {
// returns the most up-to-date value mapped for the attribute
protected Object processResultAttributeValue(
C queryContext, Map, ?> ldapConfig,
String dn, int resultIndex, Map attrsMap, Attribute a)
throws NamingException {
String attrID = a.getID();
int numValues = a.size();
for (int index = 0; index < numValues; index++) {
Object attrVal = a.get(index);
if (attrVal != null) {
Object prev = accumulateAttributeValue(queryContext, attrsMap, attrID, attrVal);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
if (prev != null) {
log.trace("processResultAttributeValue({})[{}] multiple values: {} / {}",
dn, attrID, toString(prev), toString(attrVal));
} else {
log.trace("processResultAttributeValue({}) {} = {}", dn, attrID, toString(attrVal));
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("processResultAttributeValue({}) skip null attribute: {}", dn, attrID);
if ((numValues > 1) && (!isAccumulateMultiValues())) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("processResultAttributeValue({})[{}] skip remaining {} values",
dn, attrID, numValues - 1);
return attrsMap.get(attrID);
protected Object accumulateAttributeValue(C queryContext, Map attrsMap, String attrID, Object attrVal) {
Object prev = attrsMap.put(attrID, attrVal);
if (prev == null) {
return null; // debug breakpoint
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