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scripts.algorithms.StepLinearRegDS.dml Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 1.2.0
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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X           String     ---   Location (on HDFS) to read the matrix X of feature vectors
# Y           String     ---   Location (on HDFS) to read the 1-column matrix Y of response values
# B           String     ---   Location to store estimated regression parameters (the betas)
# S           String     ---   Location to write the selected features ordered as computed by the algorithm
# O           String     " "   Location to write the printed statistics; by default is standard output
# icpt        Int        0     Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling the columns of X:
#                              0 = no intercept, no shifting, no rescaling;
#                              1 = add intercept, but neither shift nor rescale X;
#                              2 = add intercept, shift & rescale X columns to mean = 0, variance = 1
# thr         Double    0.01   Threshold to stop the algorithm: if the decrease in the value of AIC falls below thr
#                              no further features are being checked and the algorithm stops 
# fmt         String   "text"  Matrix output format for B (the betas) only, usually "text" or "csv"
# write_beta  Boolean   TRUE   Should the beta's be returned?
#                              0 = no
#                              1 = yes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OUTPUT: Matrix of regression parameters (the betas) and its size depend on icpt input value:
# icpt=0: ncol(X)   x 1  Betas for X only                Y ~ X %*% B[1:ncol(X), 1], or just X %*% B
# icpt=1: ncol(X)+1 x 1  Betas for X and intercept       Y ~ X %*% B[1:ncol(X), 1] + B[ncol(X)+1, 1]
# icpt=2: ncol(X)+1 x 2  Col.1: betas for X & intercept  Y ~ X %*% B[1:ncol(X), 1] + B[ncol(X)+1, 1]
#                        Col.2: betas for shifted/rescaled X and intercept
# In addition, in the last run of linear regression some statistics are provided in CSV format, one comma-separated
# name-value pair per each line, as follows:
# NAME                  MEANING
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AVG_TOT_Y             Average of the response value Y
# STDEV_TOT_Y           Standard Deviation of the response value Y
# AVG_RES_Y             Average of the residual Y - pred(Y|X), i.e. residual bias
# STDEV_RES_Y           Standard Deviation of the residual Y - pred(Y|X)
# DISPERSION            GLM-style dispersion, i.e. residual sum of squares / # deg. fr.
# R2                    R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
# ADJUSTED_R2           Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
# R2_NOBIAS             R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average
# ADJUSTED_R2_NOBIAS    Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average
# R2_VS_0               * R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant
# ADJUSTED_R2_VS_0      * Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * The last two statistics are only printed if there is no intercept (icpt=0)
# If the best AIC is achieved without any features the matrix of selected features contains 0.  
# Moreover, in this case no further statistics will be produced  
# hadoop jar SystemML.jar -f StepLinearRegDS.dml -nvargs X=INPUT_DIR/X Y=INPUT_DIR/Y B=OUTPUT_DIR/betas
#     O=OUTPUT_DIR/stats S=OUTPUT_DIR/selected icpt=2 thr=0.01 fmt=csv write_beta=TRUE

fileX = $X;
fileY = $Y;
fileB = $B;
fileS = $S;

write_beta = ifdef($write_beta, TRUE);

# currently only the forward selection strategy in supported: start from one feature and iteratively add 
# features until AIC improves
dir = "forward";

fmt  = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
intercept_status = ifdef ($icpt, 1);
thr = ifdef ($thr, 0.001);

print ("Reading X and Y...");
X_orig = read (fileX);
y = read (fileY);

n = nrow (X_orig);
m_orig = ncol (X_orig);


if (dir == "forward") {
  continue = TRUE;
  columns_fixed = matrix (0, rows = 1, cols = m_orig);
  columns_fixed_ordered = matrix (0, rows = 1, cols = 1);

  # X_global stores the best model found at each step
  X_global = matrix (0, rows = n, cols = 1);

  if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2) {
    beta = mean (y);
    AIC_best = 2 + n * log(sum((beta - y)^2) / n);
  } else {
    beta = 0.0;
    AIC_best = n * log(sum(y^2) / n);

  AICs = matrix (AIC_best, rows = 1, cols = m_orig);
  print ("Best AIC without any features: " + AIC_best);

  boa_ncol = ncol(X_orig)
  if (intercept_status != 0) {
    boa_ncol = boa_ncol + 1

  beta_out_all = matrix(0, rows = boa_ncol, cols = m_orig * 1);

  y_ncol = 1;

  # First pass to examine single features
  parfor (i in 1:m_orig, check = 0) {
    columns_fixed_ordered_1 = matrix(i, rows=1, cols=1);

    [AIC_1, beta_out_i] = linear_regression (X_orig[, i], y, m_orig, columns_fixed_ordered_1,
                                             write_beta, 0);

    AICs[1, i] = AIC_1;

    beta_out_all[, (i - 1) * y_ncol + 1 : i * y_ncol] = beta_out_i[, 1:1];


  # Determine the best AIC
  column_best = 0;
  for (k in 1:m_orig) {
    AIC_cur = as.scalar (AICs[1, k]);
    if ( (AIC_cur < AIC_best) & ((AIC_best - AIC_cur) > abs (thr * AIC_best)) ) {
      column_best = k;
      AIC_best = as.scalar(AICs[1, k]);

  # beta best so far
  beta_best = beta_out_all[, (column_best-1) * y_ncol + 1: column_best * y_ncol];

  if (column_best == 0) {
    print ("AIC of an empty model is " + AIC_best + " and adding no feature achieves more than " +
           (thr * 100) + "% decrease in AIC!");
    Selected = matrix (0, rows = 1, cols = 1);
    if (intercept_status == 0) {
      B = matrix (beta, rows = m_orig, cols = 1);
    } else {
      B_tmp = matrix (0, rows = m_orig + 1, cols = 1);
      B_tmp[m_orig + 1, ] = beta;
      B = B_tmp;

    beta_out = B;

    write(Selected, fileS, format=fmt);
    write(beta_out, fileB, format=fmt);

    stop ("");
  print ("Best AIC " + AIC_best + " achieved with feature: " + column_best);
  columns_fixed[1, column_best] = 1;
  columns_fixed_ordered[1, 1] = column_best;
  X_global = X_orig[, column_best];

    while (continue) {
    # Subsequent passes over the features
    beta_out_all_2 = matrix(0, rows = boa_ncol, cols = m_orig * 1);

    parfor (i in 1:m_orig, check = 0) {
      if (as.scalar(columns_fixed[1, i]) == 0) {

        # Construct the feature matrix
        X = cbind (X_global, X_orig[, i]);

        tmp = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=1);
        tmp[1, 1] = i;
        columns_fixed_ordered_2 = append(columns_fixed_ordered, tmp )
        [AIC_2, beta_out_i] = linear_regression (X, y, m_orig, columns_fixed_ordered_2, write_beta, 0);
        beta_out_all_2[, (i - 1) * y_ncol + 1 : i * y_ncol] = beta_out_i[,1:1];

        AICs[1, i] = AIC_2;

    # Determine the best AIC
    for (k in 1:m_orig) {
      AIC_cur = as.scalar (AICs[1, k]);
      if ( (AIC_cur < AIC_best) & ((AIC_best - AIC_cur) > abs (thr * AIC_best)) &
            (as.scalar(columns_fixed[1, k]) == 0) ) {
        column_best = k;
        AIC_best = as.scalar(AICs[1, k]);

    # have the best beta store in the matrix
    beta_best = beta_out_all_2[, (column_best - 1) * y_ncol + 1 : column_best * y_ncol];

    # Append best found features (i.e., columns) to X_global
    if (as.scalar(columns_fixed[1, column_best]) == 0) { # new best feature found
      print ("Best AIC " + AIC_best + " achieved with feature: " + column_best);
      columns_fixed[1, column_best] = 1;
      columns_fixed_ordered = cbind (columns_fixed_ordered, as.matrix(column_best));

      if (ncol(columns_fixed_ordered) == m_orig) { # all features examined
        X_global = cbind (X_global, X_orig[, column_best]);
        continue = FALSE;
      } else {
        X_global = cbind (X_global, X_orig[, column_best]);
    } else {
      continue = FALSE;


  # run linear regression with selected set of features
  print ("Running linear regression with selected features...");
  [AIC, beta_out] = linear_regression (X_global, y, m_orig, columns_fixed_ordered, write_beta, 1);

  Selected = columns_fixed_ordered;
  if (intercept_status != 0) {
    Selected = cbind(Selected, matrix(boa_ncol, rows=1, cols=1))

  beta_out = reorder_matrix(boa_ncol, beta_out, Selected);

  write(Selected, fileS, format=fmt);
  write(beta_out, fileB, format=fmt);

} else {
  stop ("Currently only forward selection strategy is supported!");

# Computes linear regression using a direct solver for (X^T X) beta = X^T y.
# It also outputs the AIC of the computed model.

linear_regression = function (Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] y, Double m_orig,
  Matrix[Double] Selected, Boolean write_beta, Boolean writeStats)
  return (Double AIC, Matrix[Double] beta) {

    intercept_status = ifdef ($icpt, 0);
    fmt = ifdef ($fmt, "text");
    n = nrow (X);
    m = ncol (X);

    # Introduce the intercept, shift and rescale the columns of X if needed
    if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2) { # add the intercept column
      ones_n = matrix (1, rows = n, cols = 1);
      X = cbind (X, ones_n);
      m = m - 1;

    m_ext = ncol(X);

    if (intercept_status == 2) { # scale-&-shift X columns to mean 0, variance 1
      # Important assumption: X [, m_ext] = ones_n
      avg_X_cols = t(colSums(X)) / n;
      var_X_cols = (t(colSums (X ^ 2)) - n * (avg_X_cols ^ 2)) / (n - 1);
      is_unsafe = (var_X_cols <= 0);
      scale_X = 1.0 / sqrt (var_X_cols * (1 - is_unsafe) + is_unsafe);
      scale_X [m_ext, 1] = 1;
      shift_X = - avg_X_cols * scale_X;
      shift_X [m_ext, 1] = 0;
    } else {
      scale_X = matrix (1, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);
      shift_X = matrix (0, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);


    A = t(X) %*% X;
    b = t(X) %*% y;
    if (intercept_status == 2) {
      A = t(diag (scale_X) %*% A + shift_X %*% A [m_ext, ]);
      A =   diag (scale_X) %*% A + shift_X %*% A [m_ext, ];
      b =   diag (scale_X) %*% b + shift_X %*% b [m_ext, ];

    beta_unscaled = solve (A, b);


    if (intercept_status == 2) {
      beta = scale_X * beta_unscaled;
      beta [m_ext, ] = beta [m_ext, ] + t(shift_X) %*% beta_unscaled;
    } else {
      beta = beta_unscaled;

    y_residual = y - X %*% beta;
    ss_res = sum (y_residual ^ 2);
    eq_deg_of_freedom = m_ext;
    AIC = (2 * eq_deg_of_freedom) + n * log (ss_res / n);

    if(write_beta == 1) {
      fileO = ifdef ($O, " ");
      fileS = $S;

      print ("Computing the statistics...");
      avg_tot = sum (y) / n;
      ss_tot = sum (y ^ 2);
      ss_avg_tot = ss_tot - n * avg_tot ^ 2;
      var_tot = ss_avg_tot / (n - 1);
      # y_residual = y - X %*% beta;
      avg_res = sum (y_residual) / n;
      # ss_res = sum (y_residual ^ 2);
      ss_avg_res = ss_res - n * avg_res ^ 2;

      R2 = 1 - ss_res / ss_avg_tot;
      if (n > m_ext) {
        dispersion  = ss_res / (n - m_ext);
        adjusted_R2 = 1 - dispersion / (ss_avg_tot / (n - 1));
      } else {
        dispersion  = 0.0 / 0.0;
        adjusted_R2 = 0.0 / 0.0;

      R2_nobias = 1 - ss_avg_res / ss_avg_tot;
      deg_freedom = n - m - 1;
      if (deg_freedom > 0) {
        var_res = ss_avg_res / deg_freedom;
        adjusted_R2_nobias = 1 - var_res / (ss_avg_tot / (n - 1));
      } else {
        var_res = 0.0 / 0.0;
        adjusted_R2_nobias = 0.0 / 0.0;
        print ("Warning: zero or negative number of degrees of freedom.");

      R2_vs_0 = 1 - ss_res / ss_tot;
      if (n > m) {
        adjusted_R2_vs_0 = 1 - (ss_res / (n - m)) / (ss_tot / n);
      } else {
        adjusted_R2_vs_0 = 0.0 / 0.0;

      str = "AVG_TOT_Y," + avg_tot;                                    #  Average of the response value Y
      str = append (str, "STDEV_TOT_Y," + sqrt (var_tot));             #  Standard Deviation of the response value Y
      str = append (str, "AVG_RES_Y," + avg_res);                      #  Average of the residual Y - pred(Y|X), i.e. residual bias
      str = append (str, "STDEV_RES_Y," + sqrt (var_res));             #  Standard Deviation of the residual Y - pred(Y|X)
      str = append (str, "DISPERSION," + dispersion);                  #  GLM-style dispersion, i.e. residual sum of squares / # d.f.
      str = append (str, "R2," + R2);                                  #  R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
      str = append (str, "ADJUSTED_R2," + adjusted_R2);                #  Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
      str = append (str, "R2_NOBIAS," + R2_nobias);                    #  R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average
      str = append (str, "ADJUSTED_R2_NOBIAS," + adjusted_R2_nobias);  #  Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average
      if (intercept_status == 0) {
        str = append (str, "R2_VS_0," + R2_vs_0);                      #  R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant
        str = append (str, "ADJUSTED_R2_VS_0," + adjusted_R2_vs_0);    #  Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant

      if (fileO != " " & writeStats != 0) {
        write(str, fileO);
      } else {
        print (str);
        print ("");

      # TODO IMP NOTE: with the fix in PR-22, we have not accounted for 
      # intercept=2 and # the code before # was not matching so we have removed it
      # for now. Pl see the git revision history and diff to see the changes.
      # in future we will have this feature. For now it is disabled

reorder_matrix = function(
  double ncolX, # number of column in X, inlcuding the intercept column
  matrix[double] B, # beta
  matrix[double] S  # Selected
) return (matrix[double] Y) {
  # This function assumes that B and S have same number of elements.
  # if the intercept is included in the model, all inputs should be adjusted
  # appropriately before calling this function.

  S = t(S);
  num_empty_B = ncolX - nrow(B);
  if (num_empty_B < 0) {
    stop("Error: unable to re-order the matrix. Reason: B more than matrix X");

  if (num_empty_B > 0) {
    pad_zeros = matrix(0, rows = num_empty_B, cols=1);
    B = rbind(B, pad_zeros);
    S = rbind(S, pad_zeros);

  # since the table won't accept zeros as index we hack it.
  S0 = replace(target = S, pattern = 0, replacement = ncolX+1);
  seqS = seq(1, nrow(S0));
  P = table(seqS, S0, ncolX, ncolX);

  Y = t(P) %*% B;

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