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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD


import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import{ Estimator, Model }
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import{ DoubleParam, Param, ParamMap, Params }
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.MatrixCharacteristics
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.spark.utils.{ RDDConverterUtils, RDDConverterUtilsExt }
import org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext._
import org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.ScriptFactory._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.sysml.api.mlcontext.MLContext.ExplainLevel
import org.apache.sysml.hops.OptimizerUtils;

import java.util.HashMap

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

import java.util.Random

The mllearn API supports LogisticRegression, LinearRegression, SVM, NaiveBayes
and Caffe2DML. Every algorithm in this API has a python wrapper (implemented in the mllearn python package)
and a Scala class where the actual logic is implementation.
Both wrapper and scala class follow the below hierarchy to reuse code and simplify the implementation.

      |                                          |
BaseSystemMLClassifier                  BaseSystemMLRegressor
      ^                                          ^
      |                                          |
SVM, Caffe2DML, ...                          LinearRegression

To conform with MLLib API, for every algorithm, we support two classes for every algorithm:
1. Estimator for training: For example: SVM extends Estimator[SVMModel].
2. Model for prediction: For example: SVMModel extends Model[SVMModel]

Both BaseSystemMLRegressor and BaseSystemMLClassifier implements following methods for training:
1. For compatibility with scikit-learn: baseFit(X_mb: MatrixBlock, y_mb: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext): MLResults
2. For compatibility with MLLib: baseFit(df: ScriptsUtils.SparkDataType, sc: SparkContext): MLResults

In the above methods, we execute the DML script for the given algorithm using MLContext.
The missing piece of the puzzle is how does BaseSystemMLRegressor and BaseSystemMLClassifier interfaces
get the DML script. To enable this, each wrapper class has to implement following methods:
1. getTrainingScript(isSingleNode:Boolean):(Script object of mlcontext, variable name of X in the script:String, variable name of y in the script:String)
2. getPredictionScript(isSingleNode:Boolean): (Script object of mlcontext, variable name of X in the script:String)

trait HasLaplace extends Params {
  final val laplace: Param[Double] = new Param[Double](this, "laplace", "Laplace smoothing specified by the user to avoid creation of 0 probabilities.")
  setDefault(laplace, 1.0)
  final def getLaplace: Double = $(laplace)
trait HasIcpt extends Params {
  final val icpt: Param[Int] = new Param[Int](this, "icpt", "Intercept presence, shifting and rescaling X columns")
  setDefault(icpt, 0)
  final def getIcpt: Int = $(icpt)
trait HasMaxOuterIter extends Params {
  final val maxOuterIter: Param[Int] = new Param[Int](this, "maxOuterIter", "max. number of outer (Newton) iterations")
  setDefault(maxOuterIter, 100)
  final def getMaxOuterIte: Int = $(maxOuterIter)
trait HasMaxInnerIter extends Params {
  final val maxInnerIter: Param[Int] = new Param[Int](this, "maxInnerIter", "max. number of inner (conjugate gradient) iterations, 0 = no max")
  setDefault(maxInnerIter, 0)
  final def getMaxInnerIter: Int = $(maxInnerIter)
trait HasTol extends Params {
  final val tol: DoubleParam = new DoubleParam(this, "tol", "the convergence tolerance for iterative algorithms")
  setDefault(tol, 0.000001)
  final def getTol: Double = $(tol)
trait HasRegParam extends Params {
  final val regParam: DoubleParam = new DoubleParam(this, "regParam", "regularization parameter")
  setDefault(regParam, 0.000001)
  final def getRegParam: Double = $(regParam)

trait BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel {
  var enableGPU: Boolean                                                                          = false
  var forceGPU: Boolean                                                                           = false
  var explain: Boolean                                                                            = false
  var explainLevel: String                                                                        = "runtime"
  var statistics: Boolean                                                                         = false
  var statisticsMaxHeavyHitters: Int                                                              = 10
  val config: HashMap[String, String]                                                             = new HashMap[String, String]()
  def setGPU(enableGPU1: Boolean): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                                   = { enableGPU = enableGPU1; this }
  def setForceGPU(enableGPU1: Boolean): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                              = { forceGPU = enableGPU1; this }
  def setExplain(explain1: Boolean): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                                 = { explain = explain1; this }
  def setExplainLevel(explainLevel1: String): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                        = { explainLevel = explainLevel1; this }
  def setStatistics(statistics1: Boolean): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                           = { statistics = statistics1; this }
  def setStatisticsMaxHeavyHitters(statisticsMaxHeavyHitters1: Int): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel = { statisticsMaxHeavyHitters = statisticsMaxHeavyHitters1; this }
  def setConfigProperty(key: String, value: String): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel                 = { config.put(key, value); this }
  def updateML(ml: MLContext): Unit = {
	ml.setGPU(enableGPU); ml.setForceGPU(forceGPU);
    ml.setExplain(explain); ml.setExplainLevel(explainLevel);
    ml.setStatistics(statistics); ml.setStatisticsMaxHeavyHitters(statisticsMaxHeavyHitters); => ml.setConfigProperty(x._1, x._2))
    // Since this is an approximate information, the check below only warns the users of unintended side effects
    // (for example: holding too many strong references) and is not added as a safeguard.
    val freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
    if(freeMem < OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()) {
    	val LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel].getName())
    	LOG.warn("SystemML local memory budget:" + OptimizerUtils.toMB(OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()) + " mb. Approximate free memory available on the driver JVM:" + OptimizerUtils.toMB(freeMem) + " mb.");
  def copyProperties(other: BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel): BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel = {
    other.setGPU(enableGPU); other.setForceGPU(forceGPU);
    other.setExplain(explain); other.setExplainLevel(explainLevel);
    other.setStatistics(statistics); other.setStatisticsMaxHeavyHitters(statisticsMaxHeavyHitters); => other.setConfigProperty(x._1, x._2))
    return other

trait BaseSystemMLEstimator extends BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel {
  def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = schema
  var mloutput: MLResults                             = null
  // Returns the script and variables for X and y
  def getTrainingScript(isSingleNode: Boolean): (Script, String, String)

  def toDouble(i: Int): java.lang.Double =

  def toDouble(d: Double): java.lang.Double =


trait BaseSystemMLEstimatorModel extends BaseSystemMLEstimatorOrModel {
  def toDouble(i: Int): java.lang.Double =
  def toDouble(d: Double): java.lang.Double =

  def transform_probability(X: MatrixBlock): MatrixBlock;

  def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = schema

  // Returns the script and variable for X
  def getPredictionScript(isSingleNode: Boolean): (Script, String)
  def baseEstimator(): BaseSystemMLEstimator
  def modelVariables(): List[String]
  // self.model.load(, weights, format, sep)
  def load(sc: JavaSparkContext, outputDir: String, sep: String, eager: Boolean = false): Unit = {
    val dmlScript = new StringBuilder
    dmlScript.append("print(\"Loading the model from " + outputDir + "...\")\n")
    val tmpSum = "tmp_sum_var" + Math.abs((new Random()).nextInt())
    if (eager)
      dmlScript.append(tmpSum + " = 0\n")
    for (varName <- modelVariables) {
      dmlScript.append(varName + " = read(\"" + outputDir + sep + varName + ".mtx\")\n")
      if (eager)
        dmlScript.append(tmpSum + " = " + tmpSum + " + 0.001*mean(" + varName + ")\n")
    if (eager) {
      dmlScript.append("if(" + tmpSum + " > 0) { print(\"Loaded the model\"); } else {  print(\"Loaded the model.\"); }")
    val script = dml(dmlScript.toString)
    for (varName <- modelVariables) {
    val ml = new MLContext(sc)
    baseEstimator.mloutput = ml.execute(script)
  def save(sc: JavaSparkContext, outputDir: String, format: String = "binary", sep: String = "/"): Unit = {
    if (baseEstimator.mloutput == null) throw new DMLRuntimeException("Cannot save as you need to train the model first using fit")
    val dmlScript = new StringBuilder
    dmlScript.append("print(\"Saving the model to " + outputDir + "...\")\n")
    for (varName <- modelVariables) {
      dmlScript.append("write(" + varName + ", \"" + outputDir + sep + varName + ".mtx\", format=\"" + format + "\")\n")
    val script = dml(dmlScript.toString)
    for (varName <- modelVariables) {, baseEstimator.mloutput.getMatrix(varName))
    val ml = new MLContext(sc)

trait BaseSystemMLClassifier extends BaseSystemMLEstimator {
  def baseFit(X_mb: MatrixBlock, y_mb: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext): MLResults = {
    val isSingleNode = true
    val ml           = new MLContext(sc)
    val ret    = getTrainingScript(isSingleNode)
    val script =, X_mb).in(ret._3, y_mb)
  def baseFit(df: ScriptsUtils.SparkDataType, sc: SparkContext): MLResults = {
    val isSingleNode = false
    val ml           = new MLContext(df.rdd.sparkContext)
    val mcXin           = new MatrixCharacteristics()
    val Xin             = RDDConverterUtils.dataFrameToBinaryBlock(sc, df.asInstanceOf[DataFrame].select("features"), mcXin, false, true)
    val revLabelMapping = new java.util.HashMap[Int, String]
    val yin             ="label")
    val ret             = getTrainingScript(isSingleNode)
    val mmXin           = new MatrixMetadata(mcXin)
    val Xbin            = new Matrix(Xin, mmXin)
    val script          =, Xbin).in(ret._3, yin)

trait BaseSystemMLClassifierModel extends BaseSystemMLEstimatorModel {

  def baseTransform(X: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String): MatrixBlock = baseTransform(X, sc, probVar, -1, 1, 1)

  def baseTransform(X: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, C: Int, H: Int, W: Int): MatrixBlock = {
    val Prob = baseTransformHelper(X, sc, probVar, C, H, W)
    val script1 = dml("source(\"nn/util.dml\") as util; Prediction = util::predict_class(Prob, C, H, W);")
      .in("Prob", Prob.toMatrixBlock, Prob.getMatrixMetadata)
      .in("C", C)
      .in("H", H)
      .in("W", W)
    val freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
    if(freeMem < OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()) {
    	val LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[BaseSystemMLClassifierModel].getName())
    	LOG.warn("SystemML local memory budget:" + OptimizerUtils.toMB(OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()) + " mb. Approximate free memory abailable:" + OptimizerUtils.toMB(freeMem));
    val ret = (new MLContext(sc)).execute(script1).getMatrix("Prediction").toMatrixBlock

    if (ret.getNumColumns != 1 && H == 1 && W == 1) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Expected predicted label to be a column vector")
    return ret

  def baseTransformHelper(X: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, C: Int, H: Int, W: Int): Matrix = {
    val isSingleNode = true
    val ml           = new MLContext(sc)
    val script = getPredictionScript(isSingleNode)
    // Uncomment for debugging
    // ml.setExplainLevel(ExplainLevel.RECOMPILE_RUNTIME)
    val modelPredict = ml.execute(, X, new MatrixMetadata(X.getNumRows, X.getNumColumns, X.getNonZeros)))
    return modelPredict.getMatrix(probVar)

  def baseTransformProbability(X: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String): MatrixBlock =
    baseTransformProbability(X, sc, probVar, -1, 1, 1)

  def baseTransformProbability(X: MatrixBlock, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, C: Int, H: Int, W: Int): MatrixBlock =
    return baseTransformHelper(X, sc, probVar, C, H, W).toMatrixBlock

  def baseTransform(df: ScriptsUtils.SparkDataType, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, outputProb: Boolean = true): DataFrame =
    baseTransform(df, sc, probVar, outputProb, -1, 1, 1)

  def baseTransformHelper(df: ScriptsUtils.SparkDataType, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, outputProb: Boolean, C: Int, H: Int, W: Int): Matrix = {
    val isSingleNode = false
    val ml           = new MLContext(sc)
    val mcXin        = new MatrixCharacteristics()
    val Xin          = RDDConverterUtils.dataFrameToBinaryBlock(df.rdd.sparkContext, df.asInstanceOf[DataFrame].select("features"), mcXin, false, true)
    val script       = getPredictionScript(isSingleNode)
    val mmXin        = new MatrixMetadata(mcXin)
    val Xin_bin      = new Matrix(Xin, mmXin)
    val modelPredict = ml.execute(, Xin_bin))
    return modelPredict.getMatrix(probVar)

  def baseTransform(df: ScriptsUtils.SparkDataType, sc: SparkContext, probVar: String, outputProb: Boolean, C: Int, H: Int, W: Int): DataFrame = {
    val Prob = baseTransformHelper(df, sc, probVar, outputProb, C, H, W)
    val script1 = dml("source(\"nn/util.dml\") as util; Prediction = util::predict_class(Prob, C, H, W);")
      .in("Prob", Prob)
      .in("C", C)
      .in("H", H)
      .in("W", W)
    val predLabelOut = (new MLContext(sc)).execute(script1)
    val predictedDF  = predLabelOut.getDataFrame("Prediction").select(RDDConverterUtils.DF_ID_COLUMN, "C1").withColumnRenamed("C1", "prediction")

    if (outputProb) {
      val prob    = Prob.toDFVectorWithIDColumn().withColumnRenamed("C1", "probability").select(RDDConverterUtils.DF_ID_COLUMN, "probability")
      val dataset = RDDConverterUtilsExt.addIDToDataFrame(df.asInstanceOf[DataFrame], df.sparkSession, RDDConverterUtils.DF_ID_COLUMN)
      return PredictionUtils.joinUsingID(dataset, PredictionUtils.joinUsingID(prob, predictedDF))
    } else {
      val dataset = RDDConverterUtilsExt.addIDToDataFrame(df.asInstanceOf[DataFrame], df.sparkSession, RDDConverterUtils.DF_ID_COLUMN)
      return PredictionUtils.joinUsingID(dataset, predictedDF)


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