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org.apache.tapestry.mojo.ComponentReport Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry.mojo;

import nu.xom.*;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
import org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.Renderer;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReportException;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.DefaultConsumer;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * The component report generates documentation about components and parameters within the current project.
 * @goal component-report
 * @requiresDependencyResolution compile
 * @execute phase="generate-sources"
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public class ComponentReport extends AbstractMavenReport
     * Subdirectory containing the component reference pages and index.
    private static final String REFERENCE_DIR = "ref";

    private final static String[] PARAMETER_HEADERS = { "Name", "Type", "Flags", "Default", "Default Prefix",
            "Since", "Description" };

    private static final Pattern TAPESTRY5_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(org\\.apache\\.tapestry5[#_\\w\\.]*)");

    private static final char QUOTE = '"';

     * Identifies the application root package.
     * @parameter
     * @required
    private String rootPackage;

     * The Maven Project Object
     * @parameter expression="${project}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    private MavenProject project;

     * Generates the site report
     * @component
    private Renderer siteRenderer;

     * Location of the generated site.
     * @parameter default-value="${project.reporting.outputDirectory}"
     * @required
    private String outputDirectory;

     * @parameter expression="${}/generated-site/xdoc"
     * @required
    private File generatedDocsDirectory;

     * @parameter expression="${}/generated-site/resources"
     * @required
    private File generatedResourcesDirectory;

     * Working directory for temporary files.
     * @parameter default-value="target"
     * @required
    private String workDirectory;

     * Relative path from the generated report to the API documentation (Javadoc). Defaults to "apidocs" but will often
     * be changed to "../apidocs" when documentation is created at the project level.
     * @parameter default-value="apidocs"
     * @required
    private String apidocs;

     * Where to find tapestry javadocs. This is used for generating documentation links for each parameter type.

* By default, this is set to "". A relative path can also be supplied * (a sensible value would be 'apidocs') and is resolved from the documentation root. * * @parameter default-value="" */ private String tapestryJavadoc; @Override protected String getOutputDirectory() { return outputDirectory; } @Override protected MavenProject getProject() { return project; } @Override protected Renderer getSiteRenderer() { return siteRenderer; } public String getDescription(Locale locale) { return "Tapestry component parameter reference documentation"; } public String getName(Locale locale) { return "Component Reference"; } public String getOutputName() { return REFERENCE_DIR + "/index"; } private final static Set SUPPORTED_SUBPACKAGES = CollectionFactory.newSet("base", "components", "mixins", "pages"); /** * Generates the report; this consist of the index page * * @param locale * @throws MavenReportException */ @Override protected void executeReport(Locale locale) throws MavenReportException { Map descriptions = runJavadoc(); getLog().info("Generating reference pages ..."); try { File refDir = new File(generatedDocsDirectory, REFERENCE_DIR); refDir.mkdirs(); List docSearchPath = createDocSearchPath(); Sink sink = getSink(); sink.head(); sink.title(); sink.text("Component Reference"); sink.title_(); sink.head_(); sink.section1(); sink.sectionTitle1(); sink.text("Component Reference"); sink.sectionTitle1_(); sink.list(); String currentSubpackage = null; for (String className : InternalUtils.sortedKeys(descriptions)) { String subpackage = extractSubpackage(className); if (!SUPPORTED_SUBPACKAGES.contains(subpackage)) continue; if (!subpackage.equals(currentSubpackage)) { if (currentSubpackage != null) { sink.list_(); sink.section2_(); } sink.section2(); sink.sectionTitle2(); sink.text(StringUtils.capitalize(subpackage)); sink.sectionTitle2_(); sink.list(); currentSubpackage = subpackage; } sink.listItem();; sink.text(className); sink.link_(); writeClassDescription(descriptions, refDir, docSearchPath, className); sink.listItem_(); } if (currentSubpackage != null) { sink.list_(); sink.section2_(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MavenReportException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } private String toPath(String className) { return className.replace('.', '/'); } private String toHtml(String filename) { int pos = filename.lastIndexOf("#"); if (pos < 0) return filename + ".html"; else { return filename.substring(0, pos) + ".html" + filename.substring(pos); } } private String extractSimpleName(String className) { int dotx = className.lastIndexOf("."); return className.substring(dotx + 1); } private String extractSubpackage(String className) { int dotx = className.indexOf(".", rootPackage.length() + 1); // For classes directly in the root package. if (dotx < 1) return ""; return className.substring(rootPackage.length() + 1, dotx); } protected List createDocSearchPath() { List result = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (String sourceRoot : (List) project.getCompileSourceRoots()) { result.add(new File(sourceRoot)); } for (Resource r : (List) project.getResources()) { String dir = r.getDirectory(); result.add(new File(dir)); } return result; } private void writeClassDescription(Map descriptions, File refDir, List docSearchPath, String className) throws Exception { int dotx = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String packageName = className.substring(0, dotx); File outputDir = new File(refDir, toPath(packageName)); outputDir.mkdirs(); File outputFile = new File(refDir, toPath(className) + ".xml"); Element root = new Element("document"); ClassDescription cd = descriptions.get(className); Map parameters = CollectionFactory.newMap(cd.getParameters()); List parents = CollectionFactory.newList(); String current = cd.getSuperClassName(); Map events = CollectionFactory.newCaseInsensitiveMap(cd.getEvents()); while (true) { ClassDescription superDescription = descriptions.get(current); if (superDescription == null) break; parents.add(current); parameters.putAll(superDescription.getParameters()); events.putAll(superDescription.getEvents()); current = superDescription.getSuperClassName(); } // Now, mix in the published parameters. for (Map.Entry entry : cd.getPublishedParameters().entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); String embeddedClassName = entry.getValue(); // TODO: Don't handle the case where the @Component.type attribute was used! ParameterDescription pd = locatePublishedParameterDescription(name, embeddedClassName, descriptions); parameters.put(name, pd); } Collections.reverse(parents); // XOM is pretty verbose; it really needs a builder/fluent interface. Element properties = addChild(root, "properties"); addChild(properties, "title", String.format("Component Reference: %s", className)); Element body = new Element("body"); root.appendChild(body); Element section = addSection(body, className); StringBuilder javadocURL = new StringBuilder(200); int depth = packageName.split("\\.").length; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { javadocURL.append("../"); } String pathToRefRoot = javadocURL.toString(); javadocURL.append("../"); String javadocHref = tapestryJavadoc.contains("://") ? tapestryJavadoc : javadocURL.toString() + tapestryJavadoc; javadocURL.append(apidocs).append("/").append(toHtml(toPath(className))); addChildWithJavadocs(section, "p", cd.getDescription(), javadocHref); addLink(addChild(section, "p"), javadocURL.toString(), "[JavaDoc]"); if (!parents.isEmpty()) { section = addSection(body, "Component Inheritance"); Element container = section; for (String name : parents) { Element ul = addChild(container, "ul"); Element li = addChild(ul, "li"); addLink(li, toHtml(name), name); container = li; } addChild(addChild(container, "ul"), "li", className); } if (!"".equals(cd.getSince())) { section = addSection(body, "Available since"); addChild(section, "p", cd.getSince()); } if (!parameters.isEmpty()) { section = addSection(body, "Component Parameters"); Element table = new Element("table"); section.appendChild(table); Element headerRow = new Element("tr"); table.appendChild(headerRow); for (String header : PARAMETER_HEADERS) addChild(headerRow, "th", header); List flags = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (String name : InternalUtils.sortedKeys(parameters)) { ParameterDescription pd = parameters.get(name); flags.clear(); if (pd.getRequired()) flags.add("Required"); if (!pd.getCache()) flags.add("NOT Cached"); if (!pd.getAllowNull()) flags.add("NOT Allow Null"); Element row = new Element("tr"); table.appendChild(row); addChild(row, "td", pd.getName()); addChildWithJavadocs(row, "td", pd.getType(), javadocHref); addChild(row, "td", InternalUtils.join(flags)); addChild(row, "td", pd.getDefaultValue()); addChild(row, "td", pd.getDefaultPrefix()); addChild(row, "td", pd.getSince()); addChildWithJavadocs(row, "td", pd.getDescription(), javadocHref); } } if (cd.isSupportsInformalParameters()) addChild(section, "p", "Informal parameters: supported"); if (!events.isEmpty()) { section = addSection(body, "Component Events"); Element ul = addChild(section, "ul"); for (String name : InternalUtils.sortedKeys(events)) { String value = events.get(name); String text = value.length() > 0 ? name + ": " + value : name; addChild(ul, "li", text); } } addExternalDocumentation(body, docSearchPath, className); addChild(body, "hr"); addLink(addChild(body, "p"), pathToRefRoot + "index.html", "Back to index"); Document document = new Document(root); getLog().info(String.format("Writing %s", outputFile)); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(bos); writer.print(document.toXML()); writer.close(); } private ParameterDescription locatePublishedParameterDescription(String name, String componentClassName, Map descriptions) { String current = componentClassName; while (current != null) { ClassDescription cd = descriptions.get(componentClassName); if (cd == null) break; String indirectClassName = cd.getPublishedParameters().get(name); if (indirectClassName != null) { current = indirectClassName; continue; } ParameterDescription pd = cd.getParameters().get(name); if (pd != null) return pd; current = cd.getSuperClassName(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Published parameter '%s' (from embedded component class %s) does not exist.", name, componentClassName)); } private void addExternalDocumentation(Element body, List docSearchPath, String className) throws ParsingException, IOException { String classNamePath = toPath(className); String pathExtension = classNamePath + ".xdoc"; for (File path : docSearchPath) { File file = new File(path, pathExtension); getLog().debug(String.format("Checking for %s", file)); if (!file.exists()) continue; getLog().info(String.format("Reading extra documentation from %s", file)); Builder builder = new Builder(); Document doc =; // Transfer the nodes inside document/body into our body Element incomingBody = doc.getRootElement().getFirstChildElement("body"); for (int i = 0; i < incomingBody.getChildCount(); i++) { Node incoming = incomingBody.getChild(i).copy(); body.appendChild(incoming); } Nodes nodes = doc.query("//img/@src"); int lastslashx = classNamePath.lastIndexOf('/'); String packagePath = classNamePath.substring(0, lastslashx); File generatedRefRoot = new File(generatedResourcesDirectory, REFERENCE_DIR); File generatedPackageRoot = new File(generatedRefRoot, packagePath); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { Node src = nodes.get(i); String srcPath = src.getValue(); File imgFile = new File(path, packagePath + "/" + srcPath); File imgTargetFile = new File(generatedPackageRoot, srcPath); copy(imgFile, imgTargetFile); } return; } } private void copy(File sourceFile, File targetFile) throws IOException { getLog().info(String.format("Copying image file %s to %s", sourceFile, targetFile)); targetFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); byte[] buffer = new byte[20000]; InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFile)); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile)); while (true) { int length =; if (length < 0) break; out.write(buffer, 0, length); } in.close(); out.close(); } protected Map runJavadoc() throws MavenReportException { getLog().info("Running JavaDoc to collect component parameter data ..."); Commandline command = new Commandline(); try { command.setExecutable(pathToJavadoc()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MavenReportException("Unable to locate javadoc command: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } String parametersPath = workDirectory + File.separator + "component-parameters.xml"; String[] arguments = { "-private", "-o", parametersPath, "-subpackages", rootPackage, "-doclet", ParametersDoclet.class.getName(), "-docletpath", docletPath(), "-sourcepath", sourcePath(), "-classpath", classPath() }; String argumentsFile = writeArgumentsFile(arguments); command.addArguments(new String[] { "@" + argumentsFile }); executeCommand(command); return readXML(parametersPath); } private String writeArgumentsFile(String[] arguments) throws MavenReportException { String fileName = workDirectory + "/component-report-javadoc-arguments.txt"; try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fileName); for (String arg : arguments) { pw.println(arg); } pw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MavenReportException(ex.getMessage()); } return fileName; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String sourcePath() { List roots = project.getCompileSourceRoots(); return toArgumentPath(roots); } /** * Needed to help locate this plugin's local JAR file for the -doclet argument. * * @parameter default-value="${localRepository}" * @read-only */ private ArtifactRepository localRepository; /** * Needed to help locate this plugin's local JAR file for the -doclet argument. * * @parameter default-value="${plugin.groupId}" * @read-only */ private String pluginGroupId; /** * Needed to help locate this plugin's local JAR file for the -doclet argument. * * @parameter default-value="${plugin.artifactId}" * @read-only */ private String pluginArtifactId; /** * Needed to help locate this plugin's local JAR file for the -doclet argument. * * @parameter default-value="${plugin.version}" * @read-only */ private String pluginVersion; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String docletPath() throws MavenReportException { File file = new File(localRepository.getBasedir()); for (String term : pluginGroupId.split("\\.")) file = new File(file, term); file = new File(file, pluginArtifactId); file = new File(file, pluginVersion); file = new File(file, String.format("%s-%s.jar", pluginArtifactId, pluginVersion)); return toArgumentPath(Arrays.asList(file.getAbsolutePath())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String classPath() throws MavenReportException { List artifacts = project.getCompileArtifacts(); return artifactsToArgumentPath(artifacts); } private String artifactsToArgumentPath(List artifacts) throws MavenReportException { List paths = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { if (artifact.getScope().equals("test")) continue; File file = artifact.getFile(); if (file == null) throw new MavenReportException( "Unable to execute Javadoc: compile dependencies are not fully resolved."); paths.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); } return toArgumentPath(paths); } private void executeCommand(Commandline command) throws MavenReportException { getLog().debug(command.toString()); CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer err = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer(); try { int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(command, new DefaultConsumer(), err); if (exitCode != 0) { String message = String.format("Javadoc exit code: %d - %s\nCommand line was: %s", exitCode, err.getOutput(), command); throw new MavenReportException(message); } } catch (CommandLineException ex) { throw new MavenReportException("Unable to execute javadoc command: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle Javadoc warnings // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(err.getOutput())) { getLog().info("Javadoc Warnings"); StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(err.getOutput(), "\n"); while (token.hasMoreTokens()) { String current = token.nextToken().trim(); getLog().warn(current); } } } private String pathToJavadoc() throws IOException, MavenReportException { String executableName = SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? "javadoc.exe" : "javadoc"; File executable = initialGuessAtJavadocFile(executableName); if (!executable.exists() || !executable.isFile()) throw new MavenReportException(String.format("Path %s does not exist or is not a file.", executable)); return executable.getAbsolutePath(); } private File initialGuessAtJavadocFile(String executableName) { if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX) return new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + "bin", executableName); return new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "bin", executableName); } private String toArgumentPath(List paths) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(5000).append(QUOTE); String sep = ""; for (String path : paths) { builder.append(sep); builder.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(path)); sep = SystemUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR; } return builder.append(QUOTE).toString(); } public Map readXML(String path) throws MavenReportException { try { Builder builder = new Builder(false); File input = new File(path); Document doc =; return buildMapFromDocument(doc); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MavenReportException(String.format("Failure reading from %s: %s", path, ex .getMessage()), ex); } } private Map buildMapFromDocument(Document doc) { Map result = CollectionFactory.newMap(); Elements elements = doc.getRootElement().getChildElements("class"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element element = elements.get(i); String description = element.getFirstChildElement("description").getValue(); String className = element.getAttributeValue("name"); String superClassName = element.getAttributeValue("super-class"); String supportsInformalParameters = element.getAttributeValue("supports-informal-parameters"); String since = element.getAttributeValue("since"); ClassDescription cd = new ClassDescription(className, superClassName, description, Boolean.valueOf(supportsInformalParameters), since); result.put(className, cd); readParameters(cd, element); readPublishedParameters(cd, element); readEvents(cd, element); } return result; } private void readEvents(ClassDescription cd, Element classElement) { Elements elements = classElement.getChildElements("event"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element node = elements.get(i); String name = node.getAttributeValue("name"); String description = node.getValue(); cd.getEvents().put(name, description); } } private void readParameters(ClassDescription cd, Element classElement) { Elements elements = classElement.getChildElements("parameter"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element node = elements.get(i); String name = node.getAttributeValue("name"); String type = node.getAttributeValue("type"); int dotx = type.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotx > 0 && type.substring(0, dotx).equals("java.lang")) type = type.substring(dotx + 1); String defaultValue = node.getAttributeValue("default"); boolean required = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.getAttributeValue("required")); boolean cache = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.getAttributeValue("cache")); boolean allowNull = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.getAttributeValue("allowNull")); String defaultPrefix = node.getAttributeValue("default-prefix"); String description = node.getValue(); String since = node.getAttributeValue("since"); ParameterDescription pd = new ParameterDescription(name, type, defaultValue, defaultPrefix, required, allowNull, cache, description, since); cd.getParameters().put(name, pd); } } private void readPublishedParameters(ClassDescription cd, Element classElement) { Elements elements = classElement.getChildElements("published-parameter"); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element element = elements.get(i); Attribute name = element.getAttribute("name"); Attribute embeddedTypeName = element.getAttribute("component-class"); cd.getPublishedParameters().put(name.getValue(), embeddedTypeName.getValue()); } } private Element addSection(Element container, String name) { Element section = new Element("section"); container.appendChild(section); section.addAttribute(new Attribute("name", name)); return section; } private Element addLink(Element container, String URL, String text) { Element link = addChild(container, "a", text); link.addAttribute(new Attribute("href", URL)); return link; } private Element addChild(Element container, String elementName) { Element child = new Element(elementName); container.appendChild(child); return child; } private Element addChild(Element container, String elementName, String text) { Element child = new Element(elementName); container.appendChild(child); child.appendChild(text); return child; } private Element addChildWithJavadocs(Element container, String elementName, String text, String javadocHref) { final String[] parts = splitWithGroup(TAPESTRY5_PATTERN, text); if (parts.length <= 1) { return addChild(container, elementName, text); } final Element element = addChild(container, elementName); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { String part = parts[i]; element.appendChild(part); i++; if (i < parts.length) { part = parts[i]; if (part.endsWith(".")) { part = part.substring(0, part.length() - 1); addLink(element, javadocHref + "/" + toHtml(toPath(part)), extractSimpleName(part)); element.appendChild("."); } else { addLink(element, javadocHref + "/" + toHtml(toPath(part)), extractSimpleName(part)); } } } return element; } /** * Splits a {@link CharSequence} using the given pattern while including after each part the matched group.

* Mostly copied from {@link Pattern#split(CharSequence)}. */ private String[] splitWithGroup(Pattern pattern, CharSequence input) { int index = 0; List matchList = CollectionFactory.newList(); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input); // Add segments before each match found while (m.find()) { String match = input.subSequence(index, m.start()).toString(); String group = input.subSequence(m.start(), m.end()).toString(); matchList.add(match); matchList.add(group); index = m.end(); } // If no match was found, return this if (index == 0) return new String[] { input.toString() }; // Add remaining segment matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString()); // Construct result int resultSize = matchList.size(); while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize - 1).equals("")) resultSize--; String[] result = new String[resultSize]; return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result); } }

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