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org.apache.tapestry5.internal.TapestryAppInitializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Central module for Tapestry, containing interfaces to the Java Servlet API and all core services and components.

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// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry5.internal;

import org.apache.tapestry5.SymbolConstants;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.IOCUtilities;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Registry;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.RegistryBuilder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def.ContributionDef;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.def.ModuleDef;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;

 * This class is used to build the {@link Registry}. The Registry contains
 * {@link} and {@link TapestryModule}, any
 * modules identified by {@link #addModules(Class[])} )}, plus the application module.

* The application module is optional. *

* The application module is identified as, where * package and the appName are specified by the caller. */ public class TapestryAppInitializer { private final Logger logger; private final SymbolProvider appProvider; private final String appName; private final String aliasMode; private final long startTime; private final RegistryBuilder builder = new RegistryBuilder(); private long registryCreatedTime; private Registry registry; /** * @param logger * logger for output confirmation * @param appProvider * provides symbols for the application (normally, from the ServletContext init * parameters) * @param appName * the name of the application (i.e., the name of the application servlet) * @param aliasMode * the mode, used by the {@link} service, * normally "servlet" */ public TapestryAppInitializer(Logger logger, String appPackage, String appName, String aliasMode) { this(logger, new SingleKeySymbolProvider(InternalConstants.TAPESTRY_APP_PACKAGE_PARAM, appPackage), appName, aliasMode, null); } /** * @param logger * logger for output confirmation * @param appProvider * provides symbols for the application (normally, from the ServletContext init * parameters) * @param appName * the name of the application (i.e., the name of the application servlet) * @param aliasMode * the mode, used by the {@link} service, * normally "servlet" * @deprecated Use * {@link #TapestryAppInitializer(Logger, SymbolProvider, String, String, String)} * instead */ public TapestryAppInitializer(Logger logger, SymbolProvider appProvider, String appName, String aliasMode) { this(logger, appProvider, appName, aliasMode, null); } /** * @param logger * logger for output confirmation * @param appProvider * provides symbols for the application (normally, from the ServletContext init * parameters) * @param appName * the name of the application (i.e., the name of the application servlet) * @param aliasMode * the mode, used by the {@link} service, * normally "servlet" * @param executionModes * an optional, comma-seperated list of execution modes, each of which is used * to find a list of additional module classes to load (key * in appProvider, i.e., the servlet * context) */ public TapestryAppInitializer(Logger logger, SymbolProvider appProvider, String appName, String aliasMode, String executionModes) { this.logger = logger; this.appProvider = appProvider; String appPackage = appProvider .valueForSymbol(InternalConstants.TAPESTRY_APP_PACKAGE_PARAM); this.appName = appName; this.aliasMode = aliasMode; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(appProvider .valueForSymbol(InternalConstants.DISABLE_DEFAULT_MODULES_PARAM))) { IOCUtilities.addDefaultModules(builder); } // This gets added automatically. addModules(TapestryModule.class); String className = appPackage + ".services." + InternalUtils.capitalize(this.appName) + "Module"; try { // This class is possibly loaded by a parent class loader of the application class // loader. The context class loader should have the appropriate view to the module class, // if any. Class moduleClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(className); builder.add(moduleClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // That's OK, not all applications will have a module class, even though any // non-trivial application will. } // Add a synthetic module that contributes symbol sources. addSyntheticSymbolSourceModule(appPackage); for (String mode : TapestryInternalUtils.splitAtCommas(executionModes)) { String key = String.format("tapestry.%s-modules", mode); String moduleList = appProvider.valueForSymbol(key); for (String moduleClassName : TapestryInternalUtils.splitAtCommas(moduleList)) { builder.add(moduleClassName); } } } /** * Adds additional modules. * * @param moduleDefs */ public void addModules(ModuleDef... moduleDefs) { for (ModuleDef def : moduleDefs) builder.add(def); } public void addModules(Class... moduleClasses) { builder.add(moduleClasses); } private void addSyntheticSymbolSourceModule(String appPackage) { ContributionDef appPathContribution = new SyntheticSymbolSourceContributionDef("AppPath", new SingleKeySymbolProvider(InternalSymbols.APP_PACKAGE_PATH, appPackage.replace( '.', '/'))); ContributionDef symbolSourceContribution = new SyntheticSymbolSourceContributionDef( "ServletContext", appProvider, "before:ApplicationDefaults"); ContributionDef aliasModeContribution = new SyntheticSymbolSourceContributionDef( "AliasMode", new SingleKeySymbolProvider(InternalSymbols.ALIAS_MODE, aliasMode), "before:ServletContext"); ContributionDef appNameContribution = new SyntheticSymbolSourceContributionDef("AppName", new SingleKeySymbolProvider(InternalSymbols.APP_NAME, appName), "before:ServletContext"); builder.add(new SyntheticModuleDef(symbolSourceContribution, aliasModeContribution, appNameContribution, appPathContribution)); } public Registry createRegistry() { registryCreatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); registry =; return registry; } public void announceStartup() { long toFinish = System.currentTimeMillis(); SymbolSource source = registry.getService("SymbolSource", SymbolSource.class); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("Startup status:\n\n"); Formatter f = new Formatter(buffer); f.format("Application '%s' (Tapestry version %s).\n\n" + "Startup time: %,d ms to build IoC Registry, %,d ms overall.\n\n" + "Startup services status:\n", appName, source .valueForSymbol(SymbolConstants.TAPESTRY_VERSION), registryCreatedTime - startTime, toFinish - startTime); int unrealized = 0; ServiceActivityScoreboard scoreboard = registry.getService(ServiceActivityScoreboard.class); List serviceActivity = scoreboard.getServiceActivity(); int longest = 0; // One pass to find the longest name, and to count the unrealized services. for (ServiceActivity activity : serviceActivity) { Status status = activity.getStatus(); longest = Math.max(longest, activity.getServiceId().length()); if (status == Status.DEFINED || status == Status.VIRTUAL) unrealized++; } String formatString = "%" + longest + "s: %s\n"; // A second pass to output all the services for (ServiceActivity activity : serviceActivity) { f.format(formatString, activity.getServiceId(), activity.getStatus().name()); } f.format("\n%4.2f%% unrealized services (%d/%d)\n", 100. * unrealized / serviceActivity.size(), unrealized, serviceActivity.size());; } }

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