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Central module for Tapestry, containing interfaces to the Java Servlet API and all core services and components.

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// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javassist.*;
import javassist.expr.ExprEditor;
import javassist.expr.FieldAccess;

import org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.func.Predicate;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.InternalComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.IdAllocator;
import org.apache.tapestry5.model.ComponentModel;
import org.apache.tapestry5.model.MutableComponentModel;
import org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.Component;
import org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEvent;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

 * Implementation of the {@link} interface.
public final class InternalClassTransformationImpl implements InternalClassTransformation
    public static final MethodSignature INVOKE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(MethodInvocationResult.class, "invoke",
            new Class[]
            { Object.class, Object[].class }, null);

    public static final MethodSignature FIELD_ACCESS_READ_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(Object.class, "read",
            new Class[]
            { Object.class }, null);

    public static final MethodSignature FIELD_ACCESS_WRITE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(void.class, "write",
            new Class[]
            { Object.class, Object.class }, null);

    private static final int INIT_BUFFER_SIZE = 100;

    private boolean frozen;

    private final CtClass ctClass;

    private final Logger logger;

    private final InternalClassTransformation parentTransformation;

    private final ClassPool classPool;

    private final IdAllocator idAllocator;

    private final CtClass providerType;

    class TransformMethodImpl implements TransformMethod
        final CtMethod method;

        private final TransformMethodSignature sig;

        private List annotations;

        private final boolean added;

        private ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder builder;

        private MethodAccess access;

        private String identifier;

        private Boolean override;

        private List> parameterAnnotations;

        TransformMethodImpl(CtMethod method, boolean added)
            this.method = method;
            this.sig = toMethodSignature(method);
            this.added = added;


        public String toString()
            return String.format("TransformMethod[%s]", getMethodIdentifier());

        public int compareTo(TransformMethod o)
            return sig.compareTo(o.getSignature());

        public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)
            if (annotations == null)
                annotations = extractAnnotations(method);

            return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, annotations);

        public  A getParameterAnnotation(int index, Class annotationType)
            if (parameterAnnotations == null)

            return findAnnotationInList(annotationType, parameterAnnotations.get(index));

        private void extractParameterAnnotations()
            int count = sig.getParameterTypes().length;

            parameterAnnotations = CollectionFactory.newList();

            for (int parameterIndex = 0; parameterIndex < count; parameterIndex++)
                List annotations = extractAnnotationsForParameter(parameterIndex);


        private List extractAnnotationsForParameter(int parameterIndex)
            List result = CollectionFactory.newList();

            Object[] parameterAnnotations = method.getAvailableParameterAnnotations()[parameterIndex];

            addAnnotationsToList(result, parameterAnnotations, false);

            return result;

        public TransformMethodSignature getSignature()
            return sig;

        public String getName()
            return sig.getMethodName();

        public void addAdvice(ComponentMethodAdvice advice)

            assert advice != null;

            if (builder == null)
                builder = createBuilder(sig);


            formatter.format("add advice %s : %s\n\n", sig.getMediumDescription(), advice);

        public void addOperationAfter(ComponentInstanceOperation operation)

        public void addOperationBefore(ComponentInstanceOperation operation)

        public MethodAccess getAccess()

            if (access == null)
                access = createMethodAccess();

            return access;

        private MethodAccess createMethodAccess()
            if (isPrivate())
                return createPrivateMethodAccess();

            return createNonPrivateMethodAccess();

        private boolean isPrivate()
            return Modifier.isPrivate(sig.getModifiers());

        private MethodAccess createNonPrivateMethodAccess()
            // For a public method, given the instance, we can just invoke the method directly
            // from the MethodAccess object.

            String accessTarget = "instance." + sig.getMethodName();

            return createMethodAccessForTarget(accessTarget, false);

        private MethodAccess createMethodAccessForTarget(String accessTarget, boolean passInstance)
            boolean isVoid = sig.getReturnType().equals("void");

            BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();

            builder.addln("%s instance = (% parameterTypes = CollectionFactory.newList(getClassName());

            String methodName = newMemberName("access", sig.getMethodName());

            TransformMethodSignature accessMethodSignature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PUBLIC
                    + Modifier.STATIC, sig.getReturnType(), methodName, parameterTypes.toArray(new String[0]),

            boolean isVoid = sig.getReturnType().equals("void");

            BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();


            if (!isVoid)
                builder.add("return ");

            builder.add("$1.%s(", sig.getMethodName());

            for (int i = 0; i < sig.getParameterTypes().length; i++)
                if (i > 0)
                    builder.add(", ");

                builder.add("$%d", i + 2);



            addNewMethod(accessMethodSignature, builder.toString());

            return methodName;

        public String getMethodIdentifier()
            if (identifier == null)
                int lineNumber = method.getMethodInfo2().getLineNumber(0);
                CtClass enclosingClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
                String sourceFile = enclosingClass.getClassFile2().getSourceFile();

                identifier = String.format("%s.%s (at %s:%d)", enclosingClass.getName(), sig.getMediumDescription(),
                        sourceFile, lineNumber);

            return identifier;

        public boolean isOverride()
            if (override == null)
                override = searchForOverride();

            return override;

        private boolean searchForOverride()
            InternalClassTransformation search = parentTransformation;

            while (search != null)
                if (search.isMethod(sig))
                    return true;

                search = search.getParentTransformation();

            // Not found in any super-class.

            return false;

        void doFinish()
            if (builder != null)
                builder = null;

    class TransformFieldImpl implements TransformField
        private final CtField field;

        private final CtClass fieldType;

        private final String name, type;

        private boolean added;

        private List annotations;

        private Object claimTag;

        String readValueBody, writeValueBody;

        private DelegateFieldAccess delegateFieldAccess;

        private access;

        TransformFieldImpl(CtField field, boolean added)
            this.field = field;
   = field.getName();
            this.added = added;

                fieldType = field.getType();
                type = fieldType.getName();
            catch (NotFoundException ex)
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        void doFinish()
            if (delegateFieldAccess != null)
                access = createAccess();
                delegateFieldAccess.delegate = access;
                delegateFieldAccess = null;

        public String toString()
            return String.format("TransformField[%s %s.%s(%s)]", Modifier.toString(field.getModifiers()),
                    getClassName(), name, type);

        public int compareTo(TransformField o)
            return name.compareTo(o.getName());

        public String getName()
            return name;

        public String getType()
            return type;

        public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)

            if (annotations == null)
                annotations = extractAnnotations(field);

            return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, annotations);

        public void claim(Object tag)
            assert tag != null;


            if (claimTag != null)
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                        "Field %s of class %s is already claimed by %s and can not be claimed by %s.", getName(),
                        getClassName(), claimTag, tag));

            claimTag = tag;

            formatter.format("Field %s claimed by %s\n\n", name, tag);

        public boolean isClaimed()
            return claimTag != null;

        public int getModifiers()
            return field.getModifiers();

        void replaceReadAccess(String methodName)

            if (readValueBody != null)
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Field %s.%s has already had read access replaced.",
                        getClassName(), name));

            // Explicitly reference $0 (aka "this") because of TAPESTRY-1511.
            // $0 is valid even inside a static method.

            readValueBody = String.format("$_ = $0.%s();", methodName);

            formatter.format("replace read %s: %s();\n\n", name, methodName);

            fieldAccessReplaced = true;

        void replaceWriteAccess(String methodName)

            if (writeValueBody != null)
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Field %s.%s has already had write access replaced.",
                        getClassName(), name));

            // Explicitly reference $0 (aka "this") because of TAPESTRY-1511.
            // $0 is valid even inside a static method.

            writeValueBody = String.format("$0.%s($1);", methodName);

            formatter.format("replace write %s: %s();\n\n", name, methodName);

            fieldAccessReplaced = true;

        public getAccess()

            if (access != null)
                return access;

            if (delegateFieldAccess == null)
                delegateFieldAccess = new DelegateFieldAccess();

            return delegateFieldAccess;

        private createAccess()
            TransformMethod reader = createReader();
            TransformMethod writer = createWriter();

            return createFieldAccess(reader, writer);

        private createFieldAccess(TransformMethod reader,
                TransformMethod writer)
            ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(;

            addFieldAccessReadMethod(cf, reader);
            addFieldAccessWriteMethod(cf, writer);

            cf.addToString(String.format("FieldAccess<%s.%s>", getClassName(), name));

            Class accessClass = cf.createClass();

                return ( accessClass.newInstance();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        private void addFieldAccessReadMethod(ClassFab cf, TransformMethod readAccess)
            BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();

            builder.addln("%s instance = (% conduitProvider)
            replaceAccess(addIndirectInjectedField(FieldValueConduit.class, name + "$conduit", conduitProvider));

        public void replaceAccess(FieldValueConduit conduit)
            String fieldName = addInjectedFieldUncached(FieldValueConduit.class, name + "$conduit", conduit);

            // TODO: If access != null?

            access = toFieldAccess(conduit);

            if (delegateFieldAccess != null)
                delegateFieldAccess.delegate = access;
                delegateFieldAccess = null;


        public void replaceAccess(TransformField conduitField)

            String conduitFieldName = conduitField.getName();

            String readMethodName = newMemberName("get", name);

            TransformMethodSignature readSig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, type, readMethodName,
                    null, null);

            String cast = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(type);

            // The ($r) cast will convert the result to the method return type; generally
            // this does nothing. but for primitive types, it will unwrap
            // the wrapper type back to a primitive.

            addNewMethod(readSig, String.format("return ($r) ((%s) %s.get());", cast, conduitFieldName));


            String writeMethodName = newMemberName("set", name);

            TransformMethodSignature writeSig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", writeMethodName,
                    new String[]
                    { type }, null);

            addNewMethod(writeSig, String.format("%s.set(($w) $1);", conduitFieldName));


        public void inject(Object value)

            addInjectToConstructor(name, fieldType, value);


        public  void injectIndirect(ComponentValueProvider provider)
            assert provider != null;


            String argReference = addConstructorArg(providerType, provider);

            addToConstructor(String.format("  %s = (%s) (%s).get(%s);", name, type, argReference, resourcesFieldName));



    private final Map methods = CollectionFactory.newMap();

    private Map fields = CollectionFactory.newMap();

     * Map, keyed on InjectKey, of field name. Injections are always added as protected (not
     * private) fields to support
     * sharing of injections between a base class and a sub class.
    private final Map injectionCache = CollectionFactory.newMap();

    // Cache of class annotation

    private List classAnnotations;

     * Contains the assembled Javassist code for the class' default constructor.
    private StringBuilder constructor = new StringBuilder(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);

    private final List constructorArgs;

    private final MutableComponentModel componentModel;

    private final String resourcesFieldName;

    private StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);

    private Formatter formatter = new Formatter(description);

    private final ClassFactory classFactory;

    private final ComponentClassCache componentClassCache;

    private final CtClassSource classSource;

    // If true, then during finish, it is necessary to search for field replacements
    // (field reads or writes replaces with method calls).
    private boolean fieldAccessReplaced;

     * Signature for newInstance() method of Instantiator.
    private static final MethodSignature NEW_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(Component.class, "newInstance",
            new Class[]
            { InternalComponentResources.class }, null);

    private static final TransformMethodSignature GET_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_SIGNATURE = new TransformMethodSignature(
            Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL, ComponentResources.class.getName(), "getComponentResources", null, null);

     * This is a constructor for a base class.
    public InternalClassTransformationImpl(ClassFactory classFactory, CtClass ctClass,
            ComponentClassCache componentClassCache, MutableComponentModel componentModel, CtClassSource classSource)
        this.ctClass = ctClass;
        this.componentClassCache = componentClassCache;
        this.classSource = classSource;
        classPool = this.ctClass.getClassPool();
        this.classFactory = classFactory;
        parentTransformation = null;
        this.componentModel = componentModel;

        providerType = toCtClass(ComponentValueProvider.class);

        idAllocator = new IdAllocator();

        logger = componentModel.getLogger();


        constructorArgs = CollectionFactory.newList();


        resourcesFieldName = addField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, InternalComponentResources.class.getName(),

        addToConstructor(String.format("  %s = $1;", resourcesFieldName));

        addNewMethod(GET_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_SIGNATURE, "return " + resourcesFieldName + ";");

        // The "}" will be added later, inside finish().

     * Constructor for a component sub-class.
    private InternalClassTransformationImpl(CtClass ctClass, InternalClassTransformation parentTransformation,
            ClassFactory classFactory, CtClassSource classSource, ComponentClassCache componentClassCache,
            MutableComponentModel componentModel)
        this.ctClass = ctClass;
        this.componentClassCache = componentClassCache;
        this.classSource = classSource;
        classPool = this.ctClass.getClassPool();
        this.classFactory = classFactory;
        logger = componentModel.getLogger();
        this.parentTransformation = parentTransformation;
        this.componentModel = componentModel;

        providerType = toCtClass(ComponentValueProvider.class);

        resourcesFieldName = parentTransformation.getResourcesFieldName();

        idAllocator = parentTransformation.getIdAllocator();


        constructorArgs = parentTransformation.getConstructorArgs();

        // Re-invoke the constructor, passing the resources and array of values to the super class

        addToConstructor("{\n  super($$);");

        // The "}" will be added later, inside finish().

    public InternalClassTransformation createChildTransformation(CtClass childClass, MutableComponentModel childModel)
        return new InternalClassTransformationImpl(childClass, this, classFactory, classSource, componentClassCache,

    private void freeze()
        frozen = true;

        // Free up stuff we don't need after freezing.
        // Everything else should be final.

        fields = null;

        classAnnotations = null;
        constructor = null;
        formatter = null;
        description = null;

    public String getResourcesFieldName()
        return resourcesFieldName;

     * Loads all existing fields and methods defined by the class.
    private void preloadMembers()

    private void preloadMethods()
        for (CtMethod method : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods())
            recordMethod(method, false);


     * Converts and stores {@link CtField} to {@link TransformField}, and checks that each field is
     * one of:
  • private
  • *
  • static
  • *
  • groovy.lang.MetaClass (for Groovy compatibility)
  • */ private void preloadFields() { List names = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (CtField field : ctClass.getDeclaredFields()) { String name = field.getName(); idAllocator.allocateId(name); TransformFieldImpl tfi = fields.put(name, new TransformFieldImpl(field, false)); int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); // Fields must be either static or private. if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) continue; // Groovy injects a public field named metaClass. We ignore it, and add it as a claimed // field to prevent any of the workers from seeing it. if (name.equals("metaClass") && getFieldType(name).equals("groovy.lang.MetaClass")) { tfi.claim("Ignored"); continue; } names.add(name); } if (!names.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException(ServicesMessages.nonPrivateFields(getClassName(), names)); } public T getFieldAnnotation(String fieldName, Class annotationClass) { return getField(fieldName).getAnnotation(annotationClass); } public T getMethodAnnotation(TransformMethodSignature signature, Class annotationClass) { return getOrCreateMethod(signature).getAnnotation(annotationClass); } /** * Searches an array of objects (that are really annotations instances) to find one that is of * the correct type, * which is returned. * * @param * @param annotationClass * the annotation to search for * @param annotations * the available annotations * @return the matching annotation instance, or null if not found */ private T findAnnotationInList(Class annotationClass, List annotations) { for (Object annotation : annotations) { if (annotationClass.isInstance(annotation)) return annotationClass.cast(annotation); } return null; } public T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass) { return findAnnotationInList(annotationClass, getClassAnnotations()); } private List extractAnnotations(CtMember member) { try { List result = CollectionFactory.newList(); addAnnotationsToList(result, member.getAnnotations(), false); return result; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private void addAnnotationsToList(List list, Object[] annotations, boolean filterNonInherited) { for (Object o : annotations) { Annotation a = (Annotation) o; // When assembling class annotations from a base class, you want to ignore any // that are not @Inherited. if (filterNonInherited) { Class annotationType = a.annotationType(); Inherited inherited = annotationType.getAnnotation(Inherited.class); if (inherited == null) continue; } list.add(a); } } public TransformField getField(String fieldName) { return getTransformFieldImpl(fieldName); } private TransformFieldImpl getTransformFieldImpl(String fieldName) { failIfFrozen(); TransformFieldImpl result = fields.get(fieldName); if (result != null) return result; throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Class %s does not contain a field named '%s'.", getClassName(), fieldName)); } public String newMemberName(String suggested) { failIfFrozen(); assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(suggested); String memberName = InternalUtils.createMemberName(suggested); return idAllocator.allocateId(memberName); } public String newMemberName(String prefix, String baseName) { return newMemberName(prefix + "_" + InternalUtils.stripMemberName(baseName)); } public void addImplementedInterface(Class interfaceClass) { failIfFrozen(); try { CtClass ctInterface = toCtClass(interfaceClass); if (classImplementsInterface(ctInterface)) return; implementDefaultMethodsForInterface(ctInterface); ctClass.addInterface(ctInterface); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Adds default implementations for the methods defined by the interface (and all of its * super-interfaces). The * implementations return null (or 0, or false, as appropriate to to the method type). There are * a number of * degenerate cases that are not covered properly: these are related to base interfaces that may * be implemented by * base classes. * * @param ctInterface * @throws NotFoundException */ private void implementDefaultMethodsForInterface(CtClass ctInterface) throws NotFoundException { // java.lang.Object is the parent interface of interfaces if (ctInterface.getName().equals(Object.class.getName())) return; for (CtMethod method : ctInterface.getDeclaredMethods()) { addDefaultImplementation(method); } for (CtClass parent : ctInterface.getInterfaces()) { implementDefaultMethodsForInterface(parent); } } private void addDefaultImplementation(CtMethod method) { // Javassist has an oddity for interfaces: methods "inherited" from java.lang.Object show // up as methods of the interface. We skip those and only consider the methods // that are abstract. if (!Modifier.isAbstract(method.getModifiers())) return; try { CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.copy(method, ctClass, null); // Methods from interfaces are always public. We definitely // need to change the modifiers of the method so that // it is not abstract. newMethod.setModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC); // Javassist will provide a minimal implementation for us (return null, false, 0, // whatever). newMethod.setBody(null); ctClass.addMethod(newMethod); TransformMethod tm = recordMethod(newMethod, true); addMethodToDescription("add default", tm.getSignature(), ""); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ServicesMessages.errorAddingMethod(ctClass, method.getName(), ex), ex); } } private TransformMethodImpl recordMethod(CtMethod method, boolean asNew) { TransformMethodImpl tmi = new TransformMethodImpl(method, asNew); methods.put(tmi.getSignature(), tmi); return tmi; } /** * Check to see if the target class (or any of its super classes) implements the provided * interface. This is geared * for simple interfaces (that don't extend other interfaces), thus if the class (or a base * class) implement * interface Y that extends interface X, we may not return true for interface X. */ private boolean classImplementsInterface(CtClass ctInterface) throws NotFoundException { for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass()) { for (CtClass anInterface : current.getInterfaces()) { if (anInterface == ctInterface) return true; } } return false; } public void claimField(String fieldName, Object tag) { getField(fieldName).claim(tag); } public void addMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody) { removed("addMethod(TransformMethodSignature,String)"); } public TransformMethod addNewMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody) { return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, methodBody, true); } public TransformMethod addNewTransformedMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody) { return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, methodBody, false); } /** * @param signature * of method to add * @param methodBody * or null for default * @param addAsNew * if true, then fields in the method will not be transformed */ private TransformMethodImpl addOrReplaceMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody, boolean addAsNew) { failIfFrozen(); CtClass returnType = findCtClass(signature.getReturnType()); CtClass[] parameters = buildCtClassList(signature.getParameterTypes()); CtClass[] exceptions = buildCtClassList(signature.getExceptionTypes()); String suffix = addAsNew ? "" : " transformed"; String action = "add" + suffix; TransformMethodImpl result = null; try { CtMethod existing = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(signature.getMethodName(), parameters); if (existing != null) { action = "replace" + suffix; ctClass.removeMethod(existing); } } catch (NotFoundException ex) { // That's ok. Kind of sloppy to rely on a thrown exception; wish getDeclaredMethod() // would return null for // that case. Alternately, we could maintain a set of the method signatures of declared // or added methods. } try { CtMethod method = new CtMethod(returnType, signature.getMethodName(), parameters, ctClass); // TODO: Check for duplicate method add method.setModifiers(signature.getModifiers()); method.setBody(methodBody); method.setExceptionTypes(exceptions); ctClass.addMethod(method); result = recordMethod(method, addAsNew); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new MethodCompileException(ServicesMessages.methodCompileError(signature, methodBody, ex), methodBody, ex); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } addMethodToDescription(action, signature, methodBody); return result; } public void addTransformedMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature, String methodBody) { removed("addTransformedMethod(TransformMethodSignature,String)"); } private CtClass[] buildCtClassList(String[] typeNames) { CtClass[] result = new CtClass[typeNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < typeNames.length; i++) result[i] = findCtClass(typeNames[i]); return result; } private CtClass findCtClass(String type) { try { return classPool.get(type); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public void extendMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody) { removed("extendMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)"); } public void extendExistingMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody) { removed("extendExistingMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)"); } public void copyMethod(TransformMethodSignature sourceMethod, int modifiers, String newMethodName) { failIfFrozen(); CtClass returnType = findCtClass(sourceMethod.getReturnType()); CtClass[] parameters = buildCtClassList(sourceMethod.getParameterTypes()); CtClass[] exceptions = buildCtClassList(sourceMethod.getExceptionTypes()); TransformMethodImpl tmi = locateExistingOrCreateOverrideMethod(sourceMethod); CtMethod source = tmi.method; try { CtMethod method = new CtMethod(returnType, newMethodName, parameters, ctClass); method.setModifiers(modifiers); method.setExceptionTypes(exceptions); method.setBody(source, null); ctClass.addMethod(method); recordMethod(method, false); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Error copying method %s to new method %s().", sourceMethod, newMethodName), ex); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // The new method is *not* considered an added method, so field references inside the method // will be transformed. formatter.format("\n%s renamed to %s\n\n", sourceMethod, newMethodName); } public void addCatch(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String exceptionType, String body) { removed("addCatch(TransformMethodSignature, String, String)"); } public void prefixMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody) { removed("prefixMethod(TransformMethodSignature, String)"); } private void addMethodToDescription(String operation, TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, String methodBody) { formatter.format("%s method: %s %s %s(", operation, Modifier.toString(methodSignature.getModifiers()), methodSignature.getReturnType(), methodSignature.getMethodName()); String[] parameterTypes = methodSignature.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { if (i > 0) description.append(", "); formatter.format("%s $%d", parameterTypes[i], i + 1); } description.append(")"); String[] exceptionTypes = methodSignature.getExceptionTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < exceptionTypes.length; i++) { if (i == 0) description.append("\n throws "); else description.append(", "); description.append(exceptionTypes[i]); } if (methodBody != null) formatter.format("\n%s", methodBody); description.append("\n\n"); } public TransformMethod getOrCreateMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { failIfFrozen(); return findOverrideOrCreateMethod(signature); } private TransformMethodImpl findOverrideOrCreateMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { TransformMethodImpl result = findOrOverrideMethod(signature); if (result != null) return result; return addOrReplaceMethod(signature, null, true); } private TransformMethodImpl findOrOverrideMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { TransformMethodImpl result = methods.get(signature); if (result != null) return result; return addOverrideOfSuperclassMethod(signature); } private TransformMethodImpl locateExistingOrCreateOverrideMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { TransformMethodImpl result = findOrOverrideMethod(signature); if (result != null) return result; throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Class %s does not declare method '%s'.", getClassName(), signature)); } // TODO: Rework this method for efficiency, i.e., so that we can leverage the methods // map in parent InternalClassTransformImpls, rather than the exhaustive // search. private TransformMethodImpl addOverrideOfSuperclassMethod(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature) { try { for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass()) { for (CtMethod method : current.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (match(method, methodSignature)) { // TODO: What if the method is not overridable (i.e. private, or final)? // Perhaps we should limit it to just public methods. CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.delegator(method, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(newMethod); // Record it as a new method. return recordMethod(newMethod, true); } } } } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } // Not found in a super-class. return null; } private boolean match(CtMethod method, TransformMethodSignature sig) { if (!sig.getMethodName().equals(method.getName())) return false; CtClass[] paramTypes; try { paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } String[] sigTypes = sig.getParameterTypes(); int count = sigTypes.length; if (paramTypes.length != count) return false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String paramType = paramTypes[i].getName(); if (!paramType.equals(sigTypes[i])) return false; } // Ignore exceptions thrown and modifiers. // TODO: Validate a match on return type? return true; } public List findFieldsWithAnnotation(final Class annotationClass) { return toFieldNames(matchFieldsWithAnnotation(annotationClass)); } public List findFields(final FieldFilter filter) { assert filter != null; failIfFrozen(); List fields = matchFields(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformField object) { return filter.accept(object.getName(), object.getType()); } }); return toFieldNames(fields); } public List matchFields(Predicate predicate) { failIfFrozen(); return InternalUtils.matchAndSort(fields.values(), predicate); } public List matchFieldsWithAnnotation(final Class annotationClass) { return matchFields(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformField field) { return field.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null; } }); } public List findMethodsWithAnnotation(final Class annotationClass) { List methods = matchMethods(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformMethod method) { return method.getAnnotation(annotationClass) != null; }; }); return toMethodSignatures(methods); } public List findMethods(final MethodFilter filter) { assert filter != null; List methods = matchMethods(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformMethod object) { return filter.accept(object.getSignature()); }; }); return toMethodSignatures(methods); } public List matchMethods(Predicate predicate) { failIfFrozen(); return InternalUtils.matchAndSort(methods.values(), predicate); } public List matchMethodsWithAnnotation(final Class annotationType) { return matchMethods(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformMethod method) { return method.getAnnotation(annotationType) != null; } }); } private TransformMethodSignature toMethodSignature(CtMethod method) { try { String type = method.getReturnType().getName(); String[] parameters = toTypeNames(method.getParameterTypes()); String[] exceptions = toTypeNames(method.getExceptionTypes()); return new TransformMethodSignature(method.getModifiers(), type, method.getName(), parameters, exceptions); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private String[] toTypeNames(CtClass[] types) { String[] result = new String[types.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) result[i] = types[i].getName(); return result; } public List findUnclaimedFields() { return toFieldNames(matchUnclaimedFields()); } public List matchUnclaimedFields() { return matchFields(new Predicate() { public boolean accept(TransformField object) { TransformFieldImpl tmi = (TransformFieldImpl) object; return !(tmi.added || tmi.isClaimed()); } }); } public String getFieldType(String fieldName) { return getField(fieldName).getType(); } public boolean isField(String fieldName) { failIfFrozen(); // Only declared instance fields end up in this map, and all // fields are either static or private. return fields.containsKey(fieldName); } public int getFieldModifiers(String fieldName) { return getField(fieldName).getModifiers(); } public String addField(int modifiers, String type, String suggestedName) { return createField(modifiers, type, suggestedName).getName(); } public TransformField createField(int modifiers, String type, String suggestedName) { failIfFrozen(); String fieldName = newMemberName(suggestedName); TransformFieldImpl result = null; try { CtClass ctType = convertNameToCtType(type); CtField field = new CtField(ctType, fieldName, ctClass); field.setModifiers(modifiers); ctClass.addField(field); result = new TransformFieldImpl(field, true); fields.put(fieldName, result); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } formatter.format("add field: %s %s %s;\n\n", Modifier.toString(modifiers), type, fieldName); return result; } // Returns String for backwards compatibility reasons public String addInjectedField(Class type, String suggestedName, Object value) { assert type != null; failIfFrozen(); InjectionKey key = new InjectionKey(type, value); String fieldName = searchForPreviousInjection(key); if (fieldName != null) return fieldName; // TODO: Probably doesn't handle arrays and primitives. fieldName = addInjectedFieldUncached(type, suggestedName, value); // Remember the injection in-case this class, or a subclass, injects the value again. injectionCache.put(key, fieldName); return fieldName; } public TransformField addIndirectInjectedField(Class type, String suggestedName, ComponentValueProvider provider) { assert type != null; assert provider != null; TransformField field = createField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, type.getName(), suggestedName); String argReference = addConstructorArg(providerType, provider); // Inside the constructor, // pass the resources to the provider's get() method, cast to the // field type and assign. This will likely not work with // primitives and arrays, but that's ok for now. addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = (%s) (%s).get(%s);", field.getName(), type.getName(), argReference, resourcesFieldName)); return field; } private CtClass toCtClass(Class type) { try { return classPool.get(type.getName()); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * This is split out from {@link #addInjectedField(Class, String, Object)} to handle a special * case for the * InternalComponentResources, which is null when "injected" (during the class transformation) * and is only * determined when a component is actually instantiated. */ private String addInjectedFieldUncached(Class type, String suggestedName, Object value) { CtClass ctType = toCtClass(type); String fieldName = addField(Modifier.PROTECTED | Modifier.FINAL, type.getName(), suggestedName); addInjectToConstructor(fieldName, ctType, value); return fieldName; } public String searchForPreviousInjection(InjectionKey key) { String result = injectionCache.get(key); if (result != null) return result; if (parentTransformation != null) return parentTransformation.searchForPreviousInjection(key); return null; } public void advise(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature, ComponentMethodAdvice advice) { getOrCreateMethod(methodSignature).addAdvice(advice); } public boolean isMethodOverride(TransformMethodSignature methodSignature) { if (!isMethod(methodSignature)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Method %s is not implemented by transformed class %s.", methodSignature, getClassName())); return getOrCreateMethod(methodSignature).isOverride(); } public InternalClassTransformation getParentTransformation() { return parentTransformation; } public boolean isMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { assert signature != null; return methods.containsKey(signature); } /** * Adds a parameter to the constructor for the class; the parameter is used to initialize the * value for a field. * * @param fieldName * name of field to inject * @param fieldType * Javassist type of the field (and corresponding parameter) * @param value * the value to be injected (which will in unusual cases be null) */ private void addInjectToConstructor(String fieldName, CtClass fieldType, Object value) { addToConstructor(String.format(" %s = %s;", fieldName, addConstructorArg(fieldType, value))); } public void injectField(String fieldName, Object value) { getField(fieldName).inject(value); } private CtClass convertNameToCtType(String type) throws NotFoundException { return classPool.get(type); } public String finish() { failIfFrozen(); // Finishing fields may sometimes create new methods, so finish the fields // first. for (TransformFieldImpl tfi : fields.values()) { tfi.doFinish(); } // doFinish() will sometimes create new methods on the ClassTransformation, yielding // a concurrent modification exception, so do a defensive copy. List tmis = CollectionFactory.newList(methods.values()); for (TransformMethodImpl tmi : tmis) { tmi.doFinish(); } String initializer = convertConstructorToMethod(); performFieldTransformations(); addConstructor(initializer); String description = toString(); freeze(); return description; } private void addConstructor(String initializer) { // Add a call to the initializer; the method converted from the class' default // constructor. constructor.append(" "); constructor.append(initializer); // This finally matches the "{" added inside the constructor constructor.append("();\n\n}"); String constructorBody = constructor.toString(); try { CtClass[] types = new CtClass[] { toCtClass(InternalComponentResources.class), toCtClass(Object[].class) }; CtConstructor cons = CtNewConstructor.make(types, null, constructorBody, ctClass); ctClass.addConstructor(cons); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } formatter.format("add constructor: %s(ComponentResources, Object[])\n%s\n\n", getClassName(), constructorBody); } private String convertConstructorToMethod() { String initializer = idAllocator.allocateId("initializer"); try { CtConstructor defaultConstructor = ctClass.getConstructor("()V"); CtMethod initializerMethod = defaultConstructor.toMethod(initializer, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(initializerMethod); recordMethod(initializerMethod, false); // Replace the constructor body with one that fails. This leaves, as an open question, // what to do about any other constructors. String body = String.format("throw new RuntimeException(\"%s\");", ServicesMessages.forbidInstantiateComponentClass(getClassName())); defaultConstructor.setBody(body); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } formatter.format("convert default constructor: %s();\n\n", initializer); return initializer; } public Instantiator createInstantiator() { if (Modifier.isAbstract(ctClass.getModifiers())) return createAbstractClassInstantiator(); String componentClassName = getClassName(); String name = ClassFabUtils.generateClassName("Instantiator"); ClassFab cf = classFactory.newClass(name, AbstractInstantiator.class); Object[] componentConstructorArgs = constructorArgs.toArray(new Object[constructorArgs.size()]); cf.addConstructor(new Class[] { ComponentModel.class, String.class, Object[].class }, null, "super($1, $2, $3);"); // Pass $1 (the InternalComponentResources object) and the constructorArgs (from the AbstractIntantiator // base class) into the new component instance's constructor cf.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, NEW_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE, String.format("return new %s($1, constructorArgs);", componentClassName)); Class instantiatorClass = cf.createClass(); try { Object instance = instantiatorClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(componentModel, String.format("Instantiator[%s]", componentClassName), componentConstructorArgs); return (Instantiator) instance; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private Instantiator createAbstractClassInstantiator() { return new Instantiator() { public Component newInstance(InternalComponentResources resources) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Component class %s is abstract and can not be instantiated.", ctClass.getName())); } public ComponentModel getModel() { return componentModel; } }; } private void failIfFrozen() { if (frozen) throw new IllegalStateException("The ClassTransformation instance (for " + getClassName() + ") has completed all transformations and may not be further modified."); } private void failIfNotFrozen() { if (!frozen) throw new IllegalStateException("The ClassTransformation instance (for " + getClassName() + ") has not yet completed all transformations."); } public IdAllocator getIdAllocator() { failIfNotFrozen(); return idAllocator; } public List getConstructorArgs() { failIfNotFrozen(); return CollectionFactory.newList(constructorArgs); } public List getClassAnnotations() { failIfFrozen(); if (classAnnotations == null) assembleClassAnnotations(); return classAnnotations; } private void assembleClassAnnotations() { classAnnotations = CollectionFactory.newList(); boolean filter = false; try { for (CtClass current = ctClass; current != null; current = current.getSuperclass()) { addAnnotationsToList(classAnnotations, current.getAnnotations(), filter); // Super-class annotations are filtered filter = true; } } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("InternalClassTransformation[\n"); try { Formatter formatter = new Formatter(builder); formatter.format("%s %s extends %s", Modifier.toString(ctClass.getModifiers()), ctClass.getName(), ctClass .getSuperclass().getName()); CtClass[] interfaces = ctClass.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { if (i == 0) builder.append("\n implements "); else builder.append(", "); builder.append(interfaces[i].getName()); } if (description != null) formatter.format("\n\n%s", description.toString()); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { builder.append(ex); } builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } public void makeReadOnly(String fieldName) { String methodName = newMemberName("write", fieldName); String fieldType = getFieldType(fieldName); TransformMethodSignature sig = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", methodName, new String[] { fieldType }, null); String message = ServicesMessages.readOnlyField(getClassName(), fieldName); String body = String.format("throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(\"%s\");", message); addNewMethod(sig, body); replaceWriteAccess(fieldName, methodName); } public void removeField(String fieldName) { removed("removeField(String)"); } public void replaceReadAccess(String fieldName, String methodName) { getTransformFieldImpl(fieldName).replaceReadAccess(methodName); } public void replaceWriteAccess(String fieldName, String methodName) { getTransformFieldImpl(fieldName).replaceWriteAccess(methodName); } private void performFieldTransformations() { // If no field transformations have been requested, then we can save ourselves some // trouble! if (fieldAccessReplaced) replaceFieldAccess(); } static final int SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000; private void replaceFieldAccess() { final Map fieldReadTransforms = CollectionFactory.newMap(); final Map fieldWriteTransforms = CollectionFactory.newMap(); for (TransformFieldImpl tfi : fields.values()) { putIfNotNull(fieldReadTransforms,, tfi.readValueBody); putIfNotNull(fieldWriteTransforms,, tfi.writeValueBody); } ExprEditor editor = new ExprEditor() { private final Set addedMethods = CollectionFactory.newSet(); { for (TransformMethodImpl tmi : methods.values()) { if (tmi.added) addedMethods.add(tmi.method); } } public void edit(FieldAccess access) throws CannotCompileException { CtBehavior where = access.where(); if (where instanceof CtConstructor) return; // It may be access to a public field of a data object somewhere and // that's ignored TAP5-1222 if (!access.getClassName().equals(getClassName())) return; boolean isRead = access.isReader(); String fieldName = access.getFieldName(); CtMethod method = (CtMethod) where; formatter.format("Checking field %s %s in method %s(): ", isRead ? "read" : "write", fieldName, method.getName()); // Ignore any methods to were added as part of the transformation. // If we reference the field there, we really mean the field. if (addedMethods.contains(where)) { formatter.format("added method\n"); return; } Map transformMap = isRead ? fieldReadTransforms : fieldWriteTransforms; String body = transformMap.get(fieldName); if (body == null) { formatter.format("field not transformed\n"); return; } formatter.format("replacing with %s\n", body); access.replace(body); } }; try { ctClass.instrument(editor); } catch (CannotCompileException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } formatter.format("\n"); } private static void putIfNotNull(Map map, K key, V value) { if (value != null) map.put(key, value); } public Class toClass(String type) { String finalType = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(type); try { return Class.forName(finalType, true, classFactory.getClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public String getClassName() { return ctClass.getName(); } public Logger getLogger() { return logger; } public void extendConstructor(String statement) { removed("extendConstructor(String)"); } void addToConstructor(String statement) { constructor.append(statement); constructor.append("\n"); } public String getMethodIdentifier(TransformMethodSignature signature) { return getOrCreateMethod(signature).getMethodIdentifier(); } public boolean isRootTransformation() { return parentTransformation == null; } /** * Adds a new constructor argument to the transformed constructor. * * @param parameterType * type of parameter * @param value * value of parameter * @return de-referenced argument value */ private String addConstructorArg(CtClass parameterType, Object value) { int index = constructorArgs.size(); constructorArgs.add(value); return ClassFabUtils.castReference(String.format("$2[%d]", index), parameterType.getName()); } private static List toMethodSignatures(List input) { List result = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (TransformMethod m : input) { result.add(m.getSignature()); } return result; } private static List toFieldNames(List fields) { List result = CollectionFactory.newList(); for (TransformField f : fields) { result.add(f.getName()); } return result; } private ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder createBuilder(TransformMethodSignature signature) { return new ComponentMethodInvocationBuilder(this, componentClassCache, signature, classSource); } public boolean isDeclaredMethod(TransformMethodSignature signature) { failIfFrozen(); assert signature != null; return methods.containsKey(signature); } private void removed(String methodName) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Method ClassTransformation.%s has been deprecated and is no longer functional. " + "Please consult the JavaDoc for a suitable replacement.", methodName)); } private static ComponentMethodAdvice toBeforeAdvice(final ComponentInstanceOperation operation) { return new ComponentMethodAdvice() { public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation) { operation.invoke(invocation.getInstance()); invocation.proceed(); } }; } private static ComponentMethodAdvice toAfterAdvice(final ComponentInstanceOperation operation) { return new ComponentMethodAdvice() { public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation) { invocation.proceed(); operation.invoke(invocation.getInstance()); } }; } public void addComponentEventHandler(String eventType, int minContextValues, String methodDescription, ComponentEventHandler handler) { assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(eventType); assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(methodDescription); assert handler != null; componentModel.addEventHandler(eventType); getOrCreateMethod(TransformConstants.DISPATCH_COMPONENT_EVENT).addAdvice( createEventHandlerAdvice(eventType, minContextValues, methodDescription, handler)); } private static ComponentMethodAdvice createEventHandlerAdvice(final String eventType, final int minContextValues, final String methodDescription, final ComponentEventHandler handler) { return new ComponentMethodAdvice() { public void advise(ComponentMethodInvocation invocation) { // Invoke the super-class implementation first. invocation.proceed(); ComponentEvent event = (ComponentEvent) invocation.getParameter(0); if (!event.isAborted() && event.matches(eventType, "", minContextValues)) { event.setMethodDescription(methodDescription); handler.handleEvent(invocation.getInstance(), event); // Ensure that the caller knows that some event handler method // was invoked. invocation.overrideResult(true); } } }; } private static toFieldAccess(final FieldValueConduit conduit) { return new { public void write(Object instance, Object value) { conduit.set(value); } public Object read(Object instance) { return conduit.get(); } }; } }