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Central module for Tapestry, containing interfaces to the Java Servlet API and all core services and components.

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// Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree;
import org.apache.tapestry5.PropertyConduit;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.antlr.PropertyExpressionLexer;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.antlr.PropertyExpressionParser;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.util.IntegerRange;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.util.MultiKey;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.AnnotationProvider;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.NullAnnotationProvider;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.GenericsUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.AvailableValues;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.apache.tapestry5.internal.antlr.PropertyExpressionParser.*;

public class PropertyConduitSourceImpl implements PropertyConduitSource, InvalidationListener
    private static final MethodSignature GET_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(Object.class, "get", new Class[]
    { Object.class }, null);

    private static final MethodSignature SET_SIGNATURE = new MethodSignature(void.class, "set", new Class[]
    { Object.class, Object.class }, null);

    private static final Method RANGE;

    private static final Method INVERT;

            RANGE = BasePropertyConduit.class.getMethod("range", int.class, int.class);
            INVERT = BasePropertyConduit.class.getMethod("invert", Object.class);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException ex)
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    private final AnnotationProvider nullAnnotationProvider = new NullAnnotationProvider();

    private static class ConstructorParameter
        private final String fieldName;

        private final Class type;

        private final Object value;

        ConstructorParameter(String fieldName, Class type, Object value)
            this.fieldName = fieldName;
            this.type = type;
            this.value = value;

        public String getFieldName()
            return fieldName;

        public Class getType()
            return type;

        public Object getValue()
            return value;

     * Describes all the gory details of one term (one property or method
     * invocation) from within the expression.
    private interface ExpressionTermInfo extends AnnotationProvider

         * The method to invoke to read the property value, or null.
        Method getReadMethod();

         * The method to invoke to write the property value, or null. Always
         * null for method terms (which are inherently
         * read-only).
        Method getWriteMethod();

         * The return type of the method, or the type of the property.
        Class getType();

         * True if an explicit cast to the return type is needed (typically
         * because of generics).
        boolean isCastRequired();

         * Returns a user-presentable name identifying the property or method
         * name.
        String getDescription();

         * Returns the name of the property, if exists. This is also the name of the public field.
        String getPropertyName();

         * Returns true if the term is actually a public field.
        boolean isField();

         * Returns the Field if the term is a public field.
        Field getField();


     * How are null values in intermdiate terms to be handled?
    private enum NullHandling
         * Add code to check for null and throw exception if null.

         * Add code to check for null and short-circuit (i.e., the "?."
         * safe-dereference operator)

         * Add no null check at all.

    private class GeneratedTerm
        final Type type;

        final String termReference;

         * @param type
         *            type of variable
         * @param termReference
         *            name of variable, or a constant value
        private GeneratedTerm(Type type, String termReference)
            this.type = type;
            this.termReference = termReference;

    private final PropertyAccess access;

    private final ClassFactory classFactory;

    private final TypeCoercer typeCoercer;

    private final StringInterner interner;

     * Because of stuff like Hibernate, we sometimes start with a subclass in
     * some inaccessible class loader and need to
     * work up to a base class from a common class loader.
    private final Map classToEffectiveClass = CollectionFactory.newConcurrentMap();

     * Keyed on combination of root class and expression.
    private final Map cache = CollectionFactory.newConcurrentMap();

    private final Invariant invariantAnnotation = new Invariant()
        public Class annotationType()
            return Invariant.class;

    private final AnnotationProvider invariantAnnotationProvider = new AnnotationProvider()
        public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)
            if (annotationClass == Invariant.class)
                return annotationClass.cast(invariantAnnotation);

            return null;

    private final PropertyConduit literalTrue;

    private final PropertyConduit literalFalse;

    private final PropertyConduit literalNull;

     * Encapsulates the process of building a PropertyConduit instance from an
     * expression.
    class PropertyConduitBuilder
        private final Class rootType;

        private final ClassFab classFab;

        private final String expression;

        private final Tree tree;

        private Class conduitPropertyType;

        private String conduitPropertyName;

        private AnnotationProvider annotationProvider = nullAnnotationProvider;

        // Used to create unique variable names.

        private int variableIndex = 0;

        private final List parameters = CollectionFactory.newList();

        private final BodyBuilder navBuilder = new BodyBuilder();

        PropertyConduitBuilder(Class rootType, String expression, Tree tree)
            this.rootType = rootType;
            this.expression = expression;
            this.tree = tree;

            String name = ClassFabUtils.generateClassName("PropertyConduit");

            this.classFab = classFactory.newClass(name, BasePropertyConduit.class);

        PropertyConduit createInstance()

            Object[] parameters = createConstructor();

            Class conduitClass = classFab.createClass();

                return (PropertyConduit) conduitClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(parameters);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        private Object[] createConstructor()
            List types = CollectionFactory.newList();

            // $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ...


            List values = CollectionFactory.newList();

            values.add(interner.format("PropertyConduit[%s %s]", rootType.getName(), expression));

            BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();


            int index = 6;

            for (ConstructorParameter p : parameters)

                builder.addln("%s = $%d;", p.getFieldName(), index++);


            Class[] arrayOfTypes = types.toArray(new Class[0]);

            classFab.addConstructor(arrayOfTypes, null, builder.toString());

            return values.toArray();

        private String addInjection(Class fieldType, Object fieldValue)
            String fieldName = String.format("injected_%s_%d", toSimpleName(fieldType), parameters.size());

            classFab.addField(fieldName, Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.FINAL, fieldType);

            parameters.add(new ConstructorParameter(fieldName, fieldType, fieldValue));

            return fieldName;

        private void createNoOp(ClassFab classFab, MethodSignature signature, String format, Object... values)
            String message = String.format(format, values);

            String body = String.format("throw new RuntimeException(\"%s\");", message);

            classFab.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, signature, body);

        private boolean isLeaf(Tree node)
            int type = node.getType();

            return type != DEREF && type != SAFEDEREF;

        private void createGetRoot()
            BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();

            builder.addln("%s root = (% 0)
                    builder.append(", ");


                if (needsUnwrap)

            return builder.append(")").toString();

         * Extends the navigate method for a node, which will be a DEREF or
         * SAFEDERF.
        private GeneratedTerm processDerefNode(BodyBuilder builder, Type activeType, Tree node,
                String previousVariableName, String rootName)
            // The first child is the term.

            Tree term = node.getChild(0);

            boolean allowNull = node.getType() == SAFEDEREF;

            // Returns the type of the method/property ... this is the wrapped
            // (i.e. java.lang.Integer) type if
            // the real type is primitive. It also reflects generics information
            // that may have been associated
            // with the underlying method.

            return addAccessForMember(builder, activeType, term, previousVariableName, rootName,
                    allowNull ? NullHandling.ALLOW : NullHandling.FORBID);

        private String nextVariableName(Class type)
            return String.format("var_%s_%d", toSimpleName(type), variableIndex++);

        private String toSimpleName(Class type)
            if (type.isArray())
                Class componentType = type.getComponentType();

                while (componentType.isArray())
                    componentType = componentType.getComponentType();

                return InternalUtils.lastTerm(componentType.getName()) + "_array";
            return InternalUtils.lastTerm(type.getName());

        private GeneratedTerm addAccessForMember(BodyBuilder builder, Type activeType, Tree term,
                String previousVariableName, String rootName, NullHandling nullHandling)
            assertNodeType(term, IDENTIFIER, INVOKE);
            Class activeClass = GenericsUtils.asClass(activeType);
            // Get info about this property or method.

            ExpressionTermInfo info = infoForMember(activeClass, term);

            Method method = info.getReadMethod();

            if (method == null && !info.isField())
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                        "Property '%s' of class %s is not readable (it has no read accessor method).",
                        info.getDescription(), activeClass.getName()));

            Type termType;
             * It's not possible for the ClassPropertyAdapter to know about the generic info for all the properties of
             * a class. For instance; if the type arguments of a field are provided by a subclass.
            if (info.isField())
                termType = GenericsUtils.extractActualType(activeType, info.getField());
                termType = GenericsUtils.extractActualType(activeType, method);

            Class termClass = GenericsUtils.asClass(termType);

            final Class wrappedType = ClassFabUtils.getWrapperType(termClass);

            String wrapperTypeName = ClassFabUtils.toJavaClassName(wrappedType);

            final String variableName = nextVariableName(wrappedType);

            String reference = info.isField() ? info.getPropertyName() : createMethodInvocation(builder, term,
                    rootName, method);

            builder.add("%s %s = ", wrapperTypeName, variableName);

            // Casts are needed for primitives, and for the case where
            // generics are involved.

            if (termClass.isPrimitive())
                builder.add(" ($w) ");
            else if (info.isCastRequired() || info.getType() != termClass)
                builder.add(" (%s) ", wrapperTypeName);

            builder.addln("%s.%s;", previousVariableName, reference);

            switch (nullHandling)
                case ALLOW:
                    builder.addln("if (%s == null) return null;", variableName);

                case FORBID:
                    // Perform a null check on intermediate terms.
                    builder.addln("if (%s == null) %s.nullTerm(\"%s\", \"%s\", $1);", variableName,
                            PropertyConduitSourceImpl.class.getName(), info.getDescription(), expression);


            return new GeneratedTerm(wrappedType == termClass ? termType : wrappedType, variableName);

        private void assertNodeType(Tree node, int... expected)
            int type = node.getType();

            for (int e : expected)
                if (type == e)

            throw unexpectedNodeType(node, expected);

        private RuntimeException unexpectedNodeType(Tree node, int... expected)
            List tokenNames = CollectionFactory.newList();

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++)

            String message = String.format("Node %s was type %s, but was expected to be (one of) %s.",
                    node.toStringTree(), PropertyExpressionParser.tokenNames[node.getType()],

            return new RuntimeException(message);

        private ExpressionTermInfo infoForMember(Class activeType, Tree node)
            if (node.getType() == INVOKE)
                return infoForInvokeNode(activeType, node);

            return infoForPropertyOrPublicField(activeType, node);

        private ExpressionTermInfo infoForPropertyOrPublicField(Class activeType, Tree node)
            String propertyName = node.getText();

            ClassPropertyAdapter classAdapter = access.getAdapter(activeType);
            final PropertyAdapter adapter = classAdapter.getPropertyAdapter(propertyName);

            if (adapter == null)
                List names = classAdapter.getPropertyNames();

                throw new UnknownValueException(String.format(
                        "Class %s does not contain a property (or public field) named '%s'.", activeType.getName(),
                        propertyName), new AvailableValues("Properties (and public fields)", names));

            return createExpressionTermInfoForProperty(adapter);

        private ExpressionTermInfo createExpressionTermInfoForProperty(final PropertyAdapter adapter)
            return new ExpressionTermInfo()
                public Method getReadMethod()
                    return adapter.getReadMethod();

                public Method getWriteMethod()
                    return adapter.getWriteMethod();

                public Class getType()
                    return adapter.getType();

                public boolean isCastRequired()
                    return adapter.isCastRequired();

                public String getDescription()
                    return adapter.getName();

                public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)
                    return adapter.getAnnotation(annotationClass);

                public String getPropertyName()
                    return adapter.getName();

                public boolean isField()
                    return adapter.isField();

                public Field getField()
                    return adapter.getField();

        private ExpressionTermInfo infoForInvokeNode(Class activeType, Tree node)
            String methodName = node.getChild(0).getText();

            int parameterCount = node.getChildCount() - 1;

                final Method method = findMethod(activeType, methodName, parameterCount);

                if (method.getReturnType().equals(void.class))
                    throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Method %s.%s() returns void.", activeType.getName(),

                final Class genericType = GenericsUtils.extractGenericReturnType(activeType, method);

                return new ExpressionTermInfo()
                    public Method getReadMethod()
                        return method;

                    public Method getWriteMethod()
                        return null;

                    public Class getType()
                        return genericType;

                    public boolean isCastRequired()
                        return genericType != method.getReturnType();

                    public String getDescription()
                        return new MethodSignature(method).getUniqueId();

                    public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)
                        return method.getAnnotation(annotationClass);

                    public String getPropertyName()
                        return null;

                    public boolean isField()
                        return false;

                    public Field getField()
                        return null;
            catch (NoSuchMethodException ex)
                throw new RuntimeException(String.format("No public method '%s()' in class %s.", methodName,

        private Method findMethod(Class activeType, String methodName, int parameterCount) throws NoSuchMethodException
            for (Method method : activeType.getMethods())

                if (method.getParameterTypes().length == parameterCount
                        && method.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(methodName))
                    return method;

            // TAP5-330
            if (activeType != Object.class)
                return findMethod(Object.class, methodName, parameterCount);

            throw new NoSuchMethodException(ServicesMessages.noSuchMethod(activeType, methodName));

    public PropertyConduitSourceImpl(PropertyAccess access, @ComponentLayer
    ClassFactory classFactory, TypeCoercer typeCoercer, StringInterner interner)
        this.access = access;
        this.classFactory = classFactory;
        this.typeCoercer = typeCoercer;
        this.interner = interner;

        literalTrue = createLiteralConduit(Boolean.class, true);
        literalFalse = createLiteralConduit(Boolean.class, false);
        literalNull = createLiteralConduit(Void.class, null);

    public PropertyConduit create(Class rootClass, String expression)
        assert rootClass != null;
        assert InternalUtils.isNonBlank(expression);
        Class effectiveClass = toEffectiveClass(rootClass);

        MultiKey key = new MultiKey(effectiveClass, expression);

        PropertyConduit result = cache.get(key);

        if (result == null)
            result = build(effectiveClass, expression);
            cache.put(key, result);

        return result;

    private Class toEffectiveClass(Class rootClass)
        Class result = classToEffectiveClass.get(rootClass);

        if (result == null)
            result = classFactory.importClass(rootClass);

            classToEffectiveClass.put(rootClass, result);

        return result;

     * Clears its caches when the component class loader is invalidated; this is
     * because it will be common to generate
     * conduits rooted in a component class (which will no longer be valid and
     * must be released to the garbage
     * collector).
    public void objectWasInvalidated()

     * Builds a subclass of {@link BasePropertyConduit} that implements the
     * get() and set() methods and overrides the
     * constructor. In a worst-case race condition, we may build two (or more)
     * conduits for the same
     * rootClass/expression, and it will get sorted out when the conduit is
     * stored into the cache.
     * @param rootClass
     *            class of root object for expression evaluation
     * @param expression
     *            expression to be evaluated
     * @return the conduit
    private PropertyConduit build(final Class rootClass, String expression)
        Tree tree = parse(expression);

            switch (tree.getType())
                case TRUE:

                    return literalTrue;

                case FALSE:

                    return literalFalse;

                case NULL:

                    return literalNull;

                case INTEGER:

                    // Leading '+' may screw this up.
                    // TODO: Singleton instance for "0", maybe "1"?

                    return createLiteralConduit(Long.class, new Long(tree.getText()));

                case DECIMAL:

                    // Leading '+' may screw this up.
                    // TODO: Singleton instance for "0.0"?

                    return createLiteralConduit(Double.class, new Double(tree.getText()));

                case STRING:

                    return createLiteralConduit(String.class, tree.getText());

                case RANGEOP:

                    Tree fromNode = tree.getChild(0);
                    Tree toNode = tree.getChild(1);

                    // If the range is defined as integers (not properties, etc.)
                    // then it is possible to calculate the value here, once, and not
                    // build a new class.

                    if (fromNode.getType() != INTEGER || toNode.getType() != INTEGER)

                    int from = Integer.parseInt(fromNode.getText());
                    int to = Integer.parseInt(toNode.getText());

                    IntegerRange ir = new IntegerRange(from, to);

                    return createLiteralConduit(IntegerRange.class, ir);

                case THIS:

                    return createLiteralThisPropertyConduit(rootClass);


            return new PropertyConduitBuilder(rootClass, expression, tree).createInstance();
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new PropertyExpressionException(String.format("Exception generating conduit for expression '%s': %s",
                    expression, InternalUtils.toMessage(ex)), expression, ex);

    private PropertyConduit createLiteralThisPropertyConduit(final Class rootClass)
        return new PropertyConduit()
            public Object get(Object instance)
                return instance;

            public void set(Object instance, Object value)
                throw new RuntimeException(ServicesMessages.literalConduitNotUpdateable());

            public Class getPropertyType()
                return rootClass;

            public  T getAnnotation(Class annotationClass)
                return invariantAnnotationProvider.getAnnotation(annotationClass);

    private  PropertyConduit createLiteralConduit(Class type, T value)
        return new LiteralPropertyConduit(type, invariantAnnotationProvider, interner.format(
                "LiteralPropertyConduit[%s]", value), typeCoercer, value);

    private Tree parse(String expression)
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(expression.getBytes());

        ANTLRInputStream ais;

            ais = new ANTLRInputStream(is);
        catch (IOException ex)
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        PropertyExpressionLexer lexer = new PropertyExpressionLexer(ais);

        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);

        PropertyExpressionParser parser = new PropertyExpressionParser(tokens);

            return (Tree) parser.start().getTree();
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Error parsing property expression '%s': %s.", expression,
                    ex.getMessage()), ex);

     * May be invoked from fabricated PropertyConduit instances.
    public static void nullTerm(String term, String expression, Object root)
        String message = String.format("Property '%s' (within property expression '%s', of %s) is null.", term,
                expression, root);

        throw new NullPointerException(message);