org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.console.commands.RemoteCommand.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.console.commands
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.console.Mediator
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.console.RemoteAcceptor
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.console.RemoteException
* Configure a remote connection to a Gremlin Server.
* @author Stephen Mallette (
class RemoteCommand extends ComplexCommandSupport {
private final Mediator mediator
public RemoteCommand(final Groovysh shell, final Mediator mediator) {
super(shell, ":remote", ":rem", ["current", "connect", "config", "list", "next", "prev", "choose", "close", "console"], "current")
this.mediator = mediator
def Object do_connect = { List arguments ->
if (arguments.size() == 0) return "Define the remote to configured (e.g. tinkerpop.server)"
if (!mediator.availablePlugins.values().any { == arguments[0]
}) return "No plugin named ${arguments[0]}"
def pluggedIn = mediator.availablePlugins.values().find { == arguments[0] }
if (!pluggedIn.activated) return "Plugin is available but not activated with ':plugin use ${arguments[0]}'"
def Optional remoteAcceptor = pluggedIn.remoteAcceptor()
if (!remoteAcceptor.isPresent()) return "${arguments[0]} does not accept remote configuration"
try {
def remote = remoteAcceptor.get()
def result = remote.connect(arguments.tail())
return result
} catch (RemoteException re) {
return re.message
def Object do_config = { List arguments ->
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
try {
return mediator.currentRemote().configure(arguments)
} catch (RemoteException re) {
return re.message
def Object do_current = {
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
return "Remote - ${mediator.currentRemote()}"
def Object do_choose = { List arguments ->
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
if (arguments.size() != 1) return "Specify the numeric index of the remote"
def pos
try {
pos = Integer.parseInt(arguments.first())
} catch (Exception ex) {
return "Index must be an integer value"
if (pos >= mediator.remotes.size() || pos < 0) return "Index is out of range - use [list] to see indices available"
mediator.position = pos
return mediator.currentRemote()
def Object do_next = {
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
def Object do_prev = {
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
def Object do_list = {
def copy = []
mediator.remotes.eachWithIndex { remote, i -> copy << (mediator.position == i ? "*" : "") + i + " - " + remote.toString() }
return copy
def Object do_close = {
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
// the console is in remote evaluation mode. closing at this point will needs to exit that mode and then
// kill the remote itself
if (!mediator.localEvaluation) swapEvaluationMode()
def removed = mediator.removeCurrent()
return "Removed - $removed"
def Object do_console = {
if (mediator.remotes.size() == 0) return "Please add a remote first with [connect]"
if (!mediator.currentRemote().allowRemoteConsole()) return "The ${mediator.currentRemote()} is not compatible with 'connect' - use ':>' instead"
return swapEvaluationMode()
private String swapEvaluationMode() {
mediator.localEvaluation = !mediator.localEvaluation
if (mediator.localEvaluation)
return "All scripts will now be evaluated locally - type ':remote console' to return to remote mode for ${mediator.currentRemote()}"
return "All scripts will now be sent to ${mediator.currentRemote()} - type ':remote console' to return to local mode"
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