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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License. acceptor thread [{0}] did not stop cleanly
acceptor.stop.interrupted=Interrupt was received while waiting for the acceptor thread [{0}] to stop

channel.nio.interrupted=The current thread was interrupted
channel.nio.ssl.appInputNotEmpty=Application input buffer still contains data. Data would have been lost.
channel.nio.ssl.appOutputNotEmpty=Application output buffer still contains data. Data would have been lost.
channel.nio.ssl.closeSilentError=As expected, there was an exception trying to close the connection cleanly.
channel.nio.ssl.closing=Channel is in closing state.
channel.nio.ssl.eofDuringHandshake=EOF during handshake.
channel.nio.ssl.expandNetInBuffer=Expanding network input buffer to [{0}] bytes
channel.nio.ssl.expandNetOutBuffer=Expanding network output buffer to [{0}] bytes
channel.nio.ssl.foundHttp=Found an plain text HTTP request on what should be an encrypted TLS connection
channel.nio.ssl.handshakeError=Handshake error
channel.nio.ssl.handshakeWrapPending=There is already handshake data waiting to be wrapped
channel.nio.ssl.handshakeWrapQueueTooLong=The queue of handshake data to be wrapped has grown too long
channel.nio.ssl.incompleteHandshake=Handshake incomplete, you must complete handshake before reading data.
channel.nio.ssl.invalidCloseState=Invalid close state, will not send network data.
channel.nio.ssl.invalidStatus=Unexpected status [{0}].
channel.nio.ssl.netInputNotEmpty=Network input buffer still contains data. Handshake will fail.
channel.nio.ssl.netOutputNotEmpty=Network output buffer still contains data. Handshake will fail.
channel.nio.ssl.notHandshaking=NOT_HANDSHAKING during handshake
channel.nio.ssl.pendingWriteDuringClose=Pending write, so remaining data in the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, socket closed anyway
channel.nio.ssl.remainingDataDuringClose=Remaining data in the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, socket closes anyway
channel.nio.ssl.sniDefault=Unable to buffer enough data to determine requested SNI host name. Using default
channel.nio.ssl.sniHostName=The SNI host name extracted for connection [{0}] was [{1}]
channel.nio.ssl.timeoutDuringHandshake=Timeout during handshake.
channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringUnwrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during handshake UNWRAP.
channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringWrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during handshake WRAP.
channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFail=Unable to unwrap data, invalid status [{0}]
channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFailResize=Unable to unwrap data because buffer is too small, invalid status [{0}]
channel.nio.ssl.wrapFail=Unable to wrap data, invalid status [{0}] accept failed to configure endpoint for ALPN using [{0}]
endpoint.alpn.negotiated=Negotiated [{0}] protocol using ALPN
endpoint.apr.failSslContextMake=Unable to create SSLContext. Check that SSLEngine is enabled in the AprLifecycleListener, the AprLifecycleListener has initialised correctly and that a valid SSLProtocol has been specified
endpoint.apr.invalidSslProtocol=An invalid value [{0}] was provided for the SSLProtocol attribute
endpoint.debug.channelCloseFail=Failed to close channel
endpoint.debug.destroySocket=Destroying socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.handlerRelease=Handler failed to release socket wrapper
endpoint.debug.pollerAdd=Add to addList socket [{0}], timeout [{1}], flags [{2}]
endpoint.debug.pollerAddDo=Add to poller socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.pollerProcess=Processing socket [{0}] for event(s) [{1}]
endpoint.debug.pollerRemove=Attempting to remove [{0}] from poller
endpoint.debug.pollerRemoved=Removed [{0}] from poller
endpoint.debug.registerRead=Registered read interest for [{0}]
endpoint.debug.registerWrite=Registered write interest for [{0}]
endpoint.debug.socket=socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.socketTimeout=Timing out [{0}] exception trying to unlock accept on port [{0}]
endpoint.debug.unlock.localFail=Unable to determine local address for [{0}]
endpoint.debug.unlock.localNone=Failed to unlock acceptor for [{0}] because the local address was not available
endpoint.duplicateSslHostName=Multiple SSLHostConfig elements were provided for the host name [{0}]. Host names must be unique.
endpoint.err.close=Caught exception trying to close socket
endpoint.err.duplicateAccept=Duplicate socket accept detected. This is a known Linux kernel bug. The original connection has been processed normally and the duplicate has been ignored. The client should be unaffected. Updating the OS to a version that uses kernel 5.10 or later should fix the duplicate accept bug.
endpoint.err.handshake=Handshake failed for client connection from IP address [{0}] and port [{1}]
endpoint.err.unexpected=Unexpected error processing socket rejected socket [{0}] for processing
endpoint.getAttribute=[{0}] is [{1}]
endpoint.init.bind=Socket bind failed: [{0}] [{1}]
endpoint.init.bind.inherited=No inherited channel while the connector was configured to use one
endpoint.init.listen=Socket listen failed: [{0}] [{1}]
endpoint.init.unixnotavail=Unix Domain Socket support not available
endpoint.invalidJmxNameSslHost=Unable to generate a valid JMX object name for the SSLHostConfig associated with host [{0}]
endpoint.invalidJmxNameSslHostCert=Unable to generate a valid JMX object name for the SSLHostConfigCertificate associated with host [{0}] and certificate type [{1}]
endpoint.jmxRegistrationFailed=Failed to register the JMX object with name [{0}]
endpoint.jsse.noSslContext=No SSLContext could be found for the host name [{0}] to launch new runnable
endpoint.nio.keyProcessingError=Error processing selection key
endpoint.nio.latchMustBeZero=Latch must be at count zero or null
endpoint.nio.nullLatch=Latch cannot be null
endpoint.nio.nullSocketChannel=Invalid null socket channel while processing poller event
endpoint.nio.perms.readFail=Failed to set read permissions for Unix domain socket [{0}]
endpoint.nio.perms.writeFail=Failed to set write permissions for Unix domain socket [{0}]
endpoint.nio.registerFail=Failed to register socket with selector from poller
endpoint.nio.selectorCloseFail=Failed to close selector when closing the poller
endpoint.nio.selectorLoopError=Error in selector loop
endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitFail=The pollers did not stop within the expected time
endpoint.nio.stopLatchAwaitInterrupted=This thread was interrupted while waiting for the pollers to stop
endpoint.nio.timeoutCme=Exception during processing of timeouts. The code has been checked repeatedly and no concurrent modification has been found. If you are able to repeat this error please open a Tomcat bug and provide the steps to reproduce.
endpoint.nio2.exclusiveExecutor=The NIO2 connector requires an exclusive executor to operate properly on shutdown
endpoint.nio2.executorService=The NIO2 connector requires an executor service, the internal JVM threads will be used
endpoint.noSslHostConfig=No SSLHostConfig element was found with the hostName [{0}] to match the defaultSSLHostConfigName for the connector [{1}]
endpoint.noSslHostName=No host name was provided for the SSL host configuration
endpoint.poll.error=Unexpected poller error poller failure (restarting poller): [{0}] [{1}]
endpoint.poll.initfail=Poller creation failed
endpoint.poll.limitedpollsize=Failed to create poller with specified size of [{0}]
endpoint.pollerThreadStop=The poller thread failed to stop in a timely manner
endpoint.portOffset.invalid=The value [{0}] for portOffset is not valid as portOffset may not be negative allocating socket processor running socket processor
endpoint.rejectedExecution=Socket processing request was rejected for [{0}]
endpoint.removeDefaultSslHostConfig=The default SSLHostConfig (named [{0}]) may not be removed
endpoint.sendfile.addfail=Sendfile failure: [{0}] [{1}]
endpoint.sendfile.closeError=Error closing sendfile resources
endpoint.sendfile.error=Unexpected sendfile error
endpoint.sendfile.tooMuchData=Sendfile configured to send more data than was available
endpoint.sendfileThreadStop=The sendfile thread failed to stop in a timely manner
endpoint.serverSocket.closeFailed=Failed to close server socket for [{0}]
endpoint.setAttribute=Set [{0}] to [{1}]
endpoint.setAttributeError=Unable to set attribute [{0}] to [{1}]
endpoint.socketOptionsError=Error setting socket options
endpoint.timeout.err=Error processing socket timeout
endpoint.tls.cert.encodingError=Certificate fingerprints not available
endpoint.tls.cert.noCerts=Certificate details not available as the certificate chain returned from the SSLContext was empty [{0}], TLS virtual host [{1}], certificate type [{2}] configured from {3} with trust store [{4}] [{0}] using alias [{1}] [{0}], certificate [{1}] and certificate chain [{2}]
endpoint.unknownSslHostName=The SSL host name [{0}] is not recognised for this endpoint
endpoint.warn.executorShutdown=The executor associated with thread pool [{0}] has not fully shutdown. Some application threads may still be running.
endpoint.warn.incorrectConnectionCount=Incorrect connection count, multiple calls to socket.close for the same socket.
endpoint.warn.noLocalAddr=Unable to determine local address for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noLocalName=Unable to determine local host name for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noLocalPort=Unable to determine local port for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noRemoteAddr=Unable to determine remote address for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noRemoteHost=Unable to determine remote host name for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noRemotePort=Unable to determine remote port for socket [{0}]
endpoint.warn.noUtilityExecutor=No utility executor was set, creating one
endpoint.warn.unlockAcceptorFailed=Acceptor thread [{0}] failed to unlock. Forcing hard socket shutdown.

sniExtractor.clientHelloInvalid=The ClientHello message was not correctly formatted
sniExtractor.clientHelloTooBig=The ClientHello was not presented in a single TLS record so no SNI information could be extracted
sniExtractor.tooEarly=It is illegal to call this method before the client hello has been parsed

socket.closed=The socket associated with this connection has been closed.
socket.sslreneg=Exception re-negotiating SSL connection

socketProperties.negativeUnlockTimeout=The negative value for unlockTimeout has been ignored

socketWrapper.readTimeout=Read timeout
socketWrapper.writeTimeout=Write timeout

sslHostConfig.certificate.notype=Multiple certificates were specified and at least one is missing the required attribute type
sslHostConfig.certificateVerificationInvalid=The certificate verification value [{0}] is not recognised
sslHostConfig.certificateVerificationWithHttp2=The TLS virtual host [{0}] is configured for optional certificate verification and the enclosing connector is configured to support upgrade to h2. HTTP/2 over TLS does not permit optional certificate verification.
sslHostConfig.fileNotFound=Configured file [{0}] does not exist
sslHostConfig.invalid_truststore_password=The provided trust store password could not be used to unlock and/or validate the trust store. Retrying to access the trust store with a null password which will skip validation.
sslHostConfig.mismatch=The property [{0}] was set on the SSLHostConfig named [{1}] and is for the [{2}] configuration syntax but the SSLHostConfig is being used with the [{3}] configuration syntax
sslHostConfig.opensslconf.alreadyset=Attempt to set another OpenSSLConf ignored
sslHostConfig.opensslconf.null=Attempt to set null OpenSSLConf ignored
sslHostConfig.prefix_missing=The protocol [{0}] was added to the list of protocols on the SSLHostConfig named [{1}]. Check if a +/- prefix is missing.

sslHostConfigCertificate.mismatch=The property [{0}] was set on the SSLHostConfigCertificate named [{1}] and is for certificate storage type [{2}] but the certificate is being used with a storage of type [{3}]

sslImplementation.cnfe=Unable to create SSLImplementation for class [{0}] [{0}] that are active are : [{1}]
sslUtilBase.aliasIgnored=FIPS enabled so alias name [{0}] will be ignored. If there is more than one key in the key store, the key used will depend on the key store implementation
sslUtilBase.alias_no_key_entry=Alias name [{0}] does not identify a key entry
sslUtilBase.invalidTrustManagerClassName=The trustManagerClassName provided [{0}] does not implement
sslUtilBase.keystore_load_failed=Failed to load keystore type [{0}] with path [{1}] due to [{2}]
sslUtilBase.noCertFile=SSLHostConfig attribute certificateFile must be defined when using an SSL connector
sslUtilBase.noCrlSupport=The truststoreProvider [{0}] does not support the certificateRevocationFile configuration option
sslUtilBase.noKeys=No aliases for private keys found in key store
sslUtilBase.noVerificationDepth=The truststoreProvider [{0}] does not support the certificateVerificationDepth configuration option
sslUtilBase.noneSupported=None of the [{0}] specified are supported by the SSL engine : [{1}]
sslUtilBase.skipped=Tomcat interprets the [{0}] attribute in a manner consistent with the latest OpenSSL development branch. Some of the specified [{0}] are not supported by the configured SSL engine for this connector (which may use JSSE or an older OpenSSL version) and have been skipped: [{1}]
sslUtilBase.ssl3=SSLv3 has been explicitly enabled. This protocol is known to be insecure.
sslUtilBase.tls13.auth=The JSSE TLS 1.3 implementation does not support post handshake authentication (PHA) and is therefore incompatible with optional certificate authentication
sslUtilBase.trustedCertNotChecked=The validity dates of the trusted certificate with alias [{0}] were not checked as the certificate was of an unknown type
sslUtilBase.trustedCertNotValid=The trusted certificate with alias [{0}] and DN [{1}] is not valid due to [{2}]. Certificates signed by this trusted certificate WILL be accepted

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