org.apache.catalina.manager.LocalStrings.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
htmlManagerServlet.appsName=Display Name
htmlManagerServlet.appsExpire=Expire sessions
htmlManagerServlet.noVersion=None specified
htmlManagerServlet.expire.explain=with idle ≥
htmlManagerServlet.helpHtmlManager=HTML Manager Help
htmlManagerServlet.helpManager=Manager Help
htmlManagerServlet.configSslReloadTitle=Re-read TLS configuration files
htmlManagerServlet.configSslHostName=TLS host name (optional)
htmlManagerServlet.deployConfig=XML Configuration file path:
htmlManagerServlet.deployPath=Context Path:
htmlManagerServlet.deployServer=Deploy directory or WAR file located on server
htmlManagerServlet.deployUpload=WAR file to deploy
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadFail=FAIL - Deploy Upload Failed, Exception: [{0}]
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadFile=Select WAR file to upload
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadInServerXml=FAIL - War file [{0}] cannot be uploaded if context is defined in server.xml
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadNotWar=FAIL - File uploaded [{0}] must be a .war
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadNoFile=FAIL - File upload failed, no file
htmlManagerServlet.deployUploadWarExists=FAIL - War file [{0}] already exists on server
htmlManagerServlet.deployVersion=Version (for parallel deployment):
htmlManagerServlet.deployWar=WAR or Directory path:
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsLeak=Check to see if a web application has caused a memory leak on stop, reload or undeploy
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsLeakButton=Find leaks
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsLeakWarning=This diagnostic check will trigger a full garbage collection. Use it with extreme caution on production systems.
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsSsl=TLS connector configuration diagnostics
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsSslConnectorCipherText=List the configured TLS virtual hosts and the ciphers for each.
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsSslConnectorCertsText=List the configured TLS virtual hosts and the certificate chain for each.
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsSslConnectorTrustedCertsButton=Trusted Certificates
htmlManagerServlet.diagnosticsSslConnectorTrustedCertsText=List the configured TLS virtual hosts and the trusted certificates for each.
The following web applications were stopped (reloaded, undeployed), but their\n\
classes from previous runs are still loaded in memory, thus causing a memory\n\
leak (use a profiler to confirm):\n
htmlManagerServlet.findleaksNone=No web applications appear to have triggered a memory leak on stop, reload or undeploy.
htmlManagerServlet.list=List Applications
htmlManagerServlet.serverIPAddress=IP Address
htmlManagerServlet.serverJVMVendor=JVM Vendor
htmlManagerServlet.serverJVMVersion=JVM Version
htmlManagerServlet.serverOSArch=OS Architecture
htmlManagerServlet.serverOSName=OS Name
htmlManagerServlet.serverOSVersion=OS Version
htmlManagerServlet.serverTitle=Server Information
htmlManagerServlet.serverVersion=Tomcat Version
htmlManagerServlet.title=Tomcat Web Application Manager
managerServlet.alreadyContext=FAIL - Application already exists at path [{0}]
managerServlet.certsNotAvailable=Certificate information cannot be obtained from this connector at runtime
managerServlet.deleteFail=FAIL - Unable to delete [{0}]. The continued presence of this file may cause problems.
managerServlet.deployed=OK - Deployed application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.deployFailed=FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.deployedButNotStarted=FAIL - Deployed application at context path [{0}] but context failed to start
managerServlet.exception=FAIL - Encountered exception [{0}]
managerServlet.findleaksFail=FAIL - Find leaks failed: Host not instance of StandardHost
managerServlet.findleaksList=OK - Found potential memory leaks in the following applications:
managerServlet.findleaksNone=OK - No memory leaks found
managerServlet.inService=FAIL - The application [{0}] is already being serviced
managerServlet.invalidCommand=FAIL - Invalid parameters supplied for command [{0}]
managerServlet.invalidPath=FAIL - Invalid context path [{0}] was specified
managerServlet.listed=OK - Listed applications for virtual host [{0}]
managerServlet.mkdirFail=FAIL - Unable to create directory [{0}]
managerServlet.noCommand=FAIL - No command was specified
managerServlet.noContext=FAIL - No context exists named [{0}]
managerServlet.noGlobal=FAIL - No global JNDI resources are available
managerServlet.noManager=FAIL - No manager exists for path [{0}]
managerServlet.noSelf=FAIL - The manager cannot reload, undeploy, stop, or undeploy itself
managerServlet.noWrapper=Container has not called setWrapper() for this servlet
managerServlet.notDeployed=FAIL - Context [{0}] is defined in server.xml and may not be undeployed
managerServlet.notSslConnector=SSL is not enabled for this connector
managerServlet.objectNameFail=FAIL - Unable to register object name [{0}] for Manager Servlet
managerServlet.postCommand=FAIL - Tried to use command [{0}] via a GET request but POST is required
managerServlet.reloaded=OK - Reloaded application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.renameFail=FAIL - Unable to rename [{0}] to [{1}]. This may cause problems for future deployments.
managerServlet.resourcesAll=OK - Listed global resources of all types
managerServlet.resourcesType=OK - Listed global resources of type [{0}]
managerServlet.saveFail=FAIL - Configuration save failed: [{0}]
managerServlet.saved=OK - Server configuration saved
managerServlet.savedContext=OK - Context [{0}] configuration saved
managerServlet.sessiondefaultmax=Default maximum session inactive interval [{0}] minutes
managerServlet.sessiontimeout=[{0}] minutes: [{1}] sessions
managerServlet.sessiontimeout.unlimited=unlimited time: [{0}] sessions
managerServlet.sessiontimeout.expired=[{0}] minutes: [{1}] sessions were expired
managerServlet.sessions=OK - Session information for application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.sslConnectorCiphers=OK - Connector / SSL Cipher information
managerServlet.sslConnectorCerts=OK - Connector / Certificate Chain information
managerServlet.sslConnectorTrustedCerts=OK - Connector / Trusted Certificate information
managerServlet.sslReload=OK - Reloaded TLS configuration for [{0}]
managerServlet.sslReloadAll=OK - Reloaded TLS configuration for all TLS virtual hosts
managerServlet.sslReloadFail=FAIL - Failed to reload TLS configuration
managerServlet.started=OK - Started application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.startFailed=FAIL - Application at context path [{0}] could not be started
managerServlet.stopped=OK - Stopped application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.storeConfig.invalidMBean=FAIL - Unable to find the StoreConfig Mbean. [{0}] is not a valid name for an MBean.
managerServlet.storeConfig.noMBean=FAIL - No StoreConfig MBean registered at [{0}]. Registration is typically performed by the StoreConfigLifecycleListener.
managerServlet.threaddump=OK - JVM thread dump
managerServlet.trustedCertsNotConfigured=No trusted certificates are configured for this virtual host
managerServlet.undeployed=OK - Undeployed application at context path [{0}]
managerServlet.unknownCommand=FAIL - Unknown command [{0}]
managerServlet.vminfo=OK - VM info
statusServlet.title=Server Status
statusServlet.complete=Complete Server Status
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