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# net resources
endpoint.err.close=Caught exception trying to close socket
endpoint.err.handshake=Handshake failed
endpoint.err.unexpected=Unexpected error processing socket
endpoint.warn.noExector=Failed to process socket [{0}] in state [{1}] because the executor had already been shutdown
endpoint.warn.noDisableCompression='Disable compression' option is not supported by the SSL library {0}
endpoint.warn.noDisableSessionTickets='Disable TLS Session Tickets' option is not supported by the SSL library {0}
endpoint.warn.noHonorCipherOrder='Honor cipher order' option is not supported by the SSL library {0}
endpoint.warn.noInsecureReneg=Secure re-negotiation is not supported by the SSL library {0}
endpoint.warn.unlockAcceptorFailed=Acceptor thread [{0}] failed to unlock. Forcing hard socket shutdown.
endpoint.warn.executorShutdown=The executor associated with thread pool [{0}] has not fully shutdown. Some application threads may still be running.
endpoint.debug.channelCloseFail=Failed to close channel
endpoint.debug.destroySocket=Destroying socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.pollerAdd=Add to addList socket [{0}], timeout [{1}], flags [{2}]
endpoint.debug.pollerAddDo=Add to poller socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.pollerProcess=Processing socket [{0}] for event(s) [{1}]
endpoint.debug.pollerRemove=Attempting to remove [{0}] from poller
endpoint.debug.pollerRemoved=Removed [{0}] from poller
endpoint.debug.socket=socket [{0}]
endpoint.debug.socketCloseFail=Failed to close socket
endpoint.debug.socketTimeout=Timing out [{0}]
endpoint.debug.unlock=Caught exception trying to unlock accept on port {0} rejected socket [{0}] for processing
endpoint.init.bind=Socket bind failed: [{0}] {1}
endpoint.init.listen=Socket listen failed: [{0}] {1}
endpoint.init.notavail=APR not available to launch new runnable accept failed
endpoint.getAttribute=[{0}] is [{1}]
endpoint.poll.limitedpollsize=Failed to create poller with specified size of {0}
endpoint.poll.initfail=Poller creation failed poller failure (restarting poller): [{0}] {1}
endpoint.poll.error=Unexpected poller error allocating socket processor running socket processor
endpoint.sendfile.error=Unexpected sendfile error
endpoint.sendfile.addfail=Sendfile failure: [{0}] {1}
endpoint.setAttribute=Set [{0}] to [{1}]
endpoint.timeout.err=Error processing socket timeout
endpoint.apr.failSslContextMake=Unable to create SSLContext. Check that SSLEngine is enabled in the AprLifecycleListener, the AprLifecycleListener has initialised correctly and that a valid SSLProtocol has been specified
endpoint.apr.invalidSslProtocol=An invalid value [{0}] was provided for the SSLProtocol attribute
endpoint.apr.maxConnections.running=The APR endpoint does not support the setting of maxConnections while it is running. The existing value of [{0}] will continue to be used.
endpoint.apr.maxConnections.unlimited=The APR endpoint does not support unlimited connections. The existing value of [{0}] will continue to be used.
endpoint.apr.noSendfileWithSSL=Sendfile is not supported for the APR/native connector when SSL is enabled
endpoint.apr.noSslCertFile=Connector attribute SSLCertificateFile must be defined when using SSL with APR
endpoint.apr.pollAddInvalid=Invalid attempted to add a socket [{0}] to the poller
endpoint.apr.pollError=Poller failed with error [{0}] : [{1}]
endpoint.apr.pollMergeEvents=Merge poller events [{1}] and [{2}] for socket [{0}]
endpoint.apr.pollUnknownEvent=A socket was returned from the poller with an unrecognized event [{0}]
endpoint.apr.remoteport=APR socket [{0}] opened with remote port [{1}]
endpoint.nio.selectorCloseFail=Failed to close selector when closing the poller
endpoint.nio.timeoutCme=Exception during processing of timeouts. The code has been checked repeatedly and no concurrent modification has been found. If you are able to repeat this error please open a Tomcat bug and provide the steps to reproduce.
endpoint.nio2.exclusiveExecutor=The NIO2 connector requires an exclusive executor to operate properly on shutdown

channel.nio.interrupted=The current thread was interrupted
channel.nio.ssl.notHandshaking=NOT_HANDSHAKING during handshake
channel.nio.ssl.handhakeError=Handshake error
channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringWrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during handshake WRAP.
channel.nio.ssl.unexpectedStatusDuringUnwrap=Unexpected status [{0}] during handshake UNWRAP.
channel.nio.ssl.invalidStatus=Unexpected status [{0}].
channel.nio.ssl.netInputNotEmpty=Network input buffer still contains data. Handshake will fail.
channel.nio.ssl.netOutputNotEmpty=Network output buffer still contains data. Handshake will fail.
channel.nio.ssl.appInputNotEmpty=Application input buffer still contains data. Data would have been lost.
channel.nio.ssl.appOutputNotEmpty=Application output buffer still contains data. Data would have been lost.
channel.nio.ssl.eofDuringHandshake=EOF during handshake.
channel.nio.ssl.timeoutDuringHandshake=Timeout during handshake.
channel.nio.ssl.remainingDataDuringClose=Remaining data in the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, force a close with close(true) instead
channel.nio.ssl.pendingWriteDuringClose=Pending write, so remaining data in the network buffer, can't send SSL close message, force a close with close(true) instead
channel.nio.ssl.invalidCloseState=Invalid close state, will not send network data.
channel.nio.ssl.unwrapFail=Unable to unwrap data, invalid status [{0}]
channel.nio.ssl.wrapException=Handshake failed during wrap
channel.nio.ssl.wrapFail=Unable to wrap data, invalid status [{0}]
channel.nio.ssl.incompleteHandshake=Handshake incomplete, you must complete handshake before reading data.
channel.nio.ssl.closing=Channel is in closing state.
channel.nio.ssl.invalidBuffer=You can only read using the application read buffer provided by the handler.

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