org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.jasper.compiler;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.apache.jasper.Constants;
import org.apache.jasper.JasperException;
import org.apache.jasper.xmlparser.ParserUtils;
import org.apache.jasper.xmlparser.TreeNode;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
* Handles the jsp-config element in WEB_INF/web.xml. This is used
* for specifying the JSP configuration information on a JSP page
* @author Kin-man Chung
* @author Remy Maucherat
public class JspConfig {
// Logger
private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JspConfig.class);
private Vector jspProperties = null;
private ServletContext ctxt;
private volatile boolean initialized = false;
private static final String defaultIsXml = null; // unspecified
private String defaultIsELIgnored = null; // unspecified
private static final String defaultIsScriptingInvalid = null;
private String defaultDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = null;
private static final String defaultTrimDirectiveWhitespaces = null;
private static final String defaultDefaultContentType = null;
private static final String defaultBuffer = null;
private static final String defaultErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace = "false";
private JspProperty defaultJspProperty;
public JspConfig(ServletContext ctxt) {
this.ctxt = ctxt;
private double getVersion(TreeNode webApp) {
String v = webApp.findAttribute("version");
if (v != null) {
try {
return Double.parseDouble(v);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return 2.3;
private void processWebDotXml() throws JasperException {
WebXml webXml = null;
try {
webXml = new WebXml(ctxt);
boolean validate = Boolean.parseBoolean(
String blockExternalString =
boolean blockExternal;
if (blockExternalString == null) {
blockExternal = true;
} else {
blockExternal = Boolean.parseBoolean(blockExternalString);
TreeNode webApp = null;
if (webXml.getInputSource() != null) {
ParserUtils pu = new ParserUtils(validate, blockExternal);
webApp = pu.parseXMLDocument(webXml.getSystemId(),
if (webApp == null
|| getVersion(webApp) < 2.4) {
defaultIsELIgnored = "true";
defaultDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = "true";
if (getVersion(webApp) < 2.5) {
defaultDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = "true";
TreeNode jspConfig = webApp.findChild("jsp-config");
if (jspConfig == null) {
jspProperties = new Vector();
Iterator jspPropertyList =
while (jspPropertyList.hasNext()) {
TreeNode element = jspPropertyList.next();
Iterator list = element.findChildren();
Vector urlPatterns = new Vector();
String pageEncoding = null;
String scriptingInvalid = null;
String elIgnored = null;
String isXml = null;
Vector includePrelude = new Vector();
Vector includeCoda = new Vector();
String deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = null;
String trimDirectiveWhitespaces = null;
String defaultContentType = null;
String buffer = null;
String errorOnUndeclaredNamespace = null;
while (list.hasNext()) {
element = list.next();
String tname = element.getName();
if ("url-pattern".equals(tname))
urlPatterns.addElement( element.getBody() );
else if ("page-encoding".equals(tname))
pageEncoding = element.getBody();
else if ("is-xml".equals(tname))
isXml = element.getBody();
else if ("el-ignored".equals(tname))
elIgnored = element.getBody();
else if ("scripting-invalid".equals(tname))
scriptingInvalid = element.getBody();
else if ("include-prelude".equals(tname))
else if ("include-coda".equals(tname))
else if ("deferred-syntax-allowed-as-literal".equals(tname))
deferredSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = element.getBody();
else if ("trim-directive-whitespaces".equals(tname))
trimDirectiveWhitespaces = element.getBody();
else if ("default-content-type".equals(tname))
defaultContentType = element.getBody();
else if ("buffer".equals(tname))
buffer = element.getBody();
else if ("error-on-undeclared-namespace".equals(tname))
errorOnUndeclaredNamespace = element.getBody();
if (urlPatterns.size() == 0) {
// Add one JspPropertyGroup for each URL Pattern. This makes
// the matching logic easier.
for( int p = 0; p < urlPatterns.size(); p++ ) {
String urlPattern = urlPatterns.elementAt( p );
String path = null;
String extension = null;
if (urlPattern.indexOf('*') < 0) {
// Exact match
path = urlPattern;
} else {
int i = urlPattern.lastIndexOf('/');
String file;
if (i >= 0) {
path = urlPattern.substring(0,i+1);
file = urlPattern.substring(i+1);
} else {
file = urlPattern;
// pattern must be "*", or of the form "*.jsp"
if (file.equals("*")) {
extension = "*";
} else if (file.startsWith("*.")) {
extension = file.substring(file.indexOf('.')+1);
// The url patterns are reconstructed as the following:
// path != null, extension == null: / or /foo/bar.ext
// path == null, extension != null: *.ext
// path != null, extension == "*": /foo/*
boolean isStar = "*".equals(extension);
if ((path == null && (extension == null || isStar))
|| (path != null && !isStar)) {
if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
JspProperty property = new JspProperty(isXml,
JspPropertyGroup propertyGroup =
new JspPropertyGroup(path, extension, property);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JasperException(ex);
} finally {
if (webXml != null) {
private void init() throws JasperException {
if (!initialized) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!initialized) {
defaultJspProperty = new JspProperty(defaultIsXml,
null, null, null,
initialized = true;
* Select the property group that has more restrictive url-pattern.
* In case of tie, select the first.
private JspPropertyGroup selectProperty(JspPropertyGroup prev,
JspPropertyGroup curr) {
if (prev == null) {
return curr;
if (prev.getExtension() == null) {
// exact match
return prev;
if (curr.getExtension() == null) {
// exact match
return curr;
String prevPath = prev.getPath();
String currPath = curr.getPath();
if (prevPath == null && currPath == null) {
// Both specifies a *.ext, keep the first one
return prev;
if (prevPath == null && currPath != null) {
return curr;
if (prevPath != null && currPath == null) {
return prev;
if (prevPath.length() >= currPath.length()) {
return prev;
return curr;
* Find a property that best matches the supplied resource.
* @param uri the resource supplied.
* @return a JspProperty indicating the best match, or some default.
public JspProperty findJspProperty(String uri) throws JasperException {
// JSP Configuration settings do not apply to tag files
if (jspProperties == null || uri.endsWith(".tag")
|| uri.endsWith(".tagx")) {
return defaultJspProperty;
String uriPath = null;
int index = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index >=0 ) {
uriPath = uri.substring(0, index+1);
String uriExtension = null;
index = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index >=0) {
uriExtension = uri.substring(index+1);
Vector includePreludes = new Vector();
Vector includeCodas = new Vector();
JspPropertyGroup isXmlMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup elIgnoredMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup scriptingInvalidMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup pageEncodingMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteralMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup trimDirectiveWhitespacesMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup defaultContentTypeMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup bufferMatch = null;
JspPropertyGroup errorOnUndeclaredNamespaceMatch = null;
Iterator iter = jspProperties.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
JspPropertyGroup jpg = iter.next();
JspProperty jp = jpg.getJspProperty();
// (arrays will be the same length)
String extension = jpg.getExtension();
String path = jpg.getPath();
if (extension == null) {
// exact match pattern: /a/foo.jsp
if (!uri.equals(path)) {
// not matched;
} else {
// Matching patterns *.ext or /p/*
if (path != null && uriPath != null &&
! uriPath.startsWith(path)) {
// not matched
if (!extension.equals("*") &&
!extension.equals(uriExtension)) {
// not matched
// We have a match
// Add include-preludes and include-codas
if (jp.getIncludePrelude() != null) {
if (jp.getIncludeCoda() != null) {
// If there is a previous match for the same property, remember
// the one that is more restrictive.
if (jp.isXml() != null) {
isXmlMatch = selectProperty(isXmlMatch, jpg);
if (jp.isELIgnored() != null) {
elIgnoredMatch = selectProperty(elIgnoredMatch, jpg);
if (jp.isScriptingInvalid() != null) {
scriptingInvalidMatch =
selectProperty(scriptingInvalidMatch, jpg);
if (jp.getPageEncoding() != null) {
pageEncodingMatch = selectProperty(pageEncodingMatch, jpg);
if (jp.isDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral() != null) {
deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteralMatch =
selectProperty(deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteralMatch, jpg);
if (jp.isTrimDirectiveWhitespaces() != null) {
trimDirectiveWhitespacesMatch =
selectProperty(trimDirectiveWhitespacesMatch, jpg);
if (jp.getDefaultContentType() != null) {
defaultContentTypeMatch =
selectProperty(defaultContentTypeMatch, jpg);
if (jp.getBuffer() != null) {
bufferMatch = selectProperty(bufferMatch, jpg);
if (jp.isErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace() != null) {
errorOnUndeclaredNamespaceMatch =
selectProperty(errorOnUndeclaredNamespaceMatch, jpg);
String isXml = defaultIsXml;
String isELIgnored = defaultIsELIgnored;
String isScriptingInvalid = defaultIsScriptingInvalid;
String pageEncoding = null;
String isDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral =
String isTrimDirectiveWhitespaces = defaultTrimDirectiveWhitespaces;
String defaultContentType = defaultDefaultContentType;
String buffer = defaultBuffer;
String errorOnUndelcaredNamespace = defaultErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace;
if (isXmlMatch != null) {
isXml = isXmlMatch.getJspProperty().isXml();
if (elIgnoredMatch != null) {
isELIgnored = elIgnoredMatch.getJspProperty().isELIgnored();
if (scriptingInvalidMatch != null) {
isScriptingInvalid =
if (pageEncodingMatch != null) {
pageEncoding = pageEncodingMatch.getJspProperty().getPageEncoding();
if (deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteralMatch != null) {
isDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral =
if (trimDirectiveWhitespacesMatch != null) {
isTrimDirectiveWhitespaces =
if (defaultContentTypeMatch != null) {
defaultContentType =
if (bufferMatch != null) {
buffer = bufferMatch.getJspProperty().getBuffer();
if (errorOnUndeclaredNamespaceMatch != null) {
errorOnUndelcaredNamespace =
return new JspProperty(isXml, isELIgnored, isScriptingInvalid,
pageEncoding, includePreludes, includeCodas,
isDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral, isTrimDirectiveWhitespaces,
defaultContentType, buffer, errorOnUndelcaredNamespace);
* To find out if an uri matches an url pattern in jsp config. If so,
* then the uri is a JSP page. This is used primarily for jspc.
public boolean isJspPage(String uri) throws JasperException {
if (jspProperties == null) {
return false;
String uriPath = null;
int index = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index >=0 ) {
uriPath = uri.substring(0, index+1);
String uriExtension = null;
index = uri.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index >=0) {
uriExtension = uri.substring(index+1);
Iterator iter = jspProperties.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
JspPropertyGroup jpg = iter.next();
String extension = jpg.getExtension();
String path = jpg.getPath();
if (extension == null) {
if (uri.equals(path)) {
// There is an exact match
return true;
} else {
if ((path == null || path.equals(uriPath)) &&
(extension.equals("*") || extension.equals(uriExtension))) {
// Matches *, *.ext, /p/*, or /p/*.ext
return true;
return false;
public static class JspPropertyGroup {
private String path;
private String extension;
private JspProperty jspProperty;
JspPropertyGroup(String path, String extension,
JspProperty jspProperty) {
this.path = path;
this.extension = extension;
this.jspProperty = jspProperty;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public String getExtension() {
return extension;
public JspProperty getJspProperty() {
return jspProperty;
public static class JspProperty {
private String isXml;
private String elIgnored;
private String scriptingInvalid;
private String pageEncoding;
private Vector includePrelude;
private Vector includeCoda;
private String deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral;
private String trimDirectiveWhitespaces;
private String defaultContentType;
private String buffer;
private String errorOnUndeclaredNamespace;
public JspProperty(String isXml, String elIgnored,
String scriptingInvalid, String pageEncoding,
Vector includePrelude, Vector includeCoda,
String deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral,
String trimDirectiveWhitespaces,
String defaultContentType,
String buffer,
String errorOnUndeclaredNamespace) {
this.isXml = isXml;
this.elIgnored = elIgnored;
this.scriptingInvalid = scriptingInvalid;
this.pageEncoding = pageEncoding;
this.includePrelude = includePrelude;
this.includeCoda = includeCoda;
this.deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral = deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral;
this.trimDirectiveWhitespaces = trimDirectiveWhitespaces;
this.defaultContentType = defaultContentType;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.errorOnUndeclaredNamespace = errorOnUndeclaredNamespace;
public String isXml() {
return isXml;
public String isELIgnored() {
return elIgnored;
public String isScriptingInvalid() {
return scriptingInvalid;
public String getPageEncoding() {
return pageEncoding;
public Vector getIncludePrelude() {
return includePrelude;
public Vector getIncludeCoda() {
return includeCoda;
public String isDeferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral() {
return deferedSyntaxAllowedAsLiteral;
public String isTrimDirectiveWhitespaces() {
return trimDirectiveWhitespaces;
public String getDefaultContentType() {
return defaultContentType;
public String getBuffer() {
return buffer;
public String isErrorOnUndeclaredNamespace() {
return errorOnUndeclaredNamespace;
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