org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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* under the License.
package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.openjpa.conf.OpenJPAConfiguration;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier.DBIdentifierUtil;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.EagerFetchModes;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.LRSSizes;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.UpdateManager;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingDefaults;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.MappingRepository;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.DriverDataSource;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.SchemaFactory;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.DBDictionary;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.SQLFactory;
import org.apache.openjpa.kernel.StoreContext;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.identifier.IdentifierUtil;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.ConnectionDecorator;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.JDBCEvent;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.JDBCListener;
import org.apache.openjpa.meta.MetaDataFactory;
* Configuration that defines the properties necessary to configure
* runtime and connect to a JDBC DataSource.
* @author Marc Prud'hommeaux
public interface JDBCConfiguration
extends OpenJPAConfiguration {
* Name of the logger for SQL execution messages:
* openjpa.jdbc.SQL
String LOG_SQL = "openjpa.jdbc.SQL";
* Name of the logger for additional jdbc messages:
* openjpa.jdbc.DIAG
String LOG_DIAG = "openjpa.jdbc.SQLDiag";
* Name of the logger for JDBC-related messages:
* openjpa.jdbc.JDBC
String LOG_JDBC = "openjpa.jdbc.JDBC";
* Name of the logger for schema-related messages:
* openjpa.jdbc.Schema
String LOG_SCHEMA = "openjpa.jdbc.Schema";
* Default schema for unqualified tables.
String getSchema();
* Default schema for unqualified tables.
void setSchema(String schema);
* Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.
String getSchemas();
* Comma-separated list of modifiable schemas for persistent instances.
void setSchemas(String schemas);
* Modificable schema components.
String[] getSchemasList();
* Modifiable schema components.
void setSchemas(String[] schemas);
* The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
* Possible values are:
* default
: The JDBC driver's default isolation level.
* none
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_NONE} level.
* read-committed
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED} level.
* read-uncommitted
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED} level.
* repeatable-read
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ} level.
* serializable
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE} level.
String getTransactionIsolation();
* The transaction isolation level to use at the database level.
* Possible values are:
* default
: The JDBC driver's default isolation level.
* none
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_NONE} level.
* read-committed
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED} level.
* read-uncommitted
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED} level.
* repeatable-read
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ} level.
* serializable
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.Connection#TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE} level.
void setTransactionIsolation(String level);
* Return the proper transaction isolation level constant from
* {@link java.sql.Connection}, or -1 for the default level.
int getTransactionIsolationConstant();
* Set the proper transaction isolation level constant from
* {@link java.sql.Connection}, or -1 for the default level.
void setTransactionIsolation(int level);
* The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only
* forward-only
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY} type.
* scroll-sensitive
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE} type.
* scroll-insensitive
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE} type.
String getResultSetType();
* Return the result set constant for the result set type.
int getResultSetTypeConstant();
* The JDBC result set type. Defaults to forward-only
* forward-only
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY} type.
* scroll-sensitive
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE} type.
* scroll-insensitive
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE} type.
void setResultSetType(String type);
* Set the result set constant type.
void setResultSetType(int type);
* The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward
* forward
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_FORWARD} direction.
* reverse
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_REVERSE} direction.
* unknown
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_UNKNOWN} direction.
String getFetchDirection();
* Return the result set constant for the fetch direction.
int getFetchDirectionConstant();
* The JDBC fetch direction. Defaults to forward
* forward
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_FORWARD} direction.
* reverse
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_REVERSE} direction.
* unknown
: The standard JDBC
* {@link java.sql.ResultSet#FETCH_UNKNOWN} direction.
void setFetchDirection(String direction);
* Set the result set fetch direction constant.
void setFetchDirection(int direction);
* Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use. Defaults to
* parallel
unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:
* none
: When querying for an object, do not try to
* select for related objects at the same time.
* join
: When querying for objects, also select for
* 1-1 relations in the configured fetch groups using joins.
* parallel
: When querying for objects, also select for
* both 1-1 relations using joins and to-many relations using batched
* selects.
* @since 0.3.0
String getEagerFetchMode();
* Specifies the default eager fetch mode to use. Defaults to
* parallel
unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:
* none
: When querying for an object, do not try to
* select for related objects at the same time.
* join
: When querying for objects, also select for
* 1-1 relations in the configured fetch groups using joins.
* parallel
: When querying for objects, also select for
* both 1-1 relations using joins and to-many relations using batched
* selects.
void setEagerFetchMode(String mode);
* Return the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_NONE}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_JOIN}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_PARALLEL}
* @since 0.3.0
int getEagerFetchModeConstant();
* Set the eager fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_NONE}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_JOIN}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_PARALLEL}
* @since 0.3.0
void setEagerFetchMode(int eagerFetchMode);
* Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use. Defaults to
* join
unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:
* none
: Only select base class data.
* join
: Select both base class and all possible subclass
* data using joins.
* parallel
: Select for each possible subclass
* separately.
* @since 0.3.2
String getSubclassFetchMode();
* Specifies the default subclass fetch mode to use. Defaults to
* join
unless the query is by-oid. Possible values are:
* none
: Only select base class data.
* join
: Select both base class and all possible subclass
* data using joins.
* parallel
: Select for each possible subclass
* separately.
* @since 0.3.2
void setSubclassFetchMode(String mode);
* Return the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic
* constants:
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_NONE}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_JOIN}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_PARALLEL}
* @since 0.3.2
int getSubclassFetchModeConstant();
* Set the subclass fetch mode as one of the following symbolic constants:
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_NONE}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_JOIN}
* - {@link EagerFetchModes#EAGER_PARALLEL}
* @since 0.3.2
void setSubclassFetchMode(int subclassFetchMode);
* How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to
* unknown
* unknown
: Do not attempt to calculate the size of
* large result sets; return {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
* last
: For result sets that support random access,
* calculate the size using {@link java.sql.ResultSet#last}.
* query
: Use a separate COUNT query to calculate the
* size of the results.
String getLRSSize();
* Return the {@link LRSSizes} constant for the large result set size
* setting.
int getLRSSizeConstant();
* How to obtain the size of large result sets. Defaults to
* unknown
* unknown
: Do not attempt to calculate the size of
* large result sets; return {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}.
* last
: For result sets that support random access,
* calculate the size using {@link java.sql.ResultSet#last}.
* query
: Use a separate COUNT query to calculate the
* size of the results.
void setLRSSize(String lrsSize);
* Set the fetch configuration large result set size constant.
void setLRSSize(int size);
* Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping
* information and the database schema.
String getSynchronizeMappings();
* Whether OpenJPA should try to automatically refresh O/R mapping
* information and the database schema.
void setSynchronizeMappings(String synchronizeMappings);
* A comma-separated list of the {@link JDBCListener} plugins for
* listening to {@link JDBCEvent}s.
String getJDBCListeners();
* A comma-separated list of the {@link JDBCListener} plugins for
* listening to {@link JDBCEvent}s.
void setJDBCListeners(String jdbcListeners);
* The {@link JDBCListener}s to use.
JDBCListener[] getJDBCListenerInstances();
* The {@link JDBCListener}s to use.
void setJDBCListeners(JDBCListener[] jdbcListeners);
* A comma-separated list of the {@link ConnectionDecorator} for adding
* functionality to JDBC connections.
String getConnectionDecorators();
* A comma-separated list of the {@link ConnectionDecorator} for
* adding functionality to JDBC connections.
void setConnectionDecorators(String decorators);
* The {@link ConnectionDecorator}s to use.
ConnectionDecorator[] getConnectionDecoratorInstances();
* The {@link ConnectionDecorator}s to use.
void setConnectionDecorators(ConnectionDecorator[] decorators);
* The {@link DBDictionary} to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
String getDBDictionary();
* The {@link DBDictionary} to use to define the RDBMS SQL information.
void setDBDictionary(String dbdictionary);
* The {@link DBDictionary} to use.
DBDictionary getDBDictionaryInstance();
* The {@link DBDictionary} to use.
void setDBDictionary(DBDictionary dbdictionary);
* The {@link UpdateManager} to use for managing SQL updates.
String getUpdateManager();
* The {@link UpdateManager} to use for managing SQL updates.
void setUpdateManager(String updateManager);
* The {@link UpdateManager} for runtime data store interaction.
UpdateManager getUpdateManagerInstance();
* The {@link UpdateManager} for runtime data store interaction.
void setUpdateManager(UpdateManager updateManager);
* The {@link DriverDataSource} to use for creating a {@link DataSource}
* from a JDBC {@link Driver}.
String getDriverDataSource();
* The {@link DriverDataSource} to use for creating a {@link DataSource}
* from a JDBC {@link Driver}.
void setDriverDataSource(String driverDataSource);
* Create an instance of the {@link DriverDataSource} to use
* for creating a {@link DataSource} from a JDBC {@link Driver}.
DriverDataSource newDriverDataSourceInstance();
* The plugin string for the {@link SchemaFactory} to use to provide
* schema information during system initialization.
String getSchemaFactory();
* The plugin string for the {@link SchemaFactory} to use to provide
* schema information during system initialization.
void setSchemaFactory(String schemaFactory);
* The {@link SchemaFactory} to use for schema information.
SchemaFactory getSchemaFactoryInstance();
* The {@link SchemaFactory} to use for schema information.
void setSchemaFactory(SchemaFactory schemaFactory);
* The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
String getSQLFactory();
* The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
SQLFactory getSQLFactoryInstance();
* The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
void setSQLFactory(String sqlFactory);
* The SQL factory to use for SQL constructs.
void setSQLFactory(SQLFactory sqlFactory);
* A plugin string describing the {@link MetaDataFactory} to use for
* loading and storing object-relational mapping data.
String getMappingFactory();
* A plugin string describing the {@link MetaDataFactory} to use for
* loading and storing object-relational mapping data.
void setMappingFactory(String mappingFactory);
* A plugin string describing the {@link MappingDefaults} to use.
* @since 0.4.0
String getMappingDefaults();
* A plugin string describing the {@link MappingDefaults} to use.
* @since 0.4.0
void setMappingDefaults(String map);
* The {@link MappingDefaults} to use with a repository.
* @since 0.4.0
MappingDefaults getMappingDefaultsInstance();
* The {@link MappingDefaults} to use with a repository.
* @since 0.4.0
void setMappingDefaults(MappingDefaults map);
* Return the mapping repository. Convenience method to cast from
* the internal metadata repository.
MappingRepository getMappingRepositoryInstance();
* Return a new empty mapping repository of the configured type.
* Convenience method to cast from metadata repository.
MappingRepository newMappingRepositoryInstance();
* Return the primary data source to use. The data source will
* automatically use the given context's user name and password on calls
* to {@link DataSource#getConnection}. If the given context is null, the
* data source will use the configuration's default connection user name
* and password. If those too are null and the first context has been
* obtained already, then the user name and password for that context
* will be used, as we know they represent a valid combination. This
* method avoids casting the result of
* {@link OpenJPAConfiguration#getConnectionFactory}, and avoids having to
* pass in the user name and password to obtain connections.
DataSource getDataSource(StoreContext ctx);
* Return the non-enlisted data source to use. If there is a valid
* non-xa connection factory configured, then it will be returned. Its
* default user name and password on calls to
* {@link DataSource#getConnection} will be the specified connection 2
* user name and password. If those are null and the given context is
* non-null, its user name password will be used instead. If the context
* is null too, then the user name and password used to retrieve the first
* context will be used. If there is no second connection factory the
* primary connection factory is used.
* @see #getDataSource
DataSource getDataSource2(StoreContext ctx);
* Gets the String constant that matches the {@link IdentifierUtil}
* @return String-based name of the {@link IdentifierUtil}
String getIdentifierUtil();
* Gets the {@link DBIdentifierUtil}
* @return DBIdentifierUtil
DBIdentifierUtil getIdentifierUtilInstance();
* Sets the {@link DBIdentifierUtil}
* @param util instance of the identifier utility
void setIdentifierUtil(DBIdentifierUtil util);
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