org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.openjpa.enhance.PersistenceCapable;
import org.apache.openjpa.enhance.Reflection;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCFetchConfiguration;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStore;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.NoneClassStrategy;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.VerticalClassStrategy;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Column;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ColumnIO;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.ForeignKey;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Schemas;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Table;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Joins;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Result;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.RowManager;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.Select;
import org.apache.openjpa.kernel.FetchConfiguration;
import org.apache.openjpa.kernel.OpenJPAStateManager;
import org.apache.openjpa.kernel.PCState;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.log.Log;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.rop.ResultObjectProvider;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Localizer;
import org.apache.openjpa.meta.ClassMetaData;
import org.apache.openjpa.meta.ValueMetaData;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.ApplicationIds;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.ImplHelper;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.InternalException;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.MetaDataException;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.OpenJPAId;
* Specialization of metadata for relational databases.
* @author Abe White
public class ClassMapping
extends ClassMetaData
implements ClassStrategy {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final ClassMapping[] EMPTY_MAPPINGS = new ClassMapping[0];
private static final Localizer _loc = Localizer.forPackage
private final ClassMappingInfo _info;
private final Discriminator _discrim;
private final Version _version;
private ClassStrategy _strategy = null;
private Table _table = null;
private ColumnIO _io = null;
private Column[] _cols = Schemas.EMPTY_COLUMNS;
private ForeignKey _fk = null;
private int _subclassMode = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private ClassMapping[] _joinSubMaps = null;
private ClassMapping[] _assignMaps = null;
// maps columns to joinables
private final Map _joinables = new ConcurrentHashMap();
* Constructor. Supply described type and owning repository.
protected ClassMapping(Class type, MappingRepository repos) {
super(type, repos);
_discrim = repos.newDiscriminator(this);
_version = repos.newVersion(this);
_info = repos.newMappingInfo(this);
* Embedded constructor. Supply embedding value and owning repository.
protected ClassMapping(ValueMetaData vmd) {
_discrim = getMappingRepository().newDiscriminator(this);
_version = getMappingRepository().newVersion(this);
_info = getMappingRepository().newMappingInfo(this);
* The class discriminator.
public Discriminator getDiscriminator() {
return _discrim;
* The version indicator.
public Version getVersion() {
return _version;
// Runtime
* Return the oid value stored in the result. This implementation will
* recurse until it finds an ancestor class who uses oid values for its
* primary key.
* @param fk if non-null, use the local columns of the given foreign
* key in place of this class' primary key columns
* @see #isPrimaryKeyObjectId
public Object getObjectId(JDBCStore store, Result res, ForeignKey fk,
boolean subs, Joins joins)
throws SQLException {
ValueMapping embed = getEmbeddingMapping();
if (embed != null)
return embed.getFieldMapping().getDefiningMapping().
getObjectId(store, res, fk, subs, joins);
return getObjectId(this, store, res, fk, subs, joins);
* Recursive helper for public getObjectId
private Object getObjectId(ClassMapping cls, JDBCStore store, Result res,
ForeignKey fk, boolean subs, Joins joins)
throws SQLException {
if (!isPrimaryKeyObjectId(true))
return getPCSuperclassMapping().getObjectId(cls, store, res, fk,
subs, joins);
if (getIdentityType() == ID_UNKNOWN)
throw new InternalException();
Column[] pks = getPrimaryKeyColumns();
if (getIdentityType() == ID_DATASTORE) {
Column col = (fk == null) ? pks[0] : fk.getColumn(pks[0]);
long id = res.getLong(col, joins);
return (id == 0 && res.wasNull()) ? null
: store.newDataStoreId(id, cls, subs);
// application identity
Object[] vals = new Object[getPrimaryKeyFields().length];
FieldMapping fm;
Joinable join;
int pkIdx;
boolean canReadDiscriminator = true;
boolean isNullPK = true;
for (Column pk : pks) {
// we know that all pk column join mappings use primary key fields,
// cause this mapping uses the oid as its primary key (we recursed
// at the beginning of the method to ensure this)
join = assertJoinable(pk);
fm = getFieldMapping(join.getFieldIndex());
pkIdx = fm.getPrimaryKeyIndex();
canReadDiscriminator &= isSelfReference(fk, join.getColumns());
// could have already set value with previous multi-column joinable
if (vals[pkIdx] == null) {
vals[pkIdx] = join.getPrimaryKeyValue(res, join.getColumns(),
fk, store, joins);
isNullPK = isNullPK && vals[pkIdx] == null;
if (isNullPK) {
return null;
// the oid data is loaded by the base type, but if discriminator data
// is present, make sure to use it to construct the actual oid instance
// so that we get the correct app id class, etc
// Discriminator refers to the row but the vals[] may hold data that
// refer to another row. Then there is little point reading the disc
// value
ClassMapping dcls = cls;
if (subs && canReadDiscriminator) {
try {
Class dtype = cls.getDiscriminator().getClass(store, cls, res);
if (dtype != cls.getDescribedType())
dcls = cls.getMappingRepository().getMapping(dtype,
store.getContext().getClassLoader(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// intentionally ignored
Object oid = ApplicationIds.fromPKValues(vals, dcls);
if (oid instanceof OpenJPAId) {
((OpenJPAId) oid).setManagedInstanceType(dcls.getDescribedType(),
return oid;
boolean isSelfReference(ForeignKey fk, Column[] cols) {
if (fk == null)
return true;
for (Column col : cols)
if (fk.getColumn(col) != col)
return false;
return true;
* Return the given column value(s) for the given object. The given
* columns will be primary key columns of this mapping, but may be in
* any order. If there is only one column, return its value. If there
* are multiple columns, return an object array of their values, in the
* same order the columns are given.
public Object toDataStoreValue(Object obj, Column[] cols, JDBCStore store) {
Object ret = (cols.length == 1) ? null : new Object[cols.length];
// in the past we've been lenient about being able to translate objects
// from other persistence contexts, so try to get sm directly from
// instance before asking our context
OpenJPAStateManager sm;
if (ImplHelper.isManageable(obj)) {
PersistenceCapable pc = ImplHelper.toPersistenceCapable(obj,
sm = (OpenJPAStateManager) pc.pcGetStateManager();
if (sm == null) {
ret = getValueFromUnmanagedInstance(obj, cols, true);
// OPENJPA-2631 start
// Check to see if we are dealing with a Embeddable pk. If the PK is an Embeddable, AND IFF the
// columns in the Embeddable are greater than 1, we are dealing with a composite primary
// key, and as such 'ret' will be an instance of the embeddable, NOT the individual PK values.
// Given this, we need to dig deeper and get the individual values of the embeddable key.
// On the other hand, if the embeddable only contains one column, 'ret' will be the value of
// that column and as such no further digging is necessary.
FieldMapping[] fmsPK = this.getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings();
List fms = getFieldMappings(cols, true);
// Note that if we are dealing with an embeddable that is an EmbeddableId, the fms.size will
// always be 1 (since an EmbeddableId is slightly opaque, we don't have an fms for each field).
// If on the other hand we are dealing with an embeddable that is an @IdClass, fms.size will be the
// number columns in the @IdClass. Furthermore, when dealing with @IdClass, 'ret' will already
// properly contain the column values, therefore no further processing is needed.
if (fmsPK.length > 0 && fmsPK[0].isEmbedded() && cols.length > 1 && fms.size() == 1) {
// OK, we know this PK is an embeddable. So get the individual field values.
Object[] tmpRet = new Object[cols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
Joinable join = this.assertJoinable(cols[i]);
tmpRet[i] = join.getJoinValue(ret, cols[i], store);
ret = tmpRet;
// OPENJPA-2631 end
} else if (sm.isDetached()) {
obj = store.getContext().find(sm.getObjectId(), false, null);
sm = store.getContext().getStateManager(obj);
} else {
sm = store.getContext().getStateManager(obj);
if (sm == null)
return ret;
Object val;
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
val = assertJoinable(cols[i]).getJoinValue(sm, cols[i], store);
if (cols.length == 1)
ret = val;
((Object[]) ret)[i] = val;
return ret;
* Return the joinable for the given column, or throw an exception if
* none is available.
public Joinable assertJoinable(Column col) {
Joinable join = getJoinable(col);
if (join == null)
throw new MetaDataException(_loc.get("no-joinable",
return join;
* Return the {@link Joinable} for the given column. Any column that
* another mapping joins to must be controlled by a joinable.
public Joinable getJoinable(Column col) {
Joinable join;
if (getEmbeddingMetaData() != null) {
join = getEmbeddingMapping().getFieldMapping().
if (join != null)
return join;
ClassMapping sup = getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping();
if (sup != null) {
join = sup.getJoinable(col);
if (join != null)
return join;
return (Joinable) _joinables.get(col);
* Add the given column-to-joinable mapping.
public void setJoinable(Column col, Joinable joinable) {
// don't let non-pk override pk
Joinable join = (Joinable) _joinables.get(col);
if (join == null || (join.getFieldIndex() != -1
&& getField(join.getFieldIndex()).getPrimaryKeyIndex() == -1))
_joinables.put(col, joinable);
* Return whether the columns of the given foreign key to this mapping
* can be used to construct an object id for this type. This is a
* relatively expensive operation; its results should be cached.
* @return {@link Boolean#TRUE} if the foreign key contains all oid
* columns, null
if it contains only some columns,
* or {@link Boolean#FALSE} if it contains non-oid columns
public Boolean isForeignKeyObjectId(ForeignKey fk) {
// if this mapping's primary key can't construct an oid, then no way
// foreign key can
if (getIdentityType() == ID_UNKNOWN || !isPrimaryKeyObjectId(false))
return Boolean.FALSE;
// with datastore identity, it's all or nothing
Column[] cols = fk.getPrimaryKeyColumns();
if (getIdentityType() == ID_DATASTORE) {
if (cols.length != 1 || cols[0] != getPrimaryKeyColumns()[0])
return Boolean.FALSE;
return Boolean.TRUE;
// check the join mapping for each pk column to see if it links up to
// a primary key field
Joinable join;
for (Column col : cols) {
join = assertJoinable(col);
if (join.getFieldIndex() != -1
&& getField(join.getFieldIndex()).getPrimaryKeyIndex() == -1)
return Boolean.FALSE;
// if all primary key links, see whether we join to all pks
if (isPrimaryKeyObjectId(true)
&& cols.length == getPrimaryKeyColumns().length)
return Boolean.TRUE;
return null;
// ORM
* Raw mapping data.
public ClassMappingInfo getMappingInfo() {
return _info;
* The strategy used to map this mapping.
public ClassStrategy getStrategy() {
return _strategy;
* The strategy used to map this mapping. The adapt
* parameter determines whether to adapt when mapping the strategy;
* use null if the strategy should not be mapped.
public void setStrategy(ClassStrategy strategy, Boolean adapt) {
// set strategy first so we can access it during mapping
ClassStrategy orig = _strategy;
_strategy = strategy;
if (strategy != null) {
try {
if (adapt != null)
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
// reset strategy
_strategy = orig;
throw re;
* The mapping's primary table.
public Table getTable() {
return _table;
* The mapping's primary table.
public void setTable(Table table) {
_table = table;
* The columns this mapping uses to uniquely identify an object.
* These will typically be the primary key columns or the columns this
* class uses to link to its superclass table.
public Column[] getPrimaryKeyColumns() {
if (getIdentityType() == ID_APPLICATION && isMapped()) {
if (_cols.length == 0) {
FieldMapping[] pks = getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings();
Collection cols = new ArrayList(pks.length);
Column[] fieldCols;
for (FieldMapping pk : pks) {
fieldCols = pk.getColumns();
if (fieldCols.length == 0) {
_cols = new Column[0];
return _cols;
for (Column fieldCol : fieldCols) {
_cols = (Column[]) cols.toArray(new Column[cols.size()]);
return _cols;
* The columns this mapping uses to uniquely identify an object.
* These will typically be the primary key columns or the columns this
* class uses to link to its superclass table.
public void setPrimaryKeyColumns(Column[] cols) {
if (cols == null)
cols = Schemas.EMPTY_COLUMNS;
_cols = cols;
* I/O information on the key columns / join key.
public ColumnIO getColumnIO() {
return (_io == null) ? ColumnIO.UNRESTRICTED : _io;
* I/O information on the key columns / join key.
public void setColumnIO(ColumnIO io) {
_io = io;
* Foreign key linking the primary key columns to the superclass table,
* or null if none.
public ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey() {
return _fk;
* Foreign key linking the primary key columns to the superclass table,
* or null if none.
public void setJoinForeignKey(ForeignKey fk) {
_fk = fk;
public void refSchemaComponents() {
if (getEmbeddingMetaData() == null) {
if (_table != null && _table.getPrimaryKey() != null)
if (_fk != null)
Column[] pks = getPrimaryKeyColumns();
for (Column pk : pks) {
} else {
FieldMapping[] fields = getFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping field : fields) {
* Clear mapping information, including strategy.
public void clearMapping() {
_strategy = null;
_cols = Schemas.EMPTY_COLUMNS;
_fk = null;
_table = null;
* Update {@link MappingInfo} with our current mapping information.
public void syncMappingInfo() {
if (getEmbeddingMetaData() == null)
else {
FieldMapping[] fields = getFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping field : fields) {
// MetaData interface
protected void setDescribedType(Class type) {
// this method called from superclass constructor, so _info not yet
// initialized
if (_info != null)
* The subclass fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in
* {@link JDBCFetchConfiguration}.
public int getSubclassFetchMode() {
if (_subclassMode == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (getPCSuperclass() != null)
_subclassMode = getPCSuperclassMapping().
_subclassMode = FetchConfiguration.DEFAULT;
return _subclassMode;
* The subclass fetch mode, as one of the eager constants in
* {@link JDBCFetchConfiguration}.
public void setSubclassFetchMode(int mode) {
_subclassMode = mode;
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getRepository}.
public MappingRepository getMappingRepository() {
return (MappingRepository) getRepository();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getEmbeddingMetaData}
public ValueMapping getEmbeddingMapping() {
return (ValueMapping) getEmbeddingMetaData();
* Returns true if this class does not use the "none" strategy (including
* if it has a null strategy, and therefore is probably in the process of
* being mapped).
public boolean isMapped() {
if (!super.isMapped())
return false;
if (_strategy != null)
return _strategy != NoneClassStrategy.getInstance();
return !NoneClassStrategy.ALIAS.equals(_info.getStrategy());
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getPCSuperclassMetaData}.
public ClassMapping getPCSuperclassMapping() {
return (ClassMapping) getPCSuperclassMetaData();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getMappedPCSuperclassMetaData}.
public ClassMapping getMappedPCSuperclassMapping() {
return (ClassMapping) getMappedPCSuperclassMetaData();
* Return the nearest mapped superclass that can join to this class.
public ClassMapping getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping() {
ClassMapping sup = getMappedPCSuperclassMapping();
if (sup == null)
return null;
if (_fk != null || _table == null || _table.equals(sup.getTable()))
return sup;
return null;
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getPCSubclassMetaDatas}.
public ClassMapping[] getPCSubclassMappings() {
return (ClassMapping[]) getPCSubclassMetaDatas();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getMappedPCSubclassMetaDatas}.
public ClassMapping[] getMappedPCSubclassMappings() {
return (ClassMapping[]) getMappedPCSubclassMetaDatas();
* Return mapped subclasses that are reachable via joins.
public ClassMapping[] getJoinablePCSubclassMappings() {
ClassMapping[] subs = getMappedPCSubclassMappings(); // checks for new
if (_joinSubMaps == null) {
if (subs.length == 0)
_joinSubMaps = subs;
else {
List joinable = new ArrayList(subs.length);
for (ClassMapping sub : subs)
if (isSubJoinable(sub))
_joinSubMaps = (ClassMapping[]) joinable.toArray
(new ClassMapping[joinable.size()]);
return _joinSubMaps;
* Return whether we can reach the given subclass via joins.
private boolean isSubJoinable(ClassMapping sub) {
if (sub == null)
return false;
if (sub == this)
return true;
return isSubJoinable(sub.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping());
* Returns the closest-derived list of non-inter-joinable mapped types
* assignable to this type. May return this mapping.
public ClassMapping[] getIndependentAssignableMappings() {
ClassMapping[] subs = getMappedPCSubclassMappings(); // checks for new
if (_assignMaps == null) {
// remove unmapped subs
if (subs.length == 0) {
if (isMapped())
_assignMaps = new ClassMapping[]{ this };
_assignMaps = subs;
} else {
int size = (int) (subs.length * 1.33 + 2);
Set independent = new LinkedHashSet(size);
if (isMapped())
// remove all mappings that have a superclass mapping in the set
ClassMapping map, sup;
List clear = null;
for (Object o : independent) {
map = (ClassMapping) o;
sup = map.getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping();
if (sup != null && independent.contains(sup)) {
if (clear == null)
clear = new ArrayList(independent.size() - 1);
if (clear != null)
_assignMaps = (ClassMapping[]) independent.toArray
(new ClassMapping[independent.size()]);
return _assignMaps;
* Convenience method to perform cast from {@link ClassMetaData#getFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDeclaredFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getDeclaredFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getDeclaredFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getPrimaryKeyFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getPrimaryKeyFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getVersionField}.
public FieldMapping getVersionFieldMapping() {
return (FieldMapping) getVersionField();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDefaultFetchGroupFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getDefaultFetchGroupFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getDefaultFetchGroupFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDefinedFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getDefinedFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getDefinedFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getFieldsInListingOrder}.
public FieldMapping[] getFieldMappingsInListingOrder() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getFieldsInListingOrder();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDefinedFieldsInListingOrder}.
public FieldMapping[] getDefinedFieldMappingsInListingOrder() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getDefinedFieldsInListingOrder();
* Convenience method to perform cast from {@link ClassMetaData#getField}.
public FieldMapping getFieldMapping(int index) {
return (FieldMapping) getField(index);
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDeclaredField}.
public FieldMapping getDeclaredFieldMapping(int index) {
return (FieldMapping) getDeclaredField(index);
* Convenience method to perform cast from {@link ClassMetaData#getField}.
public FieldMapping getFieldMapping(String name) {
return (FieldMapping) getField(name);
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDeclaredField}.
public FieldMapping getDeclaredFieldMapping(String name) {
return (FieldMapping) getDeclaredField(name);
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#getDeclaredUnmanagedFields}.
public FieldMapping[] getDeclaredUnmanagedFieldMappings() {
return (FieldMapping[]) getDeclaredUnmanagedFields();
* Convenience method to perform cast from
* {@link ClassMetaData#addDeclaredField}.
public FieldMapping addDeclaredFieldMapping(String name, Class type) {
return (FieldMapping) addDeclaredField(name, type);
protected void resolveMapping(boolean runtime) {
// map class strategy; it may already be mapped by the repository before
// the resolve process begins
MappingRepository repos = getMappingRepository();
if (_strategy == null)
Log log = getRepository().getLog();
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace(_loc.get("strategy", this, _strategy.getAlias()));
// make sure unmapped superclass fields are defined if we're mapped;
// also may have been done by repository already
defineSuperclassFields(getJoinablePCSuperclassMapping() == null);
// resolve everything that doesn't rely on any relations to avoid
// recursion, then resolve all fields
FieldMapping[] fms = getFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping fieldMapping : fms) {
if (fieldMapping.getDefiningMetaData() == this) {
boolean fill = getMappingRepository().getMappingDefaults().
ForeignKey fk = fieldMapping.getForeignKey();
if (fill && fk != null &&
fk.getPrimaryKeyColumns().length == 0) {
// set resolve mode to force this field mapping to be
// resolved again. The need to resolve again occurs when
// a primary key is a relation field with the foreign key
// annotation. In this situation, this primary key field
// mapping is resolved during the call to
// resolveNonRelationMapping. Since it is a relation
// field, the foreign key will be constructed. However,
// the primary key of the parent entity may not have been
// resolved yet, resulting in missing information in the fk
if (fieldMapping.getStrategy() != null)
fms = getDeclaredUnmanagedFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping fm : fms) {
// mark mapped columns
if (_cols != null) {
ColumnIO io = getColumnIO();
for (int i = 0; i < _cols.length; i++) {
if (io.isInsertable(i, false))
_cols[i].setFlag(Column.FLAG_DIRECT_INSERT, true);
if (io.isUpdatable(i, false))
_cols[i].setFlag(Column.FLAG_DIRECT_UPDATE, true);
// once columns are resolved, resolve unique constraints as they need
// the columns be resolved
_info.getUniques(this, true);
_info.getIndices(this, true);
* Resolve non-relation field mappings so that when we do relation
* mappings they can rely on them for joins.
void resolveNonRelationMappings() {
// make sure primary key fields are resolved first because other
// fields might rely on them
FieldMapping[] fms = getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping fieldMapping : fms) {
// resolve defined fields that are safe; that don't rely on other types
// also being resolved. don't use getDefinedFields b/c it relies on
// whether fields are mapped, which isn't known yet
fms = getFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping fm : fms) {
if (fm.getDefiningMetaData() == this
&& !fm.isTypePC() && !fm.getKey().isTypePC()
&& !fm.getElement().isTypePC()) {
protected void initializeMapping() {
FieldMapping[] fields = getDefinedFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping field : fields) {
protected void clearDefinedFieldCache() {
// just make this method available to other classes in this package
protected void clearSubclassCache() {
_joinSubMaps = null;
_assignMaps = null;
public void copy(ClassMetaData cls) {
if (_subclassMode == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
_subclassMode = ((ClassMapping) cls).getSubclassFetchMode();
protected boolean validateDataStoreExtensionPrefix(String prefix) {
return "jdbc-".equals(prefix);
// ClassStrategy implementation
public String getAlias() {
return assertStrategy().getAlias();
public void map(boolean adapt) {
public void initialize() {
public void insert(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, RowManager rm)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().insert(sm, store, rm);
public void update(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, RowManager rm)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().update(sm, store, rm);
public void delete(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store, RowManager rm)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().delete(sm, store, rm);
public Boolean isCustomInsert(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store) {
return assertStrategy().isCustomInsert(sm, store);
public Boolean isCustomUpdate(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store) {
return assertStrategy().isCustomUpdate(sm, store);
public Boolean isCustomDelete(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store) {
return assertStrategy().isCustomDelete(sm, store);
public void customInsert(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().customInsert(sm, store);
public void customUpdate(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().customUpdate(sm, store);
public void customDelete(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store)
throws SQLException {
assertStrategy().customDelete(sm, store);
public void setClassMapping(ClassMapping owner) {
public boolean isPrimaryKeyObjectId(boolean hasAll) {
return assertStrategy().isPrimaryKeyObjectId(hasAll);
public Joins joinSuperclass(Joins joins, boolean toThis) {
return assertStrategy().joinSuperclass(joins, toThis);
public boolean supportsEagerSelect(Select sel, OpenJPAStateManager sm,
JDBCStore store, ClassMapping base, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch) {
return assertStrategy().supportsEagerSelect(sel, sm, store, base,
public ResultObjectProvider customLoad(JDBCStore store, boolean subclasses,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, long startIdx, long endIdx)
throws SQLException {
return assertStrategy().customLoad(store, subclasses, fetch,
startIdx, endIdx);
public boolean customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store,
PCState state, JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
return assertStrategy().customLoad(sm, store, state, fetch);
public boolean customLoad(OpenJPAStateManager sm, JDBCStore store,
JDBCFetchConfiguration fetch, Result result)
throws SQLException {
return assertStrategy().customLoad(sm, store, fetch, result);
private ClassStrategy assertStrategy() {
if (_strategy == null)
throw new InternalException();
return _strategy;
* Find the field mappings that correspond to the given columns.
* @return null if no columns are given or no field mapping uses the given
* columns.
private List getFieldMappings(Column[] cols, boolean prime) {
if (cols == null || cols.length == 0)
return null;
List result = null;
for (Column c : cols) {
List fms = hasColumn(c, prime);
if (fms == null) continue;
if (result == null)
result = new ArrayList<>();
for (FieldMapping fm : fms)
if (!result.contains(fm))
return result;
* Looks up in reverse to find the list of field mappings that include the
* given column. Costly.
* @return null if no field mappings carry this column.
private List hasColumn(Column c, boolean prime) {
List result = null;
FieldMapping[] fms = (prime) ?
getPrimaryKeyFieldMappings() : getFieldMappings();
for (FieldMapping fm : fms) {
Column[] cols = fm.getColumns();
if (contains(cols, c)) {
if (result == null)
result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
boolean contains(Column[] cols, Column c) {
for (Column col : cols)
if (col == c)
return true;
return false;
* Gets the field values of the given instance for the given columns.
* The given columns are used to identify the fields by a reverse lookup.
* @return a single object or an array of objects based on number of
* fields the given columns represent.
private Object getValueFromUnmanagedInstance(Object obj, Column[] cols,
boolean prime) {
List fms = getFieldMappings(cols, prime);
if (fms == null)
return null;
if (fms.size() == 1)
return Reflection.getValue(obj, fms.get(0).getName(), true);
Object[] result = new Object[fms.size()];
int i = 0;
for (FieldMapping fm : fms) {
result[i++] = Reflection.getValue(obj, fm.getName(), true);
return result;
public boolean isVerticalStrategy() {
String strat = getMappingInfo().getHierarchyStrategy();
if (strat != null && strat.equals(VerticalClassStrategy.ALIAS))
return true;
return false;
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