org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Copyright (c) 2001-2021, The HSQL Development Group
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
package org.hsqldb.error;
* SQL error codes.
* @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot
* @version 2.6.0
* @since 1.9.0
public interface ErrorCode {
// neutral placeholder strings
int TOKEN_REQUIRED = 1; // $$ required: $$
int CONSTRAINT = 2; // $$ table: $$
int COLUMN_CONSTRAINT = 3; // $$ table: $$ column: $$
int FK_CONSTRAINT = 4; // $$ table: $$ value: $$
int M_ERROR_IN_BINARY_SCRIPT_1 = 21; // \u0020table $$ row count error : $$ read, needed $$
int M_ERROR_IN_BINARY_SCRIPT_2 = 22; // \u0020 wrong data for insert operation
int M_DatabaseManager_getDatabase = 23; // attempt to connect while db opening /closing
int M_parse_line = 24; // \u0020line:\u0020
int M_DatabaseScriptReader_read = 25; // \u0020line: $$ $$
int M_Message_Pair = 26; // \u0020$$ $$
int M_LOAD_SAVE_PROPERTIES = 27; // \u0020$$.properties $$
int M_HsqlProperties_load = 28; // properties name is null or empty
int M_TEXT_SOURCE_FIELD_ERROR = 41; // S1000 Error in text source field
int M_TextCache_opening_file_error = 42; // openning file: $$ error: $$
int M_TextCache_closing_file_error = 43; // closing file: $$ error: $$
int M_TextCache_purging_file_error = 44; // purging file: $$ error: $$
int M_DataFileCache_makeRow = 51; // error $$ reading row - file $$
int M_DataFileCache_open = 52; // error $$ opening file - file $$
int M_DataFileCache_close = 53; // error $$ closing file - file $$
int M_SERVER_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKET_1 = 61; // Invalid address : $$\nTry one of: $$
int M_SERVER_OPEN_SERVER_SOCKET_2 = 62; // Invalid address : $$
int M_SERVER_SECURE_VERIFY_1 = 63; // Server certificate has no Common Name
int M_SERVER_SECURE_VERIFY_2 = 64; // Server certificate has empty Common Name
int M_SERVER_SECURE_VERIFY_3 = 65; // Certificate Common Name[$$] does not match host name[$$]
int M_RS_EMPTY = 70; // ResultSet is empty
int M_RS_BEFORE_FIRST = 71; // ResultSet is positioned before first row
int M_RS_AFTER_LAST = 72; // ResultSet is positioned after last row
// SQLSTATE definitions
// successful completion
int S_00000 = 0; // successful completion
int U_S0500 = 201; // unsupported internal operation
int X_S0501 = 301; // no file name specified for source // TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_FILENAME = 172
int X_S0502 = 302; // no value specified for field // TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_VALUE_MISSING= 173
int X_S0503 = 303; // zero-length separator // TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_SEPARATOR = 174
int X_S0504 = 304; // length of text quote character must be 1
int X_S0521 = 320; // operation is not allowed on text table with data
int X_S0522 = 321; // invalid statement - text table required
int X_S0531 = 331; // text file encode / decode error:
int X_S0532 = 332; // UTF-16 encoding string required
// HSQLDB authentication
int PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY = 391; // S1000 password complexity
// HSQLDB Server
int SERVER_TRANSFER_CORRUPTED = 401; // S1000 Transfer corrupted
int SERVER_DATABASE_DISCONNECTED = 402; // S0504 database disconnected
int SERVER_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE = 403; // S0504 HSQLDB server version is '$$' \ client version '$$' is not compatible.
int SERVER_UNKNOWN_CLIENT = 404; // S0504 Network client is not a HSQLDB JDBC driver
int SERVER_HTTP_NOT_HSQL_PROTOCOL = 405; // S0504 Client using HSQLDB http protocol instead of hsql
int SERVER_INCOMPLETE_HANDSHAKE_READ = 406; // S0504 Incomplete read of handshaking bytes
int SERVER_NO_DATABASE = 407; // S1000 no valid database paths
int JDBC_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = 421; // S1000 Column not found
int JDBC_INPUTSTREAM_ERROR = 422; // S1000 InputStream error
int JDBC_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 423; // S1OO0 Invalid argument in JDBC call
int JDBC_PARAMETER_NOT_SET = 424; // S1000 Parameter not set
int JDBC_CONNECTION_NATIVE_SQL = 425; // S1000 Unknown JDBC escape sequence: {
// HSQLDB non-core and file errors
int LOCK_FILE_ACQUISITION_FAILURE = 451; // S1000 Database lock acquisition failure
int FILE_IO_ERROR = 452; // S1000 File input/output error
int WRONG_DATABASE_FILE_VERSION = 453; // S1000 unsupported database file version
int DATA_FILE_BACKUP_MISMATCH = 454; // S1000 Data file modified, no backup
int DATABASE_IS_READONLY = 455; // S1000 The database is in read only mode
int DATA_IS_READONLY = 456; // S1000 The table data is read only
int ACCESS_IS_DENIED = 457; // S1000 Access is denied
int GENERAL_ERROR = 458; // S1000 General error
int DATABASE_IS_MEMORY_ONLY = 459; // S1000 Database is memory only
int OUT_OF_MEMORY = 460; // S1000 Out of Memory
int ERROR_IN_SCRIPT_FILE = 461; // S1000 error in script file
int UNSUPPORTED_FILENAME_SUFFIX = 462; // S1000 Unsupported suffix in file name '$$'. (Supported suffixes: $$)
int COMPRESSION_SUFFIX_MISMATCH = 463; // S1000 Mismatch between specified compression mode '$$' and file name '$$'
int DATABASE_IS_NON_FILE = 464; // S1000 Database is non-file type
int DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS = 465; // S1000 Database does not exist
int DATA_FILE_ERROR = 466; // S1000 Data File input/output error
int GENERAL_IO_ERROR = 467; // S1000 IO error
int DATA_FILE_IS_FULL = 468; // S1000 Data file size limit is reached
int DATA_FILE_IN_USE = 469; // S1000 Data file is in use
int BACKUP_ERROR = 470; // S1000 Backup error
int DATA_CACHE_IS_FULL = 471; // S1000 Data cache size limit is reached
int ERROR_IN_LOG_FILE = 472; // S1000 problem with log file
// HSQLDB Text tables
int TEXT_TABLE_UNKNOWN_DATA_SOURCE = 481; // S1000 The table's data source for has not been defined
int TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE = 482; // S1000 Invalid TEXT table source string
int TEXT_FILE = 483; // S1000 bad TEXT table source file - line number: $$ $$
int TEXT_FILE_IO = 484; // S1000 TEXT table source file - IO error:
int TEXT_STRING_HAS_NEWLINE = 485; // S1000 end-of-line characters not allowed
int TEXT_TABLE_HEADER = 486; // S1000 Header not allowed or too long
int TEXT_SOURCE_EXISTS = 487; // S1000 Text source file already exists
int TEXT_SOURCE_NO_END_SEPARATOR = 488; // S1000 No end sep.
// warning
int W_01000 = 1000; // warning - generic
int W_01001 = 1001; // cursor operation conflict - 200x
int W_01002 = 1002; // disconnect error - 200x
int W_01003 = 1003; // null value eliminated in set function - 200x
int W_01004 = 1004; // string data, right truncation - 200x
int W_01005 = 1005; // insufficient item descriptor areas - 200x
int W_01006 = 1006; // privilege not revoked - 200x
int W_01007 = 1007; // privilege not granted - 200x
int W_01009 = 1009; // search condition too long for information schema - 200x
int W_0100A = 1010; // query expression too long for information schema - 200x
int W_0100B = 1011; // default value too long for information schema - 200x
int W_0100C = 1012; // result sets returned - 200x
int W_0100D = 1013; // additional result sets returned - 200x
int W_0100E = 1014; // attempt to return too many result sets - 200x
int W_0100F = 1015; // statement too long for information schema - 200x
int W_01011 = 1016; // SQL-Java path too long for information schema
int W_0102F = 1017; // array data, right truncation - 200x
// no data - 200x
int N_02000 = 1100; // no data - generic
int N_02001 = 1101; // no data: no additional result sets returned
// dynamic SQL error - 200x
int X_07000 = 1200; // dynamic SQL error
int X_07001 = 1201; // dynamic SQL error: using clause does not match dynamic parameter specifications
int X_07002 = 1202; // dynamic SQL error: using clause does not match target specifications
int X_07003 = 1203; // dynamic SQL error: cursor specification cannot be executed
int X_07004 = 1204; // dynamic SQL error: using clause required for dynamic parameters
int X_07005 = 1205; // dynamic SQL error: prepared statement not a cursor specification
int X_07006 = 1206; // dynamic SQL error: restricted data type attribute violation
int X_07007 = 1207; // dynamic SQL error: using clause required for result fields
int X_07008 = 1208; // dynamic SQL error: invalid descriptor count
int X_07009 = 1209; // dynamic SQL error: invalid descriptor index
int X_0700B = 1211; // dynamic SQL error: data type transform function violation
int X_0700C = 1212; // dynamic SQL error: undefined DATA value
int X_0700D = 1213; // dynamic SQL error: invalid DATA target
int X_0700E = 1214; // dynamic SQL error: invalid LEVEL value
int X_0700F = 1215; // dynamic SQL error: invalid DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE
int X_07501 = 1251; // statement is closed
int X_07502 = 1252; // statement is invalid
int X_07503 = 1253; // statement does not generate a row count
int X_07504 = 1254; // statement does not generate a result set
int X_07505 = 1255; // statement is in batch mode
int X_07506 = 1256; // statement is not in batch mode
// connection exception - 200x
int X_08000 = 1300; // connection exception
int X_08001 = 1301; // connection exception: SQL-client unable to establish SQL-connection
int X_08002 = 1302; // connection exception: connection name in use
int X_08003 = 1303; // connection exception: connection does not exist
int X_08004 = 1304; // connection exception: SQL-server rejected establishment of SQL-connection
int X_08006 = 1305; // connection exception: connection failure
int X_08007 = 1306; // connection exception: transaction resolution unknown
// HSQLDB connection
int X_08501 = 1351; // connection exception: timed out
int X_08502 = 1352; // warning: unsupported client info
int X_08503 = 1353; // connection exception: closed
// triggered action exception - 200x
int X_09000 = 1400; // triggered action exception
// feature not supported - 200x
int X_0A000 = 1500; // feature not supported
int X_0A001 = 1501; // feature not supported: multiple server transactions
// HSQLDB feature not supported
int X_0A501 = 1551; // feature not supported:
// invalid target type specification - 200x
int X_0D000 = 1600; // invalid target type specification
// invalid schema name list specification - 200x
int X_0E000 = 1700; // invalid schema name list specification
// locator exception - 2003
int X_0F000 = 1800; // locator exception
int X_0F001 = 1801; // locator exception: invalid specification
// HSQLDB locator
int X_0F502 = 1852; // lob is no longer valid
int X_0F503 = 1853; // lob stream is closed
// resignal when handler not active - xxxx
int X_0K000 = 1900; // resignal when handler not active
// invalid grantor - 2003
int X_0L000 = 2000; // invalid grantor
int X_0L501 = 2051; // invalid grantor - lacks CREATE_SCHEMA privilege
// invalid SQL-invoked procedure reference - 2003
int X_0M000 = 2100; // invalid SQL-invoked procedure reference
// invalid role specification - 2003
int X_0P000 = 2200; // invalid role specification
int X_0P501 = 2251; // invalid role specification - circular grant
int X_0P502 = 2252; // invalid role specification - already granted
int X_0P503 = 2253; // invalid role specification - does not have role
// invalid transform group name specification - 2003
int X_0S000 = 2300; // invalid transform group name specification
// target table disagrees with cursor specification - 2003
int X_0T000 = 2400; // target table disagrees with cursor specification
// attempt to assign to non-updatable column - 2003
int X_0U000 = 2500; // attempt to assign to non-updatable column
// attempt to assign to ordering column - 2003
int X_0V000 = 2600; // attempt to assign to ordering column
// prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution - 2003
int X_0W000 = 2700; // prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution
// invalid foreign server specification - xxxx
int X_0X000 = 2800; // invalid foreign server specification
// pass-through specific condition - xxxx
int X_0Y000 = 2900; // pass-through specific condition
int X_0Y001 = 2901; // pass-through specific condition: invalid cursor option
int X_0Y002 = 2902; // pass-through specific condition: invalid cursor allocation
// diagnostics exception - 2003
int X_0Z000 = 3000; // diagnostics exception
int X_0Z001 = 3001; // diagnostics exception: maximum number of stacked diagnostics areas exceeded
// 04-PSM - xxxx
int X_0Z002 = 3003; // diagnostics exception: stacked diagnostics accessed without active handler
// 04-PSM - 2003
int X_20000 = 3100; // case not found for case statement
// cardinality violation - 2003
int X_21000 = 3201; // cardinality violation
// data exception - xxxx
int X_22000 = 3400; // data exception - generic
int X_22001 = 3401; // data exception: string data, right truncation - 200x
int X_22002 = 3402; // data exception: null value, no indicator parameter - 200x
int X_22003 = 3403; // data exception: numeric value out of range - 200x
int X_22004 = 3404; // data exception: null value not allowed - 200x
int X_22005 = 3405; // data exception: error in assignment - 200x
int X_22006 = 3406; // data exception: invalid interval format - 200x
int X_22007 = 3407; // data exception: invalid datetime format - 200x
int X_22008 = 3408; // data exception: datetime field overflow - 200x
int X_22009 = 3409; // data exception: invalid time zone displacement value - 200x
int X_2200B = 3410; // data exception: escape character conflict - 200x
int X_2200C = 3411; // data exception: invalid use of escape character - 200x
int X_2200D = 3412; // data exception: invalid escape octet - 200x
int X_2200E = 3413; // data exception: null value in array target - 200x
int X_2200F = 3414; // data exception: zero-length character string - 200x
int X_2200G = 3415; // data exception: most specific type mismatch - 200x
int X_2200H = 3416; // data exception: sequence generator limit exceeded - 200x
int X_2200J = 3417; // data exception: nonidentical notations with the same name - xxxx
int X_2200K = 3418; // data exception: nonidentical unparsed entities with the same name - xxxx
int X_2200L = 3419; // data exception: not an XML document - xxxx
int X_2200M = 3420; // data exception: invalid XML document - xxxx
int X_2200N = 3421; // data exception: invalid XML content - xxxx
int X_2200P = 3422; // data exception: interval value out of range - 200x
int X_2200Q = 3423; // data exception: multiset value overflow - 200x
int X_2200R = 3424; // data exception: XML value overflow - xxxx
int X_2200S = 3425; // data exception: invalid comment - xxxx
int X_2200T = 3426; // data exception: invalid processing instruction - xxxx
int X_2200U = 3427; // data exception: not an XQuery document node - xxxx
int X_2200V = 3428; // data exception: invalid XQuery context item - xxxx
int X_2200W = 3429; // data exception: XQuery serialization error - xxxx
int X_22010 = 3430; // data exception: invalid indicator parameter value - 200x
int X_22011 = 3431; // data exception: substring error - 200x
int X_22012 = 3432; // data exception: division by zero - 200x
int X_22013 = 3433; // data exception: invalid preceding or following size in window function - 200x
int X_22014 = 3434; // data exception: invalid argument for NTILE function - 200x
int X_22015 = 3435; // data exception: interval field overflow - 200x
int X_22016 = 3436; // data exception: invalid argument for NTH_VALUE function - 200x
int X_22017 = 3437; // data exception: invalid data specified for datalink - xxxx
int X_22018 = 3438; // data exception: invalid character value for cast - 200x
int X_22019 = 3439; // data exception: invalid escape character - 200x
int X_2201A = 3440; // data exception: null argument passed to datalink constructor
int X_2201B = 3441; // data exception: invalid regular expression - 200x
int X_2201C = 3442; // data exception: null row not permitted in table - 200x
int X_2201D = 3443; // data exception: datalink value exceeds maximum length
int X_2201E = 3444; // data exception: invalid argument for natural logarithm - 200x
int X_2201F = 3445; // data exception: invalid argument for power function - 200x
int X_2201G = 3446; // data exception: invalid argument for width bucket function - 200x
int X_2201J = 3447; // data exception: XQuery sequence cannot be validated
int X_2201S = 3448; // data exception: invalid XQuery regular expression - 200x
int X_2201T = 3449; // data exception: invalid XQuery option flag - 200x
int X_2201U = 3450; // data exception: attempt to replace a zero-length string - 200x
int X_2201V = 3451; // data exception: invalid XQuery replacement string - 200x
int X_2201W = 3452; // data exception: invalid row count in fetch first clause - 200x
int X_2201X = 3453; // data exception: invalid row count in result offset clause - 200x
int X_22021 = 3454; // data exception: character not in repertoire - 200x
int X_22022 = 3455; // data exception: indicator overflow - 200x
int X_22023 = 3456; // data exception: invalid parameter value - 200x
int X_22024 = 3457; // data exception: unterminated C string - 200x
int X_22025 = 3458; // data exception: invalid escape sequence - 200x
int X_22026 = 3459; // data exception: string data, length mismatch - 200x
int X_22027 = 3460; // data exception: trim error - 200x
int X_22029 = 3461; // data exception: noncharacter in UCS string - 200x
int X_22020 = 3462; // data exception: invalid period value - 200x
// HSQLDB data exception
int X_22501 = 3471; // value cannot be converted to target type
int X_22511 = 3472; // invalid function argument
int X_22521 = 3473; // object serialization failure
int X_22522 = 3474; // query execution reached limit of recursion
// 04-PSM - xxxx
int X_2202A = 3488; // data exception: null value in field reference
int X_2202D = 3489; // data exception: null value substituted for mutator subject parameter - 200x
int X_2202E = 3490; // data exception: array element error
int X_2202F = 3491; // data exception: array data, right truncation - 200x
int X_2202G = 3492; // data exception: invalid repeat argument in a sample clause - 200x
int X_2202H = 3493; // data exception: invalid sample size - 200x
// integrity constraint violation - xxxx
int X_23000 = 3500; // integrity constraint violation - 200x
int X_23001 = 3501; // integrity constraint violation: restrict violation - 200x
int X_23502 = 10; // integrity constraint violation: NOT NULL check constraint
int X_23503 = 177; // integrity constraint violation: foreign key no parent
int X_23504 = 8; // integrity constraint violation: foreign key no action
int X_23505 = 104; // integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index
int X_23513 = 157; // integrity constraint violation: check constraint
// invalid cursor state - xxxx
int X_24000 = 3600; // invalid cursor state - 2003
int X_24501 = 3601; // invalid cursor state: identified cursor is not open
int X_24502 = 3602; // invalid cursor state: identified cursor is already open
int X_24504 = 3603; // invalid cursor state: identifier cursor not positioned on row in UPDATE, DELETE, SET, or GET statement
int X_24513 = 3604; // invalid cursor state: cannot FETCH NEXT, PRIOR, CURRENT, or RELATIVE, cursor position is unknown
int X_24514 = 3605; // invalid cursor state: cursor disabled by previous error
int X_24515 = 3606; // invalid cursor state: all column must be set before insert
int X_24521 = 3621; // invalid cursor state: row has been modified outside the cursor
// invalid transaction state - 200x
int X_25000 = 3700; // invalid transaction state
int X_25001 = 3701; // invalid transaction state: active SQL-transaction
int X_25002 = 3702; // invalid transaction state: branch transaction already active
int X_25003 = 3703; // invalid transaction state: inappropriate access mode for branch transaction
int X_25004 = 3704; // invalid transaction state: inappropriate isolation level for branch transaction
int X_25005 = 3705; // invalid transaction state: no active SQL-transaction for branch transaction
int X_25006 = 3706; // invalid transaction state: read-only SQL-transaction
int X_25007 = 3707; // invalid transaction state: schema and data statement mixing not supported
int X_25008 = 3708; // invalid transaction state: held cursor requires same isolation level
// invalid SQL statement name - 2003
int X_26000 = 3800; // invalid SQL statement name
// triggered data change violation - 2003
int X_27000 = 3900; // triggered data change violation
// invalid authorization specification - 2003
int X_28000 = 4000; // invalid authorization specification
// HSQLDB invalid authorization specification
int X_28501 = 4001; // invalid authorization specification - not found
int X_28502 = 4002; // invalid authorization specification - system identifier
int X_28503 = 4003; // invalid authorization specification - already exists
// syntax error or access rule violation in direct statement
int X_2A000 = 4100; // syntax error or access rule violation in direct statement
// dependent privilege descriptors still exist
int X_2B000 = 4200; // dependent privilege descriptors still exist
// invalid character set name
int X_2C000 = 4300; // invalid character set name
// invalid transaction termination
int X_2D000 = 4400; // invalid transaction termination
int X_2D522 = 4401; // invalid transaction termination: COMMIT and ROLLBACK not allowed in ATOMIC compound statement
// invalid connection name
int X_2E000 = 4500; //invalid connection name
// SQL routine exception
int X_2F000 = 4600; // SQL routine exception
int X_2F002 = 4602; // SQL routine exception: modifying SQL-data not permitted
int X_2F003 = 4603; // SQL routine exception: prohibited SQL-statement attempted
int X_2F004 = 4604; // SQL routine exception: reading SQL-data not permitted
int X_2F005 = 4605; // SQL routine exception: function did not execute return statement
// invalid collation name
int X_2H000 = 4650; // invalid collation name
// invalid SQL statement identifier
int X_30000 = 4660; // invalid SQL statement identifier
// invalid SQL descriptor name
int X_33000 = 4670; // invalid SQL descriptor name
// invalid cursor name
int X_34000 = 4680; // invalid cursor name
// invalid condition number
int X_35000 = 4690; // invalid condition number
// cursor sensitivity exception - 200x
int X_36000 = 4700; // cursor sensitivity exception
int X_36001 = 4701; // cursor sensitivity exception: request rejected
int X_36002 = 4702; // cursor sensitivity exception: request failed
// cursor compatibility warnings
int W_36501 = 4711; // cursor sensitivity mismatch
int W_36502 = 4712; // cursor updatability mismatch
int W_36503 = 4713; // cursor holdability mismatch
// syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic statement - xxxx
int X_37000 = 4790; // syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic statement
// external routine exception - 2003
int X_38000 = 4800; // external routine exception
int X_38001 = 4801; // external routine exception: containing SQL not permitted
int X_38002 = 4802; // external routine exception: modifying SQL-data not permitted
int X_38003 = 4803; // external routine exception: prohibited SQL-statement attempted
int X_38004 = 4804; // external routine exception: reading SQL-data not permitted
// external routine invocation exception - 200x
int X_39000 = 4810; // external routine invocation exception
int X_39004 = 4811; // external routine invocation exception: null value not allowed
// savepoint exception - 200x
int X_3B000 = 4820; // savepoint exception
int X_3B001 = 4821; // savepoint exception: invalid specification
int X_3B002 = 4822; // savepoint exception: too many
// ambiguous cursor name - 200x
int X_3C000 = 4830; // ambiguous cursor name
// invalid catalog name - 200x
int X_3D000 = 4840; // invalid catalog name
// invalid schema name - 200x
int X_3F000 = 4850; // invalid schema name
// transaction rollback - 200x
int X_40000 = 4860; // transaction rollback - generic
int X_40001 = 4861; // serialization failure
int X_40002 = 4862; // integrity constraint violation
int X_40003 = 4863; // statement completion unknown
int X_40004 = 4864; // triggered action exception
// HSQLDB internal tx management
int X_40501 = 4871; // MVCC transaction data change conflict
int X_40502 = 4872; // statement execution aborted: timeout reached
// syntax error or access rule violation - xxxx
int X_42000 = 5000; // syntax error or access rule violation - generic - 200x
// HSQLDB database object names
int X_42501 = 5501; // user lacks privilege or object not found
int X_42502 = 5502; // dependent objects exist
int X_42503 = 5503; // system object cannot be modified
int X_42504 = 5504; // object name already exists
int X_42505 = 5505; // invalid schema name - name mismatch
int X_42506 = 5506; // invalid catalog name
int X_42507 = 5507; // admin rights required
int X_42508 = 5508; // label not found
int X_42509 = 5509; // type not found or user lacks privilege
int X_42510 = 5510; // name too long
// generated columns
int X_42512 = 5512; // invalid expression in CHECK or GENERATED clause
int X_42513 = 5513; // assignment to generated column
// period columns
int X_42516 = 5516; // invalid period column name or type
int X_42517 = 5517; // operation not allowed - generated or period column
int X_42518 = 5518; // operation not allowed - system versioning
// constraint definition issues
int X_42520 = 5520; // SET NULL requires nullable column
int X_42521 = 5521; // SET DEFAULT requires column default expression for
int X_42522 = 5522; // a UNIQUE constraint already exists on the set of columns
int X_42523 = 5523; // table has no primary key
int X_42524 = 5524; // constraint definition not allowed
int X_42525 = 5525; // identity definition not allowed
int X_42526 = 5526; // column is in primary key
int X_42527 = 5527; // column is in constraint
int X_42528 = 5528; // a FOREIGN KEY constraint already exists on the set of columns
int X_42529 = 5529; // a UNIQUE constraint does not exist on referenced columns
int X_42530 = 5530; // primary key definition not allowed
int X_42531 = 5531; // default expression needed
int X_42532 = 5532; // primary key already exist
int X_42533 = 5533; // is referenced by FOREIGN KEY constraint
int X_42534 = 5534; // column of LOB or ARRAY type cannot be used in operation
// other definition issues
int X_42535 = 5535; // not an identity column
int X_42536 = 5536; // column is referenced in
int X_42537 = 5537; // cannot use WITH CHECK option for read-only view
int X_42538 = 5538; // TRIGGER definition not compatible with table
int X_42539 = 5539; // cannot drop a user that is currently connected
// DML
int X_42541 = 5541; // requires DEFAULT keyword
int X_42542 = 5542; // requires OVERRIDING clause
int X_42543 = 5543; // requires either DEFAULT keyword or OVERRIDING clause
int X_42544 = 5544; // DEFAULT keyword cannot be used as column has no DEFAULT
int X_42545 = 5545; // INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or TRUNCATE not permitted for table or view
int X_42546 = 5546; // number of target columns does not match that of query expression
int X_42547 = 5547; // merge when matched already used
int X_42548 = 5548; // merge when not matched already used
int X_42549 = 5549; // LIMIT, OFFSET or FETCH already used
int X_42551 = 5551; // too many identifier parts
int X_42555 = 5555; // invalid property name
int X_42556 = 5556; // invalid property value
// HSQLDB type conversion
int X_42561 = 5561; // incompatible data type in conversion
int X_42562 = 5562; // incompatible data types in combination
int X_42563 = 5563; // incompatible data type in operation
int X_42564 = 5564; // row column count mismatch
int X_42565 = 5565; // row expression not allowed
int X_42566 = 5566; // interval qualifier missing or not valid
int X_42567 = 5567; // data type cast needed for parameter or null literal
int X_42568 = 5568; // data type of expression is not boolean
int X_42569 = 5569; // quoted identifier required
int X_42570 = 5570; // concatenation exceeds maximum type length
int X_42571 = 5571; // NULL literal not allowed
int X_42572 = 5572; // invalid GROUP BY expression
int X_42573 = 5573; // invalid HAVING expression
int X_42574 = 5574; // expression not in aggregate or GROUP BY columns
int X_42575 = 5575; // parameter marker not allowed
int X_42576 = 5576; // invalid ORDER BY expression
int X_42577 = 5577; // duplicate name in column list
int X_42578 = 5578; // duplicate column name in derived table
int X_42579 = 5579; // duplicate update of column
int X_42580 = 5580; // ambiguous column reference
// lexical elements
int X_42581 = 5581; // unexpected token
int X_42582 = 5582; // unknown token
int X_42583 = 5583; // malformed quoted identifier
int X_42584 = 5584; // malformed string
int X_42585 = 5585; // malformed numeric constant
int X_42586 = 5586; // malformed unicode string
int X_42587 = 5587; // malformed binary string
int X_42588 = 5588; // malformed bit string
int X_42589 = 5589; // malformed comment
int X_42590 = 5590; // unexpected end of statement
// other
int X_42591 = 5591; // needs column or cannot drop sole column of table
int X_42592 = 5592; // precision or scale out of range
int X_42593 = 5593; // column count mismatch in column name list
int X_42594 = 5594; // column count mismatch in UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT operation
int X_42595 = 5595; // invalid privilege specified - ALL PRIVILEGES required
int X_42596 = 5596; // schema qualifier does not match enclosing create schema statement.
int X_42597 = 5597; // number out of the valid range for sequence generator
int X_42598 = 5598; // sequence expression cannot be specified in this context
int X_42599 = 5599; // length must be specified in type definition
// HSQLDB - PSM definition
int X_42601 = 5601; // repeat handler declaration
int X_42602 = 5602; // invalid statement in routine
int X_42603 = 5603; // dynamic parameter or variable required as INOUT or OUT argument
int X_42604 = 5604; // incompatible declaration attributes
int X_42605 = 5605; // routine signature already exists
int X_42606 = 5606; // routine variable name already exists
int X_42607 = 5607; // invalid SQLSTATE value
int X_42608 = 5608; // wrong or missing data impact clause in declaration
int X_42609 = 5609; // routine signature not found for
int X_42610 = 5610; // wrong arguments for AGGREGATE function
int X_42611 = 5611; // type incompatible with declared return type
int X_42612 = 5612; // SQL exception already used
int X_42613 = 5613; // wildcard character * not allowed in routine, view or trigger definition
int X_42614 = 5614; // duplicate parameter name
// with check option violation - 200x
int X_44000 = 5700; // with check option violation
// 04-PSM
// unhandled user-defined exception - 200x
int X_45000 = 5800; // unhandled user-defined exception
int X_46000 = 6000; // Java execution / Java DDL - generic
int X_46001 = 6001; // invalid URL
int X_46002 = 6002; // invalid JAR name
int X_46003 = 6003; // invalid class deletion
int X_46005 = 6004; // invalid replacement
int X_4600A = 6007; // attempt to replace uninstalled JAR
int X_4600B = 6008; // attempt to remove uninstalled JAR
int X_4600C = 6009; // invalid JAR removal
int X_4600D = 6010; // invalid path
int X_4600E = 6011; // self-referencing path
int X_46102 = 6012; // invalid JAR name in path
int X_46103 = 6013; // unresolved class or method name
int X_46511 = 6021; // declared parameter types do not match method signature
// Unknown Error: Catch-All - xxxx
int X_99000 = 6500; // Unknown Error: Catch-All
int X_99099 = 6501; // Error converting vendor code to SQL state code
// FDW-specific condition - xxxx
int X_HV000 = 6600; // FDW-specific condition - generic
int X_HV001 = 6601; // memory allocation error
int X_HV002 = 6602; // dynamic parameter value needed
int X_HV004 = 6603; // invalid data type
int X_HV005 = 6604; // column name not found
int X_HV006 = 6605; // invalid data type descriptors
int X_HV007 = 6606; // invalid column name
int X_HV008 = 6607; // invalid column number
int X_HV009 = 6608; // invalid use of null pointer
int X_HV00A = 6609; // invalid string format
int X_HV00B = 6610; // invalid handle
int X_HV00C = 6611; // invalid option index
int X_HV00D = 6612; // invalid option name
int X_HV00J = 6613; // option name not found
int X_HV00K = 6614; // reply handle
int X_HV00L = 6615; // unable to create execution
int X_HV00M = 6616; // unable to create reply
int X_HV00N = 6617; // unable to establish connection
int X_HV00P = 6618; // no schemas
int X_HV00Q = 6619; // schema not found
int X_HV00R = 6620; // table not found
int X_HV010 = 6621; // function sequence error
int X_HV014 = 6622; // limit on number of handles exceeded
int X_HV021 = 6623; // inconsistent descriptor information
int X_HV024 = 6624; // invalid attribute value
int X_HV090 = 6625; // invalid string length or buffer length
int X_HV091 = 6626; // invalid descriptor field identifier
// datalink exception - 200x
int X_HW000 = 6700; // datalink exception - generic
int X_HW001 = 6701; // external file not linked
int X_HW002 = 6702; // external file already linked
int X_HW003 = 6703; // referenced file does not exist
int X_HW004 = 6704; // invalid write token
int X_HW005 = 6705; // invalid datalink construction
int X_HW006 = 6706; // invalid write permission for update
int X_HW007 = 6707; // referenced file not valid
// CLI-specific condition - 200x
int X_HY093 = 6800; // CLI-specific condition: invalid datalink value
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