org.objectweb.howl.log.LogFileManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
* Copyright (C) 2004 Bull S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* Contact: [email protected]
* This software is licensed under the BSD license.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Id: LogFileManager.java,v 1.20 2006/04/14 21:13:23 girouxm Exp $
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.objectweb.howl.log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Manage a set of log files.
* This class implements methods that can be called by LogBufferManager to obtain a LogFile for
* logger IO and to signal the LogFileManager when new buffers are being initialized.
* LogFileManager manages log files according to implementation specific policies.
* Some LogFileManagers may use a circular file policy while others may use a set of files.
* The most simple implementations will use a single file and allow it to grow as needed.
* QUESTION: do we need multiple implementations, or can we deal with different policies
* in this one class using configuration?
* @author Michael Giroux
class LogFileManager extends LogObject
* maximum number of blocks to store in each LogFile.
* controls when logging is switched to a new log file, and/or when a circular
* log is reset to seek address zero.
* @see #getLogFileForWrite(LogBuffer)
int maxBlocksPerFile = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* The log key for the oldest active entry in the log.
When automark is enabled (true) the activeMark
* is updated after every put() operation.
* When automark is disabled (as should be the case with JOTM)
* the activeMark is updated manually by a call
* to Logger.mark(), or during logOverflowNotification processing
* if a LogEventListener is registered.
* @see org.objectweb.howl.log.Logger#mark(long)
long activeMark = 0;
* indicates whether log files will be marked automatically.
When automark is false, the mark() method must be
* invoked by the log user. When automark is true, the Logger
* will automatically set the mark at the most recent record.
boolean automark = false;
* The automark value restored during log file initialization.
if a set of log files exist from a prior execution,
* the value of automark is set based on the log file header
* record processed during the init() processing. The value
* restored from the log file is saved in restartAutoMark
* so it can be reported by getStats().
boolean restartAutoMark = false;
* last key returned by put().
updated by setCurrentKey(long)
long currentKey = 0;
* the first log key generated by this instance of the Logger.
Initialized by init() to the block immediately
* following the last block written in the prior execution.
private long initialKey = 0;
* data written to log when autoMark is turned on
final byte[] autoMarkOn = new byte[] { 1 };
* data written to log when autoMark is turned off
final byte[] autoMarkOff = new byte[] { 0 };
* lock controlling access to LogFile.
private final Object fileManagerLock = new Object();
* set of LogFile objects associated with the physical log files.
* @see #open()
LogFile[] fileSet = null;
* workerID to current entry in fileSet[]
int lfIndex = 0;
LogFile currentLogFile = null;
* LogFile header record.
protected by fileManagerLock
The first record of every LogFile is a FILE_HEADER record containing
* information that is used during recovery to reposition the log file
* and replay records starting from the active mark.
* byte[1] autoMark byte[1]
* long activeMark byte[8] global to all log files
* long lowMark byte[8] low mark for current file == high mark for previous file
* long prevSwitchTod byte[8] time of previous file switch
* int fileSet.length byte[4] number of files in fileSet
* int maxBlocksPerFile byte[4]
* byte[2] crlf byte[2]
byte[][] fileHeader = new byte[1][35];
* ByteBuffer wrapper for fileHeader to facilitate conversion of numeric
* information to byte[] format.
protected by fileManagerLock
ByteBuffer fileHeaderBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(fileHeader[0]);
* MARK control Record.
A MARK control record containing the current state of the automark mode
* and the active mark is stored at the beginning of every block.
* This strategy allows the logger to read through a log file
* looking only at the BSN for each block to locate the last written block.
* Once the last written block is located, the current state of the MARK
* can be obtained by examining the MARK record at the beginning of the
* block.
To avokd garbage collection for a byte[] and ByteBuffer wrapper for
* each physical block, the class has a single markRecord member that is
* protected by fileManagerLock.
protected by fileManagerLock
* byte[1] autoMark byte[1]
* long activeMark byte[8] global to all log files
* int fileSet.length byte[4] number of files in fileSet
* int maxBlocksPerFile byte[4]
* byte[2] crlf byte[2]
* @see #setMarkData(ByteBuffer)
byte[][] markRecord = new byte[1][19];
* ByteBuffer wrapper for markRecord to facilitate conversion of numeric
* information to byte[] format.
protected by fileManagerLock
ByteBuffer markRecordBB = ByteBuffer.wrap(markRecord[0]);
* end of line for log records to make logs readable in text editors.
byte[] crlf = "\r\n".getBytes();
* LogBufferManager used by methods that put() records to the log.
For example, the mark() method uses bmgr to put()
* mark information to the log.
LogBufferManager bmgr;
* The LogEventListener registered by the application that
* owns the logger. If eventListener is null then
* the application is not notified of log events.
private LogEventListener eventListener = null;
* Monitor used by EventManager thread to wait
* for events that need to be notified.
final Object eventManagerLock = new Object();
* Thread used by LogFileManager to send events
* to the registered LogEventListener.
Thread eventManagerThread = null;
* event to be processed by the eventManagerThread.
When a condition is encountered that requires
* the LogEventListener to be notified, the value
* is set to one of the event types.
int event = 0;
* Event types for event manager thread.
assign this value to the event
* member when invoking the event manager thread
* to handle a log overflow notification.
final static int LOG_OVERFLOW_EVENT = 0x1;
* The logKey to be used by LogEventListener.logOverflowNotification
* when moving records forward into the current log file.
private long lowestSafeLogKey = 0L;
* Number of times log overflow event was notified.
* @see org.objectweb.howl.log.LogEventListener#logOverflowNotification(long)
private int overflowNotificationCount = 0;
* Indicates that LogFileManager initialization is complete.
Prior to being fully initialized, the LogFileManager
* should not attempt to put records to the journal because
* the buffer manager may not be initialized properly.
private boolean initComplete = false; // BUG 300934
* construct LogFileManager with Configuration supplied by caller.
* @param config Configuration object.
LogFileManager(Configuration config)
// remember that initialization is not yet complete
initComplete = false; // BUG 300934
// light up the event managemer thread
eventManagerThread = new EventManager("LogFileManager.EventManager");
eventManagerThread.setDaemon(true); // so we can shut down while eventManagerThread is running
* Returns the LogFile that contains the requested mark .
Called by LogBufferManager to locate a log file needed
* for a replay() request.
* @param mark A log key previously returned by LogBufferManager.put().
* The log key is used to compute the desired file.
* @return LogFile containing the requested mark .
Returns null if none of the files in fileSet[] contain
* the requested mark.
LogFile getLogFileForMark(long mark)
LogFile lf = null;
int requestBsn = bmgr.bsnFromMark(mark);
int fsl = fileSet.length;
// handle request for oldest known mark
if (mark == 0)
int minBsn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minIndex = fsl;
for (int i=0; i < fsl; ++i)
lf = fileSet[i];
if (!lf.newFile && lf.firstBSN < minBsn) {
minBsn = lf.firstBSN;
minIndex = i;
if (minIndex < fsl)
return fileSet[minIndex];
return null;
// handle request for a specific non-zero mark
for (int i=0; i < fsl; ++i)
lf = fileSet[i];
if (lf.newFile || requestBsn < lf.firstBSN) continue;
if (mark < lf.highMark) return lf;
// requested mark not found
return null;
* Called by LogBuffer.init() to obtain the LogFile that will be used
* to write a specific log block.
The buffer sequence number of the LogBuffer parameter ( lf.bsn )
* represents an implementation specific value that is used to manage log
* file space. As buffers are written to disk the buffer sequence number is
* incremented.
* The LogFileManager is able to compute the seek
* address for a buffer as a function of lf.bsn and buffer size
* when using LogBuffer implementations with fixed buffer sizes.
In all cases, getLogFile records a header record into the buffer
* containing the current state of the automark mode and the current
* active mark.
* @param lb LogBuffer that is asking for the LogFile.
* LogFileManager implementations use lf.bsn to determine when to switch
* to a new file, or wrap a circular file back to seek address zero.
* @return a LogFile to use for writing the LogBuffer
LogFile getLogFileForWrite(LogBuffer lb) throws LogFileOverflowException
if (currentLogFile == null || ((lb.bsn - 1) % maxBlocksPerFile) == 0)
// BSN is first block of a file.
int fsl = fileSet.length;
lfIndex %= fsl;
// Make sure active mark is not within the next log file.
LogFile nextLogFile = fileSet[lfIndex];
assert nextLogFile != null: "nextLogFile == null";
if (activeMark > 0 && activeMark < nextLogFile.highMark)
throw new LogFileOverflowException(activeMark, nextLogFile.highMark, nextLogFile.file);
// remember the TOD we switched to this file
nextLogFile.tod = System.currentTimeMillis();
// remember first BSN in the file
nextLogFile.firstBSN = lb.bsn;
// fabricate log key for beginning of new bsn as high mark for current file
// this value is used to compare with activeMark the next time this object is
// reused.
long highMark = bmgr.markFromBsn(lb.bsn, 0);
// default tod for previous file switch is current file switch tod
long switchTod = nextLogFile.tod;
if (currentLogFile != null)
switchTod = currentLogFile.tod;
currentLogFile.highMark = highMark;
// indicate that the new file must be rewound before this buffer is written
lb.rewind = true;
short type = LogRecordType.FILE_HEADER;
fileHeaderBB.put(automark ? autoMarkOn : autoMarkOff);
assert fileHeader[0].length == fileHeaderBB.position()
: "byte[] fileHeader size error";
lb.lf = nextLogFile;
lb.put(type, fileHeader, false);
currentLogFile = nextLogFile;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize next block of current file with a MARKKEY control record
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
short type = LogRecordType.MARKKEY;
assert markRecord[0].length == markRecordBB.position()
: "byte[] markRecord size error";
lb.lf = currentLogFile;
lb.put(type, markRecord, false);
// BUG: 300505 issue force for last block of file
lb.forceNow = ((lb.bsn % maxBlocksPerFile) == 0);
// check for log overflow
} // synchronized(fileManagerLock)
} catch (LogRecordSizeException e) {
// will never happen but use assert to catch during development
assert false : "Unhandled LogRecordSizeException" + e;
// update LogFile.highMark just in case someone tries to replay the log while it is active.
currentLogFile.highMark = bmgr.markFromBsn(lb.bsn + 1, 0);
currentLogFile.newFile = false; // it's no longer a new file
return currentLogFile;
* Detect pending Log Overflow and notify event listener.
if current file is 50% full then we check to
* see if the next file contains the active mark.
* We notify the event listener to move records
* forward to prevent log overflow.
Called by: getLogFileForWrite(Logbuffer lb)
* @param bsn The block sequence number of the current LogBuffer.
* @see #getLogFileForWrite(LogBuffer)
private void detectLogOverflow(int bsn)
if ((bsn % maxBlocksPerFile) > (maxBlocksPerFile / 2))
// current file is 50% full
LogFile nextLogFile = fileSet[lfIndex % fileSet.length];
assert nextLogFile != null: "nextLogFile == null";
if (activeMark < nextLogFile.highMark)
// active mark is somewhere in next file
// do not notify this event if it is already being processed
if ((event & LOG_OVERFLOW_EVENT) == 0)
lowestSafeLogKey = nextLogFile.highMark;
// kick the event manager thread
} // synchronized(eventManagerLock)
* generates MARKKEY data record into supplied data parameter.
* @param data
* ByteBuffer wrapping the target byte[]
void setMarkData(ByteBuffer data)
data.put(automark ? autoMarkOn : autoMarkOff);
* sets the LogFile's mark.
mark() provides a generalized method for callers
* to inform the Logger that log space can be released
* for reuse.
writes a MARKKEY control record to the log.
* @param key is an opaque log key returned by a previous call
* to put().
* @param force when set true causes the caller to
* be blocked until the new force record is forced to disk.
* @return log key for the MARK record
* @throws InvalidLogKeyException if key parameter is out of range.
* key must be greater than current activeMark and less than the most recent
* key returned by put().
long mark(long key, boolean force)
throws InvalidLogKeyException, IOException, InterruptedException
if (key < activeMark )
throw new InvalidLogKeyException(
" key: " + Long.toHexString(key) +
" less than activeMark: " + Long.toHexString(activeMark)
if (key > currentKey)
throw new InvalidLogKeyException(
" key: " + Long.toHexString(key) +
" greater than currentKey: " + Long.toHexString(currentKey)
byte[][] markData = new byte[1][markRecord[0].length];
ByteBuffer markDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(markData[0]);
short type = LogRecordType.MARKKEY;
long markKey = 0L;
try {
markKey = bmgr.put(type, markData, force);
activeMark = key;
catch (LogRecordSizeException e) {
// will never happen but use assert to catch during development
assert false : "Unhandled LogRecordSizeException" + e;
catch (LogFileOverflowException e) {
// should not happen since we just gave back some space
// TODO: handle possible overflow here
catch (IOException e) {
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.mark()" +
" [" + e.getMessage() + "]");;
throw ioe;
return markKey;
* calls mark(key, false)
* @param key a log key as described by {@link #mark(long,boolean)}
* @return log key of the new mark record.
* @throws InvalidLogKeyException
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @see #mark(long, boolean)
long mark(long key)
throws InvalidLogKeyException, IOException, InterruptedException
return mark(key, false);
* reads a block of data into LogBuffer lb .
Amount of data read is determined by lb.capacity().
sets lb.lf with the fileSet[] entry that contains
* the requested BSN.
* @param lb LogBuffer to read data into.
* @param bsn block sequence number of the block to be read.
* File position is computed as follows:
* - locate the entry within fileSet[] that contains the
* requested bsn.
- compute position as (requested bsn - first bsn in file) * block size;
* @return block serial number of block read.
* returns -1 if the requested BSN does
* not exist in the current fileSet[].
int read(LogBuffer lb, int bsn) throws IOException, InvalidLogBufferException
if (bsn < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("BSN must be >= zero");
long mark = bmgr.markFromBsn(bsn, 0);
// locate the log file that contains the desired block
LogFile lf = getLogFileForMark(mark);
lb.lf = lf;
if (lf == null) {
lb.bsn = -1;
return -1;
// compute position of requested block
long position = 0;
if (bsn > 0) {
int blocksToSkip = bsn - lf.firstBSN;
position = blocksToSkip * lb.buffer.capacity();
// read the block
lb.read(lf, position); // BUG 300969
return (lb.bsn < bsn) ? -1 : lb.bsn; // BUG 300969
* Sets the LogFile marking mode.
writes an AUTOMARK control record to the log if the log
* is open.
* @param automark true to indicate automatic marking.
* @return log key for the generated MARK control record.
long setAutoMark(boolean automark)
throws InvalidLogKeyException, IOException, InterruptedException, LogFileOverflowException
this.automark = automark;
return mark((automark ? currentKey : activeMark), false);
* updates currentKey member variable.
Method must be synchronized to guarantee that only
* keys with larger values are assigned to currentKey.
If automark mode is enabled, then the activeMark
* is updated as well.
* @param key a log key returned by the buffer manager.
synchronized void setCurrentKey(long key)
if (key > currentKey) {
currentKey = key;
if (automark) activeMark = currentKey;
* Returns the highMark from the LogFile that is
* currently being written.
Log keys greater than this value are beyond
* the logical end of the journal.
* @return highMark from the current LogFile.
long getHighMark()
if (currentLogFile == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("LogFileManager.init() required");
return currentLogFile.highMark;
* Registers a LogEventListener for log event notifications.
* @param eventListener object to be notified of logger events.
void setLogEventListener(LogEventListener eventListener)
// QUESTION: does this need to be a list of listeners?
this.eventListener = eventListener;
// TODO: if current log file position is > 50% then notify NOW
* Create a JVM wide lock on a File.
Feature 30922
* The java.nio.channel.tryLock method is not guaranteed to
* respect locks that are set within the JVM by multiple
* threads. Consequently, it is possible for an application
* to create multiple instances of Logger resulting in
* corrupted log files as two separate instances of Logger
* write to the log.
* To prevent multiple instances of Logger from allocating
* the same files within a JVM, we create a system property
* @param name File object to be locked
* @return true if requested lock operation is successful.
private boolean setLockOnFile(File name, boolean lock)
String property = "org.objectweb.howl." + name.getAbsolutePath() + ".locked";
if (lock && Boolean.getBoolean(property))
return false;
System.setProperty(property, Boolean.toString(lock));
return true;
* open pool of LogFile(s).
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws LogConfigurationException
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidFileSetException
void open()
throws LogConfigurationException, IOException, FileNotFoundException, InvalidFileSetException
// retrieve configuration properties for this object
maxBlocksPerFile = config.getMaxBlocksPerFile();
// make sure we have at least two log files
int maxLogFiles = config.getMaxLogFiles();
if (maxLogFiles < 2)
throw new LogConfigurationException("Must configure two or more files");
// get configuration information for log file names.
String logDir = config.getLogFileDir();
String logFileName = config.getLogFileName();
String logFileExt = config.getLogFileExt();
// make sure the directory exists
File dir = new File(logDir);
int existingFiles = 0;
// allocate the set of log files
fileSet = new LogFile[maxLogFiles];
for (int i=0; i= 0)
setLockOnFile(fileSet[i].file, false);
fileSet[i] = null;
// TODO: output log message
System.err.println(this.getClass().getName() + ".open(); " + e);
throw e;
currentLogFile = null;
* validate LogFiles and set member variables.
* activeMark set based on last block written during previous execution.
currentKey set to key of the last record written to the log.
currentLogFile set to the next available LogFile in fileSet[] with
* file position set to resume writing at the next block following the last block
* written.
void init(LogBufferManager bmgr)
throws IOException,
LogConfigurationException, InvalidLogBufferException, InterruptedException
this.bmgr = bmgr;
short lfIndex = 0;
int bsn = 0;
LogFile lf = null;
LogBuffer lb = null;
try {
lb = bmgr.getLogBuffer(-1);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new LogConfigurationException("LogBuffer.class not found", e);
for (short i = 0; i < fileSet.length; ++i)
lf = fileSet[i];
assert lf != null : "LogFile pointer lf is null";
// skip newly created files
if (lf.newFile) continue;
try {
lb.read(lf, 0L);
} catch (IOException e) {
// BUG 303907 -- add message to IOException
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.init(): error reading block zero " +
lf.file.getName() + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
// save BSN of first block in file
lf.firstBSN = lb.bsn;
// locate the last file to be written
if (lb.bsn > bsn)
bsn = lb.bsn;
lfIndex = i;
* If we get this far then all the files are
* properly formatted or new.
* We can now set the highMark for each file
* using the firstBSN field of the subsequent file.
int fsl = fileSet.length;
for (int i=0; i < fsl; ++i)
if (fileSet[i].newFile) continue;
int next = (i + 1) % fsl;
if (fileSet[next].newFile) continue;
fileSet[i].highMark = bmgr.markFromBsn(fileSet[next].firstBSN, 0);
// reposition the last active file
int blockSize = lb.buffer.capacity();
currentLogFile = fileSet[lfIndex];
lf = currentLogFile;
// compare file header with current configuration
long fpos = blockSize;
if (lb.bsn > 0)
// locate last block written starting in second block
try {
while(lb.read(lf, fpos).bsn > bsn) {
fpos += blockSize;
bsn = lb.bsn;
} catch (InvalidLogBufferException e) {
* Ignore this exception here during restart processing.
* An invalid block marks the end of the log.
} catch (IOException e) {
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.init(): " +
"Attempting to loacate last block of file " + lf.file.getName() +
" at position " + fpos + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
// set this.lfIndex to next file to be used
this.lfIndex = (lf.newFile ? 0 : (lfIndex + 1));
// tell LogBufferManager the last BSN that was written
bmgr.init(this, bsn);
// remember the initial key for this execution
initialKey = bmgr.markFromBsn(bsn + 1, 0);
// initialize high water mark for active LogFile
lf.highMark = initialKey;
// initialize currentKey
currentKey = initialKey;
// process MARK control records in last block
assert fpos > 0 : "Unexpected file postion: " + fpos;
if (bsn > 0)
try {
lb.read(lf, fpos-blockSize);
} catch (IOException e) {
// BUG 303907 - add message to IOException
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.init(): " +
"process MARK records in last block of file " +
lf.file.getName() +
" at position " + (fpos - blockSize) + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
LogRecord record = new LogRecord(lb.buffer.capacity());
ByteBuffer dataBuffer = record.dataBuffer;
while (!record.get(lb).isEOB()) {
if (record.type == LogRecordType.MARKKEY) {
dataBuffer.getShort(); // not using field size
automark = dataBuffer.get() == 1 ? true : false;
activeMark = dataBuffer.getLong();
currentKey = record.key;
else {
// new files
fpos = 0L;
activeMark = bmgr.markFromBsn(1, 0); // BUG 304331
// update activeMark based on automark setting recovered from log
// @see validateFileHeader
if (automark) activeMark = currentKey;
// position current log file for writing
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// BUG 303907 - add message text to IOException
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.init(): position log file " +
lf.file.getName() + " for writing at position " + fpos + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
// TODO: move code so it only gets executed for writeable logs
// Write a RESTART record for replay
if (false) {
short type = LogRecordType.RESTART;
try {
bmgr.put(type, new byte[0][0], false);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw e;
} catch (LogException e) {
// should not happen, but if it does, we just ignore it here
assert false : "unhandled LogException" + e.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
// BUG 303907 - add error message to IOException and rethrow
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.init(): error writing RESTART record to file" +
lf.file.getName() + " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
// indicate that initialization is complete
initComplete = true; // BUG 300934
// TODO: validate information against state file.
// a. define a state file and update during close
// b. validate current log information against state file
* Compares values in log file header record with current configuration.
Throws LogConfigurationException if header does not match current
* configuration.
void validateFileHeader(LogBuffer lb)
throws LogConfigurationException, IOException, InvalidLogBufferException
LogFile lf = currentLogFile;
lb.read(lf, 0L);
if (lb.bsn == -1) return; // end of file or empty file
LogRecord fh = new LogRecord(fileHeader[0].length);
if (fh.type != LogRecordType.FILE_HEADER)
throw new InvalidLogBufferException("HEADER_TYPE: " + Integer.toHexString(fh.type));
if (fh.length != fileHeader[0].length + 2)
throw new InvalidLogBufferException("HEADER_SIZE: expected length(" +
(fileHeader[0].length + 2) + ") found (" + fh.length + ")");
// we have a file header -- validate the data
ByteBuffer dataBuffer = fh.dataBuffer;
dataBuffer.getShort(); // field length not used
automark = dataBuffer.get() == 1 ? true : false;
activeMark = dataBuffer.getLong();
dataBuffer.getLong(); // long highMark -- avoid unreferenced field warning
dataBuffer.getLong(); // long switchTod -- avoid unreferenced field warning
* Mak sure we have at least as many files as we had
* when the fileset was created initially.
int nFiles = dataBuffer.getInt();
if (nFiles != fileSet.length)
throw new LogConfigurationException("Current configuration number of files [" +
fileSet.length + "] not equal number of files in set [" + nFiles + "]");
* Make sure the configured file size is the same as
* it was when the fileset was created.
int nBlocks = dataBuffer.getInt();
if (nBlocks != maxBlocksPerFile)
throw new LogConfigurationException("Configured file size [" +
maxBlocksPerFile + "] blocks not equal previous file size [" + nBlocks + "] blocks");
short crlf = dataBuffer.getShort();
if (crlf != 0x0D0A)
throw new InvalidLogBufferException("FILE_HEADER: expecting CRLF found " +
assert dataBuffer.capacity() == dataBuffer.position()
: "byte[] fileHeader size error";
* Write a CLOSE record and shut down the buffer manager
* if we have one.
This routine was originally inline in close(). It
* was refactored into a separate method to improve
* readability of close().
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws IOException
void closeBufferManager() throws InterruptedException, IOException
// Wait for all application data to be flushed to disk
// save current configuration details to the log
byte[][] closeData = new byte[1][2];
ByteBuffer closeDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(closeData[0]);
// TODO: define content of closeData record
try {
bmgr.put(LogRecordType.CLOSE, closeData, false);
} catch (LogRecordSizeException e) {
// will never happen but use assert to catch during development
assert false : "Unhandled LogRecordSizeException" + e;
} catch (LogFileOverflowException e) {
// ignore -- we will discover this the next time we open the logs
// TODO: write message to system log
} catch (IOException e) {
// BUG 303907 - add message to IOException
IOException ioe = new IOException("LogFileManager.closeBufferManager(): error writing CLOSE record."
+ " [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
throw ioe;
// Wait for logger information to flush to disk
// Allow buffer manager to shut down any helper threads
* Gracefully close the log files.
* @throws IOException
* If FileChannel.close() encounters an error.
* @see java.nio.channels.FileChannel#close()
void close()
throws IOException, InterruptedException
// TODO: record the fact that the LOG was closed
// write a status record at end of current journal.
// logger will have to locate the status record during a restart.
// status should include mark information, number of files and
// max blocks per file.
// alternative: write status to a separate log.status file
boolean interrupted = false;
InterruptedException exception = null;
// BUG 300953 don't close if fileSet[] is null
if (fileSet == null) return;
try {
// BUG 300934 don't close Buffer Manager if initialization is not complete
if (initComplete) closeBufferManager(); // BUG 300934
initComplete = false; // don't close Buffer Manager more than once
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true; // remember and throw it on the way out.
exception = e;
// shut down the event manager thread before we close the files
if (eventManagerThread != null)
// close the log files
for (int i=0; i < fileSet.length; ++i)
if (fileSet[i] != null)
setLockOnFile(fileSet[i].file, false);
if (interrupted) throw exception;
* Returns an XML node containing statistics for the LogFileManager.
The nested element contain entries for each
* LogFile object in the set of log files.
* @return a String containing statistics as an XML node.
String getStats()
String name = this.getClass().getName();
StringBuffer stats = new StringBuffer(
// Append LogFileManager stats here
stats.append("\n" +
"Initial Log Key" +
" " +
"\n" +
"Current Log Key" +
" " +
"\n" +
"automark value restored from prior log file" +
" " +
"\n" +
"number of times LogEventListener.logOverflowNotification was called" +
" "
long totalBytesWritten = 0L;
for (int i=0; i < fileSet.length; ++i)
totalBytesWritten += fileSet[i].bytesWritten;
for (int i = 0; i < fileSet.length; ++i)
stats.append("\n ");
stats.append("\n ");
return stats.toString();
* helper thread used invoke LogEventListener when
* log overflow (or other event) is about to occur.
class EventManager extends Thread
EventManager(String name)
* Wait on eventManagerLock until
* LogFileManager needs an event to be
* sent to the registered LogEventListener.
public void run()
// provide access to members in containing class
LogFileManager parent = LogFileManager.this;
int event;
long lowestSafeLogKey;
if (interrupted()) return;
try {
while ((event = parent.event) == 0)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// we've been shut down.
lowestSafeLogKey = parent.lowestSafeLogKey;
if ((event & LOG_OVERFLOW_EVENT) != 0)
if (eventListener != null)
try {
// protect HOWL from RuntimeExceptions in application code
} catch (Exception e) {
// update count of notifications
parent.overflowNotificationCount += 1;
parent.lowestSafeLogKey = 0;
parent.event ^= LOG_OVERFLOW_EVENT;
assert false :
"unexpected event type [" +
event +
"] in LogFileManager eventManagetThread";