org.apache.tuweni.evm.TransactionalEVMHostContext.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.tuweni.evm
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.AccountState
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Address
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Hash
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Log
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockchainRepository
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.StateRepository
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.StateRepository.Companion.EMPTY_CODE_HASH
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.StateRepository.Companion.EMPTY_STORAGE_HASH
import org.apache.tuweni.rlp.RLP
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt256
import org.apache.tuweni.units.ethereum.Gas
import org.apache.tuweni.units.ethereum.Wei
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.math.BigInteger
* EVM context that records changes to the world state, so they can be applied atomically.
class TransactionalEVMHostContext(
val blockchainRepository: BlockchainRepository,
val transientRepository: StateRepository,
val ethereumVirtualMachine: EthereumVirtualMachine,
val sender: Address,
val destination: Address,
val value: Bytes,
val code: Bytes,
val gas: Gas,
private val gasPrice: Wei,
val currentCoinbase: Address,
val currentNumber: UInt256,
val currentTimestamp: UInt256,
val currentGasLimit: Long,
val currentDifficulty: UInt256,
val chainId: UInt256,
) : HostContext, ExecutionChanges {
companion object {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val logs = mutableListOf()
val accountsToDestroy = mutableListOf()
val warmedUpStorage = HashSet()
init {
override fun getLogs(): List = logs
override fun accountsToDestroy(): List = accountsToDestroy
private val refunds = mutableMapOf()
* Check account existence function.
* This function is used by the VM to check if there exists an account at given address.
* @param address The address of the account the query is about.
* @return true if exists, false otherwise.
override suspend fun accountExists(address: Address): Boolean {
logger.trace("Entering accountExists")
return transientRepository.accountsExists(address)
override suspend fun getRepositoryStorage(address: Address, key: Bytes32): Bytes? {
logger.trace("Entering getRepositoryStorage")
val value = blockchainRepository.getAccountStoreValue(address, key)
logger.trace("key $key, value $value")
return value
override suspend fun isEmptyAccount(address: Address): Boolean {
logger.trace("Entering isEmptyAccount")
val accountState = transientRepository.getAccount(address)
return null == accountState || (accountState.balance.isZero && accountState.nonce.isZero && EMPTY_CODE_HASH.equals(accountState.codeHash) && EMPTY_STORAGE_HASH.equals(accountState.storageRoot))
* Get storage function.
* This function is used by a VM to query the given account storage entry.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @param key The index of the account's storage entry.
* @return The storage value at the given storage key or null bytes if the account does not exist.
override suspend fun getStorage(address: Address, key: Bytes): Bytes32? {
logger.trace("Entering getStorage")
val value = transientRepository.getAccountStoreValue(address, Hash.hash(key))?.let { UInt256.fromBytes(RLP.decodeValue(it)) }
logger.trace("key $key value $value")
return value
* Increments the nonce of the account associated with the address.
override suspend fun incrementNonce(address: Address): UInt256 {
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address) ?: transientRepository.newAccountState()
val newNonce = account.nonce.add(1)
transientRepository.storeAccount(address, AccountState(newNonce, account.balance, account.storageRoot, account.codeHash))
return newNonce
* Set storage function.
* This function is used by a VM to update the given account storage entry. The VM MUST make
* sure that the account exists. This requirement is only a formality because VM implementations
* only modify storage of the account of the current execution context (i.e. referenced by
* evmc_message::destination).
* @param address The address of the account.
* @param key The index of the storage entry.
* @param value The value to be stored.
* @return The effect on the storage item:
* The value of a storage item has been left unchanged: 0 -> 0 and X -> X.
* The value of a storage item has been modified: X -> Y.
* A storage item has been modified after being modified before: X -> Y -> Z.
* A new storage item has been added: 0 -> X.
* A storage item has been deleted: X -> 0.
override suspend fun setStorage(address: Address, key: Bytes, value: Bytes): Int {
logger.trace("Entering setStorage {} {} {}", address, key, value)
val hashKey = Hash.hash(key)
val newAccount = transientRepository.accountsExists(address)
val repositoryValue = blockchainRepository.getAccountStoreValue(address, hashKey)
val oldValue = transientRepository.getAccountStoreValue(address, hashKey)
val storageAdded = newAccount || oldValue == null
val storageWasModifiedBefore = !(repositoryValue?.equals(oldValue) == true || oldValue == null)
val storageModified = !(value == UInt256.ZERO && oldValue == null) && !value.equals(oldValue)
if (!storageModified) {
return 0
if (value.isEmpty) {
transientRepository.deleteAccountStore(address, hashKey)
} else {
transientRepository.storeAccountValue(address, hashKey, RLP.encodeValue(value))
if (value.size() == 0) {
return 4
if (storageModified) {
if (storageAdded) {
return 3
if (storageWasModifiedBefore) {
return 2
return 1
return 0
* Get balance function.
* This function is used by a VM to query the balance of the given account.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @return The balance of the given account or 0 if the account does not exist.
override suspend fun getBalance(address: Address): Wei {
logger.trace("Entering getBalance")
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address)
return account?.balance ?: Wei.valueOf(0)
override suspend fun setBalance(address: Address, balance: Wei) {
logger.trace("Entering setBalance $address with $balance")
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address) ?: transientRepository.newAccountState()
val newAccount = AccountState(account.nonce, balance, account.storageRoot, account.codeHash, account.version)
transientRepository.storeAccount(address, newAccount)
* Get code size function.
* This function is used by a VM to get the size of the code stored in the account at the given
* address.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @return The size of the code in the account or 0 if the account does not exist.
override suspend fun getCodeSize(address: Address): Int {
logger.trace("Entering getCodeSize")
val code = transientRepository.getAccountCode(address)
return code?.size() ?: 0
* Get code hash function.
* This function is used by a VM to get the keccak256 hash of the code stored in the account at
* the given address. For existing accounts not having a code, this function returns keccak256
* hash of empty data.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @return The hash of the code in the account or null bytes if the account does not exist.
override suspend fun getCodeHash(address: Address): Bytes32 {
logger.trace("Entering getCodeHash")
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address)
return account?.codeHash ?: Bytes32.ZERO
* Get account nonce
* This function is used by a VM to get the nonce of the account at
* the given address.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @return The nonce of the accountt.
override suspend fun getNonce(address: Address): UInt256 {
logger.trace("Entering getNonce")
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address)
return account?.nonce ?: UInt256.ONE
* Copy code function.
* This function is used by an EVM to request a copy of the code of the given account to the
* memory buffer provided by the EVM. The Client MUST copy the requested code, starting with the
* given offset, to the provided memory buffer up to the size of the buffer or the size of the
* code, whichever is smaller.
* @param address The address of the account.
* @return A copy of the requested code.
override suspend fun getCode(address: Address): Bytes {
logger.trace("Entering getCode")
val code = transientRepository.getAccountCode(address)
return code ?: Bytes.EMPTY
* Selfdestruct function.
* This function is used by an EVM to SELFDESTRUCT given contract. The execution of the
* contract will not be stopped, that is up to the EVM.
* @param address The address of the contract to be selfdestructed.
* @param beneficiary The address where the remaining ETH is going to be transferred.
override suspend fun selfdestruct(address: Address, beneficiary: Address) {
logger.trace("Entering selfdestruct")
val account = transientRepository.getAccount(address)
account?.apply {
val beneficiaryAccountState = transientRepository.getAccount(beneficiary) ?: transientRepository.newAccountState()
beneficiaryAccountState.nonce, beneficiaryAccountState.balance.add(account.balance),
val resetBalance = AccountState(this.nonce, Wei.valueOf(0), this.storageRoot, this.codeHash, this.version)
transientRepository.storeAccount(address, resetBalance)
logger.trace("Done selfdestruct")
* This function supports EVM calls.
* @param msg The call parameters.
* @return The result of the call.
override suspend fun call(evmMessage: EVMMessage): EVMResult {
logger.trace("Entering call ${evmMessage.kind}")
val code = transientRepository.getAccountCode(evmMessage.contract)
val result = ethereumVirtualMachine.executeInternal(
code ?: Bytes.EMPTY,
depth = evmMessage.depth,
hostContext = this
return result
override suspend fun create(evmMessage: EVMMessage, code: Bytes): EVMResult {
logger.trace("Entering create ${evmMessage.kind}")
val result = ethereumVirtualMachine.executeInternal(
depth = evmMessage.depth,
hostContext = this,
return result
* Get transaction context function.
* This function is used by an EVM to retrieve the transaction and block context.
* @return The transaction context.
override fun getTxContext(): Bytes? {
logger.trace("Entering getTxContext")
return Bytes.concatenate(
sender, currentCoinbase, currentNumber,
override fun getBlockHash(number: UInt256): Bytes32 {
logger.trace("Entering getBlockHash")
val listOfCandidates = blockchainRepository.findBlockByHashOrNumber(number)
return listOfCandidates.firstOrNull() ?: Bytes32.ZERO
override fun emitLog(address: Address, data: Bytes, topics: List) {
logger.trace("Entering emitLog")
val log = Log(Address.fromBytes(Bytes.wrap(address)), data, topics)
override fun warmUpAccount(address: Address): Boolean =
!ethereumVirtualMachine.precompiles.contains(address) && warmedUpStorage.add(address)
override fun warmUpStorage(address: Address, key: UInt256): Boolean {
logger.trace("entering warmUpStorage $address $key")
if (ethereumVirtualMachine.precompiles.contains(address)) {
return false
return warmedUpStorage.add(Bytes.concatenate(address, Bytes.fromHexString("0x0f"), key))
override fun getGasPrice() = gasPrice
override fun getGasLimit() = currentGasLimit
override fun getBlockNumber() = currentNumber
override fun getBlockHash() = getBlockHash(currentNumber)
override fun getCoinbase() = currentCoinbase
override fun timestamp() = currentTimestamp
override fun getDifficulty() = currentDifficulty
override fun getChaindId(): UInt256 = chainId
override fun addRefund(address: Address, refund: Wei) {
refunds[address] = (refunds[address] ?: BigInteger.ZERO).add(refund.toBigInteger())
override fun addRefund(address: Address, refund: Long) {
refunds[address] = (refunds[address] ?: BigInteger.ZERO).add(BigInteger.valueOf(refund))
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