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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE
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package org.apache.tuweni.progpow;
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes;
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32;
import org.apache.tuweni.ethash.EthHash;
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt32;
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt64;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Ethereum ProgPoW mining algorithm, based on revision 0.9.2.
* This implements the ProgPoW algorithm ( This algorithm is licensed under CC0
* 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (
* See the specification at
public final class ProgPoW {
static int PROGPOW_PERIOD = 50;
static int PROGPOW_LANES = 16;
static int PROGPOW_REGS = 32;
static int PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS = 4;
static int PROGPOW_CACHE_BYTES = 16 * 1024;
static int PROGPOW_CNT_DAG = 64;
static int PROGPOW_CNT_CACHE = 12;
static int PROGPOW_CNT_MATH = 20;
static UInt32 FNV_PRIME = UInt32.fromHexString("0x1000193");
static Bytes FNV_OFFSET_BASIS = Bytes.fromHexString("0x811c9dc5");
static int HASH_BYTES = 64;
static int HASH_WORDS = 16;
static int DATASET_PARENTS = 256;
* Creates a hash using the ProgPoW formulation of a block
* @param blockNumber the block number of the block
* @param nonce the nonce of the block
* @param header the header of the block
* @param dag the directed acyclic graph cache
* @param dagLookupFunction the function to append to the DAG
* @return a hash matching the block input, using the ProgPoW algorithm
public static Bytes32 progPowHash(
long blockNumber,
long nonce,
Bytes32 header,
UInt32[] dag, // gigabyte DAG located in framebuffer - the first portion gets cached
Function dagLookupFunction) {
UInt32[][] mix = new UInt32[PROGPOW_LANES][PROGPOW_REGS];
// keccak(header..nonce)
Bytes32 seed_256 = Keccakf800.keccakF800Progpow(header, nonce, Bytes32.ZERO);
// endian swap so byte 0 of the hash is the MSB of the value
long seed = (Integer.toUnsignedLong(seed_256.getInt(0)) << 32) | Integer.toUnsignedLong(seed_256.getInt(4));
// initialize mix for all lanes
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++)
mix[l] = fillMix(UInt64.fromBytes(Bytes.wrap(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(seed).array())), UInt32.valueOf(l));
// execute the randomly generated inner loop
for (int i = 0; i < PROGPOW_CNT_DAG; i++)
progPowLoop(blockNumber, UInt32.valueOf(i), mix, dag, dagLookupFunction);
// Reduce mix data to a per-lane 32-bit digest
UInt32[] digest_lane = new UInt32[PROGPOW_LANES];
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
digest_lane[l] = UInt32.fromBytes(FNV_OFFSET_BASIS);
for (int i = 0; i < PROGPOW_REGS; i++)
digest_lane[l] = fnv1a(digest_lane[l], mix[l][i]);
// Reduce all lanes to a single 256-bit digest
UInt32[] digest = new UInt32[8];
Arrays.fill(digest, UInt32.fromBytes(FNV_OFFSET_BASIS));
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
digest[l % 8] = fnv1a(digest[l % 8], digest_lane[l]);
Bytes32 bytesDigest = Bytes32.wrap(Bytes.concatenate(Stream.of(digest).map(UInt32::toBytes).toArray(Bytes[]::new)));
// keccak(header .. keccak(header..nonce) .. digest);
return Keccakf800.keccakF800Progpow(header, seed, bytesDigest);
* Creates a cache for the DAG at a given block number
* @param blockNumber the block number
* @param datasetLookup the function generating elements of the DAG
* @return a cache of the DAG up to the block number
public static UInt32[] createDagCache(long blockNumber, Function datasetLookup) {
// TODO size of cache should be function of blockNumber - and DAG should be stored in its own memory structure.
// cache the first 16KB of the dag
UInt32[] cdag = new UInt32[HASH_BYTES * DATASET_PARENTS];
for (int i = 0; i < cdag.length; i++) {
// this could be sped up 16x
Bytes lookup = datasetLookup.apply(UInt32.valueOf(i >> 4));
cdag[i] = UInt32.fromBytes(lookup.slice((i & 0xf) << 2, 4).reverse());
return cdag;
static KISS99Random progPowInit(UInt64 prog_seed, int[] mix_seq_src, int[] mix_seq_dst) {
UInt32 leftSeed = UInt32.fromBytes(prog_seed.toBytes().slice(0, 4));
UInt32 rightSeed = UInt32.fromBytes(prog_seed.toBytes().slice(4));
UInt32 z = fnv1a(UInt32.fromBytes(FNV_OFFSET_BASIS), rightSeed);
UInt32 w = fnv1a(z, leftSeed);
UInt32 jsr = fnv1a(w, rightSeed);
UInt32 jcong = fnv1a(jsr, leftSeed);
KISS99Random prog_rnd = new KISS99Random(z, w, jsr, jcong);
for (int i = 0; i < PROGPOW_REGS; i++) {
mix_seq_dst[i] = i;
mix_seq_src[i] = i;
for (int i = PROGPOW_REGS - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int j = prog_rnd.generate().mod(UInt32.valueOf(i + 1)).intValue();
int buffer = mix_seq_dst[i];
mix_seq_dst[i] = mix_seq_dst[j];
mix_seq_dst[j] = buffer;
j = prog_rnd.generate().mod(UInt32.valueOf(i + 1)).intValue();
buffer = mix_seq_src[i];
mix_seq_src[i] = mix_seq_src[j];
mix_seq_src[j] = buffer;
return prog_rnd;
static UInt32 merge(UInt32 a, UInt32 b, UInt32 r) {
switch (r.mod(UInt32.valueOf(4)).intValue()) {
case 0:
return (a.multiply(UInt32.valueOf(33))).add(b);
case 1:
return a.xor(b).multiply(UInt32.valueOf(33));
// prevent rotate by 0 which is a NOP
case 2:
return ProgPoWMath.rotl32(a, (r.shiftRight(16).mod(UInt32.valueOf(31))).add(UInt32.ONE)).xor(b);
case 3:
return ProgPoWMath.rotr32(a, (r.shiftRight(16).mod(UInt32.valueOf(31))).add(UInt32.ONE)).xor(b);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"r mod 4 is larger than 4" + r.toHexString() + " " + r.mod(UInt32.valueOf(4)).intValue());
static UInt32[] fillMix(UInt64 seed, UInt32 laneId) {
UInt32 z = fnv1a(UInt32.fromBytes(FNV_OFFSET_BASIS), UInt32.fromBytes(seed.toBytes().slice(4, 4)));
UInt32 w = fnv1a(z, UInt32.fromBytes(seed.toBytes().slice(0, 4)));
UInt32 jsr = fnv1a(w, laneId);
UInt32 jcong = fnv1a(jsr, laneId);
KISS99Random random = new KISS99Random(z, w, jsr, jcong);
UInt32[] mix = new UInt32[ProgPoW.PROGPOW_REGS];
for (int i = 0; i < mix.length; i++) {
mix[i] = random.generate();
return mix;
static UInt32 fnv1a(UInt32 h, UInt32 d) {
return (h.xor(d)).multiply(FNV_PRIME);
static void progPowLoop(
long blockNumber,
UInt32 loop,
UInt32[][] mix,
UInt32[] dag,
Function dagLookupFunction) {
long dagBytes = EthHash.getFullSize(blockNumber);
// dag_entry holds the 256 bytes of data loaded from the DAG
UInt32[][] dag_entry = new UInt32[PROGPOW_LANES][PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS];
// On each loop iteration rotate which lane is the source of the DAG address.
// The source lane's mix[0] value is used to ensure the last loop's DAG data feeds into this loop's address.
// dag_addr_base is which 256-byte entry within the DAG will be accessed
int dag_addr_base = mix[loop.intValue() % PROGPOW_LANES][0]
.mod(UInt32.valueOf(java.lang.Math.toIntExact(dagBytes / (PROGPOW_LANES * PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS * Integer.BYTES))))
//mix[loop.intValue()%PROGPOW_LANES][0].mod(UInt32.valueOf((int) dagBytes / (PROGPOW_LANES*PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS*4))).intValue();
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
// Lanes access DAG_LOADS sequential words from the dag entry
// Shuffle which portion of the entry each lane accesses each iteration by XORing lane and loop.
// This prevents multi-chip ASICs from each storing just a portion of the DAG
int dag_addr_lane = dag_addr_base * PROGPOW_LANES + Integer.remainderUnsigned(l ^ loop.intValue(), PROGPOW_LANES);
int offset = Integer.remainderUnsigned(l ^ loop.intValue(), PROGPOW_LANES);
for (int i = 0; i < PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS; i++) {
UInt32 lookup = (UInt32.valueOf(dag_addr_lane).divide(UInt32.valueOf(4))).add(offset >> 4);
Bytes lookupHolder = dagLookupFunction.apply(lookup);
int lookupOffset = (i * 4 + ((offset & 0xf) << 4)) % 64;
dag_entry[l][i] = UInt32.fromBytes(lookupHolder.slice(lookupOffset, 4).reverse());
// Initialize the program seed and sequences
// When mining these are evaluated on the CPU and compiled away
int[] mix_seq_dst = new int[PROGPOW_REGS];
int[] mix_seq_src = new int[PROGPOW_REGS];
int mix_seq_dst_cnt = 0;
int mix_seq_src_cnt = 0;
KISS99Random prog_rnd = progPowInit(UInt64.valueOf(blockNumber / PROGPOW_PERIOD), mix_seq_src, mix_seq_dst);
int max_i = Integer.max(PROGPOW_CNT_CACHE, PROGPOW_CNT_MATH);
for (int i = 0; i < max_i; i++) {
// Cached memory access
// lanes access random 32-bit locations within the first portion of the DAG
int src = mix_seq_src[(mix_seq_src_cnt++) % PROGPOW_REGS];
int dst = mix_seq_dst[(mix_seq_dst_cnt++) % PROGPOW_REGS];
UInt32 sel = prog_rnd.generate();
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
UInt32 offset = mix[l][src].mod(UInt32.valueOf(PROGPOW_CACHE_BYTES / 4));
mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], dag[offset.intValue()], sel);
// Random ProgPoWMath
// Generate 2 unique sources
UInt32 src_rnd = prog_rnd.generate().mod(UInt32.valueOf(PROGPOW_REGS * (PROGPOW_REGS - 1)));
int src1 = src_rnd.mod(UInt32.valueOf(PROGPOW_REGS)).intValue(); // 0 <= src1 < PROGPOW_REGS
int src2 = src_rnd.divide(UInt32.valueOf(PROGPOW_REGS)).intValue(); // 0 <= src2 < PROGPOW_REGS - 1
if (src2 >= src1)
++src2; // src2 is now any reg other than src1
UInt32 sel1 = prog_rnd.generate();
int dst = mix_seq_dst[(mix_seq_dst_cnt++) % PROGPOW_REGS];
UInt32 sel2 = prog_rnd.generate();
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
UInt32 data = ProgPoWMath.math(mix[l][src1], mix[l][src2], sel1);
mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], data, sel2);
// Consume the global load data at the very end of the loop to allow full latency hiding
// Always merge into mix[0] to feed the offset calculation
for (int i = 0; i < PROGPOW_DAG_LOADS; i++) {
int dst = (i == 0) ? 0 : mix_seq_dst[(mix_seq_dst_cnt++) % PROGPOW_REGS];
UInt32 sel = prog_rnd.generate();
for (int l = 0; l < PROGPOW_LANES; l++) {
mix[l][dst] = merge(mix[l][dst], dag_entry[l][i], sel);