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package org.apache.uima.ducc.database;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccLogger;
import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet;
import com.datastax.driver.core.SimpleStatement;
public class DbHandle
private DuccLogger logger = null;
DbManager manager;
DbHandle(DbManager manager)
logger = DuccLogger.getLogger(DbHandle.class, "DB");
// if ( DuccService.getDuccLogger() == null ) {
// // not running within a ducc service - just get a regular logger
// logger = DuccLogger.getLogger(DbHandle.class, "DB");
// } else {
// // running within a ducc service - get the component logger
// logger = DuccService.getDuccLogger(DbHandle.class.getName());
// }
this.manager = manager;
public ResultSet execute(String sql)
throws Exception
String methodName = "execute";
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResultSet ret = manager.execute(sql);
if ( logger.isDebug() ) logger.debug(methodName, null, "Time to execute", System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
return ret;
public ResultSet execute(SimpleStatement s)
return manager.execute(s);
public ResultSet execute(BoundStatement s)
return manager.execute(s);
ResultSet execute(PreparedStatement ps, Object ... fields)
throws Exception
String methodName = "execute";
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
BoundStatement bound = boundStatement.bind(fields);
return execute(bound);
} finally {
if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
logger.trace(methodName, null, "Time to execute prepared statement:", ps.getQueryString(), System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Fields for statement: ");
for ( Object o: fields ) {
buf.append(" ");
logger.trace(methodName, null, buf.toString());
* Delete the object of the indicated type and duccid. We optionally commit in case we want to
* do more things that have to work under the same transaction so we can rollback if needed.=
* Nobody is deleting; everything is moved to history. Later may be utilities to do some cleanup
* and we'll bring it back.
// public void deleteObject(DbVertex type, Long duccid, boolean commit)
// throws Exception
// {
// String methodName = "deleteObject";
// // there usually should only be ONE of these but the API is defined in terms of many
// // TODO: throw and rollback if more than one object ( I think, let's revisit this )
// Iterable s = graphDb.getVertices(type.pname(), new String[] {"@class", DbConstants.DUCCID}, new Object[]{type.pname(), duccid});
// for ( Vertex v : s ) {
// //, null, "Delete vertex for class", type, "id", duccid, "commit", commit);
// graphDb.removeVertex(v);
// }
// if ( commit ) graphDb.commit();
// }
* Plop the object into the DB under the class indicated by 'type', with the
* unique key 'duccid'.
* We use id + isHistory + vertex class = primary key and hence must insure they're always set.
* @prarm type The type enum of the thing to save (e.g. Job)
* @param duccid The numeric ducc id of the object
* @param obj The json-ified object to save
* @param isHistory 'true' if we save to history, 'false' otherwise
// public OrientVertex saveObject(DbVertex type, Long duccid, String obj, DbCategory dbcat)
// {
// //String methodName = "saveObject";
// //String typename = type.pname();
// OrientVertex ret = null;
// ODocument document = null;
// document = new ODocument(type.pname());
// ret = new OrientVertex(graphDb, document);
// document.fromJSON(obj);
// document.field(DbConstants.DUCCID, duccid);
// document.field(DbConstants.DUCC_DBCAT, dbcat.pname());
// graphDb.getRawGraph().save(document);
// return ret;
// }
* Helper class for retrieving an object and all the stuff it points to. e.g. if you want to
* reconstitue a DuccWorkJob you need to chase the edges to get the process map and the jd and
* probably other stuff.
* We don't care about history here because the call will have done the right search first.
* @param v The vertex discovered by the caller.
* @param read_all 'true' to do recursive traversal down the edges, false otherwise.
* NOTE: I think the db may have a primitive to do this traversal,
* @TODO must research and use it as it will likely be safer and more efficient.
// private DbObject traverseObject(OrientVertex v, boolean read_all)
// {
// //String methodName = "traverseObject";
// ODocument doc = v.getRecord();
// String doc_json = doc.toJSON();
// String stype = v.getProperty("@class");
// DbVertex type = manager.vertexType(stype);
// DbObject ret = new DbObject(doc_json, type);
// if ( read_all ) {
// Iterable ed = v.getEdges(Direction.OUT);
// for ( Edge e : ed ) {
// OrientEdge oe = (OrientEdge) e;
// OrientVertex ov = oe.getVertex(Direction.IN);
// //, null, "Found edge connected to vertex of type", ov.getProperty("@class"), "duccid", ov.getProperty(DUCCID));
// ret.addEmbedded(traverseObject(ov, read_all));
// }
// }
// return ret;
// }
* Read a database object, optionally chasing edges to get all the various bits.
* @param type The type enum of the object, e.g. "Job"
* @param duccid The numeric id of the object
* @param read_all 'true' to recursively chase down the edges, 'false' otherwise.
// public DbObject readObject(DbVertex type, Long duccid, boolean read_all)
// {
// String methodName = "readObject";
// Iterable s = graphDb.getVertices(type.pname(), new String[] {"@class", DbConstants.DUCCID}, new Object[]{type.pname(), duccid});
// int count = 0;
// OrientVertex fv = null;
// for (Vertex v : s) {
// fv = (OrientVertex) v;
// //, null, "from vertex", count, fv.getIdentity());
// count++;
// }
// if ( count > 1 ) {
// logger.error(methodName, null, "Expected unique object, found", count, "objects. Returning only the first object.");
// }
// //, null, "Traversing", fv.getProperty("@class"), "duccid", fv.getProperty(DUCCID));
// return traverseObject(fv, read_all);
// }
* This views a row as a set of properties. We update a single column in the table.
* @param table The table name.
* @param row The key to search on for update. Caller must fully-form it e.g. "name=bob", if the key
* field is called 'name'.
* @param propkey The name of the column.
* @param propval The value to replace the existing value.
public boolean updateProperty(String table, String row, String propkey, Object propval)
throws Exception
String methodName = "updateProperty";
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
String cql = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + propkey + "=" + propval + " WHERE " + row;
try {
return true;
} finally {
logger.debug(methodName, null, "Time to update one property", propkey, System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
* This views a row as a set of properties. We update multiple columns in a single row of the table.
* @param table The table name.
* @param row The key to search on for update. Caller must fully-form it e.g. "name=bob", if the key
* field is called 'name'.
* @param props This is a list of propertes where every even-numbered object is a column name and
* every odd-numbered object is its value.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of 'props' is not even. Lower layers may throw
* unchecked exceptions also.
public void updateProperties(String table, String row, Object... props)
throws Exception
String methodName = "updateProperties";
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( ( props.length % 2 ) != 0 ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mkUpdate: need even number of props to form (k,v) list. Found " + props.length + " props.");
String cql = DbUtil.mkUpdate(table, row, props);
try {
logger.trace(methodName, null, cql);
} finally {
logger.debug(methodName, null, "Total time to update properties", System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
PreparedStatement prepare(String cql)
//String methodName = "prepare";
return manager.prepare(cql);
void truncate(String table)
throws Exception
void saveObject(PreparedStatement ps, Object ... fields)
throws Exception
String methodName = "saveObject";
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps);
BoundStatement bound = boundStatement.bind(fields);
logger.debug(methodName, null, "Time to execute prepared statement:", ps.getQueryString(), System.currentTimeMillis() - now);
* Create an object in the db from a properties object. The caller must do the the checking to insure
* the object already exists (or not, e.g. for a db loader).
* @param props The properties object to be placed in the db.
* @param type The type enum for the object, e.g. "Service"
* @param duccid The numeric id of the object
* @param isHistory 'True' if it is to be placed in history, 'false' otherwise.
// public OrientVertex createProperties(String keyid, Object key, DbVertex type, DbCategory dbcat, Properties props)
// {
// String methodName = "createPropertiesObject";
// String typeName = type.pname();
// OrientVertex ov = null;
//, null, "Create new properties object of type", type.pname(), "category", dbcat.pname(), "key", key);
// ov = graphDb.addVertex("class:" + typeName, keyid, key, DbConstants.DUCC_DBCAT, dbcat.pname());
// ov.setProperties(props);
// return ov;
// }
// static Gson gson = null;
// static Gson mkGsonForJob()
// {
// synchronized(DbHandle.class) {
// if ( gson != null ) return gson;
// // We need to define Instance creators and such so we do it in a common place
// GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
// GenericInterfaceAdapter customAdapter = new GenericInterfaceAdapter();
// gb.serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues().setPrettyPrinting();
// gb.enableComplexMapKeySerialization();
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(Node.class, new NodeInstanceCreator());
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(NodeIdentity.class, new NodeIdentityCreator());
// //gb.registerTypeAdapter(IIdentity.class, new IdentityInstanceCreator());
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IIdentity.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccId.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(ICommandLine.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(ITimeWindow.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccProcessWorkItems.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccUimaAggregateComponent.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IUimaPipelineAEComponent.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IRationale.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccUimaDeployableConfiguration.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccStandardInfo.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccSchedulingInfo.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccPerWorkItemStatistics.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(IDuccReservationMap.class, customAdapter);
// gb.registerTypeAdapter(JdReservationBean.class, customAdapter);
// //ConcurrentHashMap x = new ConcurrentHashMap();
// //gb.registerTypeAdapter(x.getClass(), new MapAdaptor());
// //gb.registerTypeAdapterFactory(new DuccTypeFactory());
// //Object obj = new ArrayList();
// //gb.registerTypeAdapter(obj.getClass(), customAdapter);
// Gson g = gb.create();
// return g;
// }
// }
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Instance creators and adaptors for GSON
// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // We need these for the DuccNode and NodeIdentity because they don't have no-arg
// // Constructors.
// //
// // @TODO after merge, consult with Jerry about adding in those constructors
// private static class NodeInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator {
// public Node createInstance(Type type) {
// // System.out.println("DuccNode");
// return new DuccNode(null, null, false);
// }
// }
// private static class NodeIdentityCreator implements InstanceCreator {
// public NodeIdentity createInstance(Type type) {
// // System.out.println("DuccNodeIdentity");
// try { return new NodeIdentity(null, null); } catch ( Exception e ) {}
// return null;
// }
// }
// /**
// * JSON helper for our complex objects. Gson doesn't save type information in the json so
// * it doesn't know how to construct things declared as interfaces.
// *
// * This class is a Gson adapter that saves the actual object type in the json on serialization,
// * and uses that information on deserialization to construct the right thing.
// */
// private static class GenericInterfaceAdapter
// implements
// JsonSerializer