org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler.RmJob Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.ducc.rm.scheduler;
* This class represents a job inside the scheduler.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.DuccLogger;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.SystemPropertyResolver;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.common.utils.id.DuccId;
import org.apache.uima.ducc.transport.event.common.IDuccTypes.DuccType;
public class RmJob
implements SchedConstants,
DuccLogger logger = DuccLogger.getLogger(RmJob.class, COMPONENT_NAME);
static final int DEFAULT_NTHREADS = 4;
protected DuccId id; // sched-assigned id (maybe delegate to job manager eventually)
protected DuccType ducc_type; // for messages so we can tell what kind of job
protected String state = "New"; // UIMA-4577 info only, for the db
protected boolean arbitrary_process = false; // Is this an AP?
protected String name; // user's name for job
protected String resource_class_name; // Name of the res class, from incoming job parms
protected ResourceClass resource_class; // The actual class, assigned as job is received in scheduler.
protected int user_priority; // user "priority", really apportionment
// @deprecated
// protected int n_machines; // RESERVE: minimum machines to allocate
protected int max_shares; // FAIR_SHARE: maximum N shares to allocate
protected boolean is_reservation = false;
protected int threads; // threads per process
protected int memory; // estimated memory usage
protected int nquestions; // number of work-items in total
protected int nquestions_remaining; // number of uncompleted work items
protected double time_per_item = Double.NaN; // from OR - mean time per work item
protected int share_order = 0; // How many shares per process this job requires (calculated on submission)
protected int share_cap = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // initially; scheduler policy will reset as the job ages
protected int job_cap = 0; // current, cached cap on the job, reset at the start of every cycle
protected int pure_fair_share = 0; // pure uncapped un-bonused share for this job
protected long submit_time; // when job is submitted ( sched or job-manager sets this )
protected String username;
protected User user; // user id, enforced by submit and job manager. we just believe it in sched.
protected long serviceId = 0; // services only, the SM-assigned service id. UIMA-4712 ref UIMA-4209
// We keep track of three things related to machines:
// 1. All the machines the job is running on.
// 2. The machines the job will be exanded to run on but which aren't yet dispatched
// 3. The machines to be removed from the job, but which the job is still running on
protected HashMap assignedShares; // job is dispatched to these
protected HashMap pendingShares ; // job is scheduled for these but not yet confirmed
protected HashMap pendingRemoves; // job is scheduled to remove these but not confirmed
protected HashMap recoveredShares; // recovery after bounce, need to reconnect these
protected int total_assigned = 0; // non-preemptable only, total shares ever assigned
// track shares by machine, and machines, to help when we have to give stuff away
Map> sharesByMachine = new HashMap>();
Map machineList = new HashMap();
// protected int shares_given; // during scheduling, how many N-shares we get
int[] given_by_order; // during scheduling, how many N-shares we get
int[] wanted_by_order; // during scheduling, how many N-shares we we want - volatile, changes during countJobsByOrder
protected boolean init_wait; // If True, we're waiting for orchestrator to tell us that init is successful.
// Until then, we give out only a very small share.
protected boolean completed = false; // RmJob can linger a bit after completion for the
// defrag code - must mark it complete
// For predicting end of job based on current rate of completion
protected int orchestrator_epoch;
protected int rm_rate;
protected int ducc_epoch;
protected Properties jobprops; // input that job is constructed from. currently is condensed from Blade logs (simulation only)
protected String reason = null; // if refused, deferred, etc, this is why, for the message
boolean refused = false;
boolean deferred = false;
private static Comparator apportionmentSorter = new ApportionmentSorterCl();
protected RmJob()
public RmJob(DuccId id)
this.id = id;
orchestrator_epoch = SystemPropertyResolver.getIntProperty("ducc.orchestrator.state.publish.rate", 10000);
rm_rate = SystemPropertyResolver.getIntProperty("ducc.rm.state.publish.ratio", 4);
ducc_epoch = orchestrator_epoch * rm_rate;
// public RmJob(DuccId id, Properties properties)
// {
// this.jobprops = properties;
// this.id = id;
// }
* read the props file and set inital values for internal fields
public void init()
assignedShares = new HashMap();
pendingShares = new HashMap();
pendingRemoves = new HashMap();
recoveredShares = new HashMap();
if ( max_shares == 0 ) max_shares = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public DuccId getId()
return id;
public void setId(DuccId id)
this.id = id;
public long getFriendlyId()
return id.getFriendly();
public String getName()
return id.toString();
public void setServiceId(long id)
this.serviceId = id;
public long getServiceId()
return serviceId;
public void setJobName(String name)
this.name = name;
public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; }
public String getState() { return this.state; }
public void setReservation()
this.is_reservation = true;
public boolean isReservation()
return is_reservation;
* For preemptable, must remember the job completed so we don't accidentally reexpand it. Can
* happen in defrag and maybe various races with OR state.
public void markComplete()
completed = true;
public boolean isCompleted()
return completed;
* The matrix:
* IW = am I in initializaton wait
* RU = am I runnable
* Resched = do we need to reschedule
* Reset = set IW to this
* x = don't care
* IW RU Resched Reset
* T T T F
* T F F T
* F T F F
* F F x x
* So resched = IR & RU
* IW = !RU
* We return resched so caller knows to tickle the scheduler
public boolean setInitWait(boolean is_running)
boolean resched = init_wait & is_running;
init_wait = !is_running;
return resched;
* Save ref to the class we are in, and init class-based structures.
public void setResourceClass(ResourceClass cl)
this.resource_class = cl;
* Number of questions submitted, all must be answered. This is used by job manager
* to know when they've all been dealt with.
public int nQuestions()
return nquestions;
public void setNQuestions(int allq, int remainingq, double time_per_item)
this.nquestions = allq;
this.nquestions_remaining = remainingq;
this.time_per_item = time_per_item;
* Number of questions still to be answered. Used by scheduler to determing current
* machine requirement.
public int nQuestionsRemaining()
return nquestions_remaining;
public Map> getSharesByMachine()
return sharesByMachine;
public Map getMachines()
return machineList;
public int queryDemand()
if ( getSchedulingPolicy() == Policy.FAIR_SHARE ) return getJobCap();
return max_shares;
* There are a fair number of piddling little methods to manage shares. This high granularity is
* needed in order to manage bits and pieces of the bookkeeping from different threads and queues
* without blocking.
* TODO: maybe we can consolidate some of this after it's all worked out.
* Before each scheduling epoch, clear the counting from the last time.
public void clearShares()
// this.shares_given = 0;
given_by_order = null;
public void addQShares(int s)
this.shares_given += ( s / share_order ) ; // convert to N-shares == processes
public void setPureFairShare(int pfs)
this.pure_fair_share = pfs;
public int getPureFairShare()
return pure_fair_share;
public int[] getGivenByOrder()
return given_by_order;
public void setGivenByOrder(int[] gbo)
this.given_by_order = gbo;
public int getShareWeight()
return 1; // all jobs are the same currently
public void initWantedByOrder(ResourceClass unused)
wanted_by_order = unused.makeArray();
wanted_by_order[share_order] = getJobCap();
wanted_by_order[0] = wanted_by_order[share_order];
public int[] getWantedByOrder()
return wanted_by_order;
// UIMA-4275 simplifies this
public int calculateCap()
return Integer.MAX_VALUE; // no cap for jobs
// UIMA-4275
public int countOccupancy()
return (assignedShares.size() + pendingShares.size()) * share_order;
// if ( (given_by_order == null) || (given_by_order[share_order] == 0) ) {
// // must use current allocation because we haven't been counted yet
// return countNShares() * share_order;
// } else {
// // new allocation may not match current, so we use that one
// return given_by_order[share_order] * share_order;
public int countNSharesGiven()
if ( given_by_order == null) { return 0; }
return given_by_order[share_order];
public int countQSharesGiven()
return countNSharesGiven() * share_order;
* Number of N-shares I'm losing.
public int countNSharesLost()
return countNShares() - countNSharesGiven();
* Can I use more 1 more share of this size?
* UIMA-4065
* @param order The size of the available share. Must be an exact match because the
* offerer has already done all reasonable splitting and will have a better
* use for it if I can't take it.
* The decision is based on the wbo/gbo arrays that the offer has been building up
* just before asking this question.
* @return True if I can use the share, false otherwise.
public boolean canUseBonus(int order) // UIMA-4065
if ( order != share_order) return false;
if ( getGivenByOrder()[0] >= getResourceClass().calculateCap() ) return false; // don't exceed cap UIMA-4275
return (getWantedByOrder()[order] > 0); // yep, still want
* Officially allocated shares assigned to this job which are known to be in use.
public HashMap getAssignedShares()
return assignedShares;
* Shares recovered from the OR during job recovery.
public HashMap getRecoveredShares()
return recoveredShares;
* Newly allocated shares that have not been dispatched. They're unavailable for scheduling but
* job manager doesn't know about them yet. When we tell job manager we'll "promote" them to
* the assignedShares list.
public HashMap getPendingShares()
return pendingShares;
* We're dispatching, move machines to active list, and clear pending list.
* Tell caller which machines are affected so it can dispatch them.
public HashMap promoteShares()
HashMap answer = new HashMap();
for ( Share s : pendingShares.values() ) {
assignedShares.put(s, s);
Machine m = s.getMachine();
machineList.put(m, m);
Map machine_shares = sharesByMachine.get(m);
if ( machine_shares == null ) {
machine_shares = new HashMap();
sharesByMachine.put(m, machine_shares);
machine_shares.put(s, s);
answer.put(s, s);
return answer;
* This share is being donated to someone more needy than I - see defrag code in NodepoolScheduler
public void cancelPending(Share s)
// public void assignReservation(Machine m)
// {
// reservations.add(m);
// }
// public ArrayList getReservations(Machine m)
// {
// return reservations;
// }
// public int countReservations()
// {
// return reservations.size();
// }
// public boolean reservationComplete()
// {
// return reservations.size() == machines;
// }
* Scheduler found us a new toy, make it pending until it's given to job manager.
public void assignShare(Share s)
pendingShares.put(s, s);
* Non-preemptable, need to know total every assigned, in case one of them dies, must be careful
* not to reassign it.
public int countTotalAssignments()
return total_assigned;
* Job recovery: OR reports this share as one it already knew about.
public void recoverShare(Share s)
if ( (! assignedShares.containsKey(s)) && (!pendingShares.containsKey(s)) ) {
recoveredShares.put(s, s);
public boolean isPendingShare(Share s )
return pendingShares.containsKey(s);
* Do I have un-dispatched shares?
public boolean isExpanded()
return pendingShares.size() > 0;
public boolean isShrunken()
return pendingRemoves.size() > 0;
public boolean isStable()
return (
( assignedShares.size() > 0 ) &&
( pendingShares.size() == 0 ) &&
( pendingRemoves.size() == 0 )
public boolean isDormant()
return (
( assignedShares.size() == 0 ) &&
( pendingShares.size() == 0 ) &&
( pendingRemoves.size() == 0 )
public void removeAllShares()
String methodName = "removeAllShares";
if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
for ( Map m : sharesByMachine.values() ) {
for ( Share s : m.values() ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), "Clear share", s);
* I've shrunk or this share has nothing left to do. Remove this specific share.
public void removeShare(Share share)
String methodName = "removeShare";
if ( assignedShares.containsKey(share) ) {
int prev = assignedShares.size();
Machine m = share.getMachine();
Map machineShares = sharesByMachine.get(m);
if ( machineShares.size() == 0 ) {
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Job removes ", share.toString(), " reduces from ", prev, " to ", assignedShares.size() + ".");
} else {
logger.warn(methodName, getId(), "****** Job cannot find share " + share.toString() + " to remove. ******");
* Remove a process from this job
public void shrinkByOne(Share share)
String methodName = "shrinkByOne";
if ( assignedShares.containsKey(share) ) {
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Job schedules " + share.toString() + " for removal.");
pendingRemoves.put(share, share);
} else {
logger.warn(methodName, getId(), "****** Job cannot find share " + share.toString() + " to schedule for removal.******");
* Shrink by 'shares' from machines of largest order starting from 'order' and decreasing.
* Investment is not used, this is to shrink-from-largest-machine to MINIMIZE FRAGMENTATIOPN.
* This implementation is simplest, we just vacate. This is called in the sequence of highest
* order wanted so we're leaving the largest holes in the largest machines first.
* @param shares - number of N-shares that are wanted
* @param order - N - try to free up space for shares of this size.
* @param force - When evicting for non-preemptables, we may need to free the requested
* shares even if it puts us over our "fair" count. If this happens
* we'll end up "sliding" onto other machines (eventually).
* @param nodepool - only interested in shares from this nodepool.
* So when this is called, somebody needs (shares*order) shares, given out in chunks of
* (order).
* @returns number of Q-shares actually given up
public int shrinkByOrderByMachine(int shares, int order, boolean force, NodePool nodepool)
String methodName = "shrinkByOrderByMachine";
if ( shares <= 0 ) {
throw new SchedulingException(getId(), "Trying to shrink by " + shares + " shares.");
// These are the machines where I have stuff running.
ArrayList machinesSorted = new ArrayList();
for ( Machine m : machineList.values() ) {
if ( (m.getNodepool() == nodepool) && ( m.getShareOrder() >= order) ) {
Collections.sort(machinesSorted, new MachineByOrderSorter());
int given = 0;
int shares_to_lose = 0;
// How much to lose? If we're not forcing, then only shares that are evicted because of
// the 'howMuch' counts. If forcing then everything until we meet the goal or we run
// out of stuff to give.
if ( force ) {
shares_to_lose = countNShares();
} else {
shares_to_lose = Math.max(0, countNShares() - countNSharesGiven());
if ( shares_to_lose == 0 ) {
return 0;
for ( Machine m : machinesSorted ) {
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Inspecting machine", m.getId());
ArrayList slist = new ArrayList();
for ( Share s : sharesByMachine.get(m).values() ) { // get the still-eligible shares
if ( ! s.isEvicted() ) {
if ( slist.size() == 0 ) {
int to_give = m.countFreedUpShares();
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "A given:", given, "to_give:", to_give, "order", order, "shares", shares, "shares_to_lose", shares_to_lose);
Iterator iter = slist.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() && ( (given + (to_give/order)) < shares ) && (shares_to_lose > 0) ) {
Share s = iter.next();
logger.info(methodName, getId(), "Removing share", s.toString());
pendingRemoves.put(s, s);
to_give += share_order;
given += (to_give / order);
if ( given >= shares ) {
return given;
* Shrink by 'shares' from machines of largest order starting from 'order' and decreasing.
* Investment is not used, this is a shrink-from-largest-machine to MINIMIZE LOST WORK at the
* possibl eexpense of fragmentation.
* @param shares - number of N-shares that are wanted
* @param order - N - try to free up space for shares of this size.
* @param force - When evicting for non-preemptables, we may need to free the requested
* shares even if it puts us over our "fair" count. If this happens
* we'll end up "sliding" onto other machines (eventually).
* @param nodepool - only interested in shares from this nodepool.
* So when this is called, somebody needs (shares*order) shares, given out in chunks of
* (order).
* @returns number of Q-shares actually given up
public int shrinkByInvestment(int shares, int order, boolean force, NodePool nodepool)
String methodName = "shrinkByInvestment";
if ( shares <= 0 ) {
throw new SchedulingException(getId(), "Trying to shrink by " + shares + " shares.");
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Enter: shares", shares, "order", order, "force", force, "nodepool", nodepool.getId(),
"nAssignedShares", assignedShares.size(), "nPendingShares", pendingShares.size());
ArrayList sharesSorted = new ArrayList();
// must pick up only shares in the given nodepool
for ( Share s : assignedShares.values() ) {
if ( s.getNodepoolId().equals(nodepool.getId()) && ( !s.isEvicted() ) ) {
} else {
if ( logger.isTrace () ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), "Skipping", s.getId(), "s.nodepool", s.getNodepoolId(), "incoming.nodepool", nodepool.getId(), "evicted", s.isEvicted());
if ( sharesSorted.size() == 0 ) {
return 0;
if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), "Shares Before Sort - id, isInitialized, investment:");
for ( Share s : sharesSorted ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), s.getId(), s.isInitialized(), s.getInvestment());
Collections.sort(sharesSorted, new ShareByInvestmentSorter());
if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), "Shares After Sort - id, isInitialized, investment:");
for ( Share s : sharesSorted ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), s.getId(), s.isInitialized(), s.getInvestment());
// How much to lose? If we're not forcing, then only shares that are evicted because of
// the 'howMuch' counts. If forcing then everything until we meet the goal or we run
// out of stuff to give.
int shares_given = 0; // number of shares of requested order given - NOT necessarily number of my own processes
int processes_to_lose = 0; // number of processes I'm able to lose
int processes_given = 0;
if ( force ) {
processes_to_lose = countNShares();
} else {
processes_to_lose = Math.max(0, countNShares() - countNSharesGiven());
processes_to_lose = Math.min(processes_to_lose, sharesSorted.size());
if ( processes_to_lose == 0 ) {
return 0;
while ( (shares_given < shares) && (processes_given < processes_to_lose) ) {
int currently_given = 0;
if ( logger.isTrace() ) {
logger.trace(methodName, getId(), "In loop: Shares given", shares_given, "shares wanted", shares,
"processes_to_lose", processes_to_lose, "processes_given", processes_given);
Share s = sharesSorted.get(0);
Machine m = s.getMachine();
int to_give = m.countFreedUpShares();
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Inspecting share", s.getId());
ArrayList slist = new ArrayList();
Iterator iter = sharesSorted.iterator();
while ( (to_give < order) && iter.hasNext() ) { // if we need more shares from this machine to be useful ...
// Here we search the share list for enough more shares on the machine to make up enough shares
// to satisy exactly one of the requested sizes.
Share ss = iter.next();
if ( ss.getMachine() == s.getMachine() ) {
to_give += ss.getShareOrder();
if ( to_give >= order ) { // did we find enough on the machine to make it useful to evict?
//slist.add(s); // didn't put on the list earlier, in case we couldn't use it
for ( Share ss : slist ) {
logger.info(methodName, getId(), "Removing share", ss.toString());
pendingRemoves.put(ss, ss);
if ( processes_given >= processes_to_lose ) break; // if this is too few to be useful, defrag will fix it (mostly)
shares_given += (to_give / order);
// If we gave nothing away we didn't change any of the structures and we'll
// never exit. So exit stage left asap right now.
// We rarely if ever will enter this but it prevents an infinite loop in
// varioius corner cases.
if ( currently_given == 0 ) {
logger.debug(methodName, getId(), "Gave no shares, breaking loop");
return shares_given;
* This is an investment shrink. We don't have to walk nodepools because we use nodepool depth of each share
* to select deeper pools first.
* The selection strategy is this:
* 1. Lowest investment always wins.
* 2. Deepest nodepool is secondary sort.
* 3. Largest machine is tertiary.
* The assumption is that the job must give up the indicated shares unconditionally. We let the
* defragmentation routine to any additional cleanup if this isn't sufficient to satisfy pending expansions.
* UIMA-4275
public void shrinkBy(int howmany)
String methodName = "shrinkBy";
List sharesSorted = new ArrayList(assignedShares.values());
Collections.sort(sharesSorted, new ShareByInvestmentSorter());
int tolose = Math.min(howmany, sharesSorted.size());
for ( int i = 0; i < tolose; i++ ) {
Share ss = sharesSorted.get(i);
logger.info(methodName, getId(), "Removing share", ss.toString());
pendingRemoves.put(ss, ss);
* Waiting for somebody to deal with my shrinkage?
public boolean isShrunk()
return pendingRemoves.size() > 0;
* Return the reclaimed shares.
public HashMap getPendingRemoves()
return pendingRemoves;
* And finally, dump the pending shrinkage.
public void clearPendingRemoves()
* Recovery complete, clear the share map
public void clearRecoveredShares()
// public Machine removeLastMachine()
// {
// return assignedMachines.remove(assignedMachines.size() - 1);
// }
* Find number of nShares (virtual shares) this machine has assigned already.
* If things are slow in the cluster the pending removes might be
* non-zero. This is an extreme corner case it's best to be safe.
public int countNShares()
return assignedShares.size() + pendingShares.size() - pendingRemoves.size();
public void refuse(String refusal)
String methodName = "refuse";
logger.warn(methodName, id, refusal);
this.reason = refusal;
deferred = true;
public void defer(String reason)
String methodName = "defer";
logger.info(methodName, id, reason);
this.reason = reason;
deferred = true;
public String getReason()
return this.reason;
public void setReason(String reason)
this.reason = reason;
public void undefer()
deferred = false;
reason = null;
public boolean isRefused()
return refused;
public boolean isDeferred()
return deferred;
public String getRefusalReason()
return reason;
public void setShareOrder(int s)
this.share_order = s;
public int getShareOrder()
return share_order;
* During the scheduling algorithm we want to track some things by userid. The "share cap" stuff is used
* to keep track of max shares that I can actually use or want during scheduling but is generally just
* nonsense.
public void setShareCap(int cap)
this.share_cap = cap;
public int getShareCap()
return share_cap;
* We try to project the maximum number of shares that this job can use, based on the current rate
* of completion of work items, and the known initialization time.
* Many jobs have very long initialization times, and will complete in their current allocation before
* new processes can get started and initialized. We want to avoid growing (evictions) in that case.
* How to use this ...
private int getProjectedCap()
String methodName = "getPrjCap"; // want this to line up with getJobCap in logs
// UIMA-4882 jrc
// Must enhance semantics of init_wait to mean "nothing initialized, and have never seen any
// execution time for the job." This accounts for the moment after a job initializes, and before it
// gets anything running and helps to throttle expansion until a job starts to run.
// After initialization, the time_per_item will be quite small but non-zero, so we'll tend to predict
// a future cap as the moral equicalent of "not too many more needed". For installations without
// doubling, or where doubling is too fast, this leads to better controlled expansion if the job
// actually is going to compete soon.
// The other part of this update includes the OR updating its "time_per_item" to account for
// work items in progress as well as work items completed, so we're guarantteed to get a
// time_per_item != 0 shortly after first initialization.
// (We update init_wait here because it's used later and needs to be used with the same
// semantics as is used here.)
init_wait = init_wait || Double.isNaN(time_per_item) || (time_per_item == 0.0);
if ( init_wait ) { // no cap if not initialized, or no per-itme time yet
logger.info(methodName, getId(), username, "Cannot predict cap: init_wait", init_wait, "|| time_per_item", time_per_item);
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Get average init time
int count = 0;
long initialization_time = 0; // from OR -
for ( Share s : assignedShares.values() ) {
long t = s.getInitializationTime();
if ( s.isInitialized() && ( t > 0) ) {
initialization_time += t;
if ( initialization_time > 0 ) {
initialization_time = initialization_time / count; // (to seconds)
} else {
logger.warn(methodName, getId(), username, "Initialization time is 0, project cap and investment will be inaccurate.");
// When in the future we want to estimate the amount of remaining work.
long target = initialization_time + ducc_epoch + resource_class.getPredictionFudge();
int nprocesses = countNShares();
double rate = ((double) (nprocesses * threads)) / time_per_item; // number of work items per second
// with currently assigned resources
long projected = Math.round(target * rate); // expected WI we can do after a new
// process gets started
long future = Math.max(nquestions_remaining - projected, 0); // work still to do after doubling
int answer = 0;
answer = (int) future / threads;
if ( (future % threads ) > 0 ) answer++;
// jrc
// Second problem
// if future cap is 0, then the future cap is the current number of processes
if ( answer == 0 ) {
answer = countNShares();
logger.info(methodName, getId(), username, "O", getShareOrder(),"T", target, "NTh", (nprocesses * threads), "TI", initialization_time,
"TR", time_per_item,
"R", String.format("%.4e", rate),
"QR", nquestions_remaining, "P", projected, "F", future,
"ST", submit_time,
"return", answer);
return answer; // number of processes we expect to need
// in the future
* This returns the largest number that can actually be used, which will be either the
* share cap itself, or nProcess / nThreads, in N shares.
public void initJobCap()
String methodName = "initJobCap";
if ( isRefused() ) {
job_cap = 0;
if ( isCompleted() ) {
// job is finishing up and will relinquish all shares soon, let's avoid complicating the
// world and just wait for it to happen.
job_cap = countNShares();
// if ( getSchedulingPolicy() != Policy.FAIR_SHARE ) return;
int c = nquestions_remaining / threads;
if ( ( nquestions_remaining % threads ) > 0 ) {
int currentResources = countNShares();
c = Math.max(c, currentResources); // if job is ending we could be fragmented and have to be
// careful not to underestimate, or we end up possibly
// evicting something that should be left alone.
// If waiting for initialization, we have to cap as well on the maximum number of shares
// we give out, in case the job can't start, to avoid unnecessary preemption.
// Must convert to N-shares, because that is the number of actual processes, which is the
// unit that the initialization cap is specified in.
int base_cap = Math.min(getMaxShares(), c);
if ( base_cap < 0 ) base_cap = 0; // getMaxShares comes from OR - protect in case
// it's messed up
int projected_cap = getProjectedCap();
if ( projected_cap == 0 ) { // we know nothing, this is best guess
projected_cap = base_cap;
int potential_cap = base_cap;
int actual_cap = 0;
if ( resource_class.isUsePrediction() ) {
if (projected_cap < base_cap ) { // If we project less need, revise the estimate down
potential_cap = Math.max(projected_cap, currentResources);
if ( init_wait && ( resource_class.getInitializationCap() > 0) ) {
actual_cap = Math.min(potential_cap, (resource_class.getInitializationCap()));
} else {
if ( init_wait ) { // ugly, but true, if not using initialization caps
actual_cap = potential_cap;
} else if ( resource_class.isExpandByDoubling() ) {
if ( currentResources == 0 ) {
actual_cap = Math.max(1, resource_class.getInitializationCap()); // if we shrink to 0, need to restart from the init cap
actual_cap = Math.min(base_cap, actual_cap); // must re-min this in case we have a base cap < class init cap
} else {
actual_cap = Math.min(potential_cap, currentResources * 2);
} else {
actual_cap = potential_cap;
logger.info(methodName, getId(), username, "O", getShareOrder(), "Base cap:", base_cap, "Expected future cap:", projected_cap, "potential cap", potential_cap, "actual cap", actual_cap);
job_cap = actual_cap;
public int getJobCap()
return job_cap;
public int getMaxShares()
// if set to -1, our max is the number already assigned
if ( max_shares < 0 ) {
return countNShares();
} else {
return max_shares;
public void setMaxShares(int s)
this.max_shares = s;
public boolean isRunning()
return countNShares() > 0 ? true : false;
public String getUserName()
return username;
public void setUserName(String n)
this.username = n;
public User getUser()
return user;
public void setUser(User u)
this.user = u;
public long getTimestamp()
return submit_time;
public void setTimestamp(long t)
this.submit_time = t;
public int getUserPriority() {
return user_priority;
public void setUserPriority(int p) {
this.user_priority = p;
public String getClassName() {
return resource_class_name;
public void setClassName(String class_name) {
this.resource_class_name = class_name;
public int getSchedulingPriority() {
return resource_class.getPriority();
public Policy getSchedulingPolicy() {
return resource_class.getPolicy();
public ResourceClass getResourceClass() {
return resource_class;
// UIMA-4275
public boolean exceedsFairShareCap()
return getResourceClass().fairShareCapExceeded(this);
// @deprecated
//public int countInstances() {
// return n_machines;
// @deprecated
// public void setNInstances(int m)
// {
// this.n_machines = m;
// }
public int nThreads() {
return threads;
public void setThreads(int th)
this.threads = th;
public int getShareQuantum()
return resource_class.getShareQuantum();
public int getMemory() {
return memory;
public void setMemory(int memory) {
this.memory = memory;
public void setDuccType(DuccType type)
this.ducc_type = type;
public DuccType getDuccType()
return this.ducc_type;
// UIMA-4142
public void setArbitraryProcess()
this.arbitrary_process = true;
// UIMA-4142
public boolean isArbitraryProcess()
return (ducc_type == DuccType.Service) && this.arbitrary_process;
// UIMA-4142
public boolean isService()
return (ducc_type == DuccType.Service) && !this.arbitrary_process;
* Is at least one of my current shares initialized?
public boolean isInitialized()
for (Share s : assignedShares.values()) {
if ( s.isInitialized() ) return true;
return false;
* Logging and debugging - nice to know what my assigned shares are.
public String printShares()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("AssignedShares: ");
if ( assignedShares.size() == 0 ) {
} else {
for ( Share s : assignedShares.values()) {
buf.append(" ");
buf.append("\nPendingShares: ");
if ( pendingShares.size() == 0 ) {
} else {
for ( Share s : pendingShares.values()) {
buf.append(" ");
buf.append("\nPendingRemoves: ");
if ( pendingRemoves.size() == 0 ) {
} else {
for ( Share s : pendingRemoves.values()) {
buf.append(" ");
return buf.toString();
public String getShortType()
String st = "?";
switch ( ducc_type ) {
case Reservation:
st = "R";
case Job:
st = "J";
case Service:
st = ( isArbitraryProcess() ? "M" : "S" ); // UIMA-4142
return st;
public static String getHeader()
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
return String.format("%11s %30s %10s %10s %6s %5s %7s %3s %6s %6s %8s %8s %9s",
"ID", "JobName", "User", "Class", // 1 2 3 4
"Shares", "Order", "QShares", // 5 6 7
"NTh", "Memory", // 8 9
"nQuest", "Ques Rem", "InitWait", // 10 11 12
"Max P/Nst"); // 13
public String toString()
int shares = assignedShares.size() + pendingShares.size();
//if ( getSchedulingPolicy() != Policy.FAIR_SHARE ) {
// shares = countInstances();
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
String format = "%11s %30.30s %10s %10s %6d %5d %7d %3d %6d %6d %8d %8s %9d";
String jid = String.format("%1s%10s", getShortType(), id.toString()).replace(' ', '_');
if ( isReservation() ) {// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
return String.format(format,
jid, // 1
name.replace(' ', '_'), username, getClassName(), // 2 3 4
shares, share_order, (shares * share_order), // 5 6 7
0, memory, // 8 9
0, 0, 0, // 10 11 12
max_shares); // 13
} else {
return String.format(format,
jid, // 1
name.replace(' ', '_'), username, getClassName(), // 2 3 4
shares, share_order, (shares * share_order), // 5 6 7
threads, memory, // 8 9
nQuestions(), nQuestionsRemaining(), init_wait, // 10 11 12
max_shares); // 13
public String toStringWithHeader()
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(getHeader());
return buf.toString();
// Order machines by DECREASING order
class MachineByOrderSorter
implements Comparator
public int compare(Machine m1, Machine m2)
if (m1.equals(m2)) return 0;
return (int) (m2.getShareOrder() - m1.getShareOrder());
// pull this out of the ShareByInvest sorter so other sorters can use it - see the
// ShareByWealth sorter in NodePoolScheduler
// UIMA-4275
public static int compareInvestment(Share s1, Share s2)
if ( s1.equals(s2) ) return 0;
int mask = 0;
if ( s1.isInitialized() ) mask |= 0x02;
if ( s2.isInitialized() ) mask |= 0x01;
switch ( mask ) {
case 0: // neither is initialized
return ( (int) (s1.getInitializationTime() - s2.getInitializationTime()) );
case 1: // s1 not initialized, s2 is
return -1;
case 2: // s2 initialized, s1 not
return 1;
default: // both initialized, compare investments
long i1 = s1.getInvestment();
long i2 = s2.getInvestment();
if (i1 == i2 ) {
// same invesstment, go to depper nodepool first
int d1 = s1.getNodepoolDepth();
int d2 = s1.getNodepoolDepth();
if ( d1 == d2 ) {
// same nodepool depth, go for largest machine
long m1 = s1.getHostMemory();
long m2 = s2.getHostMemory();
if ( m1 == m2 ) {
// last resort, sort on youngest first
return (int) (s2.getId().getFriendly() - s1.getId().getFriendly());
return (int) (m2 - m1); // largest machine
return (d2 - d1); // greatest depth
} else {
return (int) (i1 - i2); // least investment
// Order shares by INCREASING investment
public static class ShareByInvestmentSorter
implements Comparator
public int compare(Share s1, Share s2)
return compareInvestment(s1, s2); // UIMA-4275
public int hashCode()
return id.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
IRmJob other = (IRmJob) obj;
// can't get null id
if ( !id.equals(other.getId()) ) return false;
//can't get null shares.. normal compare should finish it off.
return assignedShares.equals(other.getAssignedShares());
public Comparator getApportionmentSorter()
return apportionmentSorter;
static private class ApportionmentSorterCl
implements Comparator
public int compare(IEntity e1, IEntity e2)
// Order by smallest first. The counter will round up for really
// small jobs so they don't get buried in the round-off errors.
// Note that getJobCap() is (must be) pre-computed before this sorter is called.
if ( e1.equals(e2) ) return 0;
return (int) (e1.getTimestamp() - e2.getTimestamp());
// return (int) (((RmJob)e1).getJobCap() - ((RmJob)e2).getJobCap());
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