* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.migratev3.jcas;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
import javax.tools.DiagnosticCollector;
import javax.tools.JavaCompiler;
import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager;
import javax.tools.ToolProvider;
import org.apache.uima.UIMARuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeSystemImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.UimaDecompiler;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Misc;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.UIMAClassLoader;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.function.Runnable_withException;
import org.apache.uima.pear.tools.PackageBrowser;
import org.apache.uima.pear.tools.PackageInstaller;
import org.apache.uima.util.FileUtils;
import com.github.javaparser.JavaParser;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.ImportDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Modifier;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.PackageDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.AnnotationDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.BodyDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ConstructorDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.EnumDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.FieldDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.Parameter;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.TypeDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.Comment;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.AssignExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.BinaryExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.CastExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.EnclosedExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.FieldAccessExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MethodCallExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Name;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.NameExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.NullLiteralExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ObjectCreationExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SimpleName;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.StringLiteralExpr;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.EmptyStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExpressionStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.IfStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ReturnStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ClassOrInterfaceType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.PrimitiveType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitorAdapter;
import com.github.javaparser.printer.PrettyPrinter;
import com.github.javaparser.printer.PrettyPrinterConfiguration;
* A driver that scans given roots for source and/or class Java files that contain JCas classes
identifies which ones appear to be JCas classes (heuristic)
* of these, identifies which ones appear to be v2
* also can receive a list of individual class names
* also can do a single source file
* Creates summary and detailed reports of its actions.
Files representing JCas classes to convert are discovered by walking file system
* directories from various roots, specified as input. The tool operates in 1 of two exclusive
* "modes": migrating from sources (e.g., .java files) and migrating using compiled classes.
Compiled classes are decompiled and then migrated. This decompilation step usually
* requires a java classpath, which is supplied using the -migrateClasspath parameter.
* Exception: migrating PEAR files, which contain their own specification for a classpath.
The same JCas class may be encountered multiple
* times while walking the directory tree from the roots,
* with the same or different definition. All of these definitions are migrated.
Copies of the original and the converted files are put into the output file tree.
Directory structure, starting at -outputDirectory (which if not specified, is a new temp directory).
* The "a0", "a1" represent non-identical alternative definitions for the same class.
* converted/
* v2/ these are the decompiled or "found" source files
* a0/x/y/z/javapath/.../Classname.java root-id + fully qualified java class + package as slashified name
* /Classname2.java etc.
* a1/x/y/z/javapath/.../Classname.java if there are different root-ids
* ...
* v3/
* a0/x/y/z/javapath/.../Classname.java fully qualified java class + package as slashified name
* /Classname2.java etc.
* a1/x/y/z/javapath/.../Classname.java if there are different root-ids
* ...
* v3-classes - the compiled form if from classes and a java compiler was available
* The first directory is the id of the Jar or PEAR container.
* The second directory is the alternative.
* 23/a0/fully/slashified/package/class-name.class << parallel structure as v3/
* jars/ - copies of the original JARs with the converted JCas classes
* The first directory is the id of the Jar or PEAR container
* 7/jar-file-name-last-part.jar
* 12/jar-file-name-last-part.jar
* 14/ etc.
* pears - copies of the original PEARs with the converted JCas classes, if there were no duplicates
* 8/pear-file-name-last-art.pear
* 9/ etc.
* not-converted/ (skipped)
* logs/
* jar-map.txt list of index to paths
* pear-map.txt list of index to paths
* processed.txt
* duplicates.txt
* builtinsNotExtended.txt
* failed.txt
* skippedBuiltins.txt
* nonJCasFiles.txt
* woraroundDir.txt
* deletedCheckModified.txt
* manualInspection.txt
* pearFileUpdates.txt
* jarFileUpdates.txt
* ...
* Operates in one of two modes:
* Mode 1: Given classes-roots and/or individual class names, and a migrateClasspath,
* scans the classes-routes looking for classes candidates
* - determines the class name,
* - decompiles that
* - migrates that decompiled source.
* if a Java compiler (JDK) is available,
* - compiles the results
* - does reassembly for Jars and PEARs, replacing the JCas classes.
* Mode 2: Given sources-roots or a single source java file
* scans the sources-routes looking for candidates
* - migrates that decompiled source.
* Note: Each run clears the output directory before starting the migration.
Note: classpath may be specified using -migrateClassPath or as the class path used to run this tool.
public class MigrateJCas extends VoidVisitorAdapter {
/* *****************************************************
* Internals
* Unique IDs of v2 and v3 artifacts:
* RootId + classname
* RootIdContainers (Set) hold all discovered rootIds, at each Jar/Pear nesting level
* including outer level (no Jar/Pear).
* These are kept in a push-down stack
* Processing roots collection: done for source or class
* - iterate, for all roots
* -- processCollection for candidates rooted at that root
* --- candidate is .java or .class, with path, with pearClasspath string
* ---- migrate called on each candidate
* ----- check to see if already done, and if so, skip.
* ------ means: same byte or source code associated with same fqcn
* Root-ids: created for each unique pathpart in front of fully-qualified class name
* created for each unique path to Jar or PEAR
* Caching to speed up duplicate processing:
* - decompiling: if the byte[] is already done, use other value (if augmented migrateClasspath is the same)
* - source-migrating: if the source strings are the same.
* Multiple sources for single class:
* classname2multiSources: TreeMap from fqcn to CommonConverted (string or bytes)
* CommonConverted: supports multiple paths having identical string/bytes.
* Compiling: driven from c2ps array of fqcn, path
* - may have multiple entries for same fqcn, with different paths,
* -- only if different values for the impl
* - set when visiting top-level compilation unit non-built-in type
/** manange the indention of printing routines */
private static final int[] indent = new int[1];
private static StringBuilder si(StringBuilder sb) { return Misc.indent(sb, indent); }
private static StringBuilder flush(StringBuilder sb) {
return sb;
private static final Integer INTEGER0 = 0;
private static int nextContainerId = 0;
* Container - exists in tree structure, has super, sub containers
* -- subcontainers: has path to it
* - holds set of rootIds in that container
* - topmost one has null parent, and null pathToJarOrPear
private static class Container implements Comparable {
final int id = nextContainerId++;
final Container parent; // null if at top level
/** root to scan from.
* Pears: is the loc in temp space of installed pear
* Jars: is the file system mounted on the Jar
* -- for inner Jars, the Jar is copied out into temp space. */
Path root;
final Path rootOrig; // for Jars and Pears, the original path ending in jar or pear
final Set subContainers = new TreeSet<>(); // tree set for better ordering
final List candidates = new ArrayList<>();
final List convertedItems = new ArrayList<>();
final List v3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath = new ArrayList<>();
final boolean isPear;
final boolean isJar;
final boolean isSingleJavaSource;
/** can't use Path as the type, because the equals for Path is object == */
final Set _Types = new HashSet<>(); // has the non_Type path only if the _Type is found
boolean haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows = false;
String pearClasspath; // not final - set by subroutine after defaulting
/** Cache of already done compiled classes, to avoid redoing them
* Kept by container, because the classpath could change the decompile */
private Map origBytesToCommonConverted = new HashMap<>();
Container(Container parent, Path root) {
this.parent = parent;
if (parent != null) {
this.pearClasspath = parent.pearClasspath; // default, when expanding Jars.
this.rootOrig = root;
String s = root.toString().toLowerCase();
isJar = s.endsWith(".jar");
isPear = s.endsWith(".pear");
isSingleJavaSource = s.endsWith(".java");
this.root = (isPear || isJar)
? installJarOrPear()
: root;
// // debug
// if (!isPear && isJar) {
// System.out.println("debug prepare jar: " + this);
// }
* Called when a new container is created
* @param container
* @param path
* @return install directory
private Path installJarOrPear() {
try {
Path theJarOrPear = rootOrig;
if (!theJarOrPear.getFileSystem().equals(FileSystems.getDefault())) {
// pear is embedded in another pear or jar, so copy the Jar (intact) to a temp spot so it's no longer embedded
theJarOrPear = getTempOutputPathForJarOrPear(theJarOrPear);
Files.copy(rootOrig, theJarOrPear, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
if (isPear) {
// extract the pear just to get the classpath
File pearInstallDir = Files.createTempDirectory(getTempDir(), "installedPear").toFile();
PackageBrowser ip = PackageInstaller.installPackage(pearInstallDir, rootOrig.toFile(), false);
String newClasspath = ip.buildComponentClassPath();
String parentClasspath = parent.pearClasspath;
this.pearClasspath = (null == parentClasspath || 0 == parentClasspath.length())
? newClasspath
: newClasspath + File.pathSeparator + parentClasspath;
FileSystem pfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(theJarOrPear, null);
return pfs.getPath("/");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = toString1();
indent[0] += 2;
try {
si(sb); // new line + indent
Misc.addElementsToStringBuilder(indent, sb, Misc.setAsList(subContainers), -1, (sbx, i) -> sbx.append(i.id)).append(',');
si(sb).append("paths migrated="); // new line + indent
Misc.addElementsToStringBuilder(indent, sb, candidates, -1, StringBuilder::append).append(',');
// si(sb).append("v3CompilePath="); // new line + indent
// Misc.addElementsToStringBuilder(indent, sb, v3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath, 100, StringBuilder::append);
} finally {
indent[0] -=2;
return sb.toString();
public StringBuilder toString1() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
si(sb); // initial nl and indentation
sb.append(isJar ? "Jar " : isPear ? "PEAR " : "");
sb.append("container [id=").append(id)
.append(", parent.id=").append((null == parent) ? "null" : parent.id)
.append(", root or pathToJarOrPear=").append(rootOrig).append(',');
return sb;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * id;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Container other = (Container) obj;
if (id != other.id)
return false;
return true;
public int compareTo(Container o) {
return Integer.compare(id, o.id);
* A path to a .java or .class file in some container, for the v2 version
* For Jars and Pears, the path is relative to the zip "/" dir
private static class ContainerAndPath implements Comparable {
final Path path;
final Container container;
ContainerAndPath(Path path, Container container) {
this.path = path;
this.container = container;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(ContainerAndPath o) {
int r = path.compareTo(o.path);
if (r != 0) {
return r;
return Integer.compare(container.id, o.container.id);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("ContainerAndPath [path=").append(path).append(", container=").append(container.id).append("]");
return sb.toString();
* This class holds information used to replace compiled items in Jars and Pears.
* a pair of the v3CompiledPath (which is the container nbr/a0/ + the package-class-name slash + ".class"
* and the Container origRoot up to the start of the package and class name
* for the item being compiled.
* - Note: if a Jar has the same compiled class at multiple nesting levels, each one will have
* an instance of this class
private static class V3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath {
final Path v3CompiledPath;
final String pathInContainer;
public V3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath(Path v3CompiledPath, String pathInContainer) {
this.v3CompiledPath = v3CompiledPath;
this.pathInContainer = pathInContainer;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
si(sb).append("v3CompiledPathAndContainerPartPath [");
indent[0] += 2;
try {
} finally {
indent[0] -= 2;
return sb.toString();
private static final JavaCompiler javaCompiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
* Command line parameters
private static final String SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS = "-sourcesRoots";
private static final String CLASS_FILE_ROOTS = "-classesRoots";
private static final String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "-outputDirectory";
// private static final String SKIP_TYPE_CHECK = "-skipTypeCheck";
private static final String MIGRATE_CLASSPATH = "-migrateClasspath";
// private static final String CLASSES = "-classes"; // individual classes to migrate, get from supplied classpath
private static final Type intType = PrimitiveType.intType();
private static final Type callSiteType = JavaParser.parseType("CallSite");
private static final Type methodHandleType = JavaParser.parseType("MethodHandle");
private static final Type stringType = JavaParser.parseType("String");
private static final EnumSet public_static_final =
EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL);
private static final EnumSet private_static_final =
EnumSet.of(Modifier.PRIVATE, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL);
private static final PrettyPrinterConfiguration printWithoutComments =
new PrettyPrinterConfiguration();
static { printWithoutComments.setPrintComments(false); }
private static final PrettyPrinterConfiguration printCu =
new PrettyPrinterConfiguration();
static { printCu.setIndent(" "); }
private static final String ERROR_DECOMPILING = "!!! ERROR:";
static private boolean isSource = false;
static private Path tempDir = null;
private String packageName; // with dots?
private String className; // (omitting package)
private String packageAndClassNameSlash;
// next 3 set at start of migrate for item being migrated
private CommonConverted current_cc;
private Path current_path;
private Container current_container;
/** includes trailing / */
private String outputDirectory;
/** includes trailing / */
private String outDirConverted;
/** includes trailing / */
private String outDirSkipped;
/** includes trailing / */
private String outDirLog;
private Container[] sourcesRoots = null; // only one of these has 1 or more Container instances
private Container[] classesRoots = null;
private CompilationUnit cu;
// save this value in the class instance to avoid recomputing it
private ClassLoader cachedMigrateClassLoader = null;
private String migrateClasspath = null;
// private String individualClasses = null; // to decompile
* CommonConverted next id, by fqcn
* key: fqcn_slashes value: next id
private Map nextCcId = new HashMap<>();
* Common info about a particular source-code instance of a class
* Used to avoid duplicate work for the same JCas definition
* Used to track identical and non-identical duplicate defs
* When processing from sourcesRoots:
* use map: origSourceToCommonConverted key = source string
* if found, skip conversion, use previous converted result.
* When processing from classesRoots:
* use map: origBytesToCommonConverted key = byte[], kept by container in container
* if found, use previous converted results
private class CommonConverted {
* starts at 0, incr for each new instance for a particular fqcn_slash
* can't be assigned until fqcn known
int id = -1; // temp value
final String v2Source; // remembered original source
final byte[] v2ByteCode; // remembered original bytes
/** all paths + their containers having the same converted result
* Need container because might change classpath for compiling
* - path is to v2 source or compiled class*/
final Set containersAndV2Paths = new HashSet<>();
String v3Source; // if converted, the result
/** converted/v3/id-of-cc/pkg/name/classname.java */
Path v3SourcePath; // path to converted source or null
String fqcn_slash; // full name of the class e.g. java/util/Foo. unknown for sources at first
CommonConverted(String origSource, byte[] v2ByteCode, Path path, Container container, String fqcn_slash) {
this.v2Source = origSource;
this.v2ByteCode = v2ByteCode;
containersAndV2Paths.add(new ContainerAndPath(path, container));
this.fqcn_slash = fqcn_slash;
* @param container having this commonConverted instance
* @return the path to .java or .class file.
* If the container is a Jar or PEAR, it is the path within that Jar or Pear FileSystem
Path getV2SourcePath(Container container) {
for (ContainerAndPath cp : containersAndV2Paths) {
if (cp.container == container) {
return cp.path;
throw new RuntimeException("internalError");
int getId() {
if (id < 0) {
Integer nextId = nextCcId.computeIfAbsent(fqcn_slash, s -> INTEGER0);
nextCcId.put(fqcn_slash, nextId + 1);
this.id = nextId;
return id;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return v2Source == null ? 0 : v2Source.hashCode();
/* equal if the v2source is equal
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof CommonConverted &&
v2Source != null &&
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int maxLen = 10;
si(sb).append("CommonConverted [v2Source=").append(Misc.elide(v2Source, 100));
indent[0] += 2;
try {
sb.append(v2ByteCode != null
? Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(v2ByteCode, Math.min(v2ByteCode.length, maxLen))) :
.append(containersAndV2Paths != null
? Misc.ppList(indent, Misc.setAsList(containersAndV2Paths), -1, StringBuilder::append)
: "null").append(',');
} finally {
indent[0] -= 2;
return sb.toString();
/** Cache of already converted source classes, to avoid redoing them;
* - key is the actual source
* - value is CommonConverted
* This cache is over all containers
* */
private Map sourceToCommonConverted = new HashMap<>();
* A map from fqcn_slash to a list of converted sources
* one per non-duplicated source
private Map> classname2multiSources = new TreeMap<>();
* Reporting
// private final List v2JCasFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // unused
// private final List v3JCasFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // unused
private final List nonJCasFiles = new ArrayList<>(); // path, reason
private final List failedMigration = new ArrayList<>(); // path, reason
private final List skippedBuiltins = new ArrayList<>(); // path, "built-in"
private final List deletedCheckModified = new ArrayList<>(); // path, deleted check string
private final List pathWorkaround = new ArrayList<>(); // original, workaround
private final List pearClassReplace = new ArrayList<>(); // pear, classname
private final List jarClassReplace = new ArrayList<>(); // jar, classname
private final List manualInspection = new ArrayList<>(); // path, reason
// private final List embeddedJars = new ArrayList<>(); // source, temp
private boolean isV2JCas; // false at start of migrate, set to true if a v2 class candidate is discovered
private boolean isConvert2v3; // true at start of migrate, set to false if conversion fails, left true if already a v3
private boolean isBuiltinJCas; // false at start of migrate, set to true if a built-in class is discovered
* Context for visits
* if non-null, we're inside the ast for a likely JCas getter or setter method
private MethodDeclaration get_set_method;
private String featName;
private boolean isGetter;
private boolean isArraySetter;
* the range name part for _getXXXValue.. calls
private Object rangeNamePart;
* the range name part for _getXXXValue.. calls without converting Ref to Feature
private String rangeNameV2Part;
* temp place to insert static final int feature declarations
private NodeList> fi_fields = new NodeList<>();
private Set featNames = new HashSet<>();
private boolean hasV2Constructors;
private boolean hasV3Constructors;
private boolean error_decompiling = false;
private boolean badClassName;
private int itemCount;
* set if getAndProcessCasndidatesInContainer encounters a class where it cannot do the compile
private boolean unableToCompile;
final private StringBuilder psb = new StringBuilder();
public MigrateJCas() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
(new MigrateJCas()).run(args);
* Main
* @param args -
void run(String[] args) {
CommandLineParser clp = parseCommandArgs(args);
System.out.format("Output top directory: %s%n", outputDirectory);
// clear output dir
FileUtils.deleteRecursive(new File(outputDirectory));
isSource = sourcesRoots != null;
boolean isOk;
if (isSource) {
isOk = processRootsCollection("source", sourcesRoots, clp);
} else {
if (javaCompiler == null) {
System.out.println("The migration tool cannot compile the migrated files, \n"
+ " because no Java compiler is available.\n"
+ " To make one available, run this tool using a Java JDK, not JRE");
isOk = processRootsCollection("classes", classesRoots, clp);
// if (individualClasses != null) {
// processCollection("individual classes: ", new Iterator() {
// Iterator it = Arrays.asList(individualClasses.split(File.pathSeparator)).iterator();
// public boolean hasNext() {return it.hasNext();}
// public String next() {
// return prepareIndividual(it.next());}
// });
// }
if (error_decompiling) {
isOk = false;
isOk = report() && isOk;
System.out.println("Migration finished " +
? "with no unusual conditions."
: "with 1 or more unusual conditions that need manual checking."));
* called for compiled input when a compiler is available and don't have name collision
* if the container is a PEAR or a Jar
* Updates a copy of the Pear or Jar
* @param container
private void postProcessPearOrJar(Container container) {
Path outDir = Paths.get(outputDirectory,
container.isJar ? "jars" : "pears",
withIOX(() -> Files.createDirectories(outDir));
si(psb).append("Replacing .class files in copy of ").append(container.rootOrig);
try {
// copy the pear or jar so we don't change the original
Path lastPartOfPath = container.rootOrig.getFileName();
if (null == lastPartOfPath) throw new RuntimeException("Internal Error");
Path pearOrJarCopy = Paths.get(outputDirectory,
container.isJar ? "jars" : "pears",
Files.copy(container.rootOrig, pearOrJarCopy);
// put up a file system on the pear or jar
FileSystem pfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(pearOrJarCopy, null);
// replace the .class files in this PEAR or Jar with corresponding v3 ones
indent[0] += 2;
String[] previousSkip = {""};
container.v3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath.forEach(c_p -> {
if (Files.exists(c_p.v3CompiledPath)) {
withIOX(() -> Files.copy(c_p.v3CompiledPath, pfs.getPath(c_p.pathInContainer), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING));
reportPearOrJarClassReplace(pearOrJarCopy.toString(), c_p.v3CompiledPath.toString(), container);
} else {
String pstr = c_p.v3CompiledPath.toString();
String pstr2 = pstr;
if (previousSkip[0] != "") {
int cmn = findFirstCharDifferent(previousSkip[0], pstr);
pstr2 = cmn > 5
? ("..." + pstr.substring(cmn))
: pstr;
previousSkip[0] = pstr;
si(psb).append("Skipping replacing ").append(pstr2)
.append(" because it could not be found, perhaps due to compile errors.");
indent[0] -= 2;
// for (CommonConverted cc : container.convertedItems) {
// Map v3ccs = cc.v3CompiledResultPaths;
// v3ccs.forEach((v3ccc, v3cc_path) ->
// {
// if (v3ccc == container) {
// String path_in_v3_classes = cc.v3CompiledResultPaths.get(container).toString();
// withIOX(() -> Files.copy(v3cc_path, pfs.getPath(path_in_v3_classes)));
// reportPearOrJarClassReplace(pearOrJarCopy.toString(), path_in_v3_classes, container);
// }
// });
// }
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Compile all the migrated JCas classes in this container, adjusting the classpath
* if the container is a Jar or Pear to include the Jar or PEAR.
* As a side effect, it saves in the container, a list of all the compiled things together
* with the path in container part, for use by a subsequent step to update copies of the jars/pears.
* The items in the container are broken into batches of multiple classes to be compiled together.
* - The grouping is to group by alternative number. This insures that multiple
* definitions of the same class are done separately (otherwise the compiler complains
* about multiple definitions).
* As a side effect. compiling update the container, adding all the compiled items
* to v3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath
* @param container -
* @return true if compiled 1 or more sources, false if nothing was compiled
private boolean compileV3SourcesCommon2(Container container) {
String classesBaseDir = outDirConverted + "v3-classes/" + container.id;
// specify the classpath. For PEARs use a class loader that loads first.
String classpath = getCompileClassPath(container);
// // debug
// String[] cpa = classpath.split(File.pathSeparator);
// System.out.println("debug - compilation classpath");
// int j = 0;
// for (String s : cpa) System.out.println("debug classpath: " + (++j) + " " + s);
// get a list of compilation unit path strings to the converted/v3/nnn/path
* containerRoot is
* rootOrig or for Jars/Pears the Path to "/" in the zip file system
Path containerRoot = null;
* The Cu Path Strings for one container might have multiple instances of the class.
* These might be for identical or different sources.
* - This happens when a root has multiple paths to instances of the same class.
* - Multiple compiled-paths might be for the same classname
* For non-identical sources, the commonContainer instance "id" is spliced into the
* v3 migrated source path: see getBaseOutputPath, e.g. converted/2/a3/fqcn/slashed/name.java
* The compiler will complain if you feed it the same compilation unit classname twice, with
* different paths saying "duplicate class definition".
* - Fix: do compilation in batches, one for each different commonConverted id.
Map> cu_path_strings_by_ccId = new TreeMap<>(); // tree map to have nice order of keys
indent[0] += 2;
boolean isEmpty = true;
for (CommonConverted cc : container.convertedItems) {
if (cc.v3SourcePath == null) continue; // skip items that failed migration
isEmpty = false;
// relativePathInContainer = the whole path with the first part (up to the end of the container root) stripped off
* itemPath is the original path in the container to where the source or class file is
* For Jars and PEARs, it is relative to the Jar or PEAR
Path itemPath = cc.getV2SourcePath(container);
if (null == containerRoot) {
// lazy setup on first call
// for Pears, must use the == filesystem, otherwise get
// ProviderMismatchException
containerRoot = (container.isJar || container.isPear)
? itemPath.getFileSystem().getPath("/")
: container.rootOrig;
* relativePathInContainer might be x/y/z/a/b/c/name.class
* (ends in .class because we only get here when the input is class files)
String relativePathInContainer = containerRoot.relativize(itemPath).toString();
new V3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath(
Paths.get(classesBaseDir, "a" + cc.id, cc.fqcn_slash + ".class" /*relativePathInContainer*/),
ArrayList items = cu_path_strings_by_ccId.computeIfAbsent(cc.id, x -> new ArrayList<>());
if (isEmpty) {
si(psb).append("Skipping compiling for container ").append(container.id).append(" ").append(container.rootOrig);
si(psb).append(" because non of the v2 classes were migrated (might have been built-ins)");
return false;
else {
si(psb).append("Compiling for container ").append(container.id).append(" ").append(container.rootOrig);
// List cu_path_strings = container.convertedItems.stream()
// .filter(cc -> cc.v3SourcePath != null)
// .peek(cc -> container.v3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath.add(
// new V3CompiledPathAndContainerItemPath(
// Paths.get(classesBaseDir, cc.v3SourcePath.toString()),
// getPathInContainer(container, cc).toString())))
// .map(cc -> cc.v3SourcePath.toString())
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
boolean resultOk = true;
for (int ccId = 0;; ccId++) { // do each version of classes separately
List cups = cu_path_strings_by_ccId.get(ccId);
if (cups == null) {
StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = javaCompiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
Iterable extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits =
// //debug
// System.out.println("Debug: list of compilation unit strings for iteration " + i);
// int[] k = new int[] {0};
// cups.forEach(s -> System.out.println(Integer.toString(++(k[0])) + " " + s));
// System.out.println("debug end");
String classesBaseDirN = classesBaseDir + "/a" + ccId;
withIOX(() -> Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(classesBaseDirN)));
Iterable options = Arrays.asList("-d", classesBaseDirN, "-classpath", classpath);
si(psb).append("Compiling for commonConverted version ").append(ccId)
.append(", ").append(cups.size()).append(" classes");
DiagnosticCollector diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<>();
/*********** Compile ***********/
resultOk = javaCompiler.getTask(null, fileManager, diagnostics, options, null, compilationUnits).call() && resultOk;
indent[0] += 2;
for (Diagnostic extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()) {
JavaFileObject s = diagnostic.getSource();
int lineno = (int) diagnostic.getLineNumber();
if (lineno != Diagnostic.NOPOS) {
psb.append(" on line ").append(diagnostic.getLineNumber());
int pos = (int) diagnostic.getPosition();
if (pos != Diagnostic.NOPOS) {
psb.append(", position: ").append(diagnostic.getColumnNumber());
if (s != null) {
psb.append(" in ").append(s.toUri());
si(psb).append(" ").append(diagnostic.getMessage(null));
withIOX( () -> fileManager.close());
indent[0] -= 2;
si(psb).append("Compilation finished").append(
resultOk ? " with no errors." : "with some errors.");
indent[0] -= 2;
unableToCompile = !resultOk;
return true;
* The classpath used to compile is (in precedence order)
* - the classpath for this migration app (first in order to pick up v3 support, overriding others)
* - any Pears, going up the parent chain, closest ones first
* - any Jars, going up the parent chain, closest ones last
* - passed in migrate classpath
* @return the classpath to use in compiling the jcasgen'd sources
private String getCompileClassPath(Container container) {
// start with this (the v3migration tool) app's classpath to a cp string
URLClassLoader systemClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
URL[] urls = systemClassLoader.getURLs();
StringBuilder cp = new StringBuilder();
boolean firstTime = true;
for (URL url : urls) {
if (! firstTime) {
} else {
firstTime = false;
// pears up the classpath, closest first
Container c = container;
while (c != null) {
if (c.isPear) {
c = c.parent;
// add the migrateClasspath, expanded
if (null != migrateClasspath) {
// add the Jars, closest last
c = container;
List ss = new ArrayList<>();
while (c != null) {
if (c.isJar) {
c = c.parent;
ss.forEach(s -> cp.append(File.pathSeparator).append(s));
// System.out.println("debug: compile classpath = " + cp.toString());
return cp.toString();
* iterate to process collections from all roots
* Called once, to process either sources or classes
* @return false if unable to compile, true otherwise
private boolean processRootsCollection(String kind, Container[] roots, CommandLineParser clp) {
unableToCompile = false; // preinit
indent[0] = 0;
itemCount = 1;
for (Container rootContainer : roots) {
// adds candidates to root containers, and adds sub containers for Jars and Pears
// for (Path path : rootContainer.candidates) {
// CommonConverted cc = getSource(path, rootContainer);
// migrate(cc, rootContainer, path);
// if ((i % 50) == 0) System.out.format("%4d%n ", Integer.valueOf(i));
// i++;
// }
si(psb).append("Total number of candidates processed: ").append(itemCount - 1);
indent[0] = 0;
return !unableToCompile;
private void showWorkStart(Container rootContainer) {
si(psb).append("Migrating " + rootContainer.rootOrig.toString());
indent[0] += 2;
si(psb).append("Each character is one class");
si(psb).append(" . means normal class");
si(psb).append(" b means built in");
si(psb).append(" i means identical duplicate");
si(psb).append(" d means non-identical definition for the same JCas class");
si(psb).append(" nnn at the end of the line is the number of classes migrated\n");
* parse command line args
* @param args -
* @return the CommandLineParser instance
private CommandLineParser parseCommandArgs(String[] args) {
CommandLineParser clp = createCmdLineParser();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (!checkCmdLineSyntax(clp)) {
if (clp.isInArgsList(CLASS_FILE_ROOTS)) {
classesRoots = getRoots(clp, CLASS_FILE_ROOTS);
if (clp.isInArgsList(SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS)) {
sourcesRoots = getRoots(clp, SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS);
return clp;
private Container[] getRoots(CommandLineParser clp, String kind) {
String[] paths = clp.getParamArgument(kind).split("\\" + File.pathSeparator);
Container[] cs = new Container[paths.length];
int i = 0;
for (String path : paths) {
cs[i++] = new Container(null, Paths.get(path));
return cs;
* @param p the path to the compiled or non-compiled source
* @param container the container
* @return the instance of the CommonConverted object,
* and update the container's convertedItems list if needed to include it
private CommonConverted getSource(Path p, Container container) {
try {
byte[] localV2ByteCode = null;
CommonConverted cc;
String v2Source;
if (!isSource) {
localV2ByteCode = Files.readAllBytes(p);
// only use prev decompiled if same container
cc = container.origBytesToCommonConverted.get(localV2ByteCode);
if (null != cc) {
return cc;
// decompile side effect: sets fqcn
try {
v2Source = decompile(localV2ByteCode, container.pearClasspath);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
badClassName = true;
v2Source = null;
if (badClassName) {
System.err.println("Candidate with bad Class Name is: " + p.toString());
return null;
final byte[] finalbc = localV2ByteCode;
cc = sourceToCommonConverted.computeIfAbsent(v2Source,
src -> new CommonConverted(src, finalbc, p, container, packageAndClassNameSlash));
// cc = new CommonConverted(v2Source, localV2ByteCode, p, container, packageAndClassNameSlash);
container.origBytesToCommonConverted.put(localV2ByteCode, cc);
} else {
v2Source = FileUtils.reader2String(Files.newBufferedReader(p));
cc = sourceToCommonConverted.get(v2Source);
if (null == cc) {
cc = new CommonConverted(v2Source, null, p, container, "unknown");
sourceToCommonConverted.put(v2Source, cc);
} else {
// add this new path + container to set of pathsAndContainers kept by this CommonConverted object
cc.containersAndV2Paths.add(new ContainerAndPath(p, container));
//Containers have list of CommonConverted, which, in turn
// have Set of ContainerAndPath elements.
// (the same JCas class might appear in two different paths in a container)
if (!container.convertedItems.contains(cc)) {
return cc;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Migrate one JCas definition, writes to Sysem.out 1 char to indicate progress.
* The source is either direct, or a decompiled version of a .class file (missing comments, etc.).
* This method only called if heuristics indicate this is a V2 JCas class definition.
* Skips the migration if already done.
* Skips if decompiling, and it failed.
* The goal is to preserve as much as possible of existing customization.
* The general approach is to parse the source into an AST, and use visitor methods.
* For getter/setter methods that are for features (heurstic), set up a context for inner visitors
* identifying the getter / setter.
* - reuse method declarator, return value casts, value expressions
* - remove feature checking statement, array bounds checking statement, if present.
* - replace the simpleCore (see Jg), replace the arrayCore
* For constructors, replace the 2-arg one that has arguments:
* addr and TOP_Type with the v3 one using TypeImpl, CasImpl.
* Add needed imports.
* Add for each feature the _FI_xxx static field declarator.
* Leave other top level things alone
* - additional constructors.
* - other methods not using jcasType refs
* @param source - the source, either directly from a .java file, or a decompiled .class file
private void migrate(CommonConverted cc, Container container, Path path) {
if (null == cc) {
System.err.println("Skipping this component due to decompile failure: " + path.toString());
System.err.println(" in container: " + container);
isConvert2v3 = false;
error_decompiling = true;
if (cc.v3Source != null) {
// next updates classname2multiSources for tracking non-identical defs
boolean identical = collectInfoForReports(cc);
assert identical;
cc.containersAndV2Paths.add(new ContainerAndPath(path, container));
assert cc.v2Source != null;
packageName = null;
className = null;
packageAndClassNameSlash = null;
cu = null;
String source = cc.v2Source;
isConvert2v3 = true; // preinit, set false if convert fails
isV2JCas = false; // preinit, set true by reportV2Class, called by visit to ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration,
// when it has v2 constructors, and the right type and type_index_id field declares
isBuiltinJCas = false;
try { // to reset the next 3 items
current_cc = cc;
current_container = container;
current_path = path;
// System.out.println("Migrating source before migration:\n");
// System.out.println(source);
// System.out.println("\n\n\n");
if (source.startsWith(ERROR_DECOMPILING)) {
System.err.println("Decompiling failed for class: " + cc.toString() + "\n got: " + Misc.elide(source, 300, false));
System.err.println("Please check the migrateClasspath");
if (null == migrateClasspath) {
System.err.println("classpath of this app is");
} else {
System.err.println(" first part of migrateClasspath argument was: " + Misc.elide(migrateClasspath, 300, false));
System.err.println(" Value used was:");
URL[] urls = Misc.classpath2urls(migrateClasspath);
for (URL url : urls) {
System.err.println(" " + url.toString());
System.err.println("Skipping this component");
isConvert2v3 = false;
error_decompiling = true;
StringReader sr = new StringReader(source);
try {
cu = JavaParser.parse(sr);
this.visit(cu, null); // side effect: sets the className, packageAndClassNameSlash, packageName
new removeEmptyStmts().visit(cu, null);
if (isConvert2v3) {
if (isConvert2v3 && fi_fields.size() > 0) {
NodeList> classMembers = cu.getTypes().get(0).getMembers();
int positionOfFirstConstructor = findConstructor(classMembers);
if (positionOfFirstConstructor < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException();
classMembers.addAll(positionOfFirstConstructor, fi_fields);
ImportDeclaration firstImport = cu.getImports().get(0);
String transformedMessage = String.format(" Migrated by uimaj-v3-migration-jcas, %s%n" +
" Container: %s%n" +
" Path in container: %s%n",
new Date(),
Optional existingComment = firstImport.getComment();
if (existingComment.isPresent()) {
Comment comment = existingComment.get();
comment.setContent(comment.getContent() + "\n" + transformedMessage);
} else {
if (isSource) {
sourceToCommonConverted.put(source, cc);
boolean identicalFound = collectInfoForReports(cc);
assert ! identicalFound;
if (isV2JCas) {
writeV2Orig(cc, isConvert2v3);
if (isConvert2v3) {
cc.v3Source = new PrettyPrinter(printCu).print(cu);
? "b"
: (classname2multiSources.get(cc.fqcn_slash).size() == 1)
? "."
: "d"); // means non-identical duplicate
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("debug: exception caught, source was\n" + source);
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
} finally {
current_cc = null;
current_container = null;
current_path = null;
* Called when have already converted this exact source or
* when we just finished converting this source.
* Add this instance to the tracking information for multiple versions (identical or not) of a class
* @return true if this is an identical duplicate of one already done
private boolean collectInfoForReports(CommonConverted cc) {
String fqcn_slash = cc.fqcn_slash;
// track, by fqcn, all duplicates (identical or not)
// // for a given fully qualified class name (slashified),
// // find the list of CommonConverteds - one per each different version
// // create it if null
List commonConverteds = classname2multiSources
.computeIfAbsent(fqcn_slash, k -> new ArrayList<>());
// search to see if this instance already in the set
// if so, add the path to the set of identicals
// For class sources case, we compare the decompiled version
boolean found = commonConverteds.contains(cc);
if (!found) {
return found;
* Visitors
* Capture the type name from all top-level types
* AnnotationDeclaration, Empty, and Enum
public void visit(AnnotationDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
super.visit(n, ignore);
// @Override
// public void visit(EmptyTypeDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
// updateClassName(n);
// super.visit(n, ignore);
// }
public void visit(EnumDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
super.visit(n, ignore);
* Check if the top level class looks like a JCas class, and report if not:
* has 0, 1, and 2 element constructors
* has static final field defs for type and typeIndexID
* Also check if V2 style: 2 arg constructor arg types
* Report if looks like V3 style due to args of 2 arg constructor
* if class doesn't extend anything, not a JCas class.
* if class is enum, not a JCas class
* @param n -
* @param ignore -
public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
// do checks to see if this is a JCas class; if not report skipped
Optional maybeParent = n.getParentNode();
if (maybeParent.isPresent()) {
Node parent = maybeParent.get();
if (parent instanceof CompilationUnit) {
if (isBuiltinJCas) {
// is a built-in class, skip it
super.visit(n, ignore);
NodeList supers = n.getExtendedTypes();
if (supers == null || supers.size() == 0) {
reportNotJCasClass("class doesn't extend a superclass");
super.visit(n, ignore);
NodeList> members = n.getMembers();
if (hasV2Constructors && hasTypeFields(members)) {
super.visit(n, ignore);
if (hasV2Constructors) {
if (hasV3Constructors) {
reportNotJCasClass("missing v2 constructors");
super.visit(n, ignore);
public void visit(PackageDeclaration n, Object ignored) {
packageName = n.getNameAsString();
super.visit(n, ignored);
* Constructors
* - modify the 2 arg constructor - changing the args and the body
* @param n - the constructor node
* @param ignored -
public void visit(ConstructorDeclaration n, Object ignored) {
super.visit(n, ignored); // processes the params
if (!isConvert2v3) { // for enums, annotations
List ps = n.getParameters();
if (ps.size() == 2 &&
getParmTypeName(ps, 0).equals("int") &&
getParmTypeName(ps, 1).equals("TOP_Type")) {
/** public Foo(TypeImpl type, CASImpl casImpl) {
* super(type, casImpl);
* readObject();
setParameter(ps, 0, "TypeImpl", "type");
setParameter(ps, 1, "CASImpl", "casImpl");
// Body: change the 1st statement (must be super)
NodeList stmts = n.getBody().getStatements();
if (!(stmts.get(0) instanceof ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt)) {
recordBadConstructor("missing super call");
NodeList args = ((ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt)(stmts.get(0))).getArguments();
args.set(0, new NameExpr("type"));
args.set(1, new NameExpr("casImpl"));
// leave the rest unchanged.
private final static Pattern refGetter = Pattern.compile("(ll_getRef(Array)?Value)|"
+ "(ll_getFSForRef)");
private final static Pattern word1 = Pattern.compile("\\A(\\w*)"); // word chars starting at beginning \\A means beginning
* Method Declaration Visitor
* Heuristic to determine if a feature getter or setter:
* - name: is 4 or more chars, starting with get or set, with 4th char uppercase
* is not "getTypeIndexID"
* - (optional - if comments are available:)
* getter for xxx, setter for xxx
* - for getter: has 0 or 1 arg (1 arg case for indexed getter, arg must be int type)
* - for setter: has 1 or 2 args
* Workaround for decompiler - getters which return FSs might be missing the cast to the return value type
public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
String name = n.getNameAsString();
isGetter = isArraySetter = false;
do { // to provide break exit
if (name.length() >= 4 &&
((isGetter = name.startsWith("get")) || name.startsWith("set")) &&
Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(3)) &&
!name.equals("getTypeIndexID")) {
List ps = n.getParameters();
if (isGetter) {
if (ps.size() > 1) break;
} else { // is setter
if (ps.size() > 2 ||
ps.size() == 0) break;
if (ps.size() == 2) {
if (!getParmTypeName(ps, 0).equals("int")) break;
isArraySetter = true;
// get the range-part-name and convert to v3 range ("Ref" changes to "Feature")
String bodyString = n.getBody().get().toString(printWithoutComments);
int i = bodyString.indexOf("jcasType.ll_cas.ll_");
if (i < 0) break;
String s = bodyString.substring(i + "jcasType.ll_cas.ll_get".length()); // also for ...ll_set - same length!
if (s.startsWith("FSForRef(")) { // then it's the wrapper and the wrong instance.
i = s.indexOf("jcasType.ll_cas.ll_");
if (i < 0) {
reportUnrecognizedV2Code("Found \"jcasType.ll_cas.ll_[set or get]...FSForRef(\" but didn't find following \"jcasType.ll_cas_ll_\"\n" + n.toString());
s = s.substring(i + "jcasType.ll_cas.ll_get".length());
i = s.indexOf("Value");
if (i < 0) {
reportUnrecognizedV2Code("Found \"jcasType.ll_cas.ll_[set or get]\" but didn't find following \"Value\"\n" + n.toString());
break; // give up
s = Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1, i);
rangeNameV2Part = s;
rangeNamePart = s.equals("Ref") ? "Feature" : s;
// get feat name following ")jcasType).casFeatCode_xxxxx,
i = bodyString.indexOf("jcasType).casFeatCode_");
if (i == -1) {
reportUnrecognizedV2Code("Didn't find \"...jcasType).casFeatCode_\"\n" + n.toString());
Matcher m = word1.matcher(bodyString.substring(i + "jcasType).casFeatCode_".length() ));
if (!m.find()) {
reportUnrecognizedV2Code("Found \"...jcasType).casFeatCode_\" but didn't find subsequent word\n" + n.toString());
featName = m.group(1);
String fromMethod = Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(3)) + name.substring(4);
if (!featName.equals(fromMethod)) {
// don't report if the only difference is the first letter captialization
if (!(Character.toLowerCase(featName.charAt(0)) + featName.substring(1)).equals(fromMethod)) {
reportMismatchedFeatureName(String.format("%-25s %s", featName, name));
// add _FI_xxx = TypeSystemImpl.getAdjustedFeatureOffset("xxx");
// replaced Sept 2017
// NodeList args = new NodeList<>();
// args.add(new StringLiteralExpr(featName));
// VariableDeclarator vd = new VariableDeclarator(
// intType,
// "_FI_" + featName,
// new MethodCallExpr(new NameExpr("TypeSystemImpl"), new SimpleName("getAdjustedFeatureOffset"), args));
// if (featNames.add(featName)) { // returns true if it was added, false if already in the set of featNames
// fi_fields.add(new FieldDeclaration(public_static_final, vd));
// }
// add _FC_xxx = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(ccc.class, "xxx");
// add _FH_xxx = _FC_xxx.dynamicInvoker();
// add _FeatName_xxx = "xxx" // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-5575
if (featNames.add(featName)) { // returns true if it was added, false if already in the set of featNames
// _FC_xxx = TypeSystemImpl.createCallSite(ccc.class, "xxx");
MethodCallExpr initCallSite = new MethodCallExpr(new NameExpr("TypeSystemImpl"), "createCallSite");
initCallSite.addArgument(new FieldAccessExpr(new NameExpr(className), "class"));
initCallSite.addArgument(new StringLiteralExpr(featName));
VariableDeclarator vd_FC = new VariableDeclarator(callSiteType, "_FC_" + featName, initCallSite);
fi_fields.add(new FieldDeclaration(private_static_final, vd_FC));
// _FH_xxx = _FC_xxx.dynamicInvoker();
MethodCallExpr initInvoker = new MethodCallExpr(new NameExpr(vd_FC.getName()), "dynamicInvoker");
VariableDeclarator vd_FH = new VariableDeclarator(methodHandleType, "_FH_" + featName, initInvoker);
fi_fields.add(new FieldDeclaration(private_static_final, vd_FH));
// _FeatName_xxx = "xxx" // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-5575
VariableDeclarator vd_fn = new VariableDeclarator(stringType, "_FeatName_" + featName, new StringLiteralExpr(featName));
fi_fields.add(new FieldDeclaration(public_static_final, vd_fn));
* add missing cast stmt for
* return stmts where the value being returned:
* - doesn't have a cast already
* - has the expression be a methodCallExpr with a name which looks like:
* ll_getRefValue or
* ll_getRefArrayValue
if (isGetter && "Feature".equals(rangeNamePart)) {
for (Statement stmt : n.getBody().get().getStatements()) {
if (stmt instanceof ReturnStmt) {
Expression e = getUnenclosedExpr(((ReturnStmt)stmt).getExpression().get());
if ((e instanceof MethodCallExpr)) {
String methodName = ((MethodCallExpr)e).getNameAsString();
if (refGetter.matcher(methodName).matches()) { // ll_getRefValue or ll_getRefArrayValue
addCastExpr(stmt, n.getType());
get_set_method = n; // used as a flag during inner "visits" to signal
// we're inside a likely feature setter/getter
} // end of test for getter or setter method
} while (false); // do once, provide break exit
super.visit(n, ignore);
get_set_method = null; // after visiting, reset the get_set_method to null
* Visitor for if stmts
* - removes feature missing test
public void visit(IfStmt n, Object ignore) {
do {
// if (get_set_method == null) break; // sometimes, these occur outside of recogn. getters/setters
Expression c = n.getCondition(), e;
BinaryExpr be, be2;
List stmts;
if ((c instanceof BinaryExpr) &&
((be = (BinaryExpr)c).getLeft() instanceof FieldAccessExpr) &&
((FieldAccessExpr)be.getLeft()).getNameAsString().equals("featOkTst")) {
// remove the feature missing if statement
// verify the remaining form
if (! (be.getRight() instanceof BinaryExpr)
|| ! ((be2 = (BinaryExpr)be.getRight()).getRight() instanceof NullLiteralExpr)
|| ! (be2.getLeft() instanceof FieldAccessExpr)
|| ! ((e = getExpressionFromStmt(n.getThenStmt())) instanceof MethodCallExpr)
|| ! (((MethodCallExpr)e).getNameAsString()).equals("throwFeatMissing")) {
reportDeletedCheckModified("The featOkTst was modified:\n" + n.toString() + '\n');
BlockStmt parent = (BlockStmt) n.getParentNode().get();
stmts = parent.getStatements();
stmts.set(stmts.indexOf(n), new EmptyStmt()); //dont remove
// otherwise iterators fail
// parent.getStmts().remove(n);
} while (false);
super.visit(n, ignore);
* visitor for method calls
public void visit(MethodCallExpr n, Object ignore) {
Optional p1, p2, p3 = null;
Node updatedNode = null;
NodeList args;
do {
if (get_set_method == null) break;
/** remove checkArraybounds statement **/
if (n.getNameAsString().equals("checkArrayBounds") &&
((p1 = n.getParentNode()).isPresent() && p1.get() instanceof ExpressionStmt) &&
((p2 = p1.get().getParentNode()).isPresent() && p2.get() instanceof BlockStmt) &&
((p3 = p2.get().getParentNode()).isPresent() && p3.get() == get_set_method)) {
NodeList stmts = ((BlockStmt)p2.get()).getStatements();
stmts.set(stmts.indexOf(p1.get()), new EmptyStmt());
// convert simpleCore expression ll_get/setRangeValue
boolean useGetter = isGetter || isArraySetter;
if (n.getNameAsString().startsWith("ll_" + (useGetter ? "get" : "set") + rangeNameV2Part + "Value")) {
args = n.getArguments();
if (args.size() != (useGetter ? 2 : 3)) break;
String suffix = useGetter ? "Nc" : rangeNamePart.equals("Feature") ? "NcWj" : "Nfc";
String methodName = "_" + (useGetter ? "get" : "set") + rangeNamePart + "Value" + suffix;
args.remove(0); // remove the old addr arg
// arg 0 converted when visiting args FieldAccessExpr
// convert array sets/gets
String z = "ll_" + (isGetter ? "get" : "set");
String nname = n.getNameAsString();
if (nname.startsWith(z) &&
nname.endsWith("ArrayValue")) {
String s = nname.substring(z.length());
s = s.substring(0, s.length() - "Value".length()); // s = "ShortArray", etc.
if (s.equals("RefArray")) s = "FSArray";
if (s.equals("IntArray")) s = "IntegerArray";
EnclosedExpr ee = new EnclosedExpr(
new CastExpr(new ClassOrInterfaceType(s), n.getArguments().get(0)));
n.setScope(ee); // the getter for the array fs
n.setName(isGetter ? "get" : "set");
/** remove ll_getFSForRef **/
/** remove ll_getFSRef **/
if (n.getNameAsString().equals("ll_getFSForRef") ||
n.getNameAsString().equals("ll_getFSRef")) {
updatedNode = replaceInParent(n, n.getArguments().get(0));
} while (false);
if (updatedNode != null) {
updatedNode.accept(this, null);
} else {
super.visit(n, null);
* visitor for field access expressions
* - convert ((...type_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_XXXX to _FI_xxx
* @param n -
* @param ignore -
public void visit(FieldAccessExpr n, Object ignore) {
Expression e;
Optional oe;
String nname = n.getNameAsString();
if (get_set_method != null) {
if (nname.startsWith("casFeatCode_") &&
((oe = n.getScope()).isPresent()) &&
((e = getUnenclosedExpr(oe.get())) instanceof CastExpr) &&
("jcasType".equals(getName(((CastExpr)e).getExpression())))) {
String featureName = nname.substring("casFeatCode_".length());
// replaceInParent(n, new NameExpr("_FI_" + featureName)); // repl last in List (args)
MethodCallExpr getint = new MethodCallExpr(null, "wrapGetIntCatchException");
getint.addArgument(new NameExpr("_FH_" + featureName));
replaceInParent(n, getint);
} else if (nname.startsWith("casFeatCode_")) {
reportMigrateFailed("Found field casFeatCode_ ... without a previous cast expr using jcasType");
super.visit(n, ignore);
private class removeEmptyStmts extends VoidVisitorAdapter {
public void visit(BlockStmt n, Object ignore) {
n.getStatements().removeIf(statement -> statement instanceof EmptyStmt);
super.visit(n, ignore);
// @Override
// public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, Object ignore) {
// if (n.getNameAsString().equals("getModifiablePrimitiveNodes")) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// super.visit(n, ignore);
// if (n.getNameAsString().equals("getModifiablePrimitiveNodes")) {
// System.out.println("debug");
// }
// }
* converted files:
* java name, path (sorted by java name, v3 name only)
* not-converted:
* java name, path (sorted by java name)
* duplicates:
* java name, path (sorted by java name)
* @return true if it's likely everything converted OK.
private boolean report() {
System.out.println("\n\nMigration Summary");
System.out.format("Output top directory: %s%n", outputDirectory);
System.out.format("Date/time: %tc%n", new Date());
pprintRoots("Sources", sourcesRoots);
pprintRoots("Classes", classesRoots);
boolean isOk2 = true;
try {
// these reports, if non-empty items, imply something needs manual checking, so reset isOk2
isOk2 = reportPaths("Workaround Directories", "workaroundDir.txt", pathWorkaround) && isOk2;
isOk2 = reportPaths("Reports of converted files where a deleted check was customized", "deletedCheckModified.txt", deletedCheckModified) && isOk2;
isOk2 = reportPaths("Reports of converted files needing manual inspection", "manualInspection.txt", manualInspection) && isOk2;
isOk2 = reportPaths("Reports of files which failed migration", "failed.txt", failedMigration) && isOk2;
isOk2 = reportPaths("Reports of non-JCas files", "NonJCasFiles.txt", nonJCasFiles) && isOk2;
isOk2 = reportPaths("Builtin JCas classes - skipped - need manual checking to see if they are modified",
"skippedBuiltins.txt", skippedBuiltins) && isOk2;
// these reports, if non-empty, do not imply OK issues
reportPaths("Reports of updated Jars", "jarFileUpdates.txt", jarClassReplace);
reportPaths("Reports of updated PEARs", "pearFileUpdates.txt", pearClassReplace);
// computeDuplicates();
// reportPaths("Report of duplicates - not identical", "nonIdenticalDuplicates.txt", nonIdenticalDuplicates);
// reportPaths("Report of duplicates - identical", "identicalDuplicates.txt", identicalDuplicates);
// isOk2 = reportDuplicates() && isOk2; // false if non-identical duplicates
return isOk2;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void pprintRoots(String kind, Container[] roots) {
if (roots != null && roots.length > 0) {
try {
try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(makePath(outDirLog + "ItemsProcessed"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
logPrintNl(kind + " Roots:", bw);
indent[0] += 2;
try {
for (Container container : roots) {
pprintContainer(container, bw);
logPrintNl("", bw);
} finally {
indent[0] -= 2;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
private void pprintContainer(Container container, BufferedWriter bw) throws IOException {
logPrintNl(container.toString(), bw);
if (container.subContainers.size() > 1) {
logPrintNl("", bw);
indent[0] += 2;
for (Container subc : container.subContainers) {
pprintContainer(subc, bw);
// private void computeDuplicates() {
// List toCheck = new ArrayList<>(c2ps);
// toCheck.addAll(extendableBuiltins);
// sortReport2(toCheck);
// ClassnameAndPath prevP = new ClassnameAndPath(null, null);
// List sameList = new ArrayList<>();
// boolean areAllEqual = true;
// for (ClassnameAndPath p : toCheck) {
// if (!p.getFirst().equals(prevP.getFirst())) {
// addToIdenticals(sameList, areAllEqual);
// sameList.clear();
// areAllEqual = true;
// prevP = p;
// continue;
// }
// // have 2nd or subsequent same class
// if (sameList.size() == 0) {
// sameList.add(prevP);
// }
// sameList.add(p);
// if (areAllEqual) {
// if (isFilesMiscompare(p.path, prevP.path)) {
// areAllEqual = false;
// }
// }
// }
// addToIdenticals(sameList, areAllEqual);
// }
// /**
// * Compare two java source or class files
// * @param p1
// * @param p2
// * @return
// */
// private boolean isFilesMiscompare(Path p1, Path p2) {
// String s1 = (p1);
// String s2 = (p2);
// return !s1.equals(s2);
// }
// private void addToIdenticals(List sameList, boolean areAllEqual) {
// if (sameList.size() > 0) {
// if (areAllEqual) {
// identicalDuplicates.addAll(sameList);
// } else {
// nonIdenticalDuplicates.addAll(sameList);
// }
// }
// }
* @param name
* @return a path made from name, with directories created
* @throws IOException
private Path makePath(String name) throws IOException {
Path p = Paths.get(name);
Path parent = p.getParent(); // all the parts of the path up to the final segment
if (parent == null) {
return p;
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) { // parent already exists but is not a directory!
// caused by running on Windows system which ignores "case"
// there's a file at /x/y/ named "z", but the path wants to be /x/y/Z/
// Workaround: change "z" to "z_c" c for capitalization issue
current_container.haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows = true;
Path fn = parent.getFileName();
if (fn == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
String newDir = fn.toString() + "_c";
Path parent2 = parent.getParent();
Path p2 = parent2 == null ? Paths.get(newDir) : Paths.get(parent2.toString(), newDir);
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e2) { // parent already exists but is not a directory!
throw new RuntimeException(e2);
reportPathWorkaround(parent.toString(), p2.toString());
Path lastPartOfPath = p.getFileName();
if (null == lastPartOfPath) throw new RuntimeException();
return Paths.get(p2.toString(), lastPartOfPath.toString());
return p;
private void logPrint(String msg, Writer bw) throws IOException {
private void logPrintNl(String msg, Writer bw) throws IOException {
logPrint(msg, bw);
logPrint("\n", bw);
* prints "There were no xxx" if there are no items.
* prints a title, followed by a ================== underneath it
* prints a sorted report of two fields.
* @param title title of report
* @param fileName file name to save the report in (as well as print to sysout
* @param items the set of items to report on-
* @return true if items were empty
* @throws IOException -
private boolean reportPaths(String title, String fileName, List extends Report2> items) throws IOException {
if (items.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("There were no " + title);
return true;
System.out.println("\n" + title);
for (int i = 0; i < title.length(); i++) System.out.print('=');
try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(makePath(outDirLog + fileName), StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
List> sorted = new ArrayList<>(items);
int max = 0;
int nbrFirsts = 0;
Object prevFirst = null;
for (Report2 p : sorted) {
max = Math.max(max, p.getFirstLength());
Comparable first = p.getFirst();
if (first != prevFirst) {
prevFirst = first;
nbrFirsts ++;
* Two styles.
* Style 1: where nbrFirst <= 25% nbr: first on separate line, seconds indented
* Style 2: firsts and seconds on same line.
int i = 1;
boolean style1 = nbrFirsts <= sorted.size() / 4;
prevFirst = null;
for (Report2 p : sorted) {
if (style1) {
if (prevFirst != p.getFirst()) {
prevFirst = p.getFirst();
logPrintNl(String.format("\n For: %s", p.getFirst()), bw);
logPrintNl(String.format(" %5d %s", i, p.getSecond()), bw);
} else {
logPrintNl(String.format("%5d %-" +max+ "s %s", i, p.getFirst(), p.getSecond()), bw);
} // end of try-with-resources
return false;
private boolean isZipFs(Object o) {
// Surprise! sometimes the o is not an instance of FileSystem but is the zipfs anyways
return o.getClass().getName().contains("zipfs"); // java 8 and 9
* Sort the items on first, then second
* @param items
private void sortReport2(List extends Report2> items) {
items.sort((o1, o2) -> {
int r = protectedCompare(o1.getFirst(), o2.getFirst());
if (r == 0) {
r = protectedCompare(o1.getSecond(), o2.getSecond());
return r;
* protect against comparing zip fs with non-zip fs - these are not comparable to each other in IBM Java 8
* @return -
private int protectedCompare(Comparable comparable, Comparable comparable2) {
try {
if (isZipFs(comparable)) {
if (isZipFs(comparable2)) {
return comparable.compareTo((T) comparable2); // both zip
} else {
return 1;
} else {
if (isZipFs(comparable2)) {
return -1;
} else {
return comparable.compareTo((T) comparable2); // both not zip
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
System.out.format("Internal error: c1: %b c2: %b%n c1: %s%n c2: %s%n", isZipFs(comparable), isZipFs(comparable2), comparable.getClass().getName(), comparable2.getClass().getName());
throw e;
* Called only for top level roots. Sub containers recurse getCandidates_processFile2.
* Walk the directory tree rooted at root
* - descend subdirectories
* - descend Jar file
* -- descend nested Jar files (!)
* by extracting these to a temp dir, and keeping a back reference to where they were extracted from.
* output the paths representing the classes to migrate:
* classes having a _Type partner
* excluding things other than .java or .classes, and excluding anything with "$" in the name
* - the path includes the "file system".
* @param root
* @throws IOException
private void getAndProcessCandidatesInContainer(Container container) {
// current_paths2RootIds = top_paths2RootIds; // don't do lower, that's called within Jars etc.
if (container.isSingleJavaSource) {
getCandidates_processFile2(container.root, container);
} else {
try (Stream stream = Files.walk(container.root, FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS)) { // needed to release file handles
// only puts into the RootIds possible Fqcn (ending in either .class or .java)
p -> getCandidates_processFile2(p, container));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// walk from root container, remove items not JCas candidates
// prunes empty rootIds and subContainer nodes
if (container.candidates.size() == 0 &&
container.subContainers.size() == 0) { // above call might remove all candidates
Container parent = container.parent;
if (parent != null) {
// System.out.println("No Candidates found, removing container: " + container.toString() );
// // debug
// System.out.println("debug: " + container.rootOrig.toString());
si(psb).append("Migrating JCas files ");
psb.append( container.isJar
? "in Jar: "
: container.isPear
? "in Pear: "
: "from root: ");
indent[0] += 2;
try {
for (Path path : container.candidates) {
CommonConverted cc = getSource(path, container);
// migrate checks to see if already done, outputs a "." or some other char for the candidate
migrate(cc, container, path);
//defer any compilation to container level
if ((itemCount % 50) == 0) {
psb.append(" ").append(itemCount);
psb.append(" ").append(itemCount - 1);
if (isSource) {
return; // done
if (!isSource &&
!container.haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows &&
javaCompiler != null) {
boolean somethingCompiled = compileV3SourcesCommon2(container);
if (container.isPear || container.isJar) {
if (somethingCompiled) {
unableToCompile = true;
return; // unable to do post processing or compiling
} finally {
indent[0] -= 2;
// removes nonJCas candidates
private void removeNonJCas(Container container) {
Iterator it = container.candidates.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String candidate = it.next().toString();
// remove non JCas classes
// //debug
// System.out.println("debug, testing to remove: " + candidate);
// if (candidate.indexOf("Corrected") >= 0) {
// if (!container._Types.contains(candidate)) {
// System.out.println("debug dumping _Types map keys to see why ... Corrected.class not there");
// System.out.println("debug key is=" + candidate);
// System.out.println("keys are:");
// int i = 0;
// for (String k : container._Types) {
// if (i == 4) {
// i = 0;
// System.out.println("");
// }
// System.out.print(k + ", ");
// }
// } else {
// System.out.println("debug container._Types did contain " + candidate);
// }
// }
if (!container.isSingleJavaSource && !container._Types.contains(candidate)) {
* Called from Stream walker starting at a root or starting at an imbedded Jar or Pear.
* adds all the .java or .class files to the candidates, including _Type if not skipping the _Type check
* Handling embedded jar files
* - single level Jar (at the top level of the default file system)
* -- handle using an overlayed file system
* - embedded Jars within Jars:
* - not supported by Zip File System Provider (it only supports one level)
* - handle by extracting to a temp dir, and then using the Zip File System Provider
* For PEARs, check for and disallow nested PEARs; install the PEAR, set the pear classpath for
* recursive processing with the Pear.
* For Jar and PEAR files, use local variable + recursive call to update current_paths2RootIds map
* to new one for the Jar / Pear, and then process recursiveloy
* @param path the path to a .java or .class or .jar or .pear that was walked to
* @param pearClasspath - a string representing a path to the pear's classpath if there is one, or null
* @param container the container for the
* - rootIds (which have the JCas candidates) and
* - subContainers for imbedded Pears and Jars
private void getCandidates_processFile2(Path path, Container container) {
String pathString = path.toString();
final boolean isPear = pathString.endsWith(".pear"); // path.endsWith does not mean this !!
final boolean isJar = pathString.endsWith(".jar");
if (isPear || isJar) {
Container subc = new Container(container, path);
if (pathString.endsWith(isSource ? ".java" : ".class")) {
// Skip candidates except .java or .class
addToCandidates(path, container);
* if _Type kind, add artifactId to set kept in current rootIdContainer
* If currently scanning within a PEAR,
* record 2-way map from unzipped path to internal path inside pear
* Used when doing pear reassembly.
* If currently scanning within a Jar or a PEAR,
* add unzipped path to list of all subparts for containing Jar or PEAR
* These paths are used as unique ids to things needing to be replaced in the Jar or PEAR,
* when doing re-assembly. For compiled classes migration, only, since source migration
* doesn't do re-assembly.
* @param path
* @param pearClassPath
private void addToCandidates(Path path, Container container) {
String ps = path.toString();
if (ps.endsWith(isSource ? "_Type.java" : "_Type.class")) {
? (ps.substring(0, ps.length() - 10) + ".java")
: (ps.substring(0, ps.length() - 11) + ".class"));
// if (container.isJar) {
// System.out.println("debug add container._Types " + Paths.get(ps.substring(0, ps.length() - 11)).toString() + ".class".toString() + " for Jar " + container.rootOrig.getFileName().toString());
// }
if (ps.contains("$")) {
return; // don't add these kinds of things, they're not JCas classes
// if (container.isJar) {
// System.out.println("debug add candidate " + path.toString() + " for Jar " + container.rootOrig.getFileName().toString());
// }
* For Jars inside other Jars, we copy the Jar to a temp spot in the default file system
* Extracted Jar is marked delete-on-exit
* @param path embedded Jar to copy (only the last name is used, in constructing the temp dir)
* @return a temporary file in the local temp directory that is a copy of the Jar
* @throws IOException -
private static Path getTempOutputPathForJarOrPear(Path path) throws IOException {
Path localTempDir = getTempDir();
if (path == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Path fn = path.getFileName();
if (fn == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Path tempPath = Files.createTempFile(localTempDir, fn.toString(), "");
return tempPath;
private static Path getTempDir() throws IOException {
if (tempDir == null) {
tempDir = Files.createTempDirectory("migrateJCas");
return tempDir;
private static final CommandLineParser createCmdLineParser() {
CommandLineParser parser = new CommandLineParser();
parser.addParameter(SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS, true);
parser.addParameter(CLASS_FILE_ROOTS, true);
parser.addParameter(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, true);
// parser.addParameter(SKIP_TYPE_CHECK, false);
parser.addParameter(MIGRATE_CLASSPATH, true);
// parser.addParameter(CLASSES, true);
return parser;
private final boolean checkCmdLineSyntax(CommandLineParser clp) {
if (clp.getRestArgs().length > 0) {
System.err.println("Error parsing CVD command line: unknown argument(s):");
String[] args = clp.getRestArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
System.err.print(" ");
return false;
if (!clp.isInArgsList(SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS) && !clp.isInArgsList(CLASS_FILE_ROOTS)) {
System.err.println("Neither sources file roots nor classes file roots parameters specified; please specify just one.");
return false;
if (clp.isInArgsList(SOURCE_FILE_ROOTS) && clp.isInArgsList(CLASS_FILE_ROOTS)) {
System.err.println("both sources file roots and classes file roots parameters specified; please specify just one.");
return false;
if (clp.isInArgsList(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)) {
outputDirectory = Paths.get(clp.getParamArgument(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)).toString();
if (!outputDirectory.endsWith("/")) {
outputDirectory = outputDirectory + "/";
} else {
try {
outputDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory("migrateJCasOutput").toString() + "/";
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
outDirConverted = outputDirectory + "converted/";
outDirSkipped = outputDirectory + "not-converted/";
outDirLog = outputDirectory + "logs/";
if (clp.isInArgsList(MIGRATE_CLASSPATH)) {
migrateClasspath = clp.getParamArgument(MIGRATE_CLASSPATH);
} else {
if (clp.isInArgsList(CLASS_FILE_ROOTS)) {
System.err.println("WARNING: classes file roots is specified, but the\n"
+ " migrateClasspath parameter is missing\n");
// if (clp.isInArgsList(CLASSES)) {
// individualClasses = clp.getParamArgument(CLASSES);
// }
return true;
// called to decompile a string of bytes.
// - first get the class name (fully qualified)
// and skip decompiling if already decompiled this class
// for this pearClasspath
// - this handles multiple class definitions, insuring
// only one decompile happens per pearClasspath (including null)
* Caller does any caching to avoid this method.
* @param b bytecode to decompile
* @param pearClasspath to prepend to the classpath
* @return
private String decompile(byte[] b, String pearClasspath) {
badClassName = false;
String classNameWithSlashes = Misc.classNameFromByteCode(b);
packageAndClassNameSlash = classNameWithSlashes;
ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(pearClasspath);
UimaDecompiler ud = new UimaDecompiler(cl, null);
if (classNameWithSlashes == null || classNameWithSlashes.length() < 2) {
System.err.println("Failed to extract class name from binary code, "
+ "name found was \"" + ((classNameWithSlashes == null) ? "null" : classNameWithSlashes)
+ "\"\n byte array was:");
System.err.println(Misc.dumpByteArray(b, 2000));
badClassName = true;
return ud.decompileToString(classNameWithSlashes, b);
* The classloader to use in decompiling, if it is provided, is one that delegates first
* to the parent. This may need fixing for PEARs
* @return classloader to use for migrate decompiling
private ClassLoader getClassLoader(String pearClasspath) {
if (null == pearClasspath) {
if (null == cachedMigrateClassLoader) {
cachedMigrateClassLoader = (null == migrateClasspath)
? this.getClass().getClassLoader()
: new UIMAClassLoader(Misc.classpath2urls(migrateClasspath));
return cachedMigrateClassLoader;
} else {
try {
return new UIMAClassLoader((null == migrateClasspath)
? pearClasspath
: (pearClasspath + File.pathSeparator + migrateClasspath));
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
private void addImport(String s) {
cu.getImports().add(new ImportDeclaration(new Name(s), false, false));
private void removeImport(String s) {
Iterator it = cu.getImports().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ImportDeclaration impDcl = it.next();
if (impDcl.getNameAsString().equals(s)) {
* AST Utilities
private Node replaceInParent(Node n, Expression v) {
Optional maybeParent = n.getParentNode();
if (maybeParent.isPresent()) {
Node parent = n.getParentNode().get();
if (parent instanceof EnclosedExpr) {
} else if (parent instanceof MethodCallExpr) { // args in the arg list
List args = ((MethodCallExpr)parent).getArguments();
args.set(args.indexOf(n), v);
} else if (parent instanceof ExpressionStmt) {
} else if (parent instanceof CastExpr) {
} else if (parent instanceof ReturnStmt) {
} else if (parent instanceof AssignExpr) {
} else if (parent instanceof VariableDeclarator) {
} else if (parent instanceof ObjectCreationExpr) {
List args = ((ObjectCreationExpr)parent).getArguments();
int i = args.indexOf(n);
if (i < 0) throw new RuntimeException();
args.set(i, v);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
return v;
System.out.println("internal error replacing in parent: no parent for node: " + n.getClass().getName());
System.out.println(" node: " + n.toString());
System.out.println(" expression replacing: " + v.toString());
throw new RuntimeException();
* @param p the parameter to modify
* @param t the name of class or interface
* @param name the name of the variable
private void setParameter(List ps, int i, String t, String name) {
Parameter p = ps.get(i);
p.setType(new ClassOrInterfaceType(t));
p.setName(new SimpleName(name));
private int findConstructor(NodeList> classMembers) {
int i = 0;
for (BodyDeclaration> bd : classMembers) {
if (bd instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) {
return i;
return -1;
private boolean hasTypeFields(NodeList> members) {
boolean hasType = false;
boolean hasTypeId = false;
for (BodyDeclaration> bd : members) {
if (bd instanceof FieldDeclaration) {
FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration)bd;
EnumSet m = f.getModifiers();
if (m.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC) &&
m.contains(Modifier.STATIC) &&
// &&
// getTypeName(f.getType()).equals("int")
) {
List vds = f.getVariables();
for (VariableDeclarator vd : vds) {
if (vd.getType().equals(intType)) {
String n = vd.getNameAsString();
if (n.equals("type")) hasType = true;
if (n.equals("typeIndexID")) hasTypeId = true;
if (hasTypeId && hasType) {
return true;
} // end of for
return false;
* Heuristic:
* JCas classes have 0, 1, and 2 arg constructors with particular arg types
* 0 -
* 1 - JCas
* 2 - int, TOP_Type (v2) or TypeImpl, CASImpl (v3)
* Additional 1 and 2 arg constructors are permitted.
* Sets fields hasV2Constructors, hasV3Constructors
* @param members
private void setHasJCasConstructors(NodeList> members) {
boolean has0ArgConstructor = false;
boolean has1ArgJCasConstructor = false;
boolean has2ArgJCasConstructorV2 = false;
boolean has2ArgJCasConstructorV3 = false;
for (BodyDeclaration> bd : members) {
if (bd instanceof ConstructorDeclaration) {
List ps = ((ConstructorDeclaration)bd).getParameters();
if (ps.size() == 0) has0ArgConstructor = true;
if (ps.size() == 1 && getParmTypeName(ps, 0).equals("JCas")) {
has1ArgJCasConstructor = true;
if (ps.size() == 2) {
if (getParmTypeName(ps, 0).equals("int") &&
getParmTypeName(ps, 1).equals("TOP_Type")) {
has2ArgJCasConstructorV2 = true;
} else if (getParmTypeName(ps, 0).equals("TypeImpl") &&
getParmTypeName(ps, 1).equals("CASImpl")) {
has2ArgJCasConstructorV3 = true;
} // end of 2 arg constructor
} // end of is-constructor
} // end of for loop
hasV2Constructors = has0ArgConstructor && has1ArgJCasConstructor && has2ArgJCasConstructorV2;
hasV3Constructors = has0ArgConstructor && has1ArgJCasConstructor && has2ArgJCasConstructorV3;
private String getParmTypeName(List p, int i) {
return getTypeName(p.get(i).getType());
private String getTypeName(Type t) {
// if (t instanceof ReferenceType) {
// t = ((ReferenceType>)t).getType();
// }
if (t instanceof PrimitiveType) {
return ((PrimitiveType)t).toString();
if (t instanceof ClassOrInterfaceType) {
return ((ClassOrInterfaceType)t).getNameAsString();
Misc.internalError(); return null;
* Get the name of a field
* @param e -
* @return the field name or null
private String getName(Expression e) {
e = getUnenclosedExpr(e);
if (e instanceof NameExpr) {
return ((NameExpr)e).getNameAsString();
if (e instanceof FieldAccessExpr) {
return ((FieldAccessExpr)e).getNameAsString();
return null;
* Called on Annotation Decl, Class/intfc decl, empty type decl, enum decl
* Does nothing unless at top level of compilation unit
* Otherwise, adds an entry to c2ps for the classname and package, plus full path
* @param n type being declared
private void updateClassName(TypeDeclaration> n) {
Optional pnode = n.getParentNode();
Node node;
if (pnode.isPresent() &&
(node = pnode.get()) instanceof CompilationUnit) {
CompilationUnit cu2 = (CompilationUnit) node;
className = cu2.getType(0).getNameAsString();
String packageAndClassName =
? className
: packageName + '.' + className;
packageAndClassNameSlash = packageAndClassName.replace('.', '/');
// assert current_cc.fqcn_slash == null; // for decompiling, already set
assert (current_cc.fqcn_slash != null) ? current_cc.fqcn_slash.equals(packageAndClassNameSlash) : true;
current_cc.fqcn_slash = packageAndClassNameSlash;
TypeImpl ti = TypeSystemImpl.staticTsi.getType(Misc.javaClassName2UimaTypeName(packageAndClassName));
if (null != ti) {
// is a built-in type
// ContainerAndPath p = new ContainerAndPath(
// current_path,
// current_container,packageAndClassNameSlash,
// current_cc.,
// current_cc.pearClasspath);
skippedBuiltins.add(new PathContainerAndReason(current_path, current_container, "built-in"));
isBuiltinJCas = true;
isConvert2v3 = false;
} else {
VariableDeclarator vd_typename = new VariableDeclarator(
stringType, "_TypeName", new StringLiteralExpr(packageAndClassName));
fi_fields.add(new FieldDeclaration(public_static_final, vd_typename));
private Expression getExpressionFromStmt(Statement stmt) {
stmt = getStmtFromStmt(stmt);
if (stmt instanceof ExpressionStmt) {
return getUnenclosedExpr(((ExpressionStmt)stmt).getExpression());
return null;
private Expression getUnenclosedExpr(Expression e) {
while (e instanceof EnclosedExpr) {
e = ((EnclosedExpr)e).getInner().get();
return e;
* Unwrap (possibly nested) 1 statement blocks
* @param stmt -
* @return unwrapped (non- block) statement
private Statement getStmtFromStmt(Statement stmt) {
while (stmt instanceof BlockStmt) {
NodeList stmts = ((BlockStmt) stmt).getStatements();
if (stmts.size() == 1) {
stmt = stmts.get(0);
return null;
return stmt;
private void addCastExpr(Statement stmt, Type castType) {
ReturnStmt rstmt = (ReturnStmt) stmt;
Optional o_expr = rstmt.getExpression();
Expression expr = o_expr.isPresent() ? o_expr.get() : null;
CastExpr ce = new CastExpr(castType, expr);
rstmt.setExpression(ce); // removes the parent link from expr
if (expr != null) {
expr.setParentNode(ce); // restore it
* Recording results
private void recordBadConstructor(String msg) {
reportMigrateFailed("Constructor is incorrect, " + msg);
// private void reportParseException() {
// reportMigrateFailed("Unparsable Java");
// }
private void migrationFailed(String reason) {
failedMigration.add(new PathContainerAndReason(current_path, current_container, reason));
isConvert2v3 = false;
private void reportMigrateFailed(String m) {
System.out.format("Skipping this file due to error: %s, path: %s%n", m, current_path);
private void reportV2Class() {
// v2JCasFiles.add(current_path);
isV2JCas = true;
private void reportV3Class() {
// v3JCasFiles.add(current_path);
isConvert2v3 = true;
private void reportNotJCasClass(String reason) {
nonJCasFiles.add(new PathContainerAndReason(current_path, current_container, reason));
isConvert2v3 = false;
private void reportNotJCasClassMissingTypeFields() {
reportNotJCasClass("missing required type and/or typeIndexID static fields");
private void reportDeletedCheckModified(String m) {
deletedCheckModified.add(new PathContainerAndReason(current_path, current_container, m));
private void reportMismatchedFeatureName(String m) {
manualInspection.add(new PathContainerAndReason(current_path, current_container,
"This getter/setter name doesn't match internal feature name: " + m));
private void reportUnrecognizedV2Code(String m) {
migrationFailed("V2 code not recognized:\n" + m);
private void reportPathWorkaround(String orig, String modified) {
pathWorkaround.add(new String1AndString2(orig, modified));
private void reportPearOrJarClassReplace(String pearOrJar, String classname, Container kind) { // pears or jars
if (kind.isPear) {
pearClassReplace.add(new String1AndString2(pearOrJar, classname));
} else {
jarClassReplace.add(new String1AndString2(pearOrJar, classname));
* Output directory for source and migrated files
* Consisting of converted/skipped, v2/v3, a+cc.id, slashified classname
* @param cc -
* @param isV2 -
* @param wasConverted -
* @return converted/skipped, v2/v3, a+cc.id, slashified classname
private String getBaseOutputPath(CommonConverted cc, boolean isV2, boolean wasConverted) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(wasConverted ? outDirConverted : outDirSkipped);
sb.append(isV2 ? "v2/" : "v3/");
return sb.toString();
private void writeV2Orig(CommonConverted cc, boolean wasConverted) throws IOException {
String base = getBaseOutputPath(cc, true, wasConverted); // adds numeric suffix if dupls
FileUtils.writeToFile(makePath(base), cc.v2Source);
private void writeV3(CommonConverted cc) throws IOException {
String base = getBaseOutputPath(cc, false, true);
cc.v3SourcePath = makePath(base);
String data = fixImplementsBug(cc.v3Source);
FileUtils.writeToFile(cc.v3SourcePath, data);
private void printUsage() {
"Usage: java org.apache.uima.migratev3.jcas.MigrateJCas \n"
+ " [-sourcesRoots ]\n"
+ " [-classesRoots ]\n"
+ " [-outputDirectory a-writable-directory-path (optional)\n"
+ " if omitted, a temporary directory is used\n"
+ " if not omitted, the directory contents WILL BE ERASED at the start.\n"
+ " [-migrateClasspath a-class-path to use in decompiling, when -classesRoots is specified\n"
+ " also used when compiling the migrated classes.\n"
+ " NOTE: either -sourcesRoots or -classesRoots is required, but only one may be specified.\n"
+ " NOTE: classesRoots are scanned for JCas classes, which are then decompiled, and the results processed like sourcesRoots\n"
private static final Pattern implementsEmpty = Pattern.compile("implements \\{");
private String fixImplementsBug(String data) {
return implementsEmpty.matcher(data).replaceAll("{");
* Reporting classes
private static abstract class Report2 {
public abstract Comparable getFirst(); // Eclipse on linux complained if not public, was OK on windows
public abstract Comparable getSecond();
abstract int getFirstLength();
private static class PathContainerAndReason extends Report2 {
final ContainerAndPath cap;
final String reason;
PathContainerAndReason(ContainerAndPath cap, String reason) {
this.cap = cap;
this.reason = reason;
PathContainerAndReason(Path path, Container container, String reason) {
this(new ContainerAndPath(path, container), reason);
public Comparable getFirst() { return cap; }
public Comparable getSecond() { return reason; }
int getFirstLength() { return cap.toString().length(); }
private static class String1AndString2 extends Report2 {
String s1;
String s2;
String1AndString2(String s1, String s2) {
this.s1 = s1;
this.s2 = s2;
public Comparable getFirst() { return s1; }
public Comparable getSecond() { return s2; }
int getFirstLength() { return s1.toString().length(); }
private static void withIOX(Runnable_withException r) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
private int findFirstCharDifferent(String s1, String s2) {
int s1l = s1.length();
int s2l = s2.length();
for (int i = 0;;i++) {
if (i == s1l || i == s2l) {
return i;
if (s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(i)) {
return i;
// private String drop_Type(String s) {
// return s.substring(0, isSource ? "_Type.java".length()
// : "_Type.class".length()) +
// (isSource ? ".java" : ".class");
// }
//* Root-id
//private static int nextRootId = 1;
//* Root-id - this is the path part up to the start of the package name.
//* - it is relative to container
//* - has the collection of artifacts that might be candidates, having this rootId
//* - has the collection of _Type things having this rootId
//* - "null" path is OK - means package name starts immediately
//* There is no Root-id for path ending in Jar or PEAR - these created containers instead
//private static class RootId {
// final int id = nextRootId++;
// /**
// * The path relative to the the container (if any) (= Jar or Pear)
// * - for Pears, the path is as if it was not installed, but within the PEAR file
// */
// final Path path;
// /** The container holding this RootId */
// final Container container;
// /**
// * For this rootId, all of the fully qualified classnames that are migration eligible.
// * - not all might be migrated, if upon further inspection they are not JCas class files.
// */
// final Set fqcns = new HashSet<>();
// final Set fqcns_ignore_case = new HashSet<>();
// boolean haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows = false;
// RootId(Path path, Container container) {
// this.path = path;
// this.container = container;
// }
// /* (non-Javadoc)
// * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
// */
// @Override
// public String toString() {
// return "RootId [id="
// + id
// + ", path="
// + path
// + ", container="
// + container.id
// + ", fqcns="
// + Misc.ppList(Misc.setAsList(fqcns))
// + ", fqcns_Type="
// + Misc.ppList(Misc.setAsList(fqcns_Type))
// + "]";
// }
// void add(Fqcn fqcn) {
// boolean wasNotPresent = fqcns.add(fqcn);
// boolean lc = fqcns_ignore_case.add(fqcn.fqcn_dots.toLowerCase());
// if (!lc && wasNotPresent) {
// haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows = true;
// }
// }
// boolean hasMatching_Type(Fqcn fqcn) {
// }
//* Called from Stream walker starting at a root or starting at an imbedded Jar or Pear.
//* adds all the .java or .class files to the candidates, including _Type if not skipping the _Type check
//* Handling embedded jar files
//* - single level Jar (at the top level of the default file system)
//* -- handle using an overlayed file system
//* - embedded Jars within Jars:
//* - not supported by Zip File System Provider (it only supports one level)
//* - handle by extracting to a temp dir, and then using the Zip File System Provider
//* @param path the path to a .java or .class or .jar or .pear
//* @param pearClasspath - a string representing a path to the pear's classpath if there is one, or null
//private void getCandidates_processFile(Path path, String pearClasspath) {
//// if (path.toString().contains("commons-httpclient-3.1.jar"))
//// System.out.println("Debug: " + path.toString());
//// System.out.println("debug processing " + path);
// try {
//// URI pathUri = path.toUri();
// String pathString = path.toString();
// final boolean isPear = pathString.endsWith(".pear"); // path.endsWith does not mean this !!
// final boolean isJar = pathString.endsWith(".jar");
// if (isJar || isPear) {
// if (!path.getFileSystem().equals(FileSystems.getDefault())) {
// // embedded Pear or Jar: extract to temp
// Path out = getTempOutputPathForJar(path);
// Files.copy(path, out, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
//// embeddedJars.add(new PathAndPath(path, out));
// path = out; // path points to pear or jar
// }
// Path start;
// final String localPearClasspath;
// if (isPear) {
// if (pearClasspath != null) {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException("Nested PEAR files not supported");
// }
//// pear_current = new PearOrJar(path);
//// pears.add(pear_current);
// // add pear classpath info
// File pearInstallDir = Files.createTempDirectory(getTempDir(), "installedPear").toFile();
// PackageBrowser ip = PackageInstaller.installPackage(pearInstallDir, path.toFile(), false);
// localPearClasspath = ip.buildComponentClassPath();
// String[] children = pearInstallDir.list();
// if (children == null || children.length != 1) {
// Misc.internalError();
// }
// pearResolveStart = Paths.get(pearInstallDir.getAbsolutePath(), children[0]);
// start = pearInstallDir.toPath();
// } else {
// if (isJar) {
// PearOrJar jarInfo = new PearOrJar(path);
// pear_or_jar_current_stack.push(jarInfo);
// jars.add(jarInfo);
// }
// localPearClasspath = pearClasspath;
// FileSystem jfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Paths.get(path.toUri()), null);
// start = jfs.getPath("/");
// }
// try (Stream stream = Files.walk(start)) { // needed to release file handles
// stream.forEachOrdered(
// p -> getCandidates_processFile(p, localPearClasspath));
// }
// if (isJar) {
// pear_or_jar_current_stack.pop();
// }
// if (isPear) {
// pear_current = null;
// }
// } else {
// // is not a .jar or .pear file. add .java or .class files to initial candidate set
// // will be filtered additionally later
//// System.out.println("debug path ends with java or class " + pathString.endsWith(isSource ? ".java" : ".class") + " " + pathString);
// if (pathString.endsWith(isSource ? ".java" : ".class")) {
// candidates.add(new Candidate(path, pearClasspath));
// if (!isSource && null != pear_current) {
// // inside a pear, which has been unzipped into pearInstallDir;
// path2InsidePearOrJarPath.put(path.toString(), pearResolveStart.relativize(path).toString());
// pear_current.pathsToCandidateFiles.add(path.toString());
// }
// if (!isSource && pear_or_jar_current_stack.size() > 0) {
// // inside a jar, not contained in a pear
// pear_or_jar_current_stack.getFirst().pathsToCandidateFiles.add(path.toString());
// }
// }
// }
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
//private void postProcessPearsOrJars(String kind, List pearsOrJars, List classReplace) { // pears or jars
//try {
// Path outDir = Paths.get(outputDirectory, kind);
// FileUtils.deleteRecursive(outDir.toFile());
// Files.createDirectories(outDir);
//} catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
//// pearsOrJars may have entries with 0 candidate paths. This happens when we scan them
//// but find nothing to convert.
//// eliminate these.
//Iterator it = pearsOrJars.iterator();
//while (it.hasNext()) {
// PearOrJar poj = it.next();
// if (poj.pathsToCandidateFiles.size() == 0) {
// it.remove();
// } else {
//// //debug
//// if (poj.pathToPearOrJar.toString().contains("commons-httpclient-3.1")) {
//// System.err.println("debug found converted things inside commons-httpclient");;
//// for (String x : poj.pathsToCandidateFiles) {
//// System.err.println(x);
//// }
//// System.err.println("");
//// }
// }
//it = pearsOrJars.iterator();
//while (it.hasNext()) {
// PearOrJar poj = it.next();
// if (poj.pathsToCandidateFiles.size() == 0) {
// System.err.print("debug failed to remove unconverted Jar");
// }
//if (pearsOrJars.size() == 0) {
// System.out.format("No .class files were replaced in %s.%n", kind);
//} else {
// System.out.format("replacing .class files in %,d %s%n", pearsOrJars.size(), kind);
// for (PearOrJar p : pearsOrJars) {
// pearOrJarPostProcessing(p, kind);
// }
// try {
// reportPaths("Reports of updated " + kind, kind + "FileUpdates.txt", classReplace);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
//* When running the compiler to compile v3 sources, we need a classpath that at a minimum
//* includes uimaj-core. The strategy is to use the invoker of this tool's classpath as
//* specified from the application class loader
//* @return true if no errors
//private boolean compileV3SourcesCommon(List items, String msg, String pearClasspath) {
// if (items.size() == 0) {
// return true;
// }
// System.out.format("Compiling %,d classes %s -- This may take a while!%n", c2ps.size(), msg);
// StandardJavaFileManager fileManager = javaCompiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
// List cus = items.stream()
// .map(c -> outDirConverted + "v3/" + c.classname + ".java")
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// Iterable compilationUnitStrings = cus;
// Iterable extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits =
// fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromStrings(compilationUnitStrings);
// // specify where the output classes go
// String classesBaseDir = outDirConverted + "v3-classes";
// try {
// Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(classesBaseDir));
// } catch (IOException e) {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(e);
// }
// // specify the classpath
// String classpath = getCompileClassPath(pearClasspath);
// Iterable options = Arrays.asList("-d", classesBaseDir,
// "-classpath", classpath);
// return javaCompiler.getTask(null, fileManager, null, options, null, compilationUnits).call();
//* Called after class is migrated
//* Given a path to a class (source or class file),
//* return the URL to the class as found in the classpath.
//* This returns the "first" one found in the classpath, in the case of duplicates.
//* @param path
//* @return the location of the class in the class path
//private URL getPathForClass(Path path) {
// return (null == packageAndClassNameSlash)
// ? null
// : migrateClassLoader.getResource(packageAndClassNameSlash + ".class");
//private void getBaseOutputPath() {
//String s = packageAndClassNameSlash;
//int i = 0;
//while (!usedPackageAndClassNames.add(s)) {
// i = i + 1;
// s = packageAndClassNameSlash + "_dupid_" + i;
//packageAndClassNameSlash_i = i;
//private String prepareIndividual(String classname) {
//candidate = new Candidate(Paths.get(classname)); // a pseudo path
//packageName = null;
//className = null;
//packageAndClassNameSlash = null;
//cu = null;
//return decompile(classname); // always look up in classpath
// // to decompile individual source - put in sourcesRoots
//if (!isSource) { // skip this recording if source
//if (null != pear_current) {
// // inside a pear, which has been unzipped into a temporary pearInstallDir;
// // we don't want that temporary dir to be part of the path.
// path2InsidePearOrJarPath.put(path.toString(), pearResolveStart.relativize(path).toString());
// pear_current.pathsToCandidateFiles.add(path.toString());
//if (!isSource && pear_or_jar_current_stack.size() > 0) {
// // inside a jar, not contained in a pear
// pear_or_jar_current_stack.getFirst().pathsToCandidateFiles.add(path.toString());
//* For a given candidate, use its path:
//* switch the ...java to ..._Type.java, or ...class to ..._Type.class
//* look thru all the candidates
//* @param cand
//* @param start
//* @return
//private boolean has_Type(Candidate cand, int start) {
// if (start >= candidates.size()) {
// return false;
// }
// String sc = cand.p.toString();
// String sc_minus_suffix = sc.substring(0, sc.length() - ( isSource ? ".java".length() : ".class".length()));
// String sc_Type = sc_minus_suffix + ( isSource ? "_Type.java" : "_Type.class");
// // a string which sorts beyond the candidate + a suffix of "_"
// String s_end = sc_minus_suffix + (char) (((int)'_') + 1);
// for (Candidate c : candidates.subList(start, candidates.size())) {
// String s = c.p.toString();
// if (s_end.compareTo(s) < 0) {
// return false; // not found, we're already beyond where it would be found
// }
// if (s.equals(sc_Type)) {
// return true;
// }
// }
// return false;
//private final static Comparator pathComparator = new Comparator() {
//public int compare(Candidate o1, Candidate o2) {
// return o1.p.toString().compareTo(o2.p.toString());
//// there may be several same-name roots not quite right
//// xxx_Type$1.class
//private void addIfPreviousIsSameName(List c, int i) {
//if (i == 0) return;
//String _Type = candidates.get(i).toString();
////String prev = r.get(i-1).getPath();
//String prefix = _Type.substring(0, _Type.length() - ("_Type." + (isSource ? "java" : "class")).length());
//while (i >= 0) {
// String s = candidates.get(i).toString();
// if ( ! s.startsWith(prefix)) {
// break;
// }
// if (s.substring(prefix.length()).equals((isSource ? ".java" : ".class"))) {
// c.add(candidates.get(i));
// break;
// }
// i--;
//for (int i = 0; i < pearOrJar.pathsToCandidateFiles.size(); i++) {
// String candidatePath = pearOrJar.pathsToCandidateFiles.get(i);
// String path_in_v3_classes = isPear
// ? getPath_in_v3_classes(candidatePath)
// : candidatePath;
// Path src = Paths.get(outputDirectory, "converted/v3-classes", path_in_v3_classes
// + (isPear ? ".class" : ""));
// Path tgt = pfs.getPath(
// "/",
// isPear
// ? path2InsidePearOrJarPath.get(candidatePath) // needs to be bin/org/... etc
// : candidatePath); // needs to be org/... etc
// if (Files.exists(src)) {
// Files.copy(src, tgt, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
// reportPearOrJarClassReplace(pearOrJarCopy.toString(), path_in_v3_classes, kind);
// }
///** for compiled mode, do recompiling and reassembly of Jars and Pears */
//private boolean compileAndReassemble(CommonConverted cc, Container container, Path path) {
// boolean noErrors = true;
// if (javaCompiler != null) {
// if (container.haveDifferentCapitalizedNamesCollidingOnWindows) {
// System.out.println("Skipping compiling / reassembly because class " + container.toString() + " has multiple names differing only in capitalization, please resolve first.");
// } else {
// noErrors = compileV3PearSources(container, path);
// noErrors = noErrors && compileV3NonPearSources(container, path);
// postProcessPearsOrJars("jars" , jars , jarClassReplace);
// postProcessPearsOrJars("pears", pears, pearClassReplace);
//// try {
//// Path pearOutDir = Paths.get(outputDirectory, "pears");
//// FileUtils.deleteRecursive(pearOutDir.toFile());
//// Files.createDirectories(pearOutDir);
//// } catch (IOException e) {
//// throw new RuntimeException(e);
//// }
//// System.out.format("replacing .class files in %,d PEARs%n", pears.size());
//// for (PearOrJar p : pears) {
//// pearOrJarPostProcessing(p);
//// }
//// try {
//// reportPaths("Reports of updated Pears", "pearFileUpdates.txt", pearClassReplace);
//// } catch (IOException e) {
//// throw new RuntimeException(e);
//// }
// }
// }
// return noErrors;
//* @return true if no errors
//private boolean compileV3PearSources() {
// boolean noError = true;
// Map> p2c = c2ps.stream()
// .filter(c -> c.pearClasspath != null)
// .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(c -> c.pearClasspath));
// List>> ea = p2c.entrySet().stream()
// .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Entry::getKey)) //(e1, e2) -> e1.getKey().compareTo(e2.getKey())
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// for (Entry> e : ea) {
// noError = noError && compileV3SourcesCommon(e.getValue(), "for Pear " + e.getKey(), e.getKey() );
// }
// return noError;
//* @return true if no errors
//private boolean compileV3NonPearSources() {
// List cnps = c2ps.stream()
// .filter(c -> c.pearClasspath == null)
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// return compileV3SourcesCommon(cnps, "(non PEAR)", null);
//* @param pathInPear a complete path to a class inside an (installed) pear
//* @return the part starting after the top node of the install dir
//private String getPath_in_v3_classes(String pathInPear) {
// return path2classname.get(pathInPear);
//private boolean reportDuplicates() throws IOException {
//List> nonIdenticals = new ArrayList<>();
//List onlyIdenticals = new ArrayList<>();
// (classname, ccs) -> {
// if (ccs.size() > 1) {
// nonIdenticals.add(ccs);
// } else {
// CommonConverted cc = ccs.get(0);
// if (cc.containersAndV2Paths.size() > 1)
// onlyIdenticals.add(cc); // the same item in multiple containers and/or paths
// }
// }
// );
//if (nonIdenticals.size() == 0) {
// if (onlyIdenticals.size() == 0) {
// System.out.println("There were no duplicates found.");
// } else {
// // report identical duplicates
// try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(makePath(outDirLog + "identical_duplicates.txt"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
// logPrintNl("Report of Identical duplicates:", bw);
// for (CommonConverted cc : onlyIdenticals) {
// int i = 0;
// logPrintNl("Class: " + cc.fqcn_slash, bw);
// for (ContainerAndPath cp : cc.containersAndV2Paths) {
// logPrintNl(" " + (++i) + " " + cp, bw);
// }
// logPrintNl("", bw);
// }
// }
// }
// return true;
//// non-identicals, print out all of them
//try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(makePath(outDirLog + "nonIdentical_duplicates.txt"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE)) {
// logPrintNl("Report of non-identical duplicates", bw);
// for (List nonIdentical : nonIdenticals) {
// String fqcn = nonIdentical.get(0).fqcn_slash;
// logPrintNl(" classname: " + fqcn, bw);
// int i = 1;
// // for each cc, and within each cc, for each containerAndPath
// for (CommonConverted cc : nonIdentical) {
//// logPrintNl(" version " + i, bw);
// assert fqcn.equals(cc.fqcn_slash);
// int j = 1;
// boolean isSame = cc.containersAndV2Paths.size() > 1;
// boolean isFirstTime = true;
// for (ContainerAndPath cp : cc.containersAndV2Paths) {
// String first = isSame && isFirstTime
// ? " same: "
// : isSame
// ? " "
// : " ";
// isFirstTime = false;
// logPrintNl(first + i + "." + (j++) + " " + cp, bw);
// }
// indent[0] -= 6;
//// logPrintNl("", bw);
// i++;
// }
//// logPrintNl("", bw);
// }
//return false;
//private static class PathAndReason extends Report2 {
//Path path;
//String reason;
//PathAndReason(Path path, String reason) {
// this.path = path;
// this.reason = reason;
//public Comparable getFirst() { return path; }
//public Comparable getSecond() { return reason; }
//int getFirstLength() { return path.toString().length(); }