org.apache.wicket.request.Url Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wicket.request;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.apache.wicket.util.encoding.UrlDecoder;
import org.apache.wicket.util.encoding.UrlEncoder;
import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Args;
import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Generics;
import org.apache.wicket.util.lang.Objects;
import org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValue;
import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings;
* Represents the URL to an external resource or internal resource/component.
* A url could be:
* - full - consists of an optional protocol/scheme, a host name, an optional port,
* optional segments and and optional query parameters.
* - non-full:
* - absolute - a url relative to the host name. Such url may escape from the application by using
* different context path and/or different filter path. For example:
* - relative - a url relative to the current base url. The base url is the url of the currently rendered page.
* For example:
, ../foo/bar
* Example URLs:
* - http://hostname:1234/foo/bar?a=b#baz - protocol: http, host: hostname, port: 1234, segments: ["foo","bar"], fragment: baz
* - http://hostname:1234/foo/bar?a=b - protocol: http, host: hostname, port: 1234, segments: ["foo","bar"]
* - //hostname:1234/foo/bar?a=b - protocol: null, host: hostname, port: 1234, segments: ["foo","bar"]
* - foo/bar/baz?a=1&b=5 - segments: ["foo","bar","baz"], query parameters: ["a"="1", "b"="5"]
* - foo/bar//baz?=4&6 - segments: ["foo", "bar", "", "baz"], query parameters: [""="4", "6"=""]
* - /foo/bar/ - segments: ["", "foo", "bar", ""]
* - foo/bar// - segments: ["foo", "bar", "", ""]
* - ?a=b - segments: [ ], query parameters: ["a"="b"]
* The Url class takes care of encoding and decoding of the segments and parameters.
* @author Matej Knopp
* @author Igor Vaynberg
public class Url implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8";
private final List segments;
private final List parameters;
private String charsetName;
private transient Charset _charset;
private String protocol;
private Integer port;
private String host;
private String fragment;
* Modes with which urls can be stringized
* @author igor
public static enum StringMode {
/** local urls are rendered without the host name */
* full urls are written with hostname. if the hostname is not set or one of segments is
* {@literal ..} an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
* Construct.
public Url()
segments = Generics.newArrayList();
parameters = Generics.newArrayList();
* Construct.
* @param charset
public Url(final Charset charset)
* copy constructor
* @param url
* url being copied
public Url(final Url url)
Args.notNull(url, "url");
protocol = url.protocol;
host =;
port = url.port;
segments = new ArrayList<>(url.segments);
parameters = new ArrayList<>(url.parameters);
charsetName = url.charsetName;
_charset = url._charset;
* Construct.
* @param segments
* @param parameters
public Url(final List segments, final List parameters)
this(segments, parameters, null);
* Construct.
* @param segments
* @param charset
public Url(final List segments, final Charset charset)
this(segments, Collections. emptyList(), charset);
* Construct.
* @param segments
* @param parameters
* @param charset
public Url(final List segments, final List parameters,
final Charset charset)
Args.notNull(segments, "segments");
Args.notNull(parameters, "parameters");
this.segments = new ArrayList<>(segments);
this.parameters = new ArrayList<>(parameters);
* Parses the given URL string.
* @param url
* absolute or relative url with query string
* @return Url object
public static Url parse(final CharSequence url)
return parse(url, null);
* Parses the given URL string.
* @param _url
* absolute or relative url with query string
* @param charset
* @return Url object
public static Url parse(CharSequence _url, Charset charset)
return parse(_url, charset, true);
* Parses the given URL string.
* @param _url
* absolute or relative url with query string
* @param charset
* @param isFullHint
* a hint whether to try to parse the protocol, host and port part of the url
* @return Url object
public static Url parse(CharSequence _url, Charset charset, boolean isFullHint)
Args.notNull(_url, "_url");
final Url result = new Url(charset);
// the url object resolved the charset, use that
charset = result.getCharset();
String url = _url.toString();
// extract query string part
final String queryString;
final String absoluteUrl;
final int fragmentAt = url.indexOf('#');
// matches url fragment, but doesn't match optional path parameter (e.g. .../#{optional}/...)
if (fragmentAt > -1 && url.length() > fragmentAt + 1 && url.charAt(fragmentAt + 1) != '{')
result.fragment = url.substring(fragmentAt + 1);
url = url.substring(0, fragmentAt);
final int queryAt = url.indexOf('?');
if (queryAt == -1)
queryString = "";
absoluteUrl = url;
absoluteUrl = url.substring(0, queryAt);
queryString = url.substring(queryAt + 1);
// get absolute / relative part of url
String relativeUrl;
final int idxOfFirstSlash = absoluteUrl.indexOf('/');
final int protocolAt = absoluteUrl.indexOf("://");
// full urls start either with a "scheme://" or with "//"
boolean protocolLess = absoluteUrl.startsWith("//");
final boolean isFull = (protocolAt > 1 && (protocolAt < idxOfFirstSlash)) || protocolLess;
if (isFull && isFullHint)
if (protocolLess == false)
result.protocol = absoluteUrl.substring(0, protocolAt).toLowerCase(Locale.US);
final String afterProto = absoluteUrl.substring(protocolAt + 3);
final String hostAndPort;
int relativeAt = afterProto.indexOf('/');
if (relativeAt == -1)
relativeAt = afterProto.indexOf(';');
if (relativeAt == -1)
relativeUrl = "";
hostAndPort = afterProto;
relativeUrl = afterProto.substring(relativeAt);
hostAndPort = afterProto.substring(0, relativeAt);
final int credentialsAt = hostAndPort.lastIndexOf('@') + 1;
//square brackets are used for ip6 URLs
final int closeSqrBracketAt = hostAndPort.lastIndexOf(']') + 1;
final int portAt = hostAndPort.substring(credentialsAt)
if (portAt == -1)
{ = hostAndPort;
result.port = getDefaultPortForProtocol(result.protocol);
final int portOffset = portAt + credentialsAt + closeSqrBracketAt; = hostAndPort.substring(0, portOffset);
result.port = Integer.parseInt(hostAndPort.substring(portOffset + 1));
if (relativeAt < 0)
relativeUrl = "/";
relativeUrl = absoluteUrl;
if (relativeUrl.length() > 0)
boolean removeLast = false;
if (relativeUrl.endsWith("/"))
// we need to append something and remove it after splitting
// because otherwise the
// trailing slashes will be lost
relativeUrl += "/x";
removeLast = true;
String segmentArray[] = Strings.split(relativeUrl, '/');
if (removeLast)
segmentArray[segmentArray.length - 1] = null;
for (String s : segmentArray)
if (s != null)
result.segments.add(decodeSegment(s, charset));
if (queryString.length() > 0)
String queryArray[] = Strings.split(queryString, '&');
for (String s : queryArray)
if (Strings.isEmpty(s) == false)
result.parameters.add(parseQueryParameter(s, charset));
return result;
* @param qp
* @param charset
* @return query parameters
private static QueryParameter parseQueryParameter(final String qp, final Charset charset)
int idxOfEquals = qp.indexOf('=');
if (idxOfEquals == -1)
// name => empty value
return new QueryParameter(decodeParameter(qp, charset), "");
String parameterName = qp.substring(0, idxOfEquals);
String parameterValue = qp.substring(idxOfEquals + 1);
return new QueryParameter(decodeParameter(parameterName, charset), decodeParameter(parameterValue, charset));
* get default port number for protocol
* @param protocol
* name of protocol
* @return default port for protocol or null
if unknown
private static Integer getDefaultPortForProtocol(String protocol)
if ("http".equals(protocol))
return 80;
else if ("https".equals(protocol))
return 443;
else if ("ftp".equals(protocol))
return 21;
return null;
* @return charset
public Charset getCharset()
if (Strings.isEmpty(charsetName))
if (_charset == null)
_charset = Charset.forName(charsetName);
return _charset;
* @param charset
private void setCharset(final Charset charset)
if (charset == null)
charsetName = "UTF-8";
_charset = null;
charsetName =;
_charset = charset;
* Returns segments of the URL. Segments form the part before query string.
* @return mutable list of segments
public List getSegments()
return segments;
* Returns query parameters of the URL.
* @return mutable list of query parameters
public List getQueryParameters()
return parameters;
* @return fragment
public String getFragment()
return fragment;
* @param fragment
public void setFragment(String fragment)
this.fragment = fragment;
* Returns whether the Url is context absolute. Absolute Urls start with a '{@literal /}'.
* @return true
if Url starts with the context path, false
public boolean isContextAbsolute()
return !isFull() && !getSegments().isEmpty() && Strings.isEmpty(getSegments().get(0));
* Returns whether the Url has a host attribute.
* The scheme is optional because the url may be //host/path
* The port is also optional because there are defaults for the different protocols.
* @return true
if Url has a host attribute, false
public boolean isFull()
return getHost() != null;
* Convenience method that removes all query parameters with given name.
* @param name
* query parameter name
public void removeQueryParameters(final String name)
for (Iterator i = getQueryParameters().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
QueryParameter param =;
if (Objects.equal(name, param.getName()))
* Convenience method that removes count
leading segments
* @param count
public void removeLeadingSegments(final int count)
Args.withinRange(0, segments.size(), count, "count");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
* Convenience method that prepends segments
to the segments collection
* @param newSegments
public void prependLeadingSegments(final List newSegments)
Args.notNull(newSegments, "segments");
segments.addAll(0, newSegments);
* Convenience method that removes all query parameters with given name and adds new query
* parameter with specified name and value
* @param name
* @param value
public void setQueryParameter(final String name, final Object value)
addQueryParameter(name, value);
* Convenience method that removes adds a query parameter with given name
* @param name
* @param value
public void addQueryParameter(final String name, final Object value)
if (value != null)
QueryParameter parameter = new QueryParameter(name, value.toString());
* Returns first query parameter with specified name or null if such query parameter doesn't
* exist.
* @param name
* @return query parameter or null
public QueryParameter getQueryParameter(final String name)
for (QueryParameter parameter : parameters)
if (Objects.equal(name, parameter.getName()))
return parameter;
return null;
* Returns the value of first query parameter with specified name. Note that this method never
* returns null
. Not even if the parameter does not exist.
* @see StringValue#isNull()
* @param name
* @return {@link StringValue} instance wrapping the parameter value
public StringValue getQueryParameterValue(final String name)
QueryParameter parameter = getQueryParameter(name);
if (parameter == null)
return StringValue.valueOf((String)null);
return StringValue.valueOf(parameter.getValue());
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(final Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if ((obj instanceof Url) == false)
return false;
Url rhs = (Url)obj;
return getSegments().equals(rhs.getSegments()) &&
getQueryParameters().equals(rhs.getQueryParameters()) &&
Objects.isEqual(getFragment(), rhs.getFragment());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(getSegments(), getQueryParameters(), getFragment());
* @param string
* @param charset
* @return encoded segment
private static String encodeSegment(final String string, final Charset charset)
return UrlEncoder.PATH_INSTANCE.encode(string, charset);
* @param string
* @param charset
* @return decoded segment
private static String decodeSegment(final String string, final Charset charset)
return UrlDecoder.PATH_INSTANCE.decode(string, charset);
* @param string
* @param charset
* @return encoded parameter
private static String encodeParameter(final String string, final Charset charset)
return UrlEncoder.QUERY_INSTANCE.encode(string, charset);
* @param string
* @param charset
* @return decoded parameter
private static String decodeParameter(final String string, final Charset charset)
return UrlDecoder.QUERY_INSTANCE.decode(string, charset);
* Renders a url with {@link StringMode#LOCAL} using the url's charset
public String toString()
return toString(getCharset());
* Stringizes this url
* @param mode
* {@link StringMode} that determins how to stringize the url
* @param charset
* charset
* @return sringized version of this url
public String toString(StringMode mode, Charset charset)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
final String path = getPath(charset);
if (StringMode.FULL == mode)
if (Strings.isEmpty(host))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot render this url in " + + " mode because it does not have a host set.");
if (Strings.isEmpty(protocol) == false)
else if (Strings.isEmpty(protocol) && Strings.isEmpty(host) == false)
if (port != null && port.equals(getDefaultPortForProtocol(protocol)) == false)
if (segments.contains(".."))
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot render this url in " + + " mode because it has a `..` segment: " + toString());
if (!path.startsWith("/"))
final String queryString = getQueryString(charset);
if (queryString != null)
String _fragment = getFragment();
if (Strings.isEmpty(_fragment) == false)
return result.toString();
* Stringizes this url using the specific {@link StringMode} and url's charset
* @param mode
* {@link StringMode} that determines how to stringize the url
* @return stringized url
public String toString(StringMode mode)
return toString(mode, getCharset());
* Stringizes this url using {@link StringMode#LOCAL} and the specified charset
* @param charset
* @return stringized url
public String toString(final Charset charset)
return toString(StringMode.LOCAL, charset);
* @return true if last segment contains a name and not something like "." or "..".
private boolean isLastSegmentReal()
if (segments.isEmpty())
return false;
String last = segments.get(segments.size() - 1);
return (last.length() > 0) && !".".equals(last) && !"..".equals(last);
* @param segments
* @return true if last segment is empty
private boolean isLastSegmentEmpty(final List segments)
if (segments.isEmpty())
return false;
String last = segments.get(segments.size() - 1);
return last.length() == 0;
* @return true, if last segement is empty
private boolean isLastSegmentEmpty()
return isLastSegmentEmpty(segments);
* @param segments
* @return true if at least one segement is real
private boolean isAtLeastOneSegmentReal(final List segments)
for (String s : segments)
if ((s.length() > 0) && !".".equals(s) && !"..".equals(s))
return true;
return false;
* Concatenate the specified segments; The segments can be relative - begin with "." or "..".
* @param segments
public void concatSegments(List segments)
boolean checkedLastSegment = false;
if (!isAtLeastOneSegmentReal(segments) && !isLastSegmentEmpty(segments))
segments = new ArrayList<>(segments);
for (String s : segments)
if (".".equals(s))
else if ("..".equals(s) && !this.segments.isEmpty())
this.segments.remove(this.segments.size() - 1);
if (!checkedLastSegment)
if (isLastSegmentReal() || isLastSegmentEmpty())
this.segments.remove(this.segments.size() - 1);
checkedLastSegment = true;
if ((this.segments.size() == 1) && (this.segments.get(0).length() == 0))
* Represents a single query parameter
* @author Matej Knopp
public final static class QueryParameter implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String name;
private final String value;
* Creates new {@link QueryParameter} instance. The name
and value
* parameters must not be null
, though they can be empty strings.
* @param name
* parameter name
* @param value
* parameter value
public QueryParameter(final String name, final String value)
Args.notNull(name, "name");
Args.notNull(value, "value"); = name;
this.value = value;
* Returns query parameter name.
* @return query parameter name
public String getName()
return name;
* Returns query parameter value.
* @return query parameter value
public String getValue()
return value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(final Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if ((obj instanceof QueryParameter) == false)
return false;
QueryParameter rhs = (QueryParameter)obj;
return Objects.equal(getName(), rhs.getName()) &&
Objects.equal(getValue(), rhs.getValue());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hashCode(getName(), getValue());
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
return toString(Charset.forName(DEFAULT_CHARSET_NAME));
* @param charset
* @return see toString()
public String toString(final Charset charset)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(encodeParameter(getName(), charset));
if (!Strings.isEmpty(getValue()))
result.append(encodeParameter(getValue(), charset));
return result.toString();
* Makes this url the result of resolving the {@code relative} url against this url.
* Segments will be properly resolved, handling any {@code ..} references, while the query
* parameters will be completely replaced with {@code relative}'s query parameters.
* For example:
* wicket/page/render?foo=bar
* resolved with
* ../component/render?a=b
* will become
* wicket/component/render?a=b
* @param relative
* relative url
public void resolveRelative(final Url relative)
if (getSegments().size() > 0)
// strip the first non-folder segment (if it is not empty)
getSegments().remove(getSegments().size() - 1);
// remove leading './' (current folder) and empty segments, process any ../ segments from
// the relative url
while (!relative.getSegments().isEmpty())
if (".".equals(relative.getSegments().get(0)))
else if ("".equals(relative.getSegments().get(0)))
else if ("..".equals(relative.getSegments().get(0)))
if (getSegments().isEmpty() == false)
getSegments().remove(getSegments().size() - 1);
if (!getSegments().isEmpty() && relative.getSegments().isEmpty())
// append the remaining relative segments
// replace query params with the ones from relative
* Gets the protocol of this url (http/https/etc)
* @return protocol or {@code null} if none has been set
public String getProtocol()
return protocol;
* Sets the protocol of this url (http/https/etc)
* @param protocol
public void setProtocol(final String protocol)
this.protocol = protocol;
* Gets the port of this url
* @return port or {@code null} if none has been set
public Integer getPort()
return port;
* Sets the port of this url
* @param port
public void setPort(final Integer port)
this.port = port;
* Gets the host name of this url
* @return host name or {@code null} if none is seto
public String getHost()
return host;
* Sets the host name of this url
* @param host
public void setHost(final String host)
{ = host;
* return path for current url in given encoding
* @param charset
* character set for encoding
* @return path string
public String getPath(Charset charset)
Args.notNull(charset, "charset");
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
boolean slash = false;
for (String segment : getSegments())
if (slash)
path.append(encodeSegment(segment, charset));
slash = true;
return path.toString();
* return path for current url in original encoding
* @return path string
public String getPath()
return getPath(getCharset());
* return query string part of url in given encoding
* @param charset
* character set for encoding
* @since Wicket 7
* the return value does not contain any "?" and could be null
* @return query string (null if empty)
public String getQueryString(Charset charset)
Args.notNull(charset, "charset");
String queryString = null;
List queryParameters = getQueryParameters();
if (queryParameters.size() != 0)
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
for (QueryParameter parameter : queryParameters)
if (query.length() != 0)
queryString = query.toString();
return queryString;
* return query string part of url in original encoding
* @since Wicket 7
* the return value does not contain any "?" and could be null
* @return query string (null if empty)
public String getQueryString()
return getQueryString(getCharset());
* Try to reduce url by eliminating '..' and '.' from the path where appropriate (this is
* somehow similar to {@link}). Either by different / unexpected
* browser behavior or by malicious attacks it can happen that these kind of redundant urls are
* processed by wicket. These urls can cause some trouble when mapping the request.
* example:
* the url
* /example/..;jsessionid=234792?0
* will not get normalized by the browser due to the ';jsessionid' string that gets appended by
* the servlet container. After wicket strips the jsessionid part the resulting internal url
* will be
* /example/..
* instead of
* /
* This code correlates to WICKET-4303
* @return canonical url
public Url canonical()
Url url = new Url(this);
for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++)
final String segment = segments.get(i);
// drop '.' from path
if (".".equals(segment))
// skip
else if ("..".equals(segment) && url.segments.isEmpty() == false)
url.segments.remove(url.segments.size() - 1);
// skip segment if following segment is a '..'
else if ((i + 1) < segments.size() && "..".equals(segments.get(i + 1)))
return url;
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