org.apache.axiom.om.OMXMLBuilderFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.axiom.om;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.text.ParseException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import org.apache.axiom.ext.stax.BlobReader;
import org.apache.axiom.mime.ContentType;
import org.apache.axiom.mime.MediaType;
import org.apache.axiom.mime.MultipartBody;
import org.apache.axiom.om.util.StAXParserConfiguration;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP12Constants;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFactory;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPModelBuilder;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException;
import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPVersion;
import org.apache.axiom.util.stax.XMLStreamReaderUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.EntityReference;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
* Provides static factory methods to create various kinds of object model builders from different
* types of input sources. The methods defined by this class are the starting point to parse XML
* documents into Axiom trees.
public class OMXMLBuilderFactory {
private OMXMLBuilderFactory() {}
* Create an object model builder for plain XML that pulls events from a StAX stream reader.
* The reader must be positioned on a {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_DOCUMENT} or
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_ELEMENT} event. If the current event is
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_DOCUMENT} then the builder will consume events up to the
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#END_DOCUMENT} event. If the current event is
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_ELEMENT}, then the builder will consume events up to the
* corresponding {@link XMLStreamConstants#END_ELEMENT}. After the object model is completely
* built, the stream reader will be positioned on the event immediately following this
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#END_ELEMENT} event. This means that this method can be used in a
* well defined way to build an object model from a fragment (corresponding to a single element)
* of the document represented by the stream reader.
* The builder supports the {@link XMLStreamReader} extension defined by
* {@link BlobReader} as well as the legacy extension mechanism defined in the
* documentation of {@link XMLStreamReaderUtils}.
* The returned builder also performs namespace repairing, i.e. it adds appropriate namespace
* declarations if undeclared namespaces appear in the StAX stream.
* @param parser
* the stream reader to read the XML data from
* @return the builder
* @throws OMException
* if the stream reader is positioned on an event other than
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_DOCUMENT} or
* {@link XMLStreamConstants#START_ELEMENT}
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createStAXOMBuilder(XMLStreamReader parser) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createStAXOMBuilder(parser);
* Create an object model builder that pulls events from a StAX stream reader using a specified
* object model factory.
* See {@link #createStAXOMBuilder(XMLStreamReader)} for more information about the behavior of
* the returned builder.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param parser
* the stream reader to read the XML data from
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createStAXOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, XMLStreamReader parser) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createStAXOMBuilder(parser);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided input stream
* with the default parser configuration defined by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(InputStream in) {
return createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided input stream
* with the default parser configuration defined by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the XML document or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(InputStream in, String encoding) {
return createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in, encoding);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided input stream
* with a given parser configuration.
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration configuration, InputStream in) {
return createOMBuilder(configuration, in, null);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided input stream
* with a given parser configuration.
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the XML document or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration configuration, InputStream in, String encoding) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
InputSource is = new InputSource(in);
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createOMBuilder(configuration, is);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided input stream
* using a specified object model factory and with the default parser configuration defined by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, InputStream in) {
return createOMBuilder(omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided input stream
* using a specified object model factory and with the default parser configuration defined by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the XML document or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, InputStream in, String encoding) {
return createOMBuilder(omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in, encoding);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided input stream
* using a specified object model factory and with a given parser configuration.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration configuration, InputStream in) {
return createOMBuilder(omFactory, configuration, in, null);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided input stream
* using a specified object model factory and with a given parser configuration.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the input stream representing the XML document
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the XML document or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration configuration, InputStream in, String encoding) {
InputSource is = new InputSource(in);
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(configuration, is);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided character
* stream with the default parser configuration defined by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param in
* the character stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(Reader in) {
return createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided character
* stream with a given parser configuration.
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the character stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration configuration, Reader in) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createOMBuilder(configuration, new InputSource(in));
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided character stream
* using a specified object model factory and with the default parser configuration defined by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#DEFAULT}.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param in
* the character stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, Reader in) {
return createOMBuilder(omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, in);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided character stream
* using a specified object model factory and with a given parser configuration.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param in
* the character stream representing the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, StAXParserConfiguration configuration, Reader in) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(configuration, new InputSource(in));
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided
* {@link Source}. When used with a {@link DOMSource} or {@link SAXSource}, entities are
* expanded, i.e. the method has the same behavior as {@link #createOMBuilder(Node, boolean)}
* and {@link #createOMBuilder(SAXSource, boolean)} with {@code expandEntityReferences} set to
* {@code true}.
* @param source
* the source of the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(Source source) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createOMBuilder(source);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided DOM tree.
* @param node
* the DOM node; must be a {@link Node#DOCUMENT_NODE} or {@link Node#ELEMENT_NODE}
* @param expandEntityReferences
* Determines how {@link EntityReference} nodes are handled:
* - If the parameter is
then a single {@link OMEntityReference}
* will be created for each {@link EntityReference}. The child nodes of
* {@link EntityReference} nodes are not taken into account.
* - If the parameter is
then no {@link OMEntityReference} nodes
* are created and the children of {@link EntityReference} nodes are converted and
* inserted into the Axiom tree.
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(Node node, boolean expandEntityReferences) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createOMBuilder(node, expandEntityReferences);
* Create an object model builder that reads a plain XML document from the provided
* {@link SAXSource}.
* @param source
* the source of the XML document
* @param expandEntityReferences
* Determines how entity references (i.e. {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)}
* and {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events) are handled:
* - If the parameter is
then a single {@link OMEntityReference}
* will be created for each pair of {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events. Other events reported between
* these two events are not taken into account.
* - If the parameter is
then no {@link OMEntityReference} nodes
* are created and {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events are ignored. However, events
* between {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} are processed normally.
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(SAXSource source, boolean expandEntityReferences) {
OMMetaFactory metaFactory = OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory();
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createOMBuilder(source, expandEntityReferences);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided {@link Source}
* using a specified object model factory. When used with a {@link DOMSource} or
* {@link SAXSource}, entities are expanded, i.e. the method has the same behavior as
* {@link #createOMBuilder(OMFactory, Node, boolean)} and
* {@link #createOMBuilder(OMFactory, SAXSource, boolean)} with {@code expandEntityReferences}
* set to {@code true}.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param source
* the source of the XML document
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, Source source) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(source);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided DOM tree using a
* specified object model factory.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param node
* the DOM node; must be a {@link Node#DOCUMENT_NODE} or {@link Node#ELEMENT_NODE}
* @param expandEntityReferences
* Determines how {@link EntityReference} nodes are handled:
* - If the parameter is
then a single {@link OMEntityReference}
* will be created for each {@link EntityReference}. The child nodes of
* {@link EntityReference} nodes are not taken into account.
* - If the parameter is
then no {@link OMEntityReference} nodes
* are created and the children of {@link EntityReference} nodes are converted and
* inserted into the Axiom tree.
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, Node node, boolean expandEntityReferences) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(node, expandEntityReferences);
* Create an object model builder that reads an XML document from the provided {@link SAXSource}
* using a specified object model factory.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param source
* the source of the XML document
* @param expandEntityReferences
* Determines how entity references (i.e. {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)}
* and {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events) are handled:
* - If the parameter is
then a single {@link OMEntityReference}
* will be created for each pair of {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events. Other events reported between
* these two events are not taken into account.
* - If the parameter is
then no {@link OMEntityReference} nodes
* are created and {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} events are ignored. However, events
* between {@link LexicalHandler#startEntity(String)} and
* {@link LexicalHandler#endEntity(String)} are processed normally.
* @return the builder
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory, SAXSource source, boolean expandEntityReferences) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(source, expandEntityReferences);
* Create an XOP aware model builder from the provided {@link MultipartBody} object and with a
* given parser configuration.
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param message
* the MIME message
* @return the builder
* @throws OMException
* if an error occurs while processing the content type information from the
* {@link MultipartBody} object
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(StAXParserConfiguration configuration, MultipartBody message) {
return createOMBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory().getOMFactory(), configuration, message);
* Create an XOP aware model builder from the provided {@link MultipartBody} object using a
* specified object model factory and with a given parser configuration.
* @param omFactory
* the object model factory to use
* @param configuration
* the parser configuration to use
* @param message
* the MIME message
* @return the builder
* @throws OMException
* if an error occurs while processing the content type information from the
* {@link MultipartBody} object
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory,
StAXParserConfiguration configuration, MultipartBody message) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(configuration, message);
public static OMXMLParserWrapper createOMBuilder(OMFactory omFactory,
Source rootPart, OMAttachmentAccessor attachmentAccessor) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)omFactory.getMetaFactory()).createOMBuilder(rootPart, attachmentAccessor);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that pulls events from a StAX stream reader and that
* uses a particular Axiom implementation. The method will select the appropriate
* {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope.
* See {@link #createStAXOMBuilder(XMLStreamReader)} for more information about the behavior of
* the returned builder.
* @param metaFactory
* the meta factory for the Axiom implementation to use
* @param parser
* the stream reader to read the XML data from
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createStAXSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory, XMLStreamReader parser) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createStAXSOAPModelBuilder(parser);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that pulls events from a StAX stream reader.
* The method will select the appropriate {@link SOAPFactory}
* based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope.
* See {@link #createStAXOMBuilder(XMLStreamReader)} for more information about the behavior of
* the returned builder.
* @param parser
* the stream reader to read the XML data from
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createStAXSOAPModelBuilder(XMLStreamReader parser) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory()).createStAXSOAPModelBuilder(parser);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided input stream,
* using a given charset encoding. The method will select the appropriate {@link SOAPFactory}
* based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope. It will configure the underlying parser as
* specified by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param in
* the input stream containing the SOAP message
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the SOAP message or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(InputStream in, String encoding) {
return createSOAPModelBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory(), in, encoding);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided input stream,
* using a particular Axiom implementation and a given charset encoding. The method will select
* the appropriate {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope. It will
* configure the underlying parser as specified by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param metaFactory
* the meta factory for the Axiom implementation to use
* @param in
* the input stream containing the SOAP message
* @param encoding
* the charset encoding of the SOAP message or null
if the parser should
* determine the charset encoding
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory, InputStream in, String encoding) {
InputSource is = new InputSource(in);
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createSOAPModelBuilder(is);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided character
* stream. The method will select the appropriate {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI
* of the SOAP envelope. It will configure the underlying parser as specified by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param in
* the character stream containing the SOAP message
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(Reader in) {
return createSOAPModelBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory(), in);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided character
* stream using a particular Axiom implementation. The method will select the appropriate
* {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope. It will configure the
* underlying parser as specified by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param metaFactory
* the meta factory for the Axiom implementation to use
* @param in
* the character stream containing the SOAP message
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory, Reader in) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createSOAPModelBuilder(new InputSource(in));
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided {@link Source}.
* The method will select the appropriate {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI of
* the SOAP envelope.
* @param source
* the source of the SOAP message
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(Source source) {
return createSOAPModelBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory(), source);
* Create an object model builder for SOAP that reads a message from the provided {@link Source}
* using a particular Axiom implementation. The method will select the appropriate
* {@link SOAPFactory} based on the namespace URI of the SOAP envelope.
* @param metaFactory
* the meta factory for the Axiom implementation to use
* @param source
* the source of the SOAP message
* @return the builder
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory, Source source) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createSOAPModelBuilder(source);
* Create an MTOM aware model builder from the provided {@link MultipartBody} object. The method
* will determine the SOAP version based on the content type information from the
* {@link MultipartBody} object. It will configure the underlying parser as specified by
* {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param message
* the MIME message
* @return the builder
* @throws OMException
* if an error occurs while processing the content type information from the
* {@link MultipartBody} object
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(MultipartBody message) {
return createSOAPModelBuilder(OMAbstractFactory.getMetaFactory(), message);
* Create an MTOM aware model builder from the provided {@link MultipartBody} object using a
* particular Axiom implementation. The method will determine the SOAP version based on the
* content type information from the {@link MultipartBody} object. It will configure the
* underlying parser as specified by {@link StAXParserConfiguration#SOAP}.
* @param metaFactory
* the meta factory for the Axiom implementation to use
* @param message
* the MIME message
* @return the builder
* @throws OMException
* if an error occurs while processing the content type information from the
* {@link MultipartBody} object
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory,
MultipartBody message) {
MediaType type;
try {
type = new ContentType(message.getRootPart().getContentType().getParameter("type")).getMediaType();
} catch (ParseException ex) {
throw new OMException("Failed to parse root part content type", ex);
SOAPFactory soapFactory;
if (type.equals(SOAPVersion.SOAP11.getMediaType())) {
soapFactory = metaFactory.getSOAP11Factory();
} else if (type.equals(SOAPVersion.SOAP12.getMediaType())) {
soapFactory = metaFactory.getSOAP12Factory();
} else {
throw new OMException("Unable to determine SOAP version");
SOAPModelBuilder builder = ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createSOAPModelBuilder(message);
if (builder.getSOAPMessage().getOMFactory() != soapFactory) {
throw new SOAPProcessingException("Invalid SOAP namespace URI. " +
"Expected " + soapFactory.getSoapVersionURI(), SOAP12Constants.FAULT_CODE_SENDER);
return builder;
public static SOAPModelBuilder createSOAPModelBuilder(OMMetaFactory metaFactory,
Source rootPart, OMAttachmentAccessor attachmentAccessor) {
return ((OMMetaFactorySPI)metaFactory).createSOAPModelBuilder(rootPart, attachmentAccessor);