org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.axiom.soap;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMDataSource;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMDocument;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMFactory;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNamespace;
public interface SOAPFactory extends OMFactory {
String getSoapVersionURI();
SOAPVersion getSOAPVersion();
SOAPMessage createSOAPMessage();
* Create a SOAP envelope. The returned element will have the namespace URI specified by the
* SOAP version that this factory represents. It will have the prefix given by
* {@link SOAPConstants#SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX}. It will also have a corresponding
* namespace declaration.
* @return the SOAP envelope
// TODO: when does this thing throw a SOAPProcessingException??
SOAPEnvelope createSOAPEnvelope() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Create a SOAP envelope with the given namespace. This method can be used to create a SOAP
* envelope with a custom namespace prefix.
* @param ns
* the namespace information for the SOAP envelope
* @return the SOAP envelope
// TODO: specify what happens if there is a mismatch between the provided namespace URI and the SOAP version of the factory
// TODO: specify what happens if the prefix is null
SOAPEnvelope createSOAPEnvelope(OMNamespace ns);
* Create a {@link SOAPHeader} as a child of the given {@link SOAPEnvelope}.
* Note that for most use cases, it is preferable to use
* {@link SOAPEnvelope#getOrCreateHeader()} instead of this method.
* @param envelope
* the parent of the {@link SOAPHeader}
* @return the newly created {@link SOAPHeader}
SOAPHeader createSOAPHeader(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPHeader createSOAPHeader() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* @param localName
* @param ns
* @return Returns SOAPHeaderBlock.
SOAPHeaderBlock createSOAPHeaderBlock(String localName,
OMNamespace ns,
SOAPHeader parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPHeaderBlock createSOAPHeaderBlock(String localName,
OMNamespace ns) throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Create a {@link SOAPHeaderBlock} from an {@link OMDataSource}. The semantics of the method
* parameters are the same as for {@link OMFactory#createOMElement(OMDataSource)}.
* @param source
* the data source; must not be null
* @return the newly created header block
SOAPHeaderBlock createSOAPHeaderBlock(OMDataSource source);
* Create a {@link SOAPHeaderBlock} from an {@link OMDataSource} with a known local name and
* namespace URI. The semantics of the method parameters are the same as for
* {@link OMFactory#createOMElement(OMDataSource, String, OMNamespace)}.
* @param localName
* the local part of the name of the element produced by the data source; must not be
* null
* @param ns
* the namespace of the element produced by the data source, or null
* the element has no namespace
* @param source
* the data source; must not be null
* @return the newly created header block
* @throws SOAPProcessingException
SOAPHeaderBlock createSOAPHeaderBlock(String localName,
OMNamespace ns,
OMDataSource source) throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Create a new {@link SOAPHeaderBlock} with the same content as the given element.
* @param element
* the element to import as a header block
* @return the header block
SOAPHeaderBlock createSOAPHeaderBlock(OMElement element);
* @param parent
* @param e
* @return Returns SOAPFault.
SOAPFault createSOAPFault(SOAPBody parent, Exception e) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFault createSOAPFault(SOAPBody parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFault createSOAPFault() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* @param envelope
* @return Returns SOAPBody.
SOAPBody createSOAPBody(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPBody createSOAPBody() throws SOAPProcessingException;
/* ========================
= SOAPFaultCode =
======================== */
* Code eii under SOAPFault (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultCode.
SOAPFaultCode createSOAPFaultCode(SOAPFault parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultCode createSOAPFaultCode() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultCodeValue =
======================== */
* Value eii under Code (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultValue.
SOAPFaultValue createSOAPFaultValue(SOAPFaultCode parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultValue createSOAPFaultValue() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultSubCode =
======================== */
* SubCode eii under Value (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultValue.
SOAPFaultValue createSOAPFaultValue(SOAPFaultSubCode parent)
throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultSubCode createSOAPFaultSubCode(SOAPFaultCode parent)
throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultSubCode createSOAPFaultSubCode() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* SubCode eii under SubCode (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultSubCode.
SOAPFaultSubCode createSOAPFaultSubCode(SOAPFaultSubCode parent)
throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultReason =
======================== */
* Reason eii under SOAPFault (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultReason.
SOAPFaultReason createSOAPFaultReason(SOAPFault parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultReason createSOAPFaultReason() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultReasonText =
======================== */
* SubCode eii under SubCode (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultText.
SOAPFaultText createSOAPFaultText(SOAPFaultReason parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultText createSOAPFaultText() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultNode =
======================== */
* Node eii under SOAPFault (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultNode.
SOAPFaultNode createSOAPFaultNode(SOAPFault parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultNode createSOAPFaultNode() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultRole =
======================== */
* Role eii under SOAPFault (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultRole.
SOAPFaultRole createSOAPFaultRole(SOAPFault parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultRole createSOAPFaultRole() throws SOAPProcessingException;
= SOAPFaultDetail =
======================== */
* Detail eii under SOAPFault (parent)
* @param parent
* @return Returns SOAPFaultDetail.
SOAPFaultDetail createSOAPFaultDetail(SOAPFault parent) throws SOAPProcessingException;
SOAPFaultDetail createSOAPFaultDetail() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Create a default SOAP envelope with an empty header and an empty body. Note that the method
* will not create an associated {@link SOAPMessage} or {@link OMDocument} instance and the
* parent of the returned {@link SOAPEnvelope} is null
* Note: This method is typically used in conjunction with
* {@link SOAPEnvelope#getHeader()}. In order to avoid generating unnecessary empty SOAP
* headers, you should consider using {@link #createDefaultSOAPMessage()} together with
* {@link SOAPEnvelope#getOrCreateHeader()} instead. This method may be deprecated and/or
* removed in future Axiom versions.
* @return the default SOAP envelope
SOAPEnvelope getDefaultEnvelope() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Create a default SOAP message with an envelope with an empty body.
* Since no SOAP header is added to the envelope, this method should be used in conjunction with
* {@link SOAPEnvelope#getOrCreateHeader()} (if SOAP header blocks need to be added).
* @return the default SOAP envelope
SOAPMessage createDefaultSOAPMessage();
SOAPEnvelope getDefaultFaultEnvelope() throws SOAPProcessingException;
* Get the envelope namespace for the SOAP version used by this factory. The returned
* {@link OMNamespace} instance has the following properties:
* - The prefix is set to {@link SOAPConstants#SOAP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_PREFIX} (which is the
* same as the prefix used by methods such as {@link #createSOAPEnvelope()}).
- The namespace URI is the same as returned by {@link #getSoapVersionURI()}.
* @return the envelope namespace for the SOAP version used by this factory
OMNamespace getNamespace();