org.apache.wss4j.common.util.XMLUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.wss4j.common.util;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
public final class XMLUtils {
public static final String XMLNS_NS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";
public static final String XML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
public static final String WSU_NS =
private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG =
private XMLUtils() {
// complete
* Gets a direct child with specified localname and namespace.
* @param parentNode the node where to start the search
* @param localName local name of the child to get
* @param namespace the namespace of the child to get
* @return the node or null
if not such node found
public static Element getDirectChildElement(Node parentNode, String localName, String namespace) {
if (parentNode == null) {
return null;
for (Node currentChild = parentNode.getFirstChild();
currentChild != null;
currentChild = currentChild.getNextSibling()
) {
if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == currentChild.getNodeType()
&& localName.equals(currentChild.getLocalName())
&& namespace.equals(currentChild.getNamespaceURI())) {
return (Element) currentChild;
return null;
* Return the text content of an Element, or null if no such text content exists
public static String getElementText(Element e) {
if (e != null) {
Node node = e.getFirstChild();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
boolean found = false;
while (node != null) {
if (Node.TEXT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) {
found = true;
} else if (Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE == node.getNodeType()) {
found = true;
node = node.getNextSibling();
if (!found) {
return null;
return builder.toString();
return null;
public static String getNamespace(String prefix, Node e) {
while (e != null && e.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Attr attr = null;
if (prefix == null) {
attr = ((Element) e).getAttributeNode("xmlns");
} else {
attr = ((Element) e).getAttributeNodeNS(XMLNS_NS, prefix);
if (attr != null) {
return attr.getValue();
e = e.getParentNode();
return null;
public static String PrettyDocumentToString(Document doc) throws IOException, TransformerException {
try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
ElementToStream(doc.getDocumentElement(), baos);
return new String(baos.toByteArray());
public static void ElementToStream(Element element, OutputStream out)
throws TransformerException {
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(element);
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(out);
TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = transFactory.newTransformer();
transformer.transform(source, result);
* Utility to get the bytes uri
* @param source the resource to get
public static InputSource sourceToInputSource(Source source) throws IOException, TransformerException {
if (source instanceof SAXSource) {
return ((SAXSource) source).getInputSource();
} else if (source instanceof DOMSource) {
Node node = ((DOMSource) source).getNode();
if (node instanceof Document) {
node = ((Document) node).getDocumentElement();
Element domElement = (Element) node;
try (ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
ElementToStream(domElement, baos);
InputSource isource = new InputSource(source.getSystemId());
isource.setByteStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
return isource;
} else if (source instanceof StreamSource) {
StreamSource ss = (StreamSource) source;
InputSource isource = new InputSource(ss.getSystemId());
return isource;
} else {
return getInputSourceFromURI(source.getSystemId());
* Utility to get the bytes uri.
* Does NOT handle authenticated URLs,
* use getInputSourceFromURI(uri, username, password)
* @param uri the resource to get
public static InputSource getInputSourceFromURI(String uri) {
return new InputSource(uri);
* Set a namespace/prefix on an element if it is not set already. First off, it
* searches for the element for the prefix associated with the specified
* namespace. If the prefix isn't null, then this is returned. Otherwise, it
* creates a new attribute using the namespace/prefix passed as parameters.
* @param element
* @param namespace
* @param prefix
* @return the prefix associated with the set namespace
public static String setNamespace(Element element, String namespace, String prefix) {
String pre = getPrefixNS(namespace, element);
if (pre != null) {
return pre;
element.setAttributeNS(XMLNS_NS, "xmlns:" + prefix, namespace);
return prefix;
public static String getPrefixNS(String uri, Node e) {
while (e != null && e.getNodeType() == Element.ELEMENT_NODE) {
NamedNodeMap attrs = e.getAttributes();
for (int n = 0; n < attrs.getLength(); n++) {
Attr a = (Attr) attrs.item(n);
String name = a.getName();
if (name.startsWith("xmlns:") && a.getNodeValue().equals(uri)) {
return name.substring("xmlns:".length());
e = e.getParentNode();
return null;
* Turn a reference (eg "#5") into an ID (eg "5").
* @param ref
* @return ref trimmed and with the leading "#" removed, or null if not
* correctly formed
public static String getIDFromReference(String ref) {
if (ref == null) {
return null;
String id = ref.trim();
if (id.length() == 0) {
return null;
if (id.charAt(0) == '#') {
id = id.substring(1);
return id;
* Returns the single element that contains an Id with value
* uri
and namespace
. The Id can be either a wsu:Id or an Id
* with no namespace. This is a replacement for a XPath Id lookup with the given namespace.
* It's somewhat faster than XPath, and we do not deal with prefixes, just with the real
* namespace URI
* If checkMultipleElements is true and there are multiple elements, we LOG.a
* warning and return null as this can be used to get around the signature checking.
* @param startNode Where to start the search
* @param value Value of the Id attribute
* @param checkMultipleElements If true then go through the entire tree and return
* null if there are multiple elements with the same Id
* @return The found element if there was exactly one match, or
* null
public static Element findElementById(
Node startNode, String value, boolean checkMultipleElements
) {
// Replace the formerly recursive implementation with a depth-first-loop lookup
Node startParent = startNode.getParentNode();
Node processedNode = null;
Element foundElement = null;
String id = XMLUtils.getIDFromReference(value);
while (startNode != null) {
// start node processing at this point
if (startNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element se = (Element) startNode;
// Try the wsu:Id first
String attributeNS = se.getAttributeNS(WSU_NS, "Id");
if ("".equals(attributeNS) || !id.equals(attributeNS)) {
attributeNS = se.getAttributeNS(null, "Id");
if (!"".equals(attributeNS) && id.equals(attributeNS)) {
if (!checkMultipleElements) {
return se;
} else if (foundElement == null) {
foundElement = se; // Continue searching to find duplicates
} else {
LOG.warn("Multiple elements with the same 'Id' attribute value!");
return null;
processedNode = startNode;
startNode = startNode.getFirstChild();
// no child, this node is done.
if (startNode == null) {
// close node processing, get sibling
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
// no more siblings, get parent, all children
// of parent are processed.
while (startNode == null) {
processedNode = processedNode.getParentNode();
if (processedNode == startParent) {
return foundElement;
// close parent node processing (processed node now)
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
return foundElement;
* Returns the first element that matches name
* namespace
. This is a replacement for a XPath lookup
* //name
with the given namespace. It's somewhat faster than
* XPath, and we do not deal with prefixes, just with the real namespace URI
* @param startNode Where to start the search
* @param name Local name of the element
* @param namespace Namespace URI of the element
* @return The found element or null
public static Element findElement(Node startNode, String name, String namespace) {
// Replace the formerly recursive implementation with a depth-first-loop
// lookup
if (startNode == null) {
return null;
Node startParent = startNode.getParentNode();
Node processedNode = null;
while (startNode != null) {
// start node processing at this point
if (startNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& startNode.getLocalName().equals(name)) {
String ns = startNode.getNamespaceURI();
if (ns != null && ns.equals(namespace)) {
return (Element)startNode;
if ((namespace == null || namespace.length() == 0)
&& (ns == null || ns.length() == 0)) {
return (Element)startNode;
processedNode = startNode;
startNode = startNode.getFirstChild();
// no child, this node is done.
if (startNode == null) {
// close node processing, get sibling
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
// no more siblings, get parent, all children
// of parent are processed.
while (startNode == null) {
processedNode = processedNode.getParentNode();
if (processedNode == startParent) {
return null;
// close parent node processing (processed node now)
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
return null;
* Returns all elements that match name
and namespace
* This is a replacement for a XPath lookup
* //name
with the given namespace. It's somewhat faster than
* XPath, and we do not deal with prefixes, just with the real namespace URI
* @param startNode Where to start the search
* @param name Local name of the element
* @param namespace Namespace URI of the element
* @return The found elements (or an empty list)
public static List findElements(Node startNode, String name, String namespace) {
// Replace the formerly recursive implementation with a depth-first-loop
// lookup
if (startNode == null) {
return null;
Node startParent = startNode.getParentNode();
Node processedNode = null;
List foundNodes = new ArrayList<>();
while (startNode != null) {
// start node processing at this point
if (startNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
&& startNode.getLocalName().equals(name)) {
String ns = startNode.getNamespaceURI();
if (ns != null && ns.equals(namespace)) {
if ((namespace == null || namespace.length() == 0)
&& (ns == null || ns.length() == 0)) {
processedNode = startNode;
startNode = startNode.getFirstChild();
// no child, this node is done.
if (startNode == null) {
// close node processing, get sibling
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
// no more siblings, get parent, all children
// of parent are processed.
while (startNode == null) {
processedNode = processedNode.getParentNode();
if (processedNode == startParent) {
return foundNodes;
// close parent node processing (processed node now)
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
return foundNodes;
* Returns the single SAMLAssertion element that contains an AssertionID/ID that
* matches the supplied parameter.
* @param startNode Where to start the search
* @param value Value of the AssertionID/ID attribute
* @return The found element if there was exactly one match, or
* null
public static Element findSAMLAssertionElementById(Node startNode, String value) {
Element foundElement = null;
// Replace the formerly recursive implementation with a depth-first-loop
// lookup
if (startNode == null) {
return null;
Node startParent = startNode.getParentNode();
Node processedNode = null;
while (startNode != null) {
// start node processing at this point
if (startNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element se = (Element) startNode;
if (se.hasAttributeNS(null, "ID") && value.equals(se.getAttributeNS(null, "ID"))
|| se.hasAttributeNS(null, "AssertionID")
&& value.equals(se.getAttributeNS(null, "AssertionID"))) {
if (foundElement == null) {
foundElement = se; // Continue searching to find duplicates
} else {
LOG.warn("Multiple elements with the same 'ID' attribute value!");
return null;
processedNode = startNode;
startNode = startNode.getFirstChild();
// no child, this node is done.
if (startNode == null) {
// close node processing, get sibling
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
// no more siblings, get parent, all children
// of parent are processed.
while (startNode == null) {
processedNode = processedNode.getParentNode();
if (processedNode == startParent) {
return foundElement;
// close parent node processing (processed node now)
startNode = processedNode.getNextSibling();
return foundElement;
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